# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from .common import TestCrmCases from flectra.modules.module import get_module_resource class TestCRMLead(TestCrmCases): def test_crm_lead_cancel(self): # I set a new sales team giving access rights of salesman. team = self.env['crm.team'].sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id).create({'name': "Phone Marketing"}) lead = self.env.ref('crm.crm_case_1') lead.sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id).write({'team_id': team.id}) # Salesmananger check unqualified lead self.assertEqual(lead.stage_id.sequence, 1, 'Lead is in new stage') def test_crm_lead_copy(self): # I make duplicate the Lead self.env.ref('crm.crm_case_4').copy() def test_crm_lead_unlink(self): # Only Sales manager Unlink the Lead so test with Manager's access rights self.env.ref('crm.crm_case_4').sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id).unlink() def test_find_stage(self): # I create a new lead lead = self.env['crm.lead'].create({ 'type': "lead", 'name': "Test lead new", 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id, 'description': "This is the description of the test new lead.", 'team_id': self.env.ref("sales_team.team_sales_department").id }) # I change type from lead to opportunity lead.convert_opportunity(self.env.ref("base.res_partner_2").id) # I check default stage of opportunity self.assertLessEqual(lead.stage_id.sequence, 1, "Default stage of lead is incorrect!") # Now I change the stage of opportunity to won. lead.action_set_won() # I check stage of opp should won, after change stage. stage_id = lead._stage_find(domain=[('probability', '=', 100.0)]) self.assertEqual(stage_id, lead.stage_id, "Stage of opportunity is incorrect!") def test_crm_lead_message(self): # Give the access rights of Salesman to communicate with customer # Customer interested in our product, so he sends request by email to get more details. # Mail script will fetch his request from mail server. Then I process that mail after read EML file. request_file = open(get_module_resource('crm', 'tests', 'customer_request.eml'), 'rb') request_message = request_file.read() self.env['mail.thread'].sudo(self.crm_salesman).message_process('crm.lead', request_message) # After getting the mail, I check details of new lead of that customer lead = self.env['crm.lead'].sudo(self.crm_salesman).search([('email_from', '=', 'Mr. John Right ')], limit=1) self.assertTrue(lead.ids, 'Fail to create merge opportunity wizard') self.assertFalse(lead.partner_id, 'Customer should be a new one') self.assertEqual(lead.name, 'Fournir votre devis avec le meilleur prix.', 'Subject does not match') # I reply his request with welcome message. # TODO revert mail.mail to mail.compose.message (conversion to customer should be automatic). lead = self.env['crm.lead'].search([('email_from', '=', 'Mr. John Right ')], limit=1) mail = self.env['mail.compose.message'].with_context(active_model='crm.lead', active_id=lead.id).create({ 'body': "Merci de votre intérêt pour notre produit, nous vous contacterons bientôt. Bien à vous", 'email_from': 'sales@mycompany.com' }) try: mail.send_mail() except: pass # Now, I convert him into customer and put him into regular customer list lead = self.env['crm.lead'].search([('email_from', '=', 'Mr. John Right ')], limit=1) lead.handle_partner_assignation() def test_crm_lead_merge(self): # During a mixed merge (involving leads and opps), data should be handled a certain way following their type (m2o, m2m, text, ...) Start by creating two leads and an opp and giving the rights of Sales manager. default_stage_id = self.ref("crm.stage_lead1") LeadSalesmanager = self.env['crm.lead'].sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id) # TEST CASE 1 test_crm_opp_01 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'opportunity', 'name': 'Test opportunity 1', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_3").