# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra import api, fields, models, _ from flectra.exceptions import Warning from flectra.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval from flectra.tools.misc import formatLang MODELS_LIST = [ 'res.partner', 'res.partner.category', 'res.users', 'res.groups', 'res.country.state', 'res.country', ] Cart_Option = [ ('subtotal_at_least', 'Subtotal At Least'), ('subtotal_less_than', 'Subtotal less than'), ('item_count_atleast', 'Lines Count at least'), ('item_count_less_than', 'Lines less than'), ('item_sum_qty_atleast', 'Sum of Item Qty at least'), ('item_sum_qty_less_than', 'Sum of Item Qty less than'), ('one_product_al_least', 'At least one product in order'), ('none_of_sel_products', 'None of selected Products'), ('one_categ_al_least', 'At least one category in order'), ('none_of_sel_categs', 'None of selected Categories'), ] class RulesLine(models.Model): _name = 'rule.line' _order = 'sequence' sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') start_date = fields.Date('Start Date') end_date = fields.Date('End Date') min_qty = fields.Float('Min. Quantity') max_qty = fields.Float('Max. Quantity') rule_type = fields.Selection([ ('percent', 'Percent'), ('fixed_amount', 'Fixed Amount'), ], 'Rule Type', required=True, default='percent') discount_amount = fields.Float('Discount Amount') price_rule_id = fields.Many2one('price.rule', 'Price Rule') model_id = fields.Many2one( 'ir.model', string='Condition', domain=[('model', 'in', MODELS_LIST)]) model_name = fields.Char(related='model_id.model', string='Model Name') model_domain = fields.Char(string='Domain', oldname='domain', default=[]) model_real = fields.Char(compute='_compute_model', string='Real Model') pricelist_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.pricelist', related='price_rule_id.pricelist_id', store=True) categ_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.category', related='price_rule_id.categ_id', store=True) product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.template', related='price_rule_id.product_tmpl_id', store=True) product_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.product', related='price_rule_id.product_id', store=True) rule_id_start_date = fields.Date( related='price_rule_id.start_date', store=True) rule_id_end_date = fields.Date( related='price_rule_id.end_date', store=True) @api.onchange('rule_type', 'discount_amount') def check_percentage(self): warning = {} if self.rule_type == 'percent' and ( self.discount_amount > 100 or self.discount_amount < 0): warning.update({ 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("Percentage should be between 0% to 100%!")}) self.discount_amount = 0.0 return {'warning': warning} @api.depends('model_id') def _compute_model(self): for record in self: if record.model_id: record.model_real = record.model_name or 'res.partner' @api.constrains('start_date', 'end_date', 'rule_id_start_date', 'rule_id_end_date') def check_date(self): for rule_line_id in self: parent_start_date = rule_line_id.rule_id_start_date child_start_date = rule_line_id.start_date if parent_start_date and \ child_start_date and parent_start_date > child_start_date: raise Warning(_("Start Date date not valid in " "Product Rule Lines!")) parent_end_date = rule_line_id.rule_id_end_date child_end_date = rule_line_id.end_date if parent_end_date and \ child_end_date and parent_end_date < child_end_date: raise Warning(_("End Date date not valid in " "Product Rule Lines!")) class PriceRules(models.Model): _name = 'price.rule' _description = 'Price Rules' _order = 'sequence' @api.multi @api.depends('apply_on', 'categ_id', 'product_tmpl_id', 'product_id') def _get_pricerule_name_price(self): for record in self: if record.categ_id: record.name = _("Category: %s") % (record.categ_id.name) elif record.product_tmpl_id: record.name = record.product_tmpl_id.name elif record.product_id: record.name = record.product_id.display_name.replace( '[%s]' % record.product_id.code, '') else: record.name = _("All Products") name = fields.Char('Name', compute='_get_pricerule_name_price') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') apply_on = fields.Selection([ ('all', 'Global'), ('category', 'Category'), ('product_template', 'Product Template'), ('product', 'Product Variant') ], required=True, default='all', string="Apply On") categ_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Category') product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one('product.template', 'Product Template') product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) start_date = fields.Date('Start Date') end_date = fields.Date('End Date') note = fields.Text('Description') pricelist_id = fields.Many2one('product.pricelist', 'Pricelist', index=True, ondelete='cascade') rule_lines = fields.One2many('rule.line', 'price_rule_id', 'Product Rule Lines') @api.onchange('apply_on') def _onchange_apply_on(self): if self.apply_on != 'product': self.product_id = False if self.apply_on != 'product_template': self.product_tmpl_id = False if self.apply_on != 'category': self.categ_id = False @api.multi def get_rules(self, pricelist_id, date): date = fields.Date.context_today(self) self._cr.execute( 