2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
<flectra >
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<template id= "assets_frontend" inherit_id= "website.assets_frontend" name= "Website Quote frontend assets" >
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<xpath expr= "." position= "inside" >
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<template id= "pricing" name= "Price" >
<section id= "quote" >
<h1 class= "page-header" > Pricing</h1>
<t t-foreach= "quotation.order_lines_layouted()" t-as= "page" >
<table class= "table wq-table" >
<thead >
<tr >
<th > Products</th>
<th > Quantity</th>
<th > <span t-if= "any([line.tax_id for line in quotation.order_line])" > Taxes</span> </th>
<th > <span t-if= "True in [line.discount > 0 for line in quotation.order_line]" > Discount</span> </th>
<th class= "text-right" > Unit Price</th>
<th class= "text-right" groups= "sale.group_show_price_subtotal" > Amount</th>
<th class= "text-right price_tax_included" groups= "sale.group_show_price_total" > Total Price</th>
<th > </th>
<tbody >
<t t-foreach= "page" t-as= "layout_category" >
<t t-if= "layout_category_size > 1 or page_size > 1" groups= "sale.group_sale_layout" >
<tr class= "active" >
<td colspan= "7" style= "font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid black;" > & bull;
<t t-esc= "layout_category['name']" />
<!-- Lines associated -->
<t t-foreach= "layout_category['lines']" t-as= "line" >
<tr >
<td >
<span t-field= "line.name" />
<td >
<div id= "quote_qty" >
<span t-field= "line.product_uom_qty" />
<span t-field= "line.product_uom" />
<td >
<div t-foreach= "line.tax_id" t-as= "tax" >
<t t-esc= "tax.name" />
<td >
<strong t-if= "line.discount" class= "text-info" >
<t t-esc= "((line.discount % 1) and '%s' or '%d') % line.discount" /> % discount
<td class= "text-right" >
<div t-field= "line.price_unit"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'
t-att-style="line.discount and 'text-decoration: line-through' or None"
t-att-class="(line.discount and 'text-danger' or '') + ' text-right'"/>
<div t-if= "line.discount" >
<t t-esc= "(1-line.discount / 100.0) * line.price_unit" t-options= '{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}' />
<td class= "text-right" groups= "sale.group_show_price_subtotal" >
<span t-field= "line.price_subtotal"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/>
<td class= "text-right" groups= "sale.group_show_price_total" >
<span t-field= "line.price_total"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/>
<td class= "text-center" >
<a t-attf-href= "./update_line/#{ line.id }/?order_id=#{ quotation.id }&unlink=True&token=#{ quotation.access_token }" class= "mb8 js_update_line_json hidden-print" t-if= "line.option_line_id" >
<span class= "fa fa-trash-o" > </span>
<t t-if= "(layout_category_size > 1 or page_size > 1) and layout_category['subtotal']" groups= "sale.group_sale_layout" >
<tr >
<td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td>
<td class= "text-right" style= "padding-bottom: 32px" > <strong > Subtotal:</strong> </td>
<td class= "text-right" style= "padding-bottom: 32px" >
<t t-set= "subtotal" t-value= "sum(line.price_subtotal for line in layout_category['lines'])" />
<strong data-id= "total_amount" t-esc= "subtotal" t-options= "{'widget': 'monetary', 'display_currency': quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}" />
<td > </td>
<t t-if= "page_index == page_size - 1" >
<t t-if= "any([line.tax_id for line in quotation.order_line])" >
<tr >
<td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td>
<td class= "text-right" > <strong > Subtotal:</strong> </td>
<td class= "text-right" >
<strong data-id= "total_amount" t-field= "quotation.amount_untaxed" t-options= '{"widget": "monetary","display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}' />
<td > </td>
<tr >
<td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td>
<td class= "text-right" > Taxes:</td>
<td class= "text-right" >
<span data-id= "total_amount" t-field= "quotation.amount_tax" t-options= '{"widget": "monetary","display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}' />
<td > </td>
<tr >
<td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td> <td > </td>
