2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
import logging
from datetime import datetime , timedelta , date
from dateutil . relativedelta import relativedelta
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
from flectra import api , fields , models , tools , SUPERUSER_ID
from flectra . tools . translate import _
from flectra . tools import email_re , email_split
from flectra . exceptions import UserError , AccessError
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
from . import crm_stage
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
' name ' ,
' partner_id ' ,
' campaign_id ' ,
' company_id ' ,
' country_id ' ,
' team_id ' ,
' state_id ' ,
' stage_id ' ,
' medium_id ' ,
' source_id ' ,
' user_id ' ,
' title ' ,
' city ' ,
' contact_name ' ,
' description ' ,
' mobile ' ,
' partner_name ' ,
' phone ' ,
' probability ' ,
' planned_revenue ' ,
' street ' ,
' street2 ' ,
' zip ' ,
' create_date ' ,
' date_action_last ' ,
' email_from ' ,
' email_cc ' ,
' website ' ,
' partner_name ' ]
class Lead ( models . Model ) :
_name = " crm.lead "
_description = " Lead/Opportunity "
_order = " priority desc,activity_date_deadline,id desc "
2018-01-16 13:51:36 +01:00
_inherit = [ ' mail.thread ' , ' mail.activity.mixin ' , ' utm.mixin ' , ' format.address.mixin ' , ' ir.branch.company.mixin ' ]
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
def _default_probability ( self ) :
stage_id = self . _default_stage_id ( )
if stage_id :
return self . env [ ' crm.stage ' ] . browse ( stage_id ) . probability
return 10
def _default_stage_id ( self ) :
team = self . env [ ' crm.team ' ] . sudo ( ) . _get_default_team_id ( user_id = self . env . uid )
return self . _stage_find ( team_id = team . id , domain = [ ( ' fold ' , ' = ' , False ) ] ) . id
name = fields . Char ( ' Opportunity ' , required = True , index = True )
partner_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.partner ' , string = ' Customer ' , track_visibility = ' onchange ' , index = True ,
help = " Linked partner (optional). Usually created when converting the lead. " )
active = fields . Boolean ( ' Active ' , default = True )
date_action_last = fields . Datetime ( ' Last Action ' , readonly = True )
email_from = fields . Char ( ' Email ' , help = " Email address of the contact " , index = True )
website = fields . Char ( ' Website ' , index = True , help = " Website of the contact " )
team_id = fields . Many2one ( ' crm.team ' , string = ' Sales Channel ' , oldname = ' section_id ' , default = lambda self : self . env [ ' crm.team ' ] . sudo ( ) . _get_default_team_id ( user_id = self . env . uid ) ,
index = True , track_visibility = ' onchange ' , help = ' When sending mails, the default email address is taken from the sales channel. ' )
kanban_state = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' grey ' , ' No next activity planned ' ) , ( ' red ' , ' Next activity late ' ) , ( ' green ' , ' Next activity is planned ' ) ] ,
string = ' Activity State ' , compute = ' _compute_kanban_state ' )
email_cc = fields . Text ( ' Global CC ' , help = " These email addresses will be added to the CC field of all inbound and outbound emails for this record before being sent. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma " )
description = fields . Text ( ' Notes ' )
create_date = fields . Datetime ( ' Create Date ' , readonly = True )
write_date = fields . Datetime ( ' Update Date ' , readonly = True )
tag_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' crm.lead.tag ' , ' crm_lead_tag_rel ' , ' lead_id ' , ' tag_id ' , string = ' Tags ' , help = " Classify and analyze your lead/opportunity categories like: Training, Service " )
contact_name = fields . Char ( ' Contact Name ' )
partner_name = fields . Char ( " Customer Name " , index = True , help = ' The name of the future partner company that will be created while converting the lead into opportunity ' )
opt_out = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Opt-Out ' , oldname = ' optout ' ,
help = " If opt-out is checked, this contact has refused to receive emails for mass mailing and marketing campaign. "
" Filter ' Available for Mass Mailing ' allows users to filter the leads when performing mass mailing. " )
type = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' lead ' , ' Lead ' ) , ( ' opportunity ' , ' Opportunity ' ) ] , index = True , required = True ,
default = lambda self : ' lead ' if self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . has_group ( ' crm.group_use_lead ' ) else ' opportunity ' ,
help = " Type is used to separate Leads and Opportunities " )
priority = fields . Selection ( crm_stage . AVAILABLE_PRIORITIES , string = ' Priority ' , index = True , default = crm_stage . AVAILABLE_PRIORITIES [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
date_closed = fields . Datetime ( ' Closed Date ' , readonly = True , copy = False )
stage_id = fields . Many2one ( ' crm.stage ' , string = ' Stage ' , track_visibility = ' onchange ' , index = True ,
domain = " [ ' | ' , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , False), ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , team_id)] " ,
group_expand = ' _read_group_stage_ids ' , default = lambda self : self . _default_stage_id ( ) )
user_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.users ' , string = ' Salesperson ' , index = True , track_visibility = ' onchange ' , default = lambda self : self . env . user )
referred = fields . Char ( ' Referred By ' )
date_open = fields . Datetime ( ' Assigned ' , readonly = True , default = fields . Datetime . now )
day_open = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_day_open ' , string = ' Days to Assign ' , store = True )
day_close = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_day_close ' , string = ' Days to Close ' , store = True )
date_last_stage_update = fields . Datetime ( string = ' Last Stage Update ' , index = True , default = fields . Datetime . now )
date_conversion = fields . Datetime ( ' Conversion Date ' , readonly = True )
# Messaging and marketing
message_bounce = fields . Integer ( ' Bounce ' , help = " Counter of the number of bounced emails for this contact " , default = 0 )
# Only used for type opportunity
probability = fields . Float ( ' Probability ' , group_operator = " avg " , default = lambda self : self . _default_probability ( ) )
planned_revenue = fields . Float ( ' Expected Revenue ' , track_visibility = ' always ' )
date_deadline = fields . Date ( ' Expected Closing ' , help = " Estimate of the date on which the opportunity will be won. " )
color = fields . Integer ( ' Color Index ' , default = 0 )
