flectra.define('web.pyEval_tests', function(require) { "use strict"; var Context = require('web.Context'); var pyEval = require('web.pyeval'); var time = require('web.time'); QUnit.module('core', function () { QUnit.module('PY.eval'); QUnit.test('simple python expression', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); var result = pyEval.py_eval("True and False"); assert.strictEqual(result, false, "should properly evaluate basic expression"); result = pyEval.py_eval("a + b", {a: 1, b: 41}); assert.strictEqual(result, 42, "should properly evaluate basic sum"); }); QUnit.test('not prefix', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); assert.ok(py.eval('not False')); assert.ok(py.eval('not foo', {foo: false})); assert.ok(py.eval('not a in b', {a: 3, b: [1, 2, 4, 8]})); }); function makeTimeCheck (assert) { var context = pyEval.context(); return function (expr, func, message) { // evaluate expr between two calls to new Date(), and check that // the result is between the transformed dates var d0 = new Date(); var result = py.eval(expr, context); var d1 = new Date(); assert.ok(func(d0) <= result && result <= func(d1), message); }; } // Port from pypy/lib_pypy/test_datetime.py function makeEq(assert, c2) { var ctx = pyEval.context(); var c = _.extend({ td: ctx.datetime.timedelta }, c2 || {}); return function (a, b, message) { assert.ok(py.eval(a + ' == ' + b, c), message); }; } QUnit.test('strftime', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var check = makeTimeCheck(assert); check("time.strftime('%Y')", function(d) { return String(d.getFullYear()); }); check("time.strftime('%Y')+'-01-30'", function(d) { return String(d.getFullYear()) + '-01-30'; }); check("time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", function(d) { return _.str.sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate(), d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds()); }); }); QUnit.test('context_today', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var check = makeTimeCheck(assert, pyEval); check("context_today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')", function(d) { return String(_.str.sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate())); }); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_constructor', function (assert) { assert.expect(16); var eq = makeEq(assert); // keyword args to constructor eq('td()', 'td(weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, ' + 'milliseconds=0, microseconds=0)'); eq('td(1)', 'td(days=1)'); eq('td(0, 1)', 'td(seconds=1)'); eq('td(0, 0, 1)', 'td(microseconds=1)'); eq('td(weeks=1)', 'td(days=7)'); eq('td(days=1)', 'td(hours=24)'); eq('td(hours=1)', 'td(minutes=60)'); eq('td(minutes=1)', 'td(seconds=60)'); eq('td(seconds=1)', 'td(milliseconds=1000)'); eq('td(milliseconds=1)', 'td(microseconds=1000)'); // Check float args to constructor eq('td(weeks=1.0/7)', 'td(days=1)'); eq('td(days=1.0/24)', 'td(hours=1)'); eq('td(hours=1.0/60)', 'td(minutes=1)'); eq('td(minutes=1.0/60)', 'td(seconds=1)'); eq('td(seconds=0.001)', 'td(milliseconds=1)'); eq('td(milliseconds=0.001)', 'td(microseconds=1)'); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_computations', function (assert) { assert.expect(28); var c = pyEval.context(); var zero = py.float.fromJSON(0); var eq = makeEq(assert, { // one week a: py.PY_call(c.datetime.timedelta, [ py.float.fromJSON(7)]), // one minute b: py.PY_call(c.datetime.timedelta, [ zero, py.float.fromJSON(60)]), // one millisecond c: py.PY_call(c.datetime.timedelta, [ zero, zero, py.float.fromJSON(1000)]), }); eq('a+b+c', 'td(7, 60, 1000)'); eq('a-b', 'td(6, 24*3600 - 60)'); eq('-a', 'td(-7)'); eq('+a', 'td(7)'); eq('-b', 'td(-1, 24*3600 - 60)'); eq('-c', 'td(-1, 24*3600 - 1, 999000)'); // eq('abs(a)', 'a'); // eq('abs(-a)', 'a'); eq('td(6, 24*3600)', 'a'); eq('td(0, 0, 60*1000000)', 'b'); eq('a*10', 'td(70)'); eq('a*10', '10*a'); // eq('a*10L', '10*a'); eq('b*10', 'td(0, 600)'); eq('10*b', 'td(0, 600)'); // eq('b*10L', 'td(0, 600)'); eq('c*10', 'td(0, 0, 10000)'); eq('10*c', 'td(0, 0, 10000)'); // eq('c*10L', 'td(0, 0, 10000)'); eq('a*-1', '-a'); eq('b*-2', '-b-b'); eq('c*-2', '-c+-c'); eq('b*(60*24)', '(b*60)*24'); eq('b*(60*24)', '(60*b)*24'); eq('c*1000', 'td(0, 1)'); eq('1000*c', 'td(0, 1)'); eq('a//7', 'td(1)'); eq('b//10', 'td(0, 6)'); eq('c//1000', 'td(0, 0, 1)'); eq('a//10', 'td(0, 7*24*360)'); eq('a//3600000', 'td(0, 0, 7*24*1000)'); // Issue #11576 eq('td(999999999, 86399, 999999) - td(999999999, 86399, 999998)', 'td(0, 0, 1)'); eq('td(999999999, 1, 1) - td(999999999, 1, 0)', 'td(0, 0, 1)'); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_basic_attributes', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var