<td class= "text-right" > <strong > Total:</strong> </td>
<td class= "text-right" >
<strong data-id= "total_amount" t-field= "quotation.amount_total" t-options= '{"widget": "monetary","display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}' />
<td > </td>
<t t-if= "page_index < page_size - 1" groups= "sale.group_sale_layout" >
<p style= "page-break-before:always;" > </p>
<section id= "terms" class= "container" t-if= "quotation.note" >
<h2 class= "page-header" > Terms & Conditions</h2>
<p t-field= "quotation.note" />
<template id= "change_quantity" inherit_id= "website_quote.pricing" active= "False" customize_show= "True" name= "Change Quantity" >
<xpath expr= "//div[@id='quote_qty']" position= "replace" >
<div class= "input-group oe_website_spinner" >
<span class= "input-group-addon hidden-print" >
<a t-attf-href= "./update_line/#{ line.id }/?order_id=#{ quotation.id }&remove=True&token=#{ quotation.access_token }" class= "mb8 js_update_line_json" >
<span class= "fa fa-minus" />
<input type= "text" class= "js_quantity form-control" t-att-data-id= "line.id" t-att-value= "line.product_uom_qty" />
<span class= "input-group-addon hidden-print" >
<a t-attf-href= "./update_line/#{ line.id }/?order_id=#{ quotation.id }&token=#{ quotation.access_token }" class= "mb8 js_update_line_json" >
<span class= "fa fa-plus" />
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
<!-- duplicata of the template payment.payment_confirmation_status.
The duplication avoid to break an existing installation in stable version-->
<template id= "payment_confirmation_status" >
<div t-if= "payment_tx_id and payment_tx_id.state == 'done'" class= "alert alert-success alert-dismissable" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.done_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.done_msg" />
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.post_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.post_msg" />
<div t-if= "payment_tx_id and payment_tx_id.state == 'pending'" class= "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.pending_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.pending_msg" />
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.post_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.post_msg" />
<div t-if= "payment_tx_id and payment_tx_id.state == 'cancel'" class= "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.cancel_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.cancel_msg" />
<div t-if= "payment_tx_id and payment_tx_id.state == 'error'" class= "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.error_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.error_msg" />
<div t-if= "payment_tx_id and payment_tx_id.state == 'authorized'" class= "alert alert-success alert-dismissable" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
Your payment has been authorized.
<span t-if= 'payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.post_msg' t-raw= "payment_tx_id.acquirer_id.post_msg" />
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<!-- Complete page of the quotation -->
<template id= "so_quotation" name= "Product Quotation" >
<t t-call= "portal.portal_layout" >
<t t-set= "sales_order" t-value= "quotation" /> <!-- rename to ensure breadcrumb compatibility with website_portal_sale's portal_layout inheritance -->
<body data-spy= "scroll" data-target= ".navspy" data-offset= "50" >
<div class= "container o_website_quote" >
<div class= "row mt16" >
<!-- Sidebar -->
<div class= "col-md-3 hidden-print" >
<div class= "bs-sidebar" >
<div class= "text-center" t-if= "quotation.state in ('draft', 'sent', 'waiting_date')" style= "padding: 10px" >
<a t-if= "order_valid and not quotation.require_payment" class= "btn btn-primary btn-block" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modalaccept" >
<i class= "fa fa-check" > </i> Accept Order
<a t-if= "order_valid and quotation.require_payment" class= "btn btn-primary btn-block" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modalaccept" >
<i class= "fa fa-check" > </i> Accept & Pay
<a t-if= "not order_valid" href= "#discussion" class= "btn btn-info btn-block o_normalwhitespace" >
<strong > This offer expired!</strong> <br />
Contact us for new quote.