partner_address_name = fields . Char ( ' Partner Contact Name ' , related = ' partner_id.name ' , readonly = True )
partner_address_email = fields . Char ( ' Partner Contact Email ' , related = ' partner_id.email ' , readonly = True )
company_currency = fields . Many2one ( string = ' Currency ' , related = ' company_id.currency_id ' , readonly = True , relation = " res.currency " )
user_email = fields . Char ( ' User Email ' , related = ' user_id.email ' , readonly = True )
user_login = fields . Char ( ' User Login ' , related = ' user_id.login ' , readonly = True )
# Fields for address, due to separation from crm and res.partner
street = fields . Char ( ' Street ' )
street2 = fields . Char ( ' Street2 ' )
zip = fields . Char ( ' Zip ' , change_default = True )
city = fields . Char ( ' City ' )
state_id = fields . Many2one ( " res.country.state " , string = ' State ' )
country_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.country ' , string = ' Country ' )
phone = fields . Char ( ' Phone ' )
mobile = fields . Char ( ' Mobile ' )
function = fields . Char ( ' Job Position ' )
title = fields . Many2one ( ' res.partner.title ' )
company_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.company ' , string = ' Company ' , index = True , default = lambda self : self . env . user . company_id . id )
meeting_count = fields . Integer ( ' # Meetings ' , compute = ' _compute_meeting_count ' )
lost_reason = fields . Many2one ( ' crm.lost.reason ' , string = ' Lost Reason ' , index = True , track_visibility = ' onchange ' )
_sql_constraints = [
( ' check_probability ' , ' check(probability >= 0 and probability <= 100) ' , ' The probability of closing the deal should be between 0 % a nd 100 % ! ' )
def _read_group_stage_ids ( self , stages , domain , order ) :
# retrieve team_id from the context and write the domain
# - ('id', 'in', stages.ids): add columns that should be present
# - OR ('fold', '=', False): add default columns that are not folded
# - OR ('team_ids', '=', team_id), ('fold', '=', False) if team_id: add team columns that are not folded
team_id = self . _context . get ( ' default_team_id ' )
if team_id :
search_domain = [ ' | ' , ( ' id ' , ' in ' , stages . ids ) , ' | ' , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , team_id ) ]
else :
search_domain = [ ' | ' , ( ' id ' , ' in ' , stages . ids ) , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ]
# perform search
stage_ids = stages . _search ( search_domain , order = order , access_rights_uid = SUPERUSER_ID )
return stages . browse ( stage_ids )
def _compute_kanban_state ( self ) :
today = date . today ( )
for lead in self :
kanban_state = ' grey '
if lead . activity_date_deadline :
lead_date = fields . Date . from_string ( lead . activity_date_deadline )
if lead_date > = today :
kanban_state = ' green '
else :
kanban_state = ' red '
lead . kanban_state = kanban_state
@api.depends ( ' date_open ' )
def _compute_day_open ( self ) :
""" Compute difference between create date and open date """
for lead in self . filtered ( lambda l : l . date_open ) :
date_create = fields . Datetime . from_string ( lead . create_date )
date_open = fields . Datetime . from_string ( lead . date_open )
lead . day_open = abs ( ( date_open - date_create ) . days )
@api.depends ( ' date_closed ' )
def _compute_day_close ( self ) :
""" Compute difference between current date and log date """
for lead in self . filtered ( lambda l : l . date_closed ) :
date_create = fields . Datetime . from_string ( lead . create_date )
date_close = fields . Datetime . from_string ( lead . date_closed )
lead . day_close = abs ( ( date_close - date_create ) . days )
def _compute_meeting_count ( self ) :
meeting_data = self . env [ ' calendar.event ' ] . read_group ( [ ( ' opportunity_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] , [ ' opportunity_id ' ] , [ ' opportunity_id ' ] )
mapped_data = { m [ ' opportunity_id ' ] [ 0 ] : m [ ' opportunity_id_count ' ] for m in meeting_data }
for lead in self :
lead . meeting_count = mapped_data . get ( lead . id , 0 )
def _onchange_stage_id_values ( self , stage_id ) :
""" returns the new values when stage_id has changed """
if not stage_id :
return { }
stage = self . env [ ' crm.stage ' ] . browse ( stage_id )
if stage . on_change :
return { ' probability ' : stage . probability }
return { }
@api.onchange ( ' stage_id ' )
def _onchange_stage_id ( self ) :
values = self . _onchange_stage_id_values ( self . stage_id . id )
self . update ( values )
def _onchange_partner_id_values ( self , partner_id ) :
""" returns the new values when partner_id has changed """
if partner_id :
partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . browse ( partner_id )
partner_name = partner . parent_id . name
if not partner_name and partner . is_company :
partner_name = partner . name
return {
' partner_name ' : partner_name ,
' contact_name ' : partner . name if not partner . is_company else False ,
' title ' : partner . title . id ,
' street ' : partner . street ,
' street2 ' : partner . street2 ,
' city ' : partner . city ,
' state_id ' : partner . state_id . id ,
' country_id ' : partner . country_id . id ,
' email_from ' : partner . email ,
' phone ' : partner . phone ,
' mobile ' : partner . mobile ,
' zip ' : partner . zip ,
' function ' : partner . function ,
' website ' : partner . website ,
return { }
@api.onchange ( ' partner_id ' )
def _onchange_partner_id ( self ) :
values = self . _onchange_partner_id_values ( self . partner_id . id if self . partner_id else False )
self . update ( values )
def _onchange_user_values ( self , user_id ) :
""" returns new values when user_id has changed """
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if not user_id :
return { }
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
if user_id and self . _context . get ( ' team_id ' ) :
team = self . env [ ' crm.team ' ] . browse ( self . _context [ ' team_id ' ] )
if user_id in team . member_ids . ids :
return { }
team_id = self . env [ ' crm.team ' ] . _get_default_team_id ( user_id = user_id )
return { ' team_id ' : team_id }
@api.onchange ( ' user_id ' )
def _onchange_user_id ( self ) :
""" When changing the user, also set a team_id or restrict team id to the ones user_id is member of. """
values = self . _onchange_user_values ( self . user_id . id )
self . update ( values )
@api.constrains ( ' user_id ' )
def _valid_team ( self ) :
for lead in self :
if lead . user_id :
values = lead . with_context ( team_id = lead . team_id . id ) . _onchange_user_values ( lead . user_id . id )
if values :
lead . update ( values )
@api.onchange ( ' state_id ' )
def _onchange_state ( self ) :
if self . state_id :
