2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
flectra.define('calendar.tests', function (require) {
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
"use strict";
var FormView = require('web.FormView');
var testUtils = require("web.test_utils");
var createView = testUtils.createView;
QUnit.module('calendar', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
event: {
fields: {
partner_ids: {string: "Partners", type: "many2many", relation: "partner"},
records: [{
id: 14,
partner_ids: [1, 2],
partner: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Name", type: "char"},
records: [{
id: 1,
name: "Jesus",
}, {
id: 2,
name: "Mahomet",
}, function () {
QUnit.test("many2manyattendee widget: basic rendering", function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'event',
data: this.data,
res_id: 14,
'<form>' +
'<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2manyattendee"/>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'get_attendee_detail') {
assert.strictEqual(args.model, 'res.partner',
"the method should only be called on res.partner");
assert.deepEqual(args.args[0], [1, 2],
"the partner ids should be passed as argument");
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1], 14,
"the event id should be passed as argument");
return $.when([
[1, "Jesus", "accepted", 0],
[2, "Mahomet", "needsAction", 0],
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name="partner_ids"] > span').length, 2,
"there should be 2 tags");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name="partner_ids"] > span:first').text().trim(), "Jesus",
"the tag should be correctly named");
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_widget[name="partner_ids"] > span:first .o_calendar_invitation').hasClass('accepted'),
"Jesus should attend the meeting");
assert.strictEqual(form.$('.o_field_widget[name="partner_ids"] > span[data-id="2"]').text().trim(), "Mahomet",
"the tag should be correctly named");
assert.ok(form.$('.o_field_widget[name="partner_ids"] > span[data-id="2"] .o_calendar_invitation').hasClass('needsAction'),
"Mohamet should still confirm his attendance to the meeting");