<div class= "mt8" t-if= "order_valid" >
<a data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modaldecline" >
<div class= "text-center" t-if= "need_payment or (quotation.state in ('sale') and quotation.require_payment and tx_state != 'done')" style= "padding: 10px" >
<a class= "btn btn-primary btn-block" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modalaccept" >
<i class= "fa fa-check" > </i> Pay Now
<hr class= "mt0 mb0" />
<t t-call= "website_quote.navigation_menu" />
<hr class= "mt0 mb0" />
<div t-if= "order_valid and quotation.state in ['draft', 'sent']" class= "text-center" >
<input type= "hidden" t-att-value= "quotation.validity_date" id= "validity_date" />
<div class= "mt8" t-if= "days_valid > 0" >
<strong > This offer expires in</strong>
<div class= "day_counter mt8 mb16" >
<i class= "fa fa-clock-o" > </i>
<t t-esc= "days_valid" />
<t t-if= "days_valid > 1" >
<t t-if= "days_valid <= 1" >
<div class= "text-center mb16" t-if= "quotation.amount_undiscounted > quotation.amount_untaxed" >
<p class= "text-muted mb8" > Your advantage:</p>
<t t-if= "quotation.amount_untaxed == quotation.amount_total" >
<strong t-field= "quotation.amount_total"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/>
<strong t-field= "quotation.amount_undiscounted"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'
style="text-decoration: line-through"
<t t-if= "quotation.amount_untaxed != quotation.amount_total" >
<strong t-field= "quotation.amount_untaxed"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/>
<strong t-field= "quotation.amount_undiscounted"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'
style="text-decoration: line-through"
<br />
(<span t-field= "quotation.amount_total"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/> Incl. tax)
<!-- Page content -->
<div id= "quote_content" class= "col-md-9" >
<div class= "alert alert-success alert-dismissable" t-if= "message==1" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
Your message has been successfully sent!
<div class= "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" t-if= "message==2" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
This quotation has been rejected. <a href= "#discussion" > Contact us</a> if you want a new one.
<div class= "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" t-if= "message==3" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & t imes;</button>
This order has been validated. Thanks for your trust
and do not hesitate to <a href= "#discussion" > contact us</a> for
any question.
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
<t t-if= "payment_tx" >
<t t-set= "payment_tx_id" t-value= "payment_tx" />
<t t-call= "website_quote.payment_confirmation_status" />
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<div class= "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable" t-if= "message==4 and quotation.state != 'sent'" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
This order
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
<t t-if= "quotation.state=='draft'" > has not yet been sent!</t>
<t t-if= "quotation.state=='cancel'" > has already been cancelled!</t>
<t t-if= "quotation.state not in ('cancel','draft')" > has already been validated!</t>
You can <a href= "#discussion" > contact us</a> for
any questions.
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<!-- modal relative to the actions Accept/Reject/Cancel -->
<div class= "modal fade" id= "modalaccept" role= "dialog" aria-hidden= "true" >
<div class= "modal-dialog" t-if= "not quotation.require_payment and not need_payment" >
<form id= "accept" method= "POST" t-att-data-order-id= "quotation.id" t-att-data-token= "quotation.access_token" class= "js_accept_json modal-content js_website_submit_form" >
<input type= "hidden" name= "csrf_token" t-att-value= "request.csrf_token()" />
<div class= "modal-header" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "modal" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<h4 class= "modal-title" > Validate Order</h4>
<div class= "modal-body" id= "sign-dialog" >
<p >
<span > I agree that by signing this proposal, I
accept it on the behalf of </span> <b t-field= "quotation.partner_id.commercial_partner_id" /> <span > , for an amount of </span>
<b data-id= "total_amount" t-field= "quotation.amount_total"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/>
<span > with payment terms: </span> <b t-field= "quotation.payment_term_id" /> .
<t t-call= "portal.portal_signature" >
<t t-set= "object" t-value= "quotation" />
<t t-set= "partner_name" t-value= "quotation.partner_id.name" />
<t t-set= "callUrl" t-value= "'/my/quotes/accept'" />
<t t-set= "accessToken" t-value= "quotation.access_token" />
<div class= "modal-dialog modal-content" t-if= "quotation.require_payment or need_payment" >
<div class= "modal-header" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "modal" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<h4 class= "modal-title" > Validate Order</h4>
<div class= "modal-body" id= "sign-dialog" >
<p >
<span > I agree that by paying this proposal, I
accept it on the behalf of </span> <b t-field= "quotation.partner_id.commercial_partner_id" /> <span > , for an amount of </span>
<b data-id= "total_amount" t-field= "quotation.amount_total"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'/>
<span > with payment terms: </span> <b t-field= "quotation.payment_term_id" /> .