self . country_id = self . state_id . country_id . id
# ----------------------------------------
# ORM override (CRUD, fields_view_get, ...)
# ----------------------------------------
def name_create ( self , name ) :
res = super ( Lead , self ) . name_create ( name )
# update the probability of the lead if the stage is set to update it automatically
self . browse ( res [ 0 ] ) . _onchange_stage_id ( )
return res
def create ( self , vals ) :
# set up context used to find the lead's sales channel which is needed
# to correctly set the default stage_id
context = dict ( self . _context or { } )
if vals . get ( ' type ' ) and not self . _context . get ( ' default_type ' ) :
context [ ' default_type ' ] = vals . get ( ' type ' )
if vals . get ( ' team_id ' ) and not self . _context . get ( ' default_team_id ' ) :
context [ ' default_team_id ' ] = vals . get ( ' team_id ' )
if vals . get ( ' user_id ' ) and ' date_open ' not in vals :
vals [ ' date_open ' ] = fields . Datetime . now ( )
if context . get ( ' default_partner_id ' ) and not vals . get ( ' email_from ' ) :
partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . browse ( context [ ' default_partner_id ' ] )
vals [ ' email_from ' ] = partner . email
# context: no_log, because subtype already handle this
return super ( Lead , self . with_context ( context , mail_create_nolog = True ) ) . create ( vals )
def write ( self , vals ) :
# stage change: update date_last_stage_update
if ' stage_id ' in vals :
vals [ ' date_last_stage_update ' ] = fields . Datetime . now ( )
if vals . get ( ' user_id ' ) and ' date_open ' not in vals :
vals [ ' date_open ' ] = fields . Datetime . now ( )
# stage change with new stage: update probability and date_closed
if vals . get ( ' stage_id ' ) and ' probability ' not in vals :
vals . update ( self . _onchange_stage_id_values ( vals . get ( ' stage_id ' ) ) )
if vals . get ( ' probability ' , 0 ) > = 100 or not vals . get ( ' active ' , True ) :
vals [ ' date_closed ' ] = fields . Datetime . now ( )
elif ' probability ' in vals :
vals [ ' date_closed ' ] = False
return super ( Lead , self ) . write ( vals )
def copy ( self , default = None ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
# set default value in context, if not already set (Put stage to 'new' stage)
context = dict ( self . _context )
context . setdefault ( ' default_type ' , self . type )
context . setdefault ( ' default_team_id ' , self . team_id . id )
# Set date_open to today if it is an opp
default = default or { }
default [ ' date_open ' ] = fields . Datetime . now ( ) if self . type == ' opportunity ' else False
# Do not assign to an archived user
if not self . user_id . active :
default [ ' user_id ' ] = False
return super ( Lead , self . with_context ( context ) ) . copy ( default = default )
def _fields_view_get ( self , view_id = None , view_type = ' form ' , toolbar = False , submenu = False ) :
if self . _context . get ( ' opportunity_id ' ) :
opportunity = self . browse ( self . _context [ ' opportunity_id ' ] )
action = opportunity . get_formview_action ( )
if action . get ( ' views ' ) and any ( view_id for view_id in action [ ' views ' ] if view_id [ 1 ] == view_type ) :
view_id = next ( view_id [ 0 ] for view_id in action [ ' views ' ] if view_id [ 1 ] == view_type )
res = super ( Lead , self ) . _fields_view_get ( view_id = view_id , view_type = view_type , toolbar = toolbar , submenu = submenu )
if view_type == ' form ' :
res [ ' arch ' ] = self . _fields_view_get_address ( res [ ' arch ' ] )
return res
# ----------------------------------------
# Actions Methods
# ----------------------------------------
def action_set_lost ( self ) :
""" Lost semantic: probability = 0, active = False """
return self . write ( { ' probability ' : 0 , ' active ' : False } )
def action_set_active ( self ) :
return self . write ( { ' active ' : True } )
def action_set_unactive ( self ) :
return self . write ( { ' active ' : False } )
def action_set_won ( self ) :
""" Won semantic: probability = 100 (active untouched) """
for lead in self :
stage_id = lead . _stage_find ( domain = [ ( ' probability ' , ' = ' , 100.0 ) , ( ' on_change ' , ' = ' , True ) ] )
lead . write ( { ' stage_id ' : stage_id . id , ' probability ' : 100 } )
if lead . user_id and lead . team_id and lead . planned_revenue :
query = """
SUM ( CASE WHEN user_id = % ( user_id ) s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as total_won ,
MAX ( CASE WHEN date_closed > = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ' 30 days ' AND user_id = % ( user_id ) s THEN planned_revenue ELSE 0 END ) as max_user_30 ,
MAX ( CASE WHEN date_closed > = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ' 7 days ' AND user_id = % ( user_id ) s THEN planned_revenue ELSE 0 END ) as max_user_7 ,
MAX ( CASE WHEN date_closed > = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ' 30 days ' AND team_id = % ( team_id ) s THEN planned_revenue ELSE 0 END ) as max_team_30 ,
MAX ( CASE WHEN date_closed > = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ' 7 days ' AND team_id = % ( team_id ) s THEN planned_revenue ELSE 0 END ) as max_team_7
FROM crm_lead
type = ' opportunity '
active = True
probability = 100
DATE_TRUNC ( ' year ' , date_closed ) = DATE_TRUNC ( ' year ' , CURRENT_DATE )
( user_id = % ( user_id ) s OR team_id = % ( team_id ) s )
lead . env . cr . execute ( query , { ' user_id ' : lead . user_id . id ,
' team_id ' : lead . team_id . id } )
query_result = self . env . cr . dictfetchone ( )
message = False
if query_result [ ' total_won ' ] == 1 :
message = _ ( ' Go, go, go! Congrats for your first deal. ' )
elif query_result [ ' max_team_30 ' ] == lead . planned_revenue :
message = _ ( ' Boom! Team record for the past 30 days. ' )
elif query_result [ ' max_team_7 ' ] == lead . planned_revenue :
message = _ ( ' Yeah! Deal of the last 7 days for the team. ' )
elif query_result [ ' max_user_30 ' ] == lead . planned_revenue :
message = _ ( ' You just beat your personal record for the past 30 days. ' )
elif query_result [ ' max_user_7 ' ] == lead . planned_revenue :
message = _ ( ' You just beat your personal record for the past 7 days. ' )
if message :
return {
' effect ' : {
' fadeout ' : ' slow ' ,
' message ' : message ,
' img_url ' : ' /web/image/ %s / %s /image ' % ( lead . team_id . user_id . _name , lead . team_id . user_id . id ) if lead . team_id . user_id . image else ' /web/static/src/img/smile.svg ' ,
' type ' : ' rainbow_man ' ,
return True
def action_schedule_meeting ( self ) :
""" Open meeting ' s calendar view to schedule meeting on current opportunity.
