# Part of Flectra See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import api, fields, models, _ from flectra.exceptions import ValidationError class AccountInvoice(models.Model): _inherit = 'account.invoice' gst_invoice = fields.Selection( [('b2b', 'B2B'), ('b2cl', 'B2CL'), ('b2cs', 'B2CS'), ('b2bur', 'B2BUR')], string='GST Invoice', help='B2B Supplies: Taxable supplies made to other registered ' 'taxpayers.\n\nB2C Large [For outward supplies]: Taxable ' 'outward ' 'supplies to consumers where\na)The place of supply is ' 'outside the state where the supplier is registered and ' 'b)The ' 'total invoice value is more than the limit defined in ' 'company B2C lines.\ne.g., If in B2C line, B2CL limit is ' 'set to Rs 2,50,000 and invoice is of amount Rs 3,00,000 then' 'invoice ' 'will be considered as of type B2CL.\n\nB2C Small ' '[For outward supplies]: Supplies made to consumers and ' 'unregistered persons of the following nature\n' 'a) Intra-State: any value b) Inter-State: Total invoice ' 'value is' ' less than the limit defined in company B2C lines.\n' 'e.g., If in B2C line, B2CS limit is set to Rs 2,50,000 ' '(for period 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017) for inter state ' 'supply ' 'and invoice value is Rs 2,00,000 then invoice will be ' 'considered as of type B2CS.\n\nB2BUR [For inward supplies]: ' 'Inward supplies received from an unregistered supplier \n\n', copy=False) e_commerce_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='E-Commerce Partner') vat = fields.Char(string='GSTIN', help='Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification ' 'Number', size=15, copy=False) gst_type = fields.Selection( [('regular', 'Regular'), ('unregistered', 'Unregistered'), ('composite', 'Composite'), ('volunteer', 'Volunteer')], string='GST Type', copy=False) partner_location = fields.Selection( [('inter_state', 'Inter State'), ('intra_state', 'intra State'), ('inter_country', 'Inter Country')], related='partner_id.partner_location', string="Partner Location") @api.onchange('partner_id', 'company_id') def _onchange_partner_id(self): super(AccountInvoice, self)._onchange_partner_id() if self.partner_id and not self.partner_id.partner_location: self.partner_id.partner_location = \ self.partner_id._get_partner_location_details(self.company_id) @api.onchange('fiscal_position_id') def _onchange_fiscal_position_id(self): """ Onchange of Fiscal Position update tax values in invoice lines. """ for line in self.invoice_line_ids: line._onchange_product_id() @api.multi def action_move_create(self): """ Do not apply taxes if company has been registered under composition scheme. """ for invoice in self: if invoice.type in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund') and \ invoice.company_id.gst_type == 'composite': for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids: line.invoice_line_tax_ids = [(6, 0, [])] line.invoice_id._onchange_invoice_line_ids() return super(AccountInvoice, self).action_move_create() @api.multi def invoice_validate(self): """ Apply GST invoice type at the time of invoice validation. """ for invoice in self: partner_location = self.partner_id.partner_location if invoice.partner_id.vat: invoice.write({ 'vat': invoice.partner_id.vat, 'gst_type': invoice.partner_id.gst_type, 'gst_invoice': 'b2b' }) elif invoice.type == 'out_invoice' and partner_location: b2c_limit = self.env['res.company.b2c.limit'].search( [('date_from', '<=', invoice.date_invoice), ('date_to', '>=', invoice.date_invoice), ('company_id', '=', invoice.company_id.id)]) if not b2c_limit: raise ValidationError(_('Please define B2C limit line in ' 'company for current period!')) if partner_location == 'inter_state' and \ invoice.amount_total > b2c_limit.b2cl_limit: invoice.write({'gst_invoice': 'b2cl'}) if partner_location == 'intra_state' or partner_location == \ 'inter_state' and invoice.amount_total < \ b2c_limit.b2cs_limit: invoice.write({'gst_invoice': 'b2cs'}) elif invoice.type == 'in_invoice' and partner_location and \ partner_location != 'inter_country': invoice.write({'gst_invoice': 'b2bur'}) return super(AccountInvoice, self).invoice_validate() @api.model def _prepare_refund(self, invoice, date_invoice=None, date=None, description=None, journal_id=None): """ Refund invoice creation, update value of GST Invoice from base invoice. """ result = super(AccountInvoice, self)._prepare_refund( invoice, date_invoice=date_invoice, date=date, description=description, journal_id=journal_id) if result.get('refund_invoice_id'): invoice = self.env['account.invoice'].browse( result.get('refund_invoice_id')) result.update({ 'gst_invoice': invoice.gst_invoice, 'vat': invoice.vat, 'gst_type': invoice.gst_type, }) return result