ctx = pyEval.context(); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('datetime.timedelta(1, 7, 31).days', ctx), 1); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('datetime.timedelta(1, 7, 31).seconds', ctx), 7); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('datetime.timedelta(1, 7, 31).microseconds', ctx), 31); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_total_seconds', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); var c = { timedelta: pyEval.context().datetime.timedelta }; assert.strictEqual(py.eval('timedelta(365).total_seconds()', c), 31536000); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('timedelta(seconds=123456.789012).total_seconds()', c), 123456.789012); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('timedelta(seconds=-123456.789012).total_seconds()', c), -123456.789012); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('timedelta(seconds=0.123456).total_seconds()', c), 0.123456); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('timedelta().total_seconds()', c), 0); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('timedelta(seconds=1000000).total_seconds()', c), 1e6); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_str', function (assert) { assert.expect(10); var c = { td: pyEval.context().datetime.timedelta }; assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(1))', c), "1 day, 0:00:00"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(-1))', c), "-1 day, 0:00:00"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(2))', c), "2 days, 0:00:00"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(-2))', c), "-2 days, 0:00:00"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(hours=12, minutes=58, seconds=59))', c), "12:58:59"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(hours=2, minutes=3, seconds=4))', c), "2:03:04"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('str(td(weeks=-30, hours=23, minutes=12, seconds=34))', c), "-210 days, 23:12:34"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(milliseconds=1))', c), "0:00:00.001000"); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('str(td(microseconds=3))', c), "0:00:00.000003"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('str(td(days=999999999, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59, microseconds=999999))', c), "999999999 days, 23:59:59.999999"); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_massive_normalization', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var td = py.PY_call( pyEval.context().datetime.timedelta, {microseconds: py.float.fromJSON(-1)}); assert.strictEqual(td.days, -1); assert.strictEqual(td.seconds, 24 * 3600 - 1); assert.strictEqual(td.microseconds, 999999); }); QUnit.test('timedelta.test_bool', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); var c = { td: pyEval.context().datetime.timedelta }; assert.ok(py.eval('bool(td(1))', c)); assert.ok(py.eval('bool(td(0, 1))', c)); assert.ok(py.eval('bool(td(0, 0, 1))', c)); assert.ok(py.eval('bool(td(microseconds=1))', c)); assert.ok(py.eval('bool(not td(0))', c)); }); QUnit.test('date.test_computations', function (assert) { assert.expect(31); var d = pyEval.context().datetime; var a = d.date.fromJSON(2002, 1, 31); var b = d.date.fromJSON(1956, 1, 31); assert.strictEqual( py.eval('(a - b).days', {a: a, b: b}), 46 * 365 + 12); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('(a - b).seconds', {a: a, b: b}), 0); assert.strictEqual(py.eval('(a - b).microseconds', {a: a, b: b}), 0); var day = py.PY_call(d.timedelta, [py.float.fromJSON(1)]); var week = py.PY_call(d.timedelta, [py.float.fromJSON(7)]); a = d.date.fromJSON(2002, 3, 2); var ctx = { a: a, day: day, week: week, date: d.date }; assert.ok(py.eval('a + day == date(2002, 3, 3)', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('day + a == date(2002, 3, 3)', ctx)); // 5 assert.ok(py.eval('a - day == date(2002, 3, 1)', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('-day + a == date(2002, 3, 1)', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('a + week == date(2002, 3, 9)', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('a - week == date(2002, 2, 23)', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('a + 52*week == date(2003, 3, 1)', ctx)); // 10 assert.ok(py.eval('a - 52*week == date(2001, 3, 3)', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('(a + week) - a == week', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('(a + day) - a == day', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('(a - week) - a == -week', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('(a - day) - a == -day', ctx)); // 15 assert.ok(py.eval('a - (a + week) == -week', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('a - (a + day) == -day', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('a - (a - week) == week', ctx)); assert.ok(py.eval('a - (a - day) == day', ctx)); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a + 1', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); //20 assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a - 1', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('1 + a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('1 - a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); // delta - date is senseless. assert.throws(function () { py.eval('day - a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); // mixing date and (delta or date) via * or // is senseless assert.throws(function () { py.eval('day * a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); // 25 assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a * day', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('day // a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a // day', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a * a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a // a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); // 30 // date + date is senseless assert.throws(function () { py.eval('a + a', ctx); }, /^Error: TypeError:/); }); QUnit.test('relativedelta', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.date(2012, 2, 15) + relativedelta(days=-1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59')", pyEval.context()), "2012-02-14 23:59:59"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.date(2012, 2, 15) + relativedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')", pyEval.context()), "2012-02-16"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.date(2012, 2, 15) + relativedelta(days=-1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')", pyEval.context()), "2012-02-14"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.date(2012, 2, 1) + relativedelta(days=-1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')", pyEval.context()), '2012-01-31'); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.date(2015,2,5)+relativedelta(days=-6,weekday=0)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')", pyEval.context()), '2015-02-02'); }); QUnit.test('timedelta', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 15, 1, 7, 31) + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", pyEval.context()), "2017-02-16 01:07:31"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 15, 1, 7, 31) - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", pyEval.context()), "2012-02-15 00:07:31"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 15, 1, 7, 31) + datetime.timedelta(hours=-1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", pyEval.context()), "2012-02-15 00:07:31"); assert.strictEqual( py.eval("(datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 15, 1, 7, 31) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=100)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", pyEval.context()), "2012-02-15 02:47:31"); }); QUnit.test('datetime.tojson', function (assert) { assert.expect(7); var result = py.eval( 'datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 15, 1, 7, 31)', pyEval.context()); assert.ok(result instanceof Date); assert.strictEqual(result.getFullYear(), 2012); assert.strictEqual(result.getMonth(), 1); assert.strictEqual(result.getDate(), 15); assert.strictEqual(result.getHours(), 1); assert.strictEqual(result.getMinutes(), 7); assert.strictEqual(result.getSeconds(), 31); }); QUnit.test('datetime.combine', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var result = py.eval( 'datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date(2012, 2, 15),' + ' datetime.time(1, 7, 13))' + ' .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")', pyEval.context()); assert.strictEqual(result, "2012-02-15 01:07:13"); result = py.eval( 'datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date(2012, 2, 15),' + ' datetime.time())' + ' .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")', pyEval.context()); assert.strictEqual(result, '2012-02-15 00:00:00'); }); QUnit.test('datetime.replace', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = py.eval( 'datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 15, 1, 7, 13)' + ' .replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)' + ' .