'SELECT rule.id ' 'FROM price_rule AS rule ' 'WHERE (rule.pricelist_id = %s) ' 'AND (rule.start_date IS NULL OR rule.start_date<=%s) ' 'AND (rule.end_date IS NULL OR rule.end_date>=%s)' 'ORDER BY rule.sequence', (pricelist_id.id, date, date)) rules_ids = [x[0] for x in self._cr.fetchall()] rules = self.browse(rules_ids) return rules class CartRules(models.Model): _name = 'cart.rule' _description = 'Cart Rules' _order = 'sequence' @api.multi @api.depends('apply_on', 'amt_value', 'product_id', 'categ_id') def _get_cart_name_price(self): for record in self: select_option = dict(Cart_Option) if record.apply_on in ['subtotal_at_least', 'subtotal_less_than', 'item_count_atleast', 'item_count_less_than', 'item_sum_qty_atleast', 'item_sum_qty_less_than']: record.name = select_option[record.apply_on] + ' : ' + str( formatLang(self.env, record.amt_value, digits=2)) elif record.apply_on == 'one_product_al_least' and \ record.product_id: record.name = select_option[record.apply_on] + ' : ' + str( record.product_id.name) elif record.apply_on == 'one_categ_al_least' and \ record.categ_id: record.name = select_option[record.apply_on] + ' : ' + str( record.categ_id.name) elif record.apply_on: record.name = select_option[record.apply_on] name = fields.Char('Name', compute='_get_cart_name_price') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) start_date = fields.Date('Start Date') end_date = fields.Date('End Date') discount_percentage = fields.Float('Discount (%)') apply_on = fields.Selection(Cart_Option, 'Apply On') amt_value = fields.Float('Amount') product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product') product_ids = fields.Many2many('product.product', column1='cart_line_id', column2='product_id', string='Products') categ_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Category') categ_ids = fields.Many2many('product.category', column1='cart_line_id', column2='category_id', string='Categories') note = fields.Text('Description') pricelist_id = fields.Many2one('product.pricelist') @api.onchange('discount_percentage') def check_percentage(self): warning = {} if self.discount_percentage > 100 or self.discount_percentage < 0: warning.update({ 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("Percentage should be between 0% to 100%!")}) self.discount_percentage = 0.0 return {'warning': warning} def _get_cart_discount_amt(self, pricelist, total=0.0, item_count=0.0, item_sum_count=0.0, product_ids=[], categ_ids=[], order=False): discount_flag = False dis_price = 0.0 if self.apply_on == 'subtotal_at_least' \ and total >= self.amt_value: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'subtotal_less_than' and total <= self.amt_value: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'item_count_atleast' \ and item_count >= self.amt_value: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'item_count_less_than' \ and item_count <= self.amt_value: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'item_sum_qty_atleast' \ and item_sum_count >= self.amt_value: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'item_sum_qty_less_than' \ and item_sum_count <= self.amt_value: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'one_product_al_least' \ and self.product_id.id in product_ids: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'none_of_sel_products' \ and not any(map(lambda v: v in [ x.id for x in self.product_ids], product_ids)): discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'one_categ_al_least' \ and self.categ_id.id in categ_ids: discount_flag = True elif self.apply_on == 'none_of_sel_categs' \ and not any(map(lambda v: v in [ x.id for x in self.categ_ids], categ_ids)): discount_flag = True if discount_flag: dis_price = self.discount_percentage return dis_price class CouponCode(models.Model): _name = 'coupon.code' _description = 'Coupon Code' @api.multi def _compute_order_count(self): sale_order_ids = self.env['sale.order'].search_count([ ('coupon_code_id', '=', self.id), ('state', '=', 'sale')]) self.sale_order_count = sale_order_ids self.remaining_limit = self.usage_limit - sale_order_ids name = fields.Char('Name') coupon_code = fields.Char('Coupon Code') code_valid_from = fields.Date('Valid From') code_valid_to = fields.Date('Valid To') sale_order_count = fields.Integer( compute='_compute_order_count', string='# of Sale Order') coupon_type = fields.Selection([ ('percent', 'Percent'), ('fixed_amount', 'Fixed Amount'), ('buy_x_get_y', 'Buy X Product Get Y Product Free'), ('buy_x_get_y_other', 'Buy X Product Get Y Other Product Free'), ('buy_x_get_percent', 'Range Based Discount(' 'Buy X Product Get Percent Free)'), ('clubbed', 'Clubbed Discount'), ], 'Coupon Type', default='percent', required=True) number_of_x_product = fields.Float('Number Of X Product') number_of_y_product = fields.Float('Number Of Y Product') other_categ_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Category') discount_amount = fields.Float('Discount Amount') flat_discount = fields.Float('Flat Discount') extra_discount_percentage = fields.Float('Extra Discount') usage_limit = fields.Integer('Total Usage Limit') remaining_limit = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_order_count', string='Remaining