<div class= "modal-footer" >
<div t-if= "pms or s2s_acquirers or form_acquirers" id= "payment_method" class= "text-left col-md-13" >
<h3 class= "mb24" > Pay with</h3>
<t t-call= "payment.payment_tokens_list" >
<t t-set= "mode" t-value= "'payment'" />
<t t-set= "submit_txt" t-value= "'Pay & Confirm'" />
<t t-set= "icon_class" t-value= "'fa-lock'" />
<t t-set= "form_action" t-value= "'/quote/' + str(quotation.id) + '/transaction/token'" />
<t t-set= "prepare_tx_url" t-value= "'/quote/' + str(quotation.id) + '/transaction/'" />
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
<t t-set= "access_token" t-value= "quotation.access_token" />
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<div class= "modal fade" id= "modaldecline" role= "dialog" aria-hidden= "true" >
<div class= "modal-dialog" >
<form id= "decline" method= "POST" t-attf-action= "/quote/#{quotation.id}/#{quotation.access_token}/decline" class= "modal-content" >
<input type= "hidden" name= "csrf_token" t-att-value= "request.csrf_token()" />
<div class= "modal-header" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "modal" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<h4 class= "modal-title" > Reject This Quote</h4>
<div class= "modal-body" >
<p >
Tell us why you are refusing this quotation, this will help us improve our services.
<textarea rows= "4" name= "decline_message" placeholder= "Your feedback....." class= "form-control" />
<div class= "modal-footer" >
<button type= "submit" t-att-id= "quotation.id" class= "btn btn-primary" > Reject</button>
<button type= "button" class= "btn btn-default" data-dismiss= "modal" > Cancel</button>
<div class= "alert alert-warning alert-dismissable hidden-print" t-if= "quotation.state == 'cancel'" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<strong > This quotation has been canceled.</strong> Contact us to get a new quote.
<t t-call= "website_quote.so_quotation_content" />
<div class= "text-center hidden-print mt16 mb16" id= "quotation_toolbar" t-if= "quotation.state in ('draft', 'sent', 'waiting_date')" >
<a class= "btn btn-success" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modalaccept" t-if= "order_valid and not quotation.require_payment" >
<i class= "fa fa-check" > </i> Accept
<a class= "btn btn-success" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modalaccept" t-if= "order_valid and quotation.require_payment" >
<i class= "fa fa-check" > </i> Accept & Pay
<a class= "btn btn-danger" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modaldecline" >
<i class= "fa fa-times" > </i> Reject
<div class= "text-center" t-if= "need_payment or (quotation.state in ('sale') and quotation.require_payment and tx_state != 'done')" style= "padding: 10px" >
<a class= "btn btn-primary" data-toggle= "modal" data-target= "#modalaccept" >
<i class= "fa fa-check" > </i> Pay Now
</div> <!-- //col - md - 9 -->
<template id= "chatter" name= "Allow Comments & History" customize_show= "True" inherit_id= "website_quote.so_quotation" >
<xpath expr= "//div[@id='quote_content']" position= "inside" >
<h1 class= "page-header" > History</h1>
<!-- Options:Quotation Chatter: user can reply -->
<t t-call= "portal.message_thread" >
<t t-set= "object" t-value= "quotation" />
<xpath expr= "//a[@data-target='#modaldecline']" position= "before" >
<a type= "submit" href= "#discussion" >
Ask Changes
<xpath expr= "//div[@id='quotation_toolbar']/a[@data-target='#modaldecline']" position= "before" >
<a class= "btn btn-info" type= "submit" href= "#discussion" >
<i class= "fa fa-comment" > </i> Feedback
Quotation content : intro, informations, order lines, remarks, descriptions ....
This template should contains all the printable element of the SO. This is the
template rendered in PDF with the report engine.