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")', pyEval.context()); assert.strictEqual(result, "2012-02-15 00:00:00"); }); QUnit.module('pyeval (eval domain contexts)', { beforeEach: function() { this.user_context = { uid: 1, lang: 'en_US', tz: false, }; }, }); QUnit.test('empty, basic', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ contexts: [this.user_context], domains: [], }); // default values for new db assert.deepEqual(result.context, { lang: 'en_US', tz: false, uid: 1 }); assert.deepEqual(result.domain, []); assert.deepEqual(result.group_by, []); }); QUnit.test('context_merge_00', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var ctx = [ { "__contexts": [ { "lang": "en_US", "tz": false, "uid": 1 }, { "active_id": 8, "active_ids": [ 8 ], "active_model": "sale.order", "bin_raw": true, "default_composition_mode": "comment", "default_model": "sale.order", "default_res_id": 8, "default_template_id": 18, "default_use_template": true, "edi_web_url_view": "faaaake", "lang": "en_US", "mark_so_as_sent": null, "show_address": null, "tz": false, "uid": null }, {} ], "__eval_context": null, "__ref": "compound_context" }, { "active_id": 9, "active_ids": [ 9 ], "active_model": "mail.compose.message" } ]; var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ contexts: ctx, domins: [], }); assert.deepEqual(result.context, { active_id: 9, active_ids: [9], active_model: 'mail.compose.message', bin_raw: true, default_composition_mode: 'comment', default_model: 'sale.order', default_res_id: 8, default_template_id: 18, default_use_template: true, edi_web_url_view: "faaaake", lang: 'en_US', mark_so_as_sent: null, show_address: null, tz: false, uid: null }); }); QUnit.test('context_merge_01', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var ctx = [{ "__contexts": [ { "lang": "en_US", "tz": false, "uid": 1 }, { "default_attachment_ids": [], "default_body": "", "default_content_subtype": "html", "default_model": "res.users", "default_parent_id": false, "default_res_id": 1 }, {} ], "__eval_context": null, "__ref": "compound_context" }]; var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ contexts: ctx, domains: [], }); assert.deepEqual(result.context, { "default_attachment_ids": [], "default_body": "", "default_content_subtype": "html", "default_model": "res.users", "default_parent_id": false, "default_res_id": 1, "lang": "en_US", "tz": false, "uid": 1 }); }); QUnit.test('domain with time', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [ [['type', '=', 'contract']], ["|", ["state", "in", ["open", "draft"]], [["type", "=", "contract"], ["state", "=", "pending"]]], "['|', '&', ('date', '!=', False), ('date', '<=', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), ('is_overdue_quantity', '=', True)]", [['user_id', '=', 1]] ], contexts: [], }); var d = new Date(); var today = _.str.sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate()); assert.deepEqual(result.domain, [ ["type", "=", "contract"], "|", ["state", "in", ["open", "draft"]], [["type", "=", "contract"], ["state", "=", "pending"]], "|", "&", ["date", "!=", false], ["date", "<=", today], ["is_overdue_quantity", "=", true], ["user_id", "=", 1] ]); }); QUnit.test('conditional context', function (assert) { assert.expect(2); var d = { __ref: 'domain', __debug: "[('company_id', '=', context.get('company_id',False))]" }; var result1 = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [d], contexts: [], }); assert.deepEqual(result1.domain, [['company_id', '=', false]]); var result2 = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [d], contexts: [], eval_context: {company_id: 42}, }); assert.deepEqual(result2.domain, [['company_id', '=', 42]]); }); QUnit.test('substitution in context', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); // setup(session); var c = "{'default_opportunity_id': active_id, 'default_duration': 1.0, 'lng': lang}"; var cc = new Context(c); cc.set_eval_context({active_id: 42}); var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains:[], contexts: [this.user_context, cc] }); assert.deepEqual(result.context, { lang: "en_US", tz: false, uid: 1, default_opportunity_id: 42, default_duration: 1.0, lng: "en_US" }); }); QUnit.test('date', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var d = "[('state','!=','cancel'),('opening_date','>',context_today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))]"; var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [d], contexts: [], }); var date = new Date(); var today = _.str.sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()); assert.deepEqual(result.domain, [ ['state', '!