2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api , fields , models
from flectra . addons import decimal_precision as dp
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
class SaleOrderLine ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " sale.order.line "
margin = fields . Float ( compute = ' _product_margin ' , digits = dp . get_precision ( ' Product Price ' ) , store = True )
purchase_price = fields . Float ( string = ' Cost ' , digits = dp . get_precision ( ' Product Price ' ) )
def _compute_margin ( self , order_id , product_id , product_uom_id ) :
frm_cur = self . env . user . company_id . currency_id
to_cur = order_id . pricelist_id . currency_id
purchase_price = product_id . standard_price
if product_uom_id != product_id . uom_id :
purchase_price = product_id . uom_id . _compute_price ( purchase_price , product_uom_id )
ctx = self . env . context . copy ( )
ctx [ ' date ' ] = order_id . date_order
price = frm_cur . with_context ( ctx ) . compute ( purchase_price , to_cur , round = False )
return price
def _get_purchase_price ( self , pricelist , product , product_uom , date ) :
frm_cur = self . env . user . company_id . currency_id
to_cur = pricelist . currency_id
purchase_price = product . standard_price
if product_uom != product . uom_id :
purchase_price = product . uom_id . _compute_price ( purchase_price , product_uom )
ctx = self . env . context . copy ( )
ctx [ ' date ' ] = date
price = frm_cur . with_context ( ctx ) . compute ( purchase_price , to_cur , round = False )
return { ' purchase_price ' : price }
@api.onchange ( ' product_id ' , ' product_uom ' )
def product_id_change_margin ( self ) :
if not self . order_id . pricelist_id or not self . product_id or not self . product_uom :
self . purchase_price = self . _compute_margin ( self . order_id , self . product_id , self . product_uom )
def create ( self , vals ) :
vals . update ( self . _prepare_add_missing_fields ( vals ) )
# Calculation of the margin for programmatic creation of a SO line. It is therefore not
# necessary to call product_id_change_margin manually
if ' purchase_price ' not in vals :
order_id = self . env [ ' sale.order ' ] . browse ( vals [ ' order_id ' ] )
product_id = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . browse ( vals [ ' product_id ' ] )
product_uom_id = self . env [ ' product.uom ' ] . browse ( vals [ ' product_uom ' ] )
vals [ ' purchase_price ' ] = self . _compute_margin ( order_id , product_id , product_uom_id )
return super ( SaleOrderLine , self ) . create ( vals )
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' purchase_price ' , ' product_uom_qty ' , ' price_unit ' , ' price_subtotal ' )
def _product_margin ( self ) :
for line in self :
currency = line . order_id . pricelist_id . currency_id
price = line . purchase_price
if not price :
from_cur = line . env . user . company_id . currency_id . with_context ( date = line . order_id . date_order )
price = from_cur . compute ( line . product_id . standard_price , currency , round = False )
line . margin = currency . round ( line . price_subtotal - ( price * line . product_uom_qty ) )
class SaleOrder ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " sale.order "
margin = fields . Monetary ( compute = ' _product_margin ' , help = " It gives profitability by calculating the difference between the Unit Price and the cost. " , currency_field = ' currency_id ' , digits = dp . get_precision ( ' Product Price ' ) , store = True )
@api.depends ( ' order_line.margin ' )
def _product_margin ( self ) :
for order in self :
order . margin = sum ( order . order_line . filtered ( lambda r : r . state != ' cancel ' ) . mapped ( ' margin ' ) )