flectra.define('web_editor.web_editor_tests', function (require) { "use strict"; var FormView = require('web.FormView'); var testUtils = require('web.test_utils'); var core = require('web.core'); var web_editor = require('web_editor.editor'); var _t = core._t; QUnit.module('web_editor', { beforeEach: function() { this.data = { 'mass.mailing': { fields: { display_name: { string: "Displayed name", type: "char" }, body: {string: "Message Body", type: "html"}, }, records: [{ id: 1, display_name: "first record", body: "
", }], onchanges: {}, }, }; } }); QUnit.test('field html widget', function (assert) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect(3); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '', res_id: 1, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.field_body').text(), 'yep', "should have rendered a div with correct content in readonly"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('div[name=body]').attr('style'), 'height: 100px', "should have applied the style correctly"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.note-editable').html(), '
', "should have rendered the field correctly in edit"); // summernote invokes handlers after a setTimeout, so we must wait as well // before destroying the widget (otherwise we'll have a crash later on) setTimeout(function () { form.destroy(); done(); }, 0); }); QUnit.test('field html widget (with options inline-style)', function (assert) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect(3); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '', res_id: 1, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('iframe').length, 1, "should have rendered an iframe without crashing in readonly"); assert.strictEqual(form.$('div[name=body]').attr('style'), 'height: 100px', "should have applied the style correctly"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.note-editable').html(), '
', "should have rendered the field correctly in edit"); // summernote invokes handlers after a setTimeout, so we must wait as well // before destroying the widget (otherwise we'll have a crash later on) setTimeout(function () { form.destroy(); done(); }, 0); }); QUnit.test('field html translatable', function (assert) { assert.expect(3); var multiLang = _t.database.multi_lang; _t.database.multi_lang = true; this.data['mass.mailing'].fields.body.translate = true; var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '', res_id: 1, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (route === '/web/dataset/call_button' && args.method === 'translate_fields') { assert.deepEqual(args.args, ['mass.mailing',1,'body',{}], "should call 'call_button' route"); return $.when(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('.oe_form_field_html_text .o_field_translate').length, 0, "should not have a translate button in readonly mode"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); var $button = form.$('.oe_form_field_html_text .o_field_translate'); assert.strictEqual($button.length, 1, "should have a translate button"); $button.click(); form.destroy(); _t.database.multi_lang = multiLang; }); QUnit.test('field html_frame widget', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '', res_id: 1, session: {user_context: {lang: "en_us"}}, mockRPC: function (route) { if (_.str.startsWith(route, '/logo')) { // those tests will be executed twice, once in readonly and once in edit assert.ok(route.search('model=mass.mailing') > 0, "the route should specify the correct model"); assert.ok(route.search('res_id=1') > 0, "the route should specify the correct id"); return $.when(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); assert.strictEqual(form.$('iframe').length, 1, "should have rendered an iframe without crashing"); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); assert.strictEqual(form.$('iframe').length, 1, "should have rendered an iframe without crashing"); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('field htmlsimple does not crash when commitChanges is called in mode=readonly', function (assert) { assert.expect(1); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 1, intercepts: { execute_action: function () { assert.step('execute_action'); } }, }); form.$('button:contains(Do it)').click(); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('html_frame does not crash when saving in readonly', function (assert) { // The 'Save' action may be triggered even in readonly (e.g. when clicking // on a button in the form view) assert.expect(2); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 1, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method) { assert.step(args.method); } if (_.str.startsWith(route, '/logo')) { // manually call the callback to simulate that the iframe has // been loaded (note: just the content, not the editor) window.odoo[$.deparam(route).callback + '_content'].call(); return $.when(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); form.saveRecord(); // before the fix done in this commit, it crashed here assert.verifySteps(['read']); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('html_frame does not crash when saving in edit mode (editor not loaded)', function (assert) { // The 'Save' action may be triggered when saving in edit mode very fast // so that the editor may be not loaded, even though the content is! assert.expect(2); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 1, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method) { assert.step(args.method); } if (_.str.startsWith(route, '/logo')) { // manually call the callback to simulate that the iframe has // been partially loaded (just the content, not the editor) window.odoo[$.deparam(route).callback + '_content'](); return $.when(); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); form.$('input').val('trululu').trigger('input'); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_save').click(); // crash without editor fully loaded assert.verifySteps(['read']); form.destroy(); }); QUnit.test('html_frame saving in edit mode (editor and content fully loaded)', function (assert) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect(4); var editorBar = new web_editor.Class(); var loadDeferred = $.Deferred(); var writeDeferred = $.Deferred(); var form = testUtils.createView({ View: FormView, model: 'mass.mailing', data: this.data, arch: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', res_id: 1, mockRPC: function (route, args) { if (args.method) { assert.step(args.method); if (args.method === 'write') { writeDeferred.resolve(); } } if (_.str.startsWith(route, '/logo')) { // manually call the callback to simulate that the iframe has // been fully loaded (content + editor) var callback = $.deparam(route).callback; return loadDeferred.then(function () { var contentCallback = window.flectra[callback + '_content']; var editorCallback = window.flectra[callback + '_editor']; if (editorCallback && contentCallback) { contentCallback(); editorCallback(editorBar); } }); } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_edit').click(); form.$('input').val('trululu').trigger('input'); form.$buttons.find('.o_form_button_save').click(); loadDeferred.resolve(); // simulate late loading of html frame assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_char').val(), 'trululu', "should have saved the char field text"); writeDeferred.then( function () { // html_frame is async with write assert.verifySteps(['read', 'write']); form.destroy(); done(); }); }); });