: return dict : dictionary value for created Meeting view
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env . ref ( ' calendar.action_calendar_event ' ) . read ( ) [ 0 ]
partner_ids = self . env . user . partner_id . ids
if self . partner_id :
partner_ids . append ( self . partner_id . id )
action [ ' context ' ] = {
' default_opportunity_id ' : self . id if self . type == ' opportunity ' else False ,
' default_partner_id ' : self . partner_id . id ,
' default_partner_ids ' : partner_ids ,
' default_team_id ' : self . team_id . id ,
' default_name ' : self . name ,
return action
def close_dialog ( self ) :
return { ' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window_close ' }
def edit_dialog ( self ) :
form_view = self . env . ref ( ' crm.crm_case_form_view_oppor ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Opportunity ' ) ,
' res_model ' : ' crm.lead ' ,
' res_id ' : self . id ,
' views ' : [ ( form_view . id , ' form ' ) , ] ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
2018-07-06 13:13:48 +02:00
' target ' : ' inline ' ,
' context ' : { ' default_type ' : ' opportunity ' }
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
# ----------------------------------------
# Business Methods
# ----------------------------------------
def _stage_find ( self , team_id = False , domain = None , order = ' sequence ' ) :
""" Determine the stage of the current lead with its teams, the given domain and the given team_id
: param team_id
: param domain : base search domain for stage
: returns crm . stage recordset
# collect all team_ids by adding given one, and the ones related to the current leads
team_ids = set ( )
if team_id :
team_ids . add ( team_id )
for lead in self :
if lead . team_id :
team_ids . add ( lead . team_id . id )
# generate the domain
if team_ids :
search_domain = [ ' | ' , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' team_id ' , ' in ' , list ( team_ids ) ) ]
else :
search_domain = [ ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ]
# AND with the domain in parameter
if domain :
search_domain + = list ( domain )
# perform search, return the first found
return self . env [ ' crm.stage ' ] . search ( search_domain , order = order , limit = 1 )
def _merge_get_result_type ( self ) :
""" Define the type of the result of the merge. If at least one of the
element to merge is an opp , the resulting new element will be an opp .
Otherwise it will be a lead .
We ' ll directly use a list of browse records instead of a list of ids
for performances ' sake: it will spare a second browse of the
leads / opps .
: param list opps : list of browse records containing the leads / opps to process
: return string type : the type of the final element
if any ( record . type == ' opportunity ' for record in self ) :
return ' opportunity '
return ' lead '
def _merge_data ( self , fields ) :
""" Prepare lead/opp data into a dictionary for merging. Different types
of fields are processed in different ways :
- text : all the values are concatenated
- m2m and o2m : those fields aren ' t processed
- m2o : the first not null value prevails ( the other are dropped )
- any other type of field : same as m2o
: param fields : list of fields to process
: return dict data : contains the merged values of the new opportunity
# helpers
def _get_first_not_null ( attr , opportunities ) :
for opp in opportunities :
val = opp [ attr ]
if val :
return val
return False
def _get_first_not_null_id ( attr , opportunities ) :
res = _get_first_not_null ( attr , opportunities )
return res . id if res else False
# process the fields' values
data = { }
for field_name in fields :
field = self . _fields . get ( field_name )
if field is None :
if field . type in ( ' many2many ' , ' one2many ' ) :
elif field . type == ' many2one ' :
data [ field_name ] = _get_first_not_null_id ( field_name , self ) # take the first not null
elif field . type == ' text ' :
data [ field_name ] = ' \n \n ' . join ( it for it in self . mapped ( field_name ) if it )
else :
data [ field_name ] = _get_first_not_null ( field_name , self )
# define the resulting type ('lead' or 'opportunity')
data [ ' type ' ] = self . _merge_get_result_type ( )
return data
def _mail_body ( self , fields ) :
""" generate the message body with the changed values
: param fields : list of fields to track
: returns the body of the message for the current crm . lead
title = " %s : %s \n " % ( _ ( ' Merged opportunity ' ) if self . type == ' opportunity ' else _ ( ' Merged lead ' ) , self . name )
body = [ title ]
fields = self . env [ ' ir.model.fields ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' in ' , fields or [ ] ) , ( ' model_id.model ' , ' = ' , self . _name ) ] )
for field in fields :
value = getattr ( self , field . name , False )
if field . ttype == ' selection ' :
value = dict ( field . get_values ( self . env ) ) . get ( value , value )
elif field . ttype == ' many2one ' :
if value :
value = value . sudo ( ) . name_get ( ) [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
elif field . ttype == ' many2many ' :
if value :
value = ' , ' . join (
val . name_get ( ) [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
for val in value . sudo ( )
body . append ( " %s : %s " % ( field . field_description , value or ' ' ) )
return " <br/> " . join ( body + [ ' <br/> ' ] )
def _merge_notify ( self , opportunities ) :
""" Create a message gathering merged leads/opps informations. Using message_post, send a
message explaining which fields has been merged and their new value . ` self ` is the
resulting merge crm . lead record .
: param opportunities : recordset of merged crm . lead
: returns mail . message posted on resulting crm . lead
# TODO JEM: mail template should be used instead of fix body, subject text
self . ensure_one ( )
# mail message's subject
result_type = opportunities . _merge_get_result_type ( )
merge_message = _ ( ' Merged leads ' ) if result_type == ' lead ' else _ ( ' Merged opportunities ' )
subject = merge_message + " : " + " , " . join ( opportunities . mapped ( ' name ' ) )
# message bodies
message_bodies = opportunities . _mail_body ( list ( CRM_LEAD_FIELDS_TO_MERGE ) )
message_body = " \n \n " . join ( message_bodies )
return self . message_post ( body = message_body , subject = subject )
def _merge_opportunity_history ( self , opportunities ) :
""" Move mail.message from the given opportunities to the current one. `self` is the
crm . lead record destination for message of ` opportunities ` .
