flectra.define('account.ReconciliationRenderer', function (require) { "use strict"; var Widget = require('web.Widget'); var FieldManagerMixin = require('web.FieldManagerMixin'); var relational_fields = require('web.relational_fields'); var basic_fields = require('web.basic_fields'); var core = require('web.core'); var time = require('web.time'); var qweb = core.qweb; var _t = core._t; /** * rendering of the bank statement action contains progress bar, title and * auto reconciliation button */ var StatementRenderer = Widget.extend(FieldManagerMixin, { template: 'reconciliation.statement', events: { 'click div:first button.o_automatic_reconciliation': '_onAutoReconciliation', 'click div:first h1.statement_name': '_onClickStatementName', 'click div:first h1.statement_name_edition button': '_onValidateName', "click *[rel='do_action']": "_onDoAction", 'click button.js_load_more': '_onLoadMore', }, /** * @override */ init: function (parent, model, state) { this._super(parent); this.model = model; this._initialState = state; }, /** * display iniial state and create the name statement field * * @override */ start: function () { var self = this; var defs = [this._super.apply(this, arguments)]; this.time = Date.now(); this.$progress = this.$('.progress'); if (this._initialState.bank_statement_id) { var def = this.model.makeRecord("account.bank.statement", [{ type: 'char', name: 'name', attrs: {string: ""}, value: this._initialState.bank_statement_id.display_name }]).then(function (recordID) { self.handleNameRecord = recordID; self.name = new basic_fields.FieldChar(self, 'name', self.model.get(self.handleNameRecord), {mode: 'edit'}); self.name.appendTo(self.$('.statement_name_edition')).then(function () { self.name.$el.addClass('o_required_modifier'); }); self.$('.statement_name').text(self._initialState.bank_statement_id.display_name); }); defs.push(def); } this.$('h1.statement_name').text(this._initialState.title); delete this._initialState; this.enterHandler = function (e) { if ((e.which === 13 || e.which === 10) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { this.trigger_up('validate_all_balanced'); } }.bind(this); $('body').on('keyup', this.enterHandler); return $.when.apply($, defs); }, /** * @override */ destroy: function () { this._super(); $('body').off('keyup', this.enterHandler); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * hide the button to load more statement line */ hideLoadMoreButton: function () { this.$('.js_load_more').hide(); }, /** * update the statement rendering * * @param {object} state - statement data * @param {integer} state.valuenow - for the progress bar * @param {integer} state.valuemax - for the progress bar * @param {string} state.title - for the progress bar * @param {[object]} [state.notifications] */ update: function (state) { var self = this; this.$progress.find('.valuenow').text(state.valuenow); this.$progress.find('.valuemax').text(state.valuemax); this.$progress.find('.progress-bar') .attr('aria-valuenow', state.valuenow) .attr('aria-valuemax', state.valuemax) .css('width', (state.valuenow/state.valuemax*100) + '%'); if (state.valuenow === state.valuemax && !this.$('.done_message').length) { var dt = Date.now()-this.time; var $done = $(qweb.render("reconciliation.done", { 'duration': moment(dt).utc().format(time.getLangTimeFormat()), 'number': state.valuenow, 'timePerTransaction': Math.round(dt/1000/state.valuemax), 'context': state.context, })); $done.find('.button_close_statement').click(this._onCloseBankStatement.bind(this)); $done.find('.button_back_to_statement').click(this._onGoToBankStatement.bind(this)); this.$el.children().hide(); // display rainbowman after full reconciliation this.trigger_up('show_effect', { type: 'rainbow_man', fadeout: 'no', message: $done, click_close: false, }); this.$el.css('min-height', '450px'); } if (state.notifications) { this._renderNotifications(state.notifications); } this.$('h1.statement_name').text(state.title); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * render the notifications * * @param {[object]} notifications */ _renderNotifications: function(notifications) { this.$(".notification_area").empty(); for (var i=0; i= 0); // partner_id this._makePartnerRecord(state.st_line.partner_id, state.st_line.partner_name).then(function (recordID) { self.fields.partner_id.reset(self.model.get(recordID)); self.$el.attr('data-partner', state.st_line.partner_id); }); // mode this.