Advance Pricelist

Apply Price Rules on Sale Orders

- Add new option Pricelist Type (Basic, Advanced).

- Apply Method :-

  • Apply First Matched Rules (Calculate discount of first match condition of Price Rules and Cart Rules)
  • Apply All Matched Rules (Calculate discount of all match condition of Price Rules and Cart Rules)
  • Apply Smallest Matched Discount (Append minimum discount of every match condition of Price Rules and Cart Rules and get minimum values from the list of Price Rules and Cart Rules)
  • Apply Biggest Matched Discount (Append maximum discount of every match condition of Price Rules and Cart Rules and get maximum values from the list of Price Rules and Cart Rules)

Price Rules applicable on the selected option:-

  • Global: Apply for all Product.
  • Category: Apply only for selected category.
  • Product Template: Apply only for selected Product Template variants.
  • Product Variant:Apply only for selected Product variants.

- Product Rules Line:-

  • Discount applicable based on match condition which defines in Product Rules Line.

Cart Rules

Apply Cart Rules on Sale Orders.

- Apply On :-

  • Subtotal At Least :- Cart Rules not apply if Untaxed Amount is less than define amount in cart line.
  • Subtotal less than :- Cart Rules apply if Untaxed Amount is less than define amount in cart line.
  • Lines Count at least :- Cart Rules not apply if line count of sale order(duplicate product exclude) is less than define amount in cart line.
  • Lines less than :- Cart Rules apply if line count of sale order(duplicate product exclude) is less than define amount in cart line.
  • Sum of Item Qty at least :- Cart Rules is not apply if total quantity of product in sale order is less than define amount in cart line.
  • Sum of Item Qty less than :- Cart Rules apply if the total quantity of product in sale order is less than define amount in cart line.
  • At least one product in order :- Cart Rules apply if product match in sale order which defines in cart line.
  • None of selected Products :- Cart Rules do not apply if product match in sale order which defines in cart line.
  • At least one category in order :- Cart Rules apply if product category match in sale order which defines in cart line.
  • None of selected Categories :- Cart Rules do not apply if product category match in sale order which defines in cart line.

Coupon Rules

Apply Coupon Rules on Sale Orders based on type and define conditions.

- Apply Coupon Code:

Select apply coupon code option in pricelist for apply coupon code.

- Coupon Type:

  • Percent :- Add Percentage in sale order line which defines in Discount Amount.
  • Fixed Amount :- Convert fixed amount values in percentage based on the unit price of sale order line.
  • Buy X Product Get Y Product Free :- Get Y same product unit free when buying X product.
  • Buy X Product Get Y Other Product Free :- Get Y other product(which define in coupon code) unit free when buying X product.
  • Range Based Discount(Buy X Product Get Percent Free) :- Get percent free(which define in coupon code) when buying X product.
  • Clubbed Discount :- Add Discount and Extra Discount on Sale order line.

Price Rule line

Match first product rule line for first sale order

Cart Rule line

Match first Cart rule line for first sale order

Discount Calculation

Sale Order line discount calculation.

First order line discount caculation:

First order line quantity 5 is between 1 to 5 in Product Rule Line.

Here define fixed amount = 50 in match Product Rule Line.

Percentage Formule = Discount Amount * 100 / Unit Price

50 * 100 / 885 = 5.65

6.5 % of Match first Cart Rules beacuse Subtotal(Untaxed Amount) At Least : 2,500.00.

Discount Formula= Product Rule line + Cart Rules

so discount is 5.65 + 6.5 = 12.15%

Second order line discount caculation:

Second order line quantity 3 is between 1 to 5 in Product Rule Line.

Discount = Discount Amount * 100 / Unit Price

50 * 100 / 2950 = 1.69

6.5 % of Match first Cart Rules beacuse Subtotal(Untaxed Amount) At Least : 2,500.00.

so discount is 1.69 + 6.5 = 8.19%

Third order line discount caculation:

Third order line quantity 3 is between 1 to 5 in Product Rule Line.

Unit Price(25) is less than Fixed Amount(50) of Product Rule Lines.

so, it give 100% discount for that line.

Price Rule line

Match first product rule line for Second Sale Order

Cart Rule line

Match first Cart rule line for Second Sale Order

Sale Order With Coupon Code

Sale Order line discount calculation with Coupon Code.

First order line discount caculation:

Product Lines Rules:

4.9 % of Match first Product Rule Lines beacuse ordered Qty 5 is between 1 to 6.

Cart Rules:

First cart Rules not match beacuse Subtotal is greater than : 3,000.00 so that rules skip.

Second Cart Rules match beacuse Sum of Item Qty at least : 7.00 (here 8 = 5 + 3 ). so add 10 %.

Coupon Code: Coupon code get 10 percent free.

Discount Formula= Product Rule line + Cart Rules + Coupon Code

First line discount is 24.9 %( 4.9 + 10 + 10)

Discount Calculation View

Display Price Rules, Cart Rules, Coupon Coupon discoun details.

Price Rule:

Percent 4.9%.

Sale Order Discount = sum of (Unit Price * Ordered Qty) * 4.9 / 100 of every line

(885 * 5) + (2950 * 3) * 4.9 / 100 = 650.48

Cart Rules:

Percent 10%.

Cart Rules: (Gross Amount * 10) / 100

13275 * 10 / 100 = 1327.50

Coupon Code Rules:

Percent 10%.

Coupon Code Rules: (Gross Amount * 10) / 100

13275 * 10 / 100 = 1327.50