<template id= "so_quotation_content" name= "Quotation Content" >
<!-- Intro -->
<div id= "introduction" class= "page-header mt16" >
<h1 >
<t t-if= "quotation.state in ('draft','sent','cancel')" > Your Quotation</t>
<t t-if= "quotation.state not in ('draft','sent','cancel')" > Your Order</t>
<em t-esc= "quotation.name" />
<small t-field= "quotation.state" />
<div t-ignore= "true" class= "pull-right css_editable_mode_hidden hidden-print" >
<ul class= "list-inline" >
<li groups= "sales_team.group_sale_salesman" >
<a t-if= "quotation.state not in ('manual')" class= "btn btn-info" t-att-href= "'/web#return_label=Website&model=%s&id=%s&action=%s&view_type=form' % (quotation._name, quotation.id, action)" > Edit Quote</a>
<a t-if= "quotation.state in ('manual')" class= " btn btn-info" t-att-href= "'/web#return_label=Website&model=%s&id=%s&action=%s&view_type=form' % (quotation._name, quotation.id, action)" > Back to Sales Order</a>
<li >
<a class= "btn btn-info" target= "_blank" t-att-href= "'/quote/%s/%s' % (quotation.id,quotation.access_token)+'?pdf=True'" > Print</a>
<li >
<t t-call= 'portal.record_pager' />
<!-- Informations -->
<div class= "row mt32" >
<div class= "col-md-6 col-xs-6" >
<div class= "row" >
<label class= "col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-right" > Customer:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-8 col-xs-8" >
<div t-field= "quotation.partner_id" />
<div class= "row" >
<label class= "col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-right" > Bill To:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-8 col-xs-8" >
<div t-field= "quotation.partner_invoice_id" t-options= '{
"widget": "contact",
"fields": ["address", "name", "phone", "email"]
<div t-if= "quotation.partner_shipping_id.id != quotation.partner_invoice_id.id" class= "row" >
<label class= "col-sm-4 col-xs-4 text-right" > Ship To:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-8 col-xs-8" >
<div t-field= "quotation.partner_shipping_id" t-options= '{
"widget": "contact",
"fields": ["address", "name", "phone"]
<div class= "col-md-6 col-xs-6" >
<div class= "row" >
<label class= "col-sm-5 col-xs-5 text-right" > Your Contact:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-7 col-xs-7" >
<div t-field= "quotation.user_id" t-options= '{
"widget": "contact",
"fields": ["name", "phone", "email"]
<div class= "row" >
<label class= "col-sm-5 col-xs-5 text-right" > Quote Date:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-7 col-xs-7" >
<span t-field= "quotation.date_order" />
<div class= "clearfix" />
<div t-if= "quotation.validity_date and quotation.state in ['draft', 'sent']" >
<label class= "col-sm-5 col-xs-5 text-right" > Expiration Date:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-7 col-xs-7" >
<span t-field= "quotation.validity_date" />
<div class= "clearfix" />
<div t-if= "quotation.client_order_ref" >
<label class= "col-sm-5 col-xs-5 text-right" > Your Reference:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-7 col-xs-7" >
<span t-field= "quotation.client_order_ref" />
<div class= "clearfix" />
<div t-if= "quotation.payment_term_id" >
<label class= "col-sm-5 col-xs-5 text-right" > Payment Terms:</label>
<div class= "col-sm-7 col-xs-7" >
<span t-field= "quotation.payment_term_id" />
<!-- Descriptions -->
<div t-field= "quotation.website_description" class= "oe_no_empty" />
<t t-foreach= "quotation.order_line" t-as= "line" >
<a t-att-id= "line.id" />
<div t-att-class= "'oe_no_empty' if line.website_description else 'oe_no_empty hidden-print'" t-field= "line.website_description" />
<div class= "oe_structure" />
<!-- Pricing -->
<t t-call= "website_quote.pricing" />
<!-- Options -->
<t t-call= "website_quote.optional_products" />
<template id= "navigation_menu" >
<div class= "navspy" t-ignore= "true" role= "complementary" >
<ul class= "nav bs-sidenav" data-id= "quote_sidebar" >
<li > <a href= "#introduction" > Introduction</a> </li>
<template id= "optional_products" >
<t t-if= "any([(not option.line_id) for option in quotation.options])" >
<section >
<h1 class= "page-header" > Suggested Products</h1>
<section >
<table class= "table table-hover wq-table" >
<thead >
<tr >
<th > Product</th>
<th > </th>
<th class= "text-right" > Price</th>
<th > </th>
<tbody >
<tr t-foreach= "quotation.options" t-as= "option" >
<t t-if= "not option.line_id" >
<td >
