Lead Created crm.lead Lead created Stage Changed crm.lead Stage changed Opportunity Won crm.lead Opportunity won Opportunity Lost crm.lead Opportunity lost Lead Created 10 crm.team team_id Opportunity Stage Changed 11 crm.team team_id Opportunity Won 12 crm.team team_id Opportunity Lost 13 crm.team team_id Lead/Opportunity Mass Mail ${object.partner_id != False and object.partner_id.id} ${(not object.partner_id and object.email_from)|safe} Lead: Reminder admin@example.com ${(object.user_id != False and object.user_id.email)|safe} Reminder: Lead ${object.name} from ${object.partner_id != False and object.partner_id.name or object.contact_name} Hello ${object.user_id and object.user_id.name or ''},

The opportunity ${object.name} did not have any activity since at least 5 days.

%if object.description:

Here is the description about the opportunity :

${object.description} %endif

Thank you!
