2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
flectra.define('web.kanban_mobile_tests', function (require) {
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
"use strict";
var KanbanView = require('web.KanbanView');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var createView = testUtils.createView;
QUnit.module('Views', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
foo: {string: "Foo", type: "char"},
bar: {string: "Bar", type: "boolean"},
int_field: {string: "int_field", type: "integer", sortable: true},
qux: {string: "my float", type: "float"},
product_id: {string: "something_id", type: "many2one", relation: "product"},
category_ids: { string: "categories", type: "many2many", relation: 'category'},
state: { string: "State", type: "selection", selection: [["abc", "ABC"], ["def", "DEF"], ["ghi", "GHI"]]},
date: {string: "Date Field", type: 'date'},
datetime: {string: "Datetime Field", type: 'datetime'},
records: [
{id: 1, bar: true, foo: "yop", int_field: 10, qux: 0.4, product_id: 3, state: "abc", category_ids: []},
{id: 2, bar: true, foo: "blip", int_field: 9, qux: 13, product_id: 5, state: "def", category_ids: [6]},
{id: 3, bar: true, foo: "gnap", int_field: 17, qux: -3, product_id: 3, state: "ghi", category_ids: [7]},
{id: 4, bar: false, foo: "blip", int_field: -4, qux: 9, product_id: 5, state: "ghi", category_ids: []},
{id: 5, bar: false, foo: "Hello \"World\"! #peace_n'_love", int_field: -9, qux: 10, state: "jkl", category_ids: []},
product: {
fields: {
id: {string: "ID", type: "integer"},
name: {string: "Display Name", type: "char"},
records: [
{id: 3, name: "hello"},
{id: 5, name: "xmo"},
category: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Category Name", type: "char"},
color: {string: "Color index", type: "integer"},
records: [
{id: 6, name: "gold", color: 2},
{id: 7, name: "silver", color: 5},
}, function () {
QUnit.module('KanbanView Mobile');
QUnit.test('mobile grouped rendering', function (assert) {
var kanban = createView({
View: KanbanView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<kanban class="o_kanban_test o_kanban_small_column" on_create="quick_create">' +
'<templates><t t-name="kanban-box">' +
'<div><field name="foo"/></div>' +
'</t></templates>' +
domain: [['product_id', '!=', false]],
groupBy: ['product_id'],
// basic rendering tests
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 2, "should have 2 columns" );
"first tab is the active tab with class 'o_current'");
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first > div.o_kanban_record').length, 2,
"there are 2 records in active tab");
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth(1) > div.o_kanban_record').length, 0,
"there is no records in next tab. Records will be loaded when it will be opened");
// quick create in first column
assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth(0) > div:nth(1)').hasClass('o_kanban_quick_create'),
"clicking on create should open the quick_create in the first column");
// move to second column
"second tab is now active with class 'o_current'");
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth(1) > div.o_kanban_record').length, 2,
"the 2 records of the second group have now been loaded");
// quick create in second column
assert.ok(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:nth(1) > div:nth(1)').hasClass('o_kanban_quick_create'),
"clicking on create should open the quick_create in the second column");
// kanban column should match kanban mobile tabs
var column_ids = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').map(function(){ return $(this).data('id') }).get();
var tab_ids = kanban.$('.o_kanban_mobile_tab').map(function(){ return $(this).data('id') }).get();
assert.deepEqual(column_ids, tab_ids, "all columns data-id should match mobile tabs data-id");
QUnit.test('mobile grouped with undefined column', function (assert) {
var kanban = createView({
View: KanbanView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<kanban class="o_kanban_test o_kanban_small_column">' +
'<templates><t t-name="kanban-box">' +
'<div><field name="foo"/></div>' +
'</t></templates>' +
groupBy: ['product_id'],
// first column should be undefined with framework unique identifier
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 3, "should have 3 columns" );
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group:first-child[data-id^="partner_"]').length, 1,
"Undefined column should be first and have unique framework identifier as data-id")
// kanban column should match kanban mobile tabs
var column_ids = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').map(function(){ return $(this).data('id') }).get();
var tab_ids = kanban.$('.o_kanban_mobile_tab').map(function(){ return $(this).data('id') }).get();
assert.deepEqual(column_ids, tab_ids, "all columns data-id should match mobile tabs data-id");
QUnit.test('mobile grouped on many2one rendering', function (assert) {
var kanban = createView({
View: KanbanView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<kanban class="o_kanban_test o_kanban_small_column">' +
'<templates><t t-name="kanban-box">' +
'<div><field name="foo"/></div>' +
'</t></templates>' +
groupBy: ['foo'],
// basic rendering tests
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').length, 4, "should have 4 columns" );
assert.strictEqual(kanban.$('.o_kanban_group[data-id^="partner_"]').length, 4,
"all column should have framework unique identifiers");
// kanban column should match kanban mobile tabs
var column_ids = kanban.$('.o_kanban_group').map(function(){ return $(this).data('id') }).get();
var tab_ids = kanban.$('.o_kanban_mobile_tab').map(function(){ return $(this).data('id') }).get();
assert.deepEqual(column_ids, tab_ids, "all columns data-id should match mobile tabs data-id");