=', 'cancel'], ['opening_date', '>', today] ]); }); QUnit.test('delta', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var d = "[('type','=','in'),('day','<=', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')),('day','>',(context_today()-datetime.timedelta(days=15)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))]"; var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [d], contexts: [], }); var date = new Date(); var today = _.str.sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()); date.setDate(date.getDate() - 15); var ago_15_d = _.str.sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()); assert.deepEqual(result.domain, [ ['type', '=', 'in'], ['day', '<=', today], ['day', '>', ago_15_d] ]); }); QUnit.test('horror from the deep', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var cs = [ {"__ref": "compound_context", "__contexts": [ {"__ref": "context", "__debug": "{'k': 'foo,' + str(context.get('test_key', False))}"}, {"__ref": "compound_context", "__contexts": [ {"lang": "en_US", "tz": false, "uid": 1}, {"lang": "en_US", "tz": false, "uid": 1, "active_model": "sale.order", "default_type": "out", "show_address": 1, "contact_display": "partner_address", "active_ids": [9], "active_id": 9}, {} ], "__eval_context": null }, {"active_id": 8, "active_ids": [8], "active_model": "stock.picking.out"}, {"__ref": "context", "__debug": "{'default_ref': 'stock.picking.out,'+str(context.get('active_id', False))}", "__id": "54d6ad1d6c45"} ], "__eval_context": null} ]; var result = pyEval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [], contexts: cs, }); assert.deepEqual(result.context, { k: 'foo,False', lang: 'en_US', tz: false, uid: 1, active_model: 'stock.picking.out', active_id: 8, active_ids: [8], default_type: 'out', show_address: 1, contact_display: 'partner_address', default_ref: 'stock.picking.out,8' }); }); QUnit.module('pyeval (contexts)'); QUnit.test('context_recursive', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var context_to_eval = [{ __ref: 'context', __debug: '{"foo": context.get("bar", "qux")}' }]; assert.deepEqual( pyEval.eval('contexts', context_to_eval, {bar: "ok"}), {foo: 'ok'}); assert.deepEqual( pyEval.eval('contexts', context_to_eval, {bar: false}), {foo: false}); assert.deepEqual( pyEval.eval('contexts', context_to_eval), {foo: 'qux'}); }); QUnit.test('context_sequences', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); // Context n should have base evaluation context + all of contexts // 0..n-1 in its own evaluation context var active_id = 4; var result = pyEval.eval('contexts', [ { "__contexts": [ { "department_id": false, "lang": "en_US", "project_id": false, "section_id": false, "tz": false, "uid": 1 }, { "search_default_create_uid": 1 }, {} ], "__eval_context": null, "__ref": "compound_context" }, { "active_id": active_id, "active_ids": [ active_id ], "active_model": "purchase.requisition" }, { "__debug": "{'record_id' : active_id}", "__id": "63e8e9bff8a6", "__ref": "context" } ]); assert.deepEqual(result, { department_id: false, lang: 'en_US', project_id: false, section_id: false, tz: false, uid: 1, search_default_create_uid: 1, active_id: active_id, active_ids: [active_id], active_model: 'purchase.requisition', record_id: active_id }); }); QUnit.test('non-literal_eval_contexts', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('contexts', [{ "__ref": "compound_context", "__contexts": [ {"__ref": "context", "__debug": "{'type':parent.type}", "__id": "462b9dbed42f"} ], "__eval_context": { "__ref": "compound_context", "__contexts": [{ "__ref": "compound_context", "__contexts": [ {"__ref": "context", "__debug": "{'type': type}", "__id": "16a04ed5a194"} ], "__eval_context": { "__ref": "compound_context", "__contexts": [ {"lang": "en_US", "tz": false, "uid": 1, "journal_type": "sale", "section_id": false, "default_type": "out_invoice", "type": "out_invoice", "department_id": false}, {"id": false, "journal_id": 10, "number": false, "type": "out_invoice", "currency_id": 1, "partner_id": 4, "fiscal_position_id": false, "date_invoice": false, "date": false, "payment_term_id": false, "reference_type": "none", "reference": false, "account_id": 440, "name": false, "invoice_line_ids": [], "tax_line_ids": [], "amount_untaxed": 0, "amount_tax": 0, "reconciled": false, "amount_total": 0, "state": "draft", "residual": 0, "company_id": 1, "date_due": false, "user_id": 1, "partner_bank_id": false, "origin": false, "move_id": false, "comment": false, "payment_ids": [[6, false, []]], "active_id": false, "active_ids": [], "active_model": "account.invoice", "parent": {}} ], "__eval_context": null} }, { "id": false, "product_id": 4, "name": "[PC1] Basic PC", "quantity": 1, "uom_id": 1, "price_unit": 100, "account_id": 853, "discount": 0, "account_analytic_id": false, "company_id": false, "note": false, "invoice_line_tax_ids": [[6, false, [1]]], "active_id": false, "active_ids": [], "active_model": "account.invoice.line", "parent": { "id": false, "journal_id": 10, "number": false, "type": "out_invoice", "currency_id": 1, "partner_id": 4, "fiscal_position_id": false, "date_invoice": false, "date": false, "payment_term_id": false, "reference_type": "none", "reference": false, "account_id": 440, "name": false, "tax_line_ids": [], "amount_untaxed": 0, "amount_tax": 0, "reconciled": false, "amount_total": 0, "state": "draft", "residual": 0, "company_id": 1, "date_due": false, "user_id": 1, "partner_bank_id": false, "origin": false, "move_id": false, "comment": false, "payment_ids": [[6, false, []]]} }], "__eval_context": null } }]); assert.deepEqual(result, {type: 'out_invoice'}); }); QUnit.test('return-input-value', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('contexts', [{ __ref: 'compound_context', __contexts: ["{'line_id': line_id , 'journal_id': journal_id }"], __eval_context: { __ref: 'compound_context', __contexts: [{ __ref: 'compound_context', __contexts: [ {lang: 'en_US', tz: 'Europe/Paris', uid: 1}, {lang: 'en_US', tz: 'Europe/Paris', uid: 1}, {} ], __eval_context: null, }, { active_id: false, active_ids: [], active_model: 'account.move', amount: 0, company_id: 1, id: false, journal_id: 14, line_id: [ [0, false, { account_id: 55, amount_currency: 0, analytic_account_id: false, credit: 0, currency_id: false, date_maturity: false, debit: 0, name: "dscsd", partner_id: false, tax_line_id: false, }] ], name: '/', narration: false, parent: {}, partner_id: false, date: '2011-01-1', ref: false, state: 'draft', to_check: false, }], __eval_context: null, }, }]); assert.deepEqual(result, { journal_id: 14, line_id: [[0, false, { account_id: 55, amount_currency: 0, analytic_account_id: false, credit: 0, currency_id: false, date_maturity: false, debit: 0, name: "dscsd", partner_id: false, tax_line_id: false, }]], }); }); QUnit.module('pyeval (domains)'); QUnit.test('current_date', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var current_date = time.date_to_str(new Date()); var result = pyEval.eval('domains', [[],{"__ref":"domain","__debug":"[('name','>=',current_date),('name','<=',current_date)]","__id":"5dedcfc96648"}], pyEval.context()); assert.deepEqual(result, [ ['name', '>=', current_date], ['name', '<=', current_date] ]); }); QUnit.test('context_freevar', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var domains_to_eval = [{ __ref: 'domain', __debug: '[("foo", "=", context.get("bar", "qux"))]' }, [['bar', '>=', 42]]]; assert.deepEqual( pyEval.eval('domains', domains_to_eval, {bar: "ok"}), [['foo', '=', 'ok'], ['bar', '>=', 42]]); assert.deepEqual( pyEval.eval('domains', domains_to_eval, {bar: false}), [['foo', '=', false], ['bar', '>=', 42]]); assert.deepEqual( pyEval.eval('domains', domains_to_eval), [['foo', '=', 'qux'], ['bar', '>=', 42]]); }); QUnit.module('pyeval (groupbys)'); QUnit.test('groupbys_00', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('groupbys', [ {group_by: 'foo'}, {group_by: ['bar', 'qux']}, {group_by: null}, {group_by: 'grault'} ]); assert.deepEqual(result, ['foo', 'bar', 'qux', 'grault']); }); QUnit.test('groupbys_01', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('groupbys', [ {group_by: 'foo'}, { __ref: 'context', __debug: '{"group_by": "bar"}' }, {group_by: 'grault'} ]); assert.deepEqual(result, ['foo', 'bar', 'grault']); }); QUnit.test('groupbys_02', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('groupbys', [ {group_by: 'foo'}, { __ref: 'compound_context', __contexts: [ {group_by: 'bar'} ], __eval_context: null }, {group_by: 'grault'} ]); assert.deepEqual(result, ['foo', 'bar', 'grault']); }); QUnit.test('groupbys_03', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('groupbys', [ {group_by: 'foo'}, { __ref: 'compound_context', __contexts: [ { __ref: 'context', __debug: '{"group_by": value}' } ], __eval_context: { value: 'bar' } }, {group_by: 'grault'} ]); assert.deepEqual(result, ['foo', 'bar', 'grault']); }); QUnit.test('groupbys_04', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('groupbys', [ {group_by: 'foo'}, { __ref: 'compound_context', __contexts: [ { __ref: 'context', __debug: '{"group_by": value}' } ], __eval_context: { value: 'bar' } }, {group_by: 'grault'} ], { value: 'bar' }); assert.deepEqual(result, ['foo', 'bar', 'grault']); }); QUnit.test('groupbys_05', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var result = pyEval.eval('groupbys', [ {group_by: 'foo'}, { __ref: 'context', __debug: '{"group_by": value}' }, {group_by: 'grault'} ], { value: 'bar' }); assert.deepEqual(result, ['foo', 'bar', 'grault']); }); }); });