# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from flectra.addons.mail.tests.common import TestMail from flectra.tools import mute_logger class TestInvite(TestMail): @mute_logger('flectra.addons.mail.models.mail_mail') def test_invite_email(self): mail_invite = self.env['mail.wizard.invite'].with_context({ 'default_res_model': 'mail.test', 'default_res_id': self.test_pigs.id }).sudo(self.user_employee.id).create({ 'partner_ids': [(4, self.user_portal.partner_id.id), (4, self.partner_1.id)], 'send_mail': True}) mail_invite.add_followers() # Test: Pigs followers should contain Admin, Bert self.assertEqual(self.test_pigs.message_partner_ids, self.user_portal.partner_id | self.partner_1, 'invite wizard: Pigs followers after invite is incorrect, should be Admin + added follower') self.assertEqual(self.test_pigs.message_follower_ids.mapped('channel_id'), self.env['mail.channel'], 'invite wizard: Pigs followers after invite is incorrect, should not have channels') # Test: (pretend to) send email and check subject, body self.assertEqual(len(self._mails), 2, 'invite wizard: sent email number incorrect, should be only for Bert') self.assertEqual(self._mails[0].get('subject'), 'Invitation to follow %s: Pigs' % self.env['mail.test']._description, 'invite wizard: subject of invitation email is incorrect') self.assertEqual(self._mails[1].get('subject'), 'Invitation to follow %s: Pigs' % self.env['mail.test']._description, 'invite wizard: subject of invitation email is incorrect') self.assertIn('%s invited you to follow %s document: Pigs' % (self.user_employee.name, self.env['mail.test']._description), self._mails[0].get('body'), 'invite wizard: body of invitation email is incorrect') self.assertIn('%s invited you to follow %s document: Pigs' % (self.user_employee.name, self.env['mail.test']._description), self._mails[1].get('body'), 'invite wizard: body of invitation email is incorrect')