
Create recurring of document of any module

Recurring Type

To generate recurring document of any module its Recurring type is first created. Here recurring type of sale is created. Recurring type is created from Settings > Technical > Automation > Recurring Types

Recurring Document

Recurring Document is created of any document which is needed to be generated everytime at a specific interval of time. Number of documents - The number of times the document should be recurred. Interval Unit - The interval when the recurring should occur. Source Document - Choose the source document on which needs to be generated at every specific interval. Recurring Documents is created from Settings > Technical > Automation > Recurring Documents

Recurring Document Started

Recurring of the selected document can be started any time by clicking on the 'Process' Button Cron job is automatically created and is linked here.

Scheduled Actions

The generated cron job from the recurring document

Sale Orders

Sale Orders that are generated through recurring.