Usage Limit') min_order_amount = fields.Float('Min Order Amount') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) apply_on = fields.Selection([ ('all', 'Global'), ('category', 'Category'), ('product_template', 'Product Template'), ('product', 'Product Variant'), ], required=True, default='all', string="Apply On") categ_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Category') product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one('product.template', 'Product Template') product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product') other_product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Other Product') pricelist_id = fields.Many2one('product.pricelist', 'Pricelist', index=True, ondelete='cascade') model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', string='Condition', domain=[('model', 'in', MODELS_LIST)]) model_name = fields.Char(related='model_id.model', string='Model Name') model_domain = fields.Char(string='Domain', oldname='domain', default=[]) model_real = fields.Char(compute='_compute_model', string='Real Model') @api.onchange('apply_on') def _onchange_apply_on(self): if self.apply_on != 'product': self.product_id = False if self.apply_on != 'product_template': self.product_tmpl_id = False if self.apply_on != 'category': self.categ_id = False @api.onchange('coupon_type', 'discount_amount') def check_percentage(self): warning = {} if self.coupon_type == 'percent' and self.discount_amount > 100 \ or self.discount_amount < 0: warning.update({ 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("Percentage should be between 0% to 100%!")}) self.discount_amount = 0.0 return {'warning': warning} @api.onchange('flat_discount', 'extra_discount_percentage') def check_clubbed_percentage(self): warning = {} percent = self.flat_discount + self.extra_discount_percentage if percent > 100 or percent < 0: warning.update({ 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("Total Percentage ( Discount + Extra ) " "should be between 0% to 100%!")}) self.flat_discount = 0.0 self.extra_discount_percentage = 0.0 return {'warning': warning} @api.depends('model_id') def _compute_model(self): for record in self: if record.model_id: record.model_real = record.model_name or 'res.partner' @api.multi def view_sale_order(self): sale_order_ids = self.env['sale.order'].search([ ('coupon_code_id', '=', self.id), ('state', '=', 'sale')]) return { 'name': 'Sales Orders', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'tree,form,kanban,pivot,graph', 'res_model': 'sale.order', 'domain': [('id', 'in', sale_order_ids.ids)], } @api.constrains('coupon_code') def check_duplicate_coupon_code(self): check_coupon_id = self.search([ ('coupon_code', '=', self.coupon_code), ('id', '!=', self.id)]) if check_coupon_id: raise Warning(_("Coupon code (%s) already exists!") % ( self.coupon_code)) @api.multi def check_condition(self, record, partner_id): domain = safe_eval(record.model_domain) if record.model_real == 'res.partner': domain += [('id', '=', partner_id.id)] elif record.model_real == 'res.partner.category': domain += [('id', 'in', partner_id.category_id.ids)] elif record.model_real == 'res.users': domain += [('id', 'in', self.env.user.id)] elif record.model_real == 'res.groups': domain += [('users', 'in', self.env.user.id)] elif record.model_real == 'res.country.state': domain += [('id', '=', partner_id.state_id.id)] elif record.model_real == 'res.country': domain += [('id', '=', partner_id.country_id.id)] if self.env[record.model_real].search(domain): return False return True @api.multi def get_coupon_records(self, coupon_code, pricelist_id): coupon_ids = [] if coupon_code: date = fields.Date.context_today(self) self._cr.execute( 'SELECT code.id ' 'FROM coupon_code AS code ' 'WHERE (code.coupon_code = %s) ' 'AND (code.code_valid_from IS NULL OR ' 'code.code_valid_from<=%s) ' 'AND (code.code_valid_to IS NULL OR code.code_valid_to>=%s) ' 'AND (code.pricelist_id = %s) ', (coupon_code, date, date, pricelist_id.id)) coupons = [x[0] for x in self._cr.fetchall()] coupon_ids = self.env['coupon.code'].browse(coupons) return coupon_ids @api.multi def get_coupon_discount(self, line, cal_coupon): if not line.order_id.pricelist_id.apply_coupon_code or not \ line.coupon_code_id: return 0.0 coupon_amount = 0.0 onchange_context = True coupon_ids = self.get_coupon_records(line.order_id.have_coupon_code, line.order_id.pricelist_id) for coupon_id in coupon_ids: if coupon_id.coupon_type == 'percent' or \ coupon_id.coupon_type == 'clubbed': discount_per = coupon_id.discount_amount if coupon_id.coupon_type == 'clubbed': discount_per = \ coupon_id.flat_discount + \ coupon_id.extra_discount_percentage coupon_amount += line.order_id._get_percentage_coupon_discount( line, coupon_id, onchange_context, cal_coupon, discount_per, False) elif coupon_id.coupon_type == 'fixed_amount': coupon_amount += line.order_id._get_fixed_coupon_discount( line, coupon_id, onchange_context, cal_coupon, False) elif coupon_id.coupon_type == 'buy_x_get_percent' \ and line.product_uom_qty >= coupon_id.number_of_x_product: coupon_amount += \ line.order_id.buy_x_get_percentage_coupon_discount( line, coupon_id, onchange_context, cal_coupon, False) return coupon_amount