:banner: banners/testing_modules.jpg .. _reference/testing: =============== Testing Modules =============== Flectra provides support for testing modules using unittest. To write tests, simply define a ``tests`` sub-package in your module, it will be automatically inspected for test modules. Test modules should have a name starting with ``test_`` and should be imported from ``tests/__init__.py``, e.g. .. code-block:: text your_module |-- ... `-- tests |-- __init__.py |-- test_bar.py `-- test_foo.py and ``__init__.py`` contains:: from . import test_foo, test_bar .. warning:: test modules which are not imported from ``tests/__init__.py`` will not be run .. versionchanged:: 8.0 previously, the test runner would only run modules added to two lists ``fast_suite`` and ``checks`` in ``tests/__init__.py``. In 8.0 it will run all imported modules The test runner will simply run any test case, as described in the official `unittest documentation`_, but Flectra provides a number of utilities and helpers related to testing Flectra content (modules, mainly): .. autoclass:: flectra.tests.common.TransactionCase :members: browse_ref, ref .. autoclass:: flectra.tests.common.SingleTransactionCase :members: browse_ref, ref .. autoclass:: flectra.tests.common.SavepointCase .. autoclass:: flectra.tests.common.HttpCase :members: browse_ref, ref, url_open, phantom_js By default, tests are run once right after the corresponding module has been installed. Test cases can also be configured to run after all modules have been installed, and not run right after the module installation: .. autofunction:: flectra.tests.common.at_install .. autofunction:: flectra.tests.common.post_install The most common situation is to use :class:`~flectra.tests.common.TransactionCase` and test a property of a model in each method:: class TestModelA(common.TransactionCase): def test_some_action(self): record = self.env['model.a'].create({'field': 'value'}) record.some_action() self.assertEqual( record.field, expected_field_value) # other tests... .. note:: Test methods must start with ``test_`` Running tests ------------- Tests are automatically run when installing or updating modules if :option:`--test-enable ` was enabled when starting the Flectra server. As of Flectra 8, running tests outside of the install/update cycle is not supported. .. _unittest documentation: https://docs.python.org/2/library/unittest.html