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id, 'description': 'This is the description of the test opp 1.' }) test_crm_lead_01 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'lead', 'name': 'Test lead first', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id, 'description': 'This is the description of the test lead first.' }) test_crm_lead_02 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'lead', 'name': 'Test lead second', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id, 'description': 'This is the description of the test lead second.' }) lead_ids = [test_crm_opp_01.id, test_crm_lead_01.id, test_crm_lead_02.id] additionnal_context = {'active_model': 'crm.lead', 'active_ids': lead_ids, 'active_id': lead_ids[0]} # I create a merge wizard and merge the leads and opp together in the first item of the list. merge_opp_wizard_01 = self.env['crm.merge.opportunity'].sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id).with_context(**additionnal_context).create({}) merge_opp_wizard_01.action_merge() # I check for the resulting merged opp (based on name and partner) merged_lead = self.env['crm.lead'].search([('name', '=', 'Test opportunity 1'), ('partner_id', '=', self.env.ref("base.res_partner_3").id)], limit=1) self.assertTrue(merged_lead, 'Fail to create merge opportunity wizard') self.assertEqual(merged_lead.description, 'This is the description of the test opp 1.\n\nThis is the description of the test lead first.\n\nThis is the description of the test lead second.', 'Description mismatch: when merging leads/opps with different text values, these values should get concatenated and separated with line returns') self.assertEqual(merged_lead.type, 'opportunity', 'Type mismatch: when at least one opp in involved in the merge, the result should be a new opp (instead of %s)' % merged_lead.type) # The other (tailing) leads/opps shouldn't exist anymore self.assertFalse(test_crm_lead_01.exists(), 'This tailing lead (id %s) should not exist anymore' % test_crm_lead_02.id) self.assertFalse(test_crm_lead_02.exists(), 'This tailing opp (id %s) should not exist anymore' % test_crm_opp_01.id) # TEST CASE 2 # I want to test leads merge. Start by creating two leads (with the same partner) test_crm_lead_03 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'lead', 'name': 'Test lead 3', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id }) test_crm_lead_04 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'lead', 'name': 'Test lead 4', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id }) lead_ids = [test_crm_lead_03.id, test_crm_lead_04.id] additionnal_context = {'active_model': 'crm.lead', 'active_ids': lead_ids, 'active_id': lead_ids[0]} # I create a merge wizard and merge the leads together. merge_opp_wizard_02 = self.env['crm.merge.opportunity'].sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id).with_context(**additionnal_context).create({}) merge_opp_wizard_02.action_merge() # I check for the resulting merged lead (based on name and partner) merged_lead = self.env['crm.lead'].search([('name', '=', 'Test lead 3'), ('partner_id', '=', self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id)], limit=1) self.assertTrue(merged_lead, 'Fail to create merge opportunity wizard') self.assertEqual(merged_lead.partner_id.id, self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1").id, 'Partner mismatch') self.assertEqual(merged_lead.type, 'lead', 'Type mismatch: when leads get merged together, the result should be a new lead (instead of %s)' % merged_lead.type) self.assertFalse(test_crm_lead_04.exists(), 'This tailing lead (id %s) should not exist anymore' % test_crm_lead_04.id) # TEST CASE 3 # I want to test opps merge. Start by creating two opportunities (with the same partner). test_crm_opp_02 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'opportunity', 'name': 'Test opportunity 2', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_3").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id }) test_crm_opp_03 = LeadSalesmanager.create({ 'type': 'opportunity', 'name': 'Test opportunity 3', 'partner_id': self.env.ref("base.res_partner_3").id, 'stage_id': default_stage_id }) opportunity_ids = [test_crm_opp_02.id, test_crm_opp_03.id] additionnal_context = {'active_model': 'crm.lead', 'active_ids': opportunity_ids, 'active_id': opportunity_ids[0]} # I create a merge wizard and merge the opps together. merge_opp_wizard_03 = self.env['crm.merge.opportunity'].sudo(self.crm_salemanager.id).with_context(**additionnal_context).create({}) merge_opp_wizard_03.action_merge() merged_opportunity = self.env['crm.lead'].search([('name', '=', 'Test opportunity 2'), ('partner_id', '=', self.env.ref("base.res_partner_3").id)], limit=1) self.assertTrue(merged_opportunity, 'Fail to create merge opportunity wizard') self.assertEqual(merged_opportunity.partner_id.id, self.env.ref("base.res_partner_3").id, 'Partner mismatch') self.assertEqual(merged_opportunity.type, 'opportunity', 'Type mismatch: when opps get merged together, the result should be a new opp (instead of %s)' % merged_opportunity.type) self.assertFalse(test_crm_opp_03.exists(), 'This tailing opp (id %s) should not exist anymore' % test_crm_opp_03.id)