$('.create, .match').each(function () { var $panel = $(this); $panel.css('-webkit-transition', 'none'); $panel.css('-moz-transition', 'none'); $panel.css('-o-transition', 'none'); $panel.css('transition', 'none'); $panel.css('max-height', $panel.height()); $panel.css('-webkit-transition', ''); $panel.css('-moz-transition', ''); $panel.css('-o-transition', ''); $panel.css('transition', ''); }); this.$el.data('mode', state.mode).attr('data-mode', state.mode); this.$('.create, .match').each(function () { $(this).removeAttr('style'); }); // reconciliation_proposition var $props = this.$('.accounting_view tbody').empty(); // loop state propositions var props = []; var nb_debit_props = 0; var nb_credit_props = 0; _.each(state.reconciliation_proposition, function (prop) { if (prop.display) { props.push(prop); if (prop.amount < 0) nb_debit_props += 1; else if (prop.amount > 0) nb_credit_props += 1; } }); _.each(props, function (line) { var $line = $(qweb.render("reconciliation.line.mv_line", {'line': line, 'state': state})); if (!isNaN(line.id)) { $('') .appendTo($line.find('.cell_info_popover')) .attr("data-content", qweb.render('reconciliation.line.mv_line.details', {'line': line})); } if (line.already_paid === false && ((state.balance.amount_currency < 0 || line.partial_reconcile) && nb_credit_props == 1 && line.amount > 0 && state.st_line.amount > 0 && state.st_line.amount < line.amount) || ((state.balance.amount_currency > 0 || line.partial_reconcile) && nb_debit_props == 1 && line.amount < 0 && state.st_line.amount < 0 && state.st_line.amount > line.amount)) { var $cell = $line.find(line.amount > 0 ? '.cell_right' : '.cell_left'); var text; if (line.partial_reconcile) { text = _t("Undo the partial reconciliation."); $cell.text(line.write_off_amount_str); } else { text = _t("This move's amount is higher than the transaction's amount. Click to register a partial payment and keep the payment balance open."); } $('') .prependTo($cell) .attr("data-content", text); } $props.append($line); }); // mv_lines var $mv_lines = this.$('.match table tbody').empty(); _.each(state.mv_lines.slice(0, state.limitMoveLines), function (line) { var $line = $(qweb.render("reconciliation.line.mv_line", {'line': line, 'state': state})); if (!isNaN(line.id)) { $('') .appendTo($line.find('.cell_info_popover')) .attr("data-content", qweb.render('reconciliation.line.mv_line.details', {'line': line})); } $mv_lines.append($line); }); this.$('.match .fa-chevron-right').toggleClass('disabled', state.mv_lines.length <= state.limitMoveLines); this.$('.match .fa-chevron-left').toggleClass('disabled', !state.offset); this.$('.match').css('max-height', !state.mv_lines.length && !state.filter.length ? '0px' : ''); // balance this.$('.popover').remove(); this.$('table tfoot').html(qweb.render("reconciliation.line.balance", {'state': state})); // filter if (_.str.strip(this.$('input.filter').val()) !== state.filter) { this.$('input.filter').val(state.filter); } // create form if (state.createForm) { if (!this.fields.account_id) { this._renderCreate(state); } var data = this.model.get(this.handleCreateRecord).data; this.model.notifyChanges(this.handleCreateRecord, state.createForm).then(function () { var record = self.model.get(self.handleCreateRecord); _.each(self.fields, function (field, fieldName) { if (self._avoidFieldUpdate[fieldName]) return; if (fieldName === "partner_id") return; if ((data[fieldName] || state.createForm[fieldName]) && !_.isEqual(state.createForm[fieldName], data[fieldName])) { field.reset(record); } }); }); } this.$('.create .add_line').toggle(!!state.balance.amount_currency); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * @param {jQueryElement} $el */ _destroyPopover: function ($el) { var popover = $el.data('bs.popover'); if (popover) { popover.destroy(); } }, /** * @private * @param {integer} partnerID * @param {string} partnerName * @returns {string} local id of the dataPoint */ _makePartnerRecord: function (partnerID, partnerName) { var field = { relation: 'res.partner', type: 'many2one', name: 'partner_id', }; if (partnerID) { field.value = [partnerID, partnerName]; } return this.model.makeRecord('account.bank.statement.line', [field], { partner_id: { domain: [["parent_id", "=", false], "|", ["customer", "=", true], ["supplier", "=", true]], options: { no_open: true } } }); }, /** * create account_id, tax_id, analytic_account_id, label and amount field * * @private * @param {object} state - statement