<div t-field= "option.name" />
<td >
<strong t-if= "option.discount" class= "text-info" >
<t t-esc= "((option.discount % 1) and '%s' or '%d') % option.discount" /> % discount
<td >
<strong class= "text-right" >
<div t-field= "option.price_unit"
t-options='{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}'
t-att-style="option.discount and 'text-decoration: line-through' or None"
t-att-class="option.discount and 'text-danger' or None"/>
<div t-if= "option.discount" >
<t t-esc= "(1-option.discount / 100.0) * option.price_unit" t-options= '{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": quotation.pricelist_id.currency_id}' />
<td class= "text-center" t-if= "quotation.state in ['draft', 'sent']" >
<a t-attf-href= "/quote/add_line/#{ option.id }/#{ quotation.id }/#{ quotation.access_token }" class= "mb8 hidden-print" >
<span class= "fa fa-shopping-cart" />
<!-- Template to edit the quotation template with the website editor -->
<template id= "so_template" name= "SO Template" >
<t t-call= "website.layout" >
<body data-spy= "scroll" data-target= ".navspy" data-offset= "50" >
<div class= "container o_website_quote" >
<div class= "row mt16" >
<div class= "col-md-3 hidden-print" >
<div class= "bs-sidebar" >
<div class= "navspy" role= "complementary" t-ignore= "True" >
<ul class= "nav bs-sidenav" data-id= "quote_sidebar" />
<div class= "col-md-9" >
<div class= "row" >
<div t-ignore= "true" class= "css_editable_mode_hidden col-md-offset-11" >
<a class= "btn btn-info hidden-print" t-att-href= "'/web#return_label=Website&model=%s&id=%s&action=%s&view_type=form' % (template._name, template.id, request.env.ref('website_quote.action_sale_quotation_template').id)" > Back</a>
<div class= "alert alert-info alert-dismissable" t-ignore= "True" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
<p >
<strong > Template Header:</strong> this content
will appear on all quotations using this
<p class= "text-muted" >
Titles with style <i > Heading 1</i> and
<i > Heading 2</i> will be used to generate the
table of content automatically.
<div id= "template_introduction" t-field= "template.website_description" class= "oe_no_empty" />
<t t-foreach= "template.quote_line" t-as= "line" >
<div class= "alert alert-info alert-dismissable" t-ignore= "True" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
Product: <strong t-esc= "line.product_id.name" /> :
this content will appear on the quotation only if this
product is put on the quote.
<div t-field= "line.website_description" class= "oe_no_empty" />
<t t-foreach= "template.options" t-as= "option_line" >
<div class= "alert alert-info alert-dismissable" t-ignore= "True" >
<button type= "button" class= "close" data-dismiss= "alert" aria-hidden= "true" > & times;</button>
Optional Product: <strong t-esc= "option_line.product_id.name" /> :
this content will appear on the quotation only if this
product is used in the quote.
<div t-field= "option_line.website_description" class= "oe_no_empty" />
<section id= "terms" class= "container" t-if= "template.note" >
<h1 t-ignore= "True" > Terms & Conditions</h1>
<p t-field= "template.note" />
<template id= "website.layout_footer_copyright" inherit_id= "website.layout" name= "Footer Copyright" >
<xpath expr= "//footer" position= "inside" >
<div class= "container mt16 mb8" >
2018-07-13 11:51:12 +02:00
<!-- <div class="pull - right" t - ignore="true" t - if="not editable">
2018-10-15 11:59:04 +02:00
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href="http://www.flectrahq.com/page/website-builder">Flectra</a> ,
an awesome <a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.flectrahq.com/page/crm" > Open Source CRM</a> .
2018-01-30 11:14:17 +01:00
</div> -->
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
<div class= "pull-left text-muted" >
Copyright & copy; <span t-field= "res_company.name" > Company name</span>
<template id= "portal_my_quotations_inherit_quote" inherit_id= "sale.portal_my_quotations" >
<xpath expr= "//t[@t-foreach='quotations']/tr/td/a" position= "replace" >
<t t-if= "quotation.template_id and quotation.template_id.active" >
<a t-attf-href= "/quote/#{quotation.id}?#{keep_query()}" > <t t-esc= "quotation.name" /> </a>
<t t-else= "" >
<a t-attf-href= "/my/orders/#{quotation.id}?#{keep_query()}" > <t t-esc= "quotation.name" /> </a>
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00