import Crypto.Random from Crypto.Cipher import AES import hashlib # salt size in bytes SALT_SIZE = 16 # number of iterations in the key generation NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS = 20 # the size multiple required for AES AES_MULTIPLE = 16 def generate_key(password, salt, iterations): assert iterations > 0 key = str.encode(password) + salt for i in range(iterations): key = hashlib.sha256(key).digest() return key def pad_text(text, multiple): return (text) + (chr((multiple - (len(text) % multiple))) * ((multiple - (len(text) % multiple)))) def unpad_text(padded_text): return padded_text.decode('utf-8')[:-ord(padded_text.decode('utf-8')[-1])] def encrypt(plaintext, contract_id): salt = Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes(SALT_SIZE) return salt + (, salt, NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS)), AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt( (pad_text(plaintext, AES_MULTIPLE)))) def decrypt(ciphertext, contract_id): salt = ciphertext[0:SALT_SIZE] return unpad_text(, salt, NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS)), AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(ciphertext[SALT_SIZE:]))