Stock Moves ir.actions.act_window stock.move form tree,form ['|', ('unbuild_id', '=', active_id), ('consume_unbuild_id', '=', active_id)] mrp.unbuild Product Moves ir.actions.act_window stock.move.line form tree,form ['|', ('move_id.unbuild_id', '=', active_id), ('move_id.consume_unbuild_id', '=', active_id)] mrp.unbuild.kanban mrp.unbuild
mrp.unbuild.form mrp.unbuild

mrp.unbuild.tree mrp.unbuild Unbuild Orders ir.actions.act_window mrp.unbuild form tree,kanban,form

Click here to create a Unbuild Order.

Unbuild Orders are used to break down a product you manufactured or purchased into its components, based on its Bill of Material.