# WSGI Handler sample configuration file. # # Change the appropriate settings below, in order to provide the parameters # that would normally be passed in the command-line. # (at least conf['addons_path']) # # For generic wsgi handlers a global application is defined. # For uwsgi this should work: # $ uwsgi_python --http :9090 --pythonpath . --wsgi-file openerp-wsgi.py # # For gunicorn additional globals need to be defined in the Gunicorn section. # Then the following command should run: # $ gunicorn flectra:service.wsgi_server.application -c openerp-wsgi.py import flectra #---------------------------------------------------------- # Common #---------------------------------------------------------- flectra.multi_process = True # Nah! # Equivalent of --load command-line option flectra.conf.server_wide_modules = ['web'] conf = flectra.tools.config # Path to the OpenERP Addons repository (comma-separated for # multiple locations) conf['addons_path'] = '../../addons/trunk,../../web/trunk/addons' # Optional database config if not using local socket #conf['db_name'] = 'mycompany' #conf['db_host'] = 'localhost' #conf['db_user'] = 'foo' #conf['db_port'] = 5432 #conf['db_password'] = 'secret' #---------------------------------------------------------- # Generic WSGI handlers application #---------------------------------------------------------- application = flectra.service.wsgi_server.application flectra.service.server.load_server_wide_modules() #---------------------------------------------------------- # Gunicorn #---------------------------------------------------------- # Standard OpenERP XML-RPC port is 7073 bind = '' pidfile = '.gunicorn.pid' workers = 4 timeout = 240 max_requests = 2000