# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import re import flectra.tests RE_ONLY = re.compile('QUnit\.only\(') class WebSuite(flectra.tests.HttpCase): post_install = True at_install = False def test_01_js(self): # webclient desktop test suite self.phantom_js('/web/tests?mod=web', "", "", login='admin', timeout=360) def test_02_js(self): # webclient mobile test suite self.phantom_js('/web/tests/mobile?mod=web', "", "", login='admin', timeout=300) def test_check_suite(self): # verify no js test is using `QUnit.only` as it forbid any other test to be executed self._check_only_call('web.qunit_suite') self._check_only_call('web.qunit_mobile_suite') def _check_only_call(self, suite): # As we currently aren't in a request context, we can't render `web.layout`. # redefinied it as a minimal proxy template. self.env.ref('web.layout').write({'arch_db': ''}) for asset in self.env['ir.qweb']._get_asset_content(suite, options={})[0]: filename = asset['filename'] if not filename or asset['atype'] != 'text/javascript': continue with open(filename, 'r') as fp: if RE_ONLY.search(fp.read()): self.fail("`QUnit.only()` used in file %r" % asset['url'])