: param opportunities : recordset of crm . lead to move the messages
self . ensure_one ( )
for opportunity in opportunities :
for message in opportunity . message_ids :
message . write ( {
' res_id ' : self . id ,
' subject ' : _ ( " From %s : %s " ) % ( opportunity . name , message . subject )
} )
return True
def _merge_opportunity_attachments ( self , opportunities ) :
""" Move attachments of given opportunities to the current one `self`, and rename
the attachments having same name than native ones .
: param opportunities : recordset of merged crm . lead
self . ensure_one ( )
# return attachments of opportunity
def _get_attachments ( opportunity_id ) :
return self . env [ ' ir.attachment ' ] . search ( [ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , self . _name ) , ( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , opportunity_id ) ] )
first_attachments = _get_attachments ( self . id )
# counter of all attachments to move. Used to make sure the name is different for all attachments
count = 1
for opportunity in opportunities :
attachments = _get_attachments ( opportunity . id )
for attachment in attachments :
values = { ' res_id ' : self . id }
for attachment_in_first in first_attachments :
if attachment . name == attachment_in_first . name :
values [ ' name ' ] = " %s ( %s ) " % ( attachment . name , count )
count + = 1
attachment . write ( values )
return True
def merge_dependences ( self , opportunities ) :
""" Merge dependences (messages, attachments, ...). These dependences will be
transfered to ` self ` , the most important lead .
: param opportunities : recordset of opportunities to transfert . Does
not include ` self ` .
self . ensure_one ( )
self . _merge_notify ( opportunities )
self . _merge_opportunity_history ( opportunities )
self . _merge_opportunity_attachments ( opportunities )
def merge_opportunity ( self , user_id = False , team_id = False ) :
""" Merge opportunities in one. Different cases of merge:
- merge leads together = 1 new lead
- merge at least 1 opp with anything else ( lead or opp ) = 1 new opp
The resulting lead / opportunity will be the most important one ( based on its confidence level )
updated with values from other opportunities to merge .
: param user_id : the id of the saleperson . If not given , will be determined by ` _merge_data ` .
: param team : the id of the sales channel . If not given , will be determined by ` _merge_data ` .
: return crm . lead record resulting of th merge
if len ( self . ids ) < = 1 :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Please select more than one element (lead or opportunity) from the list view. ' ) )
# Sorting the leads/opps according to the confidence level of its stage, which relates to the probability of winning it
# The confidence level increases with the stage sequence, except when the stage probability is 0.0 (Lost cases)
# An Opportunity always has higher confidence level than a lead, unless its stage probability is 0.0
def opps_key ( opportunity ) :
sequence = - 1
if opportunity . stage_id . on_change :
sequence = opportunity . stage_id . sequence
return ( sequence != - 1 and opportunity . type == ' opportunity ' ) , sequence , - opportunity . id
opportunities = self . sorted ( key = opps_key , reverse = True )
# get SORTED recordset of head and tail, and complete list
opportunities_head = opportunities [ 0 ]
opportunities_tail = opportunities [ 1 : ]
# merge all the sorted opportunity. This means the value of
# the first (head opp) will be a priority.
merged_data = opportunities . _merge_data ( list ( CRM_LEAD_FIELDS_TO_MERGE ) )
# force value for saleperson and sales channel
if user_id :
merged_data [ ' user_id ' ] = user_id
if team_id :
merged_data [ ' team_id ' ] = team_id
# merge other data (mail.message, attachments, ...) from tail into head
opportunities_head . merge_dependences ( opportunities_tail )
# check if the stage is in the stages of the sales channel. If not, assign the stage with the lowest sequence
if merged_data . get ( ' team_id ' ) :
team_stage_ids = self . env [ ' crm.stage ' ] . search ( [ ' | ' , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , merged_data [ ' team_id ' ] ) , ( ' team_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ] , order = ' sequence ' )
if merged_data . get ( ' stage_id ' ) not in team_stage_ids . ids :
merged_data [ ' stage_id ' ] = team_stage_ids [ 0 ] . id if team_stage_ids else False
# write merged data into first opportunity
opportunities_head . write ( merged_data )
# delete tail opportunities
# we use the SUPERUSER to avoid access rights issues because as the user had the rights to see the records it should be safe to do so
opportunities_tail . sudo ( ) . unlink ( )
return opportunities_head
def get_duplicated_leads ( self , partner_id , include_lost = False ) :
""" Search for opportunities that have the same partner and that arent done or cancelled
: param partner_id : partner to search
self . ensure_one ( )
email = self . partner_id . email or self . email_from
return self . _get_duplicated_leads_by_emails ( partner_id , email , include_lost = include_lost )
def _get_duplicated_leads_by_emails ( self , partner_id , email , include_lost = False ) :
""" Search for opportunities that have the same partner and that arent done or cancelled """
partner_match_domain = [ ]
for email in set ( email_split ( email ) + [ email ] ) :
partner_match_domain . append ( ( ' email_from ' , ' =ilike ' , email ) )
if partner_id :
partner_match_domain . append ( ( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , partner_id ) )
partner_match_domain = [ ' | ' ] * ( len ( partner_match_domain ) - 1 ) + partner_match_domain
if not partner_match_domain :
return [ ]
domain = partner_match_domain
if not include_lost :
domain + = [ ' & ' , ( ' active ' , ' = ' , True ) , ( ' probability ' , ' < ' , 100 ) ]
else :
domain + = [ ' | ' , ' & ' , ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' lead ' ) , ( ' active ' , ' = ' , True ) , ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' opportunity ' ) ]
return self . search ( domain )
def _convert_opportunity_data ( self , customer , team_id = False ) :
""" Extract the data from a lead to create the opportunity
: param customer : res . partner record
: param team_id : identifier of the sales channel to determine the stage
if not team_id :
team_id = self . team_id . id if self . team_id else False
value = {
' planned_revenue ' : self . planned_revenue ,
' probability ' : self . probability ,
' name ' : self . name ,
' partner_id ' : customer . id if customer else False ,
' type ' : ' opportunity ' ,
' date_open ' : fields . Datetime . now ( ) ,
' email_from ' : customer and customer . email or self . email_from ,
' phone ' : customer and customer . phone or self . phone ,
' date_conversion ' : fields . Datetime . now ( ) ,
if not self . stage_id :
stage = self . _stage_find ( team_id = team_id )
value [ ' stage_id ' ] = stage . id
if stage :
value [ ' probability ' ] = stage . probability
return value
def convert_opportunity ( self , partner_id , user_ids = False , team_id = False ) :
customer = False
if partner_id :
customer = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . browse ( partner_id )
for lead in self :
if not lead . active or lead . probability == 100 :
vals = lead . _convert_opportunity_data ( customer , team_id )
lead . write ( vals )
if user_ids or team_id :
self . allocate_salesman ( user_ids , team_id )
return True
def _create_lead_partner_data ( self , name , is_company , parent_id = False ) :
""" extract data from lead to create a partner
: param name : furtur name of the partner
: param is_company : True if the partner is a company
: param parent_id : id of the parent partner ( False if no parent )
: returns res . partner record
email_split = tools . email_split ( self . email_from )
return {
' name ' : name ,
' user_id ' : self . env . context . get ( ' default_user_id ' ) or self . user_id . id ,
' comment ' : self . description ,
' team_id ' : self . team_id . id ,
' parent_id ' : parent_id ,
' phone ' : self . phone ,
' mobile ' : self . mobile ,
' email ' : email_split [ 0 ] if email_split else False ,
' title ' : self . title . id ,
' function ' : self . function ,
' street ' : self . street ,
' street2 ' : self . street2 ,
' zip ' : self . zip ,
' city ' : self . city ,
' country_id ' : self . country_id . id ,
' state_id ' : self . state_id . id ,
' website ' : self . website ,
' is_company ' : is_company ,
' type ' : ' contact '
def _create_lead_partner ( self ) :
""" Create a partner from lead data
: returns res . partner record
Partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ]
contact_name = self . contact_name
if not contact_name :
contact_name = Partner . _parse_partner_name ( self . email_from ) [ 0 ] if self . email_from else False
if self . partner_name :
partner_company = Partner . create ( self . _create_lead_partner_data ( self . partner_name , True ) )
elif self . partner_id :
partner_company = self . partner_id
else :
partner_company = None
if contact_name :
return Partner . create ( self . _create_lead_partner_data ( contact_name , False , partner_company . id if partner_company else False ) )
if partner_company :
return partner_company
return Partner . create ( self . _create_lead_partner_data ( self . name , False ) )
def handle_partner_assignation ( self , action = ' create ' , partner_id = False ) :
""" Handle partner assignation during a lead conversion.
if action is ' create ' , create new partner with contact and assign lead to new partner_id .
otherwise assign lead to the specified partner_id
: param list ids : leads / opportunities ids to process
: param string action : what has to be done regarding partners ( create it , assign an existing one , or nothing )
: param int partner_id : partner to assign if any
: return dict : dictionary organized as followed : { lead_id : partner_assigned_id }
partner_ids = { }
for lead in self :
if lead . partner_id :
partner_ids [ lead . id ] = lead . partner_id . id
if action == ' create ' :
partner = lead . _create_lead_partner ( )
partner_id = partner . id
partner . team_id = lead . team_id
if partner_id :
lead . partner_id = partner_id
partner_ids [ lead . id ] = partner_id
return partner_ids
def allocate_salesman ( self , user_ids = None , team_id = False ) :
""" Assign salesmen and salesteam to a batch of leads. If there are more
leads than salesmen , these salesmen will be assigned in round - robin .
E . g . : 4 salesmen ( S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 ) for 6 leads ( L1 , L2 , . . . L6 ) . They
will be assigned as followed : L1 - S1 , L2 - S2 , L3 - S3 , L4 - S4 ,
L5 - S1 , L6 - S2 .
: param list ids : leads / opportunities ids to process
: param list user_ids : salesmen to assign
: param int team_id : salesteam to assign
: return bool
index = 0
for lead in self :
value = { }
if team_id :
value [ ' team_id ' ] = team_id
if user_ids :
value [ ' user_id ' ] = user_ids [ index ]
# Cycle through user_ids
index = ( index + 1 ) % len ( user_ids )
if value :
lead . write ( value )
return True
def redirect_opportunity_view ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
# Get opportunity views
form_view = self . env . ref ( ' crm.crm_case_form_view_oppor ' )
tree_view = self . env . ref ( ' crm.crm_case_tree_view_oppor ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Opportunity ' ) ,
' view_type ' : ' form ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' tree, form ' ,
' res_model ' : ' crm.lead ' ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' opportunity ' ) ] ,
' res_id ' : self . id ,
' view_id ' : False ,
' views ' : [
( form_view . id , ' form ' ) ,
( tree_view . id , ' tree ' ) ,
( False , ' kanban ' ) ,
( False , ' calendar ' ) ,
( False , ' graph ' )
] ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
' context ' : { ' default_type ' : ' opportunity ' }
def redirect_lead_view ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
# Get lead views
form_view = self . env . ref ( ' crm.crm_case_form_view_leads ' )
tree_view = self . env . ref ( ' crm.crm_case_tree_view_leads ' )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Lead ' ) ,
' view_type ' : ' form ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' tree, form ' ,
' res_model ' : ' crm.lead ' ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' lead ' ) ] ,
' res_id ' : self . id ,
' view_id ' : False ,
' views ' : [
( form_view . id , ' form ' ) ,
( tree_view . id , ' tree ' ) ,
( False , ' calendar ' ) ,
( False , ' graph ' )
] ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
def get_empty_list_help ( self , help ) :
if help :
alias_record = self . env . ref ( " crm.mail_alias_lead_info " , raise_if_not_found = False )
if alias_record and alias_record . alias_domain and alias_record . alias_name :
email = ' %s @ %s ' % ( alias_record . alias_name , alias_record . alias_domain )
email_link = " <a href= ' mailto: %s ' > %s </a> " % ( email , email )
dynamic_help = _ ( """ All email incoming to %s will automatically
create new opportunity . Update your business card , phone book , social media , . . .
Send an email right now and see it here . """ ) % (email_link,)
return ' <p class= " oe_view_nocontent_create " > %s </p> %s <p> %s </p> ' % ( _ ( ' Click to add a new opportunity ' ) , help , dynamic_help )
return super ( Lead , self . with_context (
empty_list_help_model = ' crm.team ' ,
empty_list_help_id = self . _context . get ( ' default_team_id ' , False ) ,
empty_list_help_document_name = _ ( " opportunities " ) ,
) ) . get_empty_list_help ( help )
def log_meeting ( self , meeting_subject , meeting_date , duration ) :
if not duration :
duration = _ ( ' unknown ' )
else :
duration = str ( duration )
meet_date = fields . Datetime . from_string ( meeting_date )
meeting_usertime = fields . Datetime . to_string ( fields . Datetime . context_timestamp ( self , meet_date ) )
html_time = " <time datetime= ' %s +00:00 ' > %s </time> " % ( meeting_date , meeting_usertime )
message = _ ( " Meeting scheduled at ' %s ' <br> Subject: %s <br> Duration: %s hour(s) " ) % ( html_time , meeting_subject , duration )
return self . message_post ( body = message )
# ----------------------------------------
# Sales Channel Dashboard
# ----------------------------------------
def retrieve_sales_dashboard ( self ) :
""" Fetch data to setup Sales Dashboard """
result = {
' meeting ' : {
' today ' : 0 ,
' next_7_days ' : 0 ,
} ,
' activity ' : {
' today ' : 0 ,
' overdue ' : 0 ,
' next_7_days ' : 0 ,
} ,
' closing ' : {
' today ' : 0 ,
' overdue ' : 0 ,
' next_7_days ' : 0 ,
} ,
' done ' : {
' this_month ' : 0 ,
' last_month ' : 0 ,
} ,
' won ' : {
' this_month ' : 0 ,
' last_month ' : 0 ,
} ,
' nb_opportunities ' : 0 ,
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
today = fields . Date . from_string ( fields . Date . context_today ( self ) )
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
opportunities = self . search ( [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' opportunity ' ) , ( ' user_id ' , ' = ' , self . _uid ) ] )
for opp in opportunities :
# Expected closing
if opp . activity_date_deadline :
if opp . date_deadline :
date_deadline = fields . Date . from_string ( opp . date_deadline )
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if date_deadline == today :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' closing ' ] [ ' today ' ] + = 1
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if today < = date_deadline < = today + timedelta ( days = 7 ) :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' closing ' ] [ ' next_7_days ' ] + = 1
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if date_deadline < today and not opp . date_closed :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' closing ' ] [ ' overdue ' ] + = 1
# Next activities
for activity in opp . activity_ids :
date_deadline = fields . Date . from_string ( activity . date_deadline )
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if date_deadline == today :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' activity ' ] [ ' today ' ] + = 1
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if today < = date_deadline < = today + timedelta ( days = 7 ) :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' activity ' ] [ ' next_7_days ' ] + = 1
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if date_deadline < today :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' activity ' ] [ ' overdue ' ] + = 1
# Won in Opportunities
if opp . date_closed and opp . stage_id . probability == 100 :
date_closed = fields . Date . from_string ( opp . date_closed )
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if today . replace ( day = 1 ) < = date_closed < = today :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
if opp . planned_revenue :
result [ ' won ' ] [ ' this_month ' ] + = opp . planned_revenue
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
elif today + relativedelta ( months = - 1 , day = 1 ) < = date_closed < today . replace ( day = 1 ) :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
if opp . planned_revenue :
result [ ' won ' ] [ ' last_month ' ] + = opp . planned_revenue
result [ ' nb_opportunities ' ] = len ( opportunities )
# crm.activity is a very messy model so we need to do that in order to retrieve the actions done.
self . _cr . execute ( """
mail_message . id ,
mail_message . subtype_id ,
mail_message . mail_activity_type_id ,
mail_message . date ,
crm_lead . user_id ,
crm_lead . type
FROM mail_message
LEFT JOIN crm_lead ON ( mail_message . res_id = crm_lead . id )
INNER JOIN mail_activity_type activity_type ON ( mail_message . mail_activity_type_id = activity_type . id )
( mail_message . model = ' crm.lead ' ) AND ( crm_lead . user_id = % s ) AND ( crm_lead . type = ' opportunity ' )
""" , (self._uid,))
activites_done = self . _cr . dictfetchall ( )
for activity in activites_done :
if activity [ ' date ' ] :
date_act = fields . Date . from_string ( activity [ ' date ' ] )
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if today . replace ( day = 1 ) < = date_act < = today :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' done ' ] [ ' this_month ' ] + = 1
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
elif today + relativedelta ( months = - 1 , day = 1 ) < = date_act < today . replace ( day = 1 ) :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' done ' ] [ ' last_month ' ] + = 1
# Meetings
min_date = fields . Datetime . now ( )
max_date = fields . Datetime . to_string ( datetime . now ( ) + timedelta ( days = 8 ) )
meetings_domain = [
( ' start ' , ' >= ' , min_date ) ,
( ' start ' , ' <= ' , max_date ) ,
( ' partner_ids ' , ' in ' , [ self . env . user . partner_id . id ] )
meetings = self . env [ ' calendar.event ' ] . search ( meetings_domain )
for meeting in meetings :
if meeting [ ' start ' ] :
start = datetime . strptime ( meeting [ ' start ' ] , tools . DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT ) . date ( )
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if start == today :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' meeting ' ] [ ' today ' ] + = 1
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if today < = start < = today + timedelta ( days = 7 ) :
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
result [ ' meeting ' ] [ ' next_7_days ' ] + = 1
result [ ' done ' ] [ ' target ' ] = self . env . user . target_sales_done
result [ ' won ' ] [ ' target ' ] = self . env . user . target_sales_won
result [ ' currency_id ' ] = self . env . user . company_id . currency_id . id
return result
def modify_target_sales_dashboard ( self , target_name , target_value ) :
""" Update the user objectives (`target_sales_done`, target_sales_won`
and ` target_sales_invoiced ` fields ) .
: param target_name : part of the fields name to update
: param target_value : value of the field to update
if target_name in [ ' won ' , ' done ' , ' invoiced ' ] :
# bypass rights, since self.env.user is browsed as SUPERUSER_ID
self . env . user . write ( { ' target_sales_ ' + target_name : target_value } )
else :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' This target does not exist. ' ) )
# ----------------------------------------
# Mail Gateway
# ----------------------------------------
def _track_subtype ( self , init_values ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if ' stage_id ' in init_values and self . probability == 100 and self . stage_id and self . stage_id . on_change :
return ' crm.mt_lead_won '
elif ' active ' in init_values and self . probability == 0 and not self . active :
return ' crm.mt_lead_lost '
elif ' stage_id ' in init_values and self . stage_id and self . stage_id . sequence < = 1 :
return ' crm.mt_lead_create '
elif ' stage_id ' in init_values :
return ' crm.mt_lead_stage '
return super ( Lead , self ) . _track_subtype ( init_values )
def _notification_recipients ( self , message , groups ) :
""" Handle salesman recipients that can convert leads into opportunities
and set opportunities as won / lost . """
groups = super ( Lead , self ) . _notification_recipients ( message , groups )
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . type == ' lead ' :
convert_action = self . _notification_link_helper ( ' controller ' , controller = ' /lead/convert ' )
salesman_actions = [ { ' url ' : convert_action , ' title ' : _ ( ' Convert to opportunity ' ) } ]
else :
won_action = self . _notification_link_helper ( ' controller ' , controller = ' /lead/case_mark_won ' )
lost_action = self . _notification_link_helper ( ' controller ' , controller = ' /lead/case_mark_lost ' )
salesman_actions = [
{ ' url ' : won_action , ' title ' : _ ( ' Won ' ) } ,
{ ' url ' : lost_action , ' title ' : _ ( ' Lost ' ) } ]
new_group = (
' group_sale_salesman ' , lambda partner : bool ( partner . user_ids ) and any ( user . has_group ( ' sales_team.group_sale_salesman ' ) for user in partner . user_ids ) , {
' actions ' : salesman_actions ,
} )
return [ new_group ] + groups
def message_get_reply_to ( self , res_ids , default = None ) :
leads = self . sudo ( ) . browse ( res_ids )
aliases = self . env [ ' crm.team ' ] . message_get_reply_to ( leads . mapped ( ' team_id ' ) . ids , default = default )
return { lead . id : aliases . get ( lead . team_id . id or 0 , False ) for lead in leads }
def get_formview_id ( self , access_uid = None ) :
if self . type == ' opportunity ' :
view_id = self . env . ref ( ' crm.crm_case_form_view_oppor ' ) . id
else :
view_id = super ( Lead , self ) . get_formview_id ( )
return view_id
def message_get_default_recipients ( self ) :
return {
r . id : { ' partner_ids ' : [ ] ,
' email_to ' : r . email_from ,
' email_cc ' : False }
for r in self . sudo ( )
def message_get_suggested_recipients ( self ) :
recipients = super ( Lead , self ) . message_get_suggested_recipients ( )
try :
for lead in self :
if lead . partner_id :
lead . _message_add_suggested_recipient ( recipients , partner = lead . partner_id , reason = _ ( ' Customer ' ) )
elif lead . email_from :
lead . _message_add_suggested_recipient ( recipients , email = lead . email_from , reason = _ ( ' Customer Email ' ) )
except AccessError : # no read access rights -> just ignore suggested recipients because this imply modifying followers
return recipients
def message_new ( self , msg_dict , custom_values = None ) :
""" Overrides mail_thread message_new that is called by the mailgateway
through message_process .
This override updates the document according to the email .
# remove default author when going through the mail gateway. Indeed we
# do not want to explicitly set user_id to False; however we do not
# want the gateway user to be responsible if no other responsible is
# found.
self = self . with_context ( default_user_id = False )
if custom_values is None :
custom_values = { }
defaults = {
' name ' : msg_dict . get ( ' subject ' ) or _ ( " No Subject " ) ,
' email_from ' : msg_dict . get ( ' from ' ) ,
' email_cc ' : msg_dict . get ( ' cc ' ) ,
' partner_id ' : msg_dict . get ( ' author_id ' , False ) ,
if msg_dict . get ( ' author_id ' ) :
defaults . update ( self . _onchange_partner_id_values ( msg_dict . get ( ' author_id ' ) ) )
if msg_dict . get ( ' priority ' ) in dict ( crm_stage . AVAILABLE_PRIORITIES ) :
defaults [ ' priority ' ] = msg_dict . get ( ' priority ' )
defaults . update ( custom_values )
return super ( Lead , self ) . message_new ( msg_dict , custom_values = defaults )
def message_update ( self , msg_dict , update_vals = None ) :
""" Overrides mail_thread message_update that is called by the mailgateway
through message_process .
This method updates the document according to the email .
if update_vals is None :
update_vals = { }
if msg_dict . get ( ' priority ' ) in dict ( crm_stage . AVAILABLE_PRIORITIES ) :
update_vals [ ' priority ' ] = msg_dict . get ( ' priority ' )
maps = {
' revenue ' : ' planned_revenue ' ,
' probability ' : ' probability ' ,
for line in msg_dict . get ( ' body ' , ' ' ) . split ( ' \n ' ) :
line = line . strip ( )
res = tools . command_re . match ( line )
if res and maps . get ( res . group ( 1 ) . lower ( ) ) :
key = maps . get ( res . group ( 1 ) . lower ( ) )
update_vals [ key ] = res . group ( 2 ) . lower ( )
return super ( Lead , self ) . message_update ( msg_dict , update_vals = update_vals )
def _message_post_after_hook ( self , message ) :
if self . email_from and not self . partner_id :
# we consider that posting a message with a specified recipient (not a follower, a specific one)
# on a document without customer means that it was created through the chatter using
# suggested recipients. This heuristic allows to avoid ugly hacks in JS.
new_partner = message . partner_ids . filtered ( lambda partner : partner . email == self . email_from )
if new_partner :
self . search ( [
( ' partner_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' email_from ' , ' = ' , new_partner . email ) ,
( ' stage_id.fold ' , ' = ' , False ) ] ) . write ( { ' partner_id ' : new_partner . id } )
return super ( Lead , self ) . _message_post_after_hook ( message )
def message_partner_info_from_emails ( self , emails , link_mail = False ) :
result = super ( Lead , self ) . message_partner_info_from_emails ( emails , link_mail = link_mail )
for partner_info in result :
if not partner_info . get ( ' partner_id ' ) and ( self . partner_name or self . contact_name ) :
emails = email_re . findall ( partner_info [ ' full_name ' ] or ' ' )
email = emails and emails [ 0 ] or ' '
if email and self . email_from and email . lower ( ) == self . email_from . lower ( ) :
partner_info [ ' full_name ' ] = ' %s < %s > ' % ( self . partner_name or self . contact_name , email )
return result
class Tag ( models . Model ) :
_name = " crm.lead.tag "
_description = " Category of lead "
name = fields . Char ( ' Name ' , required = True , translate = True )
color = fields . Integer ( ' Color Index ' , default = 10 )
_sql_constraints = [
( ' name_uniq ' , ' unique (name) ' , " Tag name already exists ! " ) ,
class LostReason ( models . Model ) :
_name = " crm.lost.reason "
_description = ' Reason for loosing leads '
name = fields