{'invisible': ['|','&',('is_abandoned_cart', '=', True), ('cart_recovery_email_sent', '=', False)]}Orderssale.ordertree,form[('team_id.team_type', '=', 'website')]{'show_sale': True, 'search_default_order_confirmed': 1}You don't have any confirmed order from the website.Unpaid Orderssale.ordertree,form[('state', '=', 'sent'), ('team_id.team_type', '=', 'website')]{'show_sale': True, 'create': False}You don't have any unpaid order from the website.Abandoned Cartssale.ordertree,form[('is_abandoned_cart', '=', True)]
Find here all the abandoned carts, i.e. the carts generated by your website's visitors more than one hour ago and not confirmed.
You should send an email to revive them!
Orders To Invoicesale.ordertree,form[('state', 'in', ('sale', 'done')), ('invoice_status', '=', 'to invoice'), ('team_id.team_type', '=', 'website')]{'show_sale': True, 'search_default_order_confirmed': 1, 'create': False}You don't have any order from the website.Send a Cart Recovery Emailir.actions.servercode
if records:
action = records.action_recovery_email_send()
sale.order.formsale.order{'invisible': ['|',('can_directly_mark_as_paid', '=', True), ('state', 'not in', ['sent'])]}