line */ _renderCreate: function (state) { var self = this; this.model.makeRecord('account.bank.statement.line', [{ relation: 'account.account', type: 'many2one', name: 'account_id', }, { relation: 'account.journal', type: 'many2one', name: 'journal_id', }, { relation: 'account.tax', type: 'many2one', name: 'tax_id', }, { relation: 'account.analytic.account', type: 'many2one', name: 'analytic_account_id', }, { type: 'char', name: 'label', }, { type: 'float', name: 'amount', }], { account_id: {string: _t("Account")}, label: {string: _t("Label")}, amount: {string: _t("Account")} }).then(function (recordID) { self.handleCreateRecord = recordID; var record = self.model.get(self.handleCreateRecord); self.fields.account_id = new relational_fields.FieldMany2One(self, 'account_id', record, {mode: 'edit'}); self.fields.journal_id = new relational_fields.FieldMany2One(self, 'journal_id', record, {mode: 'edit'}); self.fields.tax_id = new relational_fields.FieldMany2One(self, 'tax_id', record, {mode: 'edit'}); self.fields.analytic_account_id = new relational_fields.FieldMany2One(self, 'analytic_account_id', record, {mode: 'edit'}); self.fields.label = new basic_fields.FieldChar(self, 'label', record, {mode: 'edit'}); self.fields.amount = new basic_fields.FieldFloat(self, 'amount', record, {mode: 'edit'}); var $create = $(qweb.render("reconciliation.line.create", {'state': state})); self.fields.account_id.appendTo($create.find('.create_account_id .o_td_field')) .then(addRequiredStyle.bind(self, self.fields.account_id)); self.fields.journal_id.appendTo($create.find('.create_journal_id .o_td_field')); self.fields.tax_id.appendTo($create.find('.create_tax_id .o_td_field')); self.fields.analytic_account_id.appendTo($create.find('.create_analytic_account_id .o_td_field')); self.fields.label.appendTo($create.find('.create_label .o_td_field')) .then(addRequiredStyle.bind(self, self.fields.label)); self.fields.amount.appendTo($create.find('.create_amount .o_td_field')) .then(addRequiredStyle.bind(self, self.fields.amount)); self.$('.create').append($create); function addRequiredStyle(widget) { widget.$el.addClass('o_required_modifier'); } }); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onCreateReconcileModel: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: 'account.reconcile.model', views: [[false, 'form']], target: 'current' }); }, /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onEditReconcileModel: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); this.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: 'account.reconcile.model', views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']], view_type: "list", view_mode: "list", target: 'current' }); }, /** * @private * @param {FlectraEvent} event */ _onFieldChanged: function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); var fieldName = event.target.name; if (fieldName === 'partner_id') { var partner_id = event.data.changes.partner_id; this.trigger_up('change_partner', {'data': partner_id}); } else { if (event.data.changes.amount && isNaN(event.data.changes.amount)) { return; } this.trigger_up('update_proposition', {'data': event.data.changes}); } }, /** * @private */ _onTogglePanel: function () { var mode = this.$el.data('mode') === 'inactive' ? 'match' : 'inactive'; this.trigger_up('change_mode', {'data': mode}); }, /** * @private */ _onSearchBalanceAmount: function () { this.trigger_up('search_balance_amount'); }, /** * @private */ _onShowPanel: function () { var mode = (this.$el.data('mode') === 'inactive' || this.$el.data('mode') === 'match') ? 'create' : 'match'; this.trigger_up('change_mode', {'data': mode}); }, /** * @private */ _onFilterChange: function () { this.trigger_up('change_filter', {'data': _.str.strip($(event.target).val())}); }, /** * @private * @param {keyup event} event */ _onInputKeyup: function (event) { var target_partner_id = $(event.target).parents('[name="partner_id"]'); if (target_partner_id.length === 1) { return; } if(event.keyCode === 13) { var created_lines = _.findWhere(this.model.lines, {mode: 'create'}); if (created_lines && created_lines.balance.amount) { this._onCreateProposition(); } return; } var self = this; for (var fieldName in this.fields) { var field = this.fields[fieldName]; if (!field.$el.is(event.target)) { continue; } this._avoidFieldUpdate[field.name] = event.type !== 'focusout'; field.value = false; field._setValue($(event.target).val()).then(function () { self._avoidFieldUpdate[field.name] = false; }); break; } }, /** * @private */ _onPrevious: function () { this.trigger_up('change_offset', {'data': -1}); }, /** * @private */ _onNext: function () { this.trigger_up('change_offset', {'data': 1}); }, /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onSelectMoveLine: function (event) { var $el = $(event.target) this._destroyPopover($el); var moveLineId = $el.closest('.mv_line').data('line-id'); this.trigger_up('add_proposition', {'data': moveLineId}); }, /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onSelectProposition: function (event) { var $el = $(event.target) this._destroyPopover($el); var moveLineId = $el.closest('.mv_line').data('line-id'); this.trigger_up('remove_proposition', {'data': moveLineId}); }, /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onQuickCreateProposition: function (event) { document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur(); this.trigger_up('quick_create_proposition', {'data': $(event.target).data('reconcile-model-id')}); }, /** * @private */ _onCreateProposition: function () { document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur(); var invalid = []; _.each(this.fields, function (field) { if (!field.isValid()) { invalid.push(field.string); } }); if (invalid.length) { this.do_warn(_("Some fields are undefined"), invalid.join(', ')); return; } this.trigger_up('create_proposition'); }, /** * @private */ _onValidate: function () { this.trigger_up('validate'); }, /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onTogglePartialReconcile: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var popover = $(e.target).data('bs.popover'); popover && popover.destroy(); this.trigger_up('toggle_partial_reconcile'); } }); /** * rendering of the manual reconciliation action contains progress bar, title * and auto reconciliation button */ var ManualRenderer = StatementRenderer.extend({ template: "reconciliation.manual.statement", /** * avoid statement name edition * * @override * @private */ _onClickStatementName: function () {} }); /** * rendering of the manual reconciliation, contains line data, proposition and * view for 'match' mode */ var ManualLineRenderer = LineRenderer.extend({ template: "reconciliation.manual.line", /** * @override * @param {string} handle * @param {number} proposition id (move line id) * @returns {Deferred} */ removeProposition: function (handle, id) { if (!id) { return $.when(); } return this._super(handle, id); }, /** * move the partner field * * @override */ start: function () { var self = this; return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function () { var defs = []; var def; if (self._initialState.partner_id) { def = self._makePartnerRecord(self._initialState.partner_id, self._initialState.partner_name).then(function (recordID) { self.fields.partner_id = new relational_fields.FieldMany2One(self, 'partner_id', self.model.get(recordID), {mode: 'readonly'} ); }); defs.push(def); } else { def = self.model.makeRecord('account.move.line', [{ relation: 'account.account', type: 'many2one', name: 'account_id', value: [self._initialState.account_id.id, self._initialState.account_id.display_name], }]).then(function (recordID) { self.fields.title_account_id = new relational_fields.FieldMany2One(self, 'account_id', self.model.get(recordID), {mode: 'readonly'} ); }); defs.push(def); } return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function () { if (!self.fields.title_account_id) { self.fields.partner_id.$el.prependTo(self.$('.accounting_view thead td:eq(1) span:first')); } else { self.fields.partner_id.destroy(); self.fields.title_account_id.appendTo(self.$('.accounting_view thead td:eq(1) span:first')); } }); }); }, /** * @override */ update: function (state) { this._super(state); var props = _.filter(state.reconciliation_proposition, {'display': true}); if (!props.length) { var $line = $(qweb.render("reconciliation.line.mv_line", {'line': {}, 'state': state})); this.$('.accounting_view tbody').append($line); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * display journal_id field * * @override */ _renderCreate: function (state) { this._super(state); this.$('.create .create_journal_id').show(); this.$('.create .create_journal_id .o_input').addClass('o_required_modifier'); }, }); return { StatementRenderer: StatementRenderer, ManualRenderer: ManualRenderer, LineRenderer: LineRenderer, ManualLineRenderer: ManualLineRenderer, }; });