#!/usr/bin/env bash FORCE_HOST_AP="${1}" WIRED_IP=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}';) WIFI_NETWORK_FILE="/home/pi/wifi_network.txt" # if there is no wired ip, attempt to start an AP through wireless interface if [ -z "${WIRED_IP}" ] ; then logger -t posbox_wireless_ap "No wired IP" ifconfig wlan0 down ifconfig wlan0 up # wait for wlan0 to come up sleep 5 # we cannot scan for networks while in Master mode # so first scan and save the networks to a list iwlist wlan0 scan | grep 'ESSID:' | sed 's/.*ESSID:"\(.*\)"/\1/' > /tmp/scanned_networks.txt # only do it when there is a wireless interface if [ -n "$(iw list)" ] ; then if [ -f "${WIFI_NETWORK_FILE}" ] && [ -z "${FORCE_HOST_AP}" ] ; then logger -t posbox_wireless_ap "Loading persistently saved setting" /home/pi/odoo/addons/point_of_sale/tools/posbox/configuration/connect_to_wifi.sh & else logger -t posbox_wireless_ap "Starting AP" service hostapd restart ip addr add dev wlan0 service isc-dhcp-server restart service odoo restart fi # no wired, no wireless else service odoo restart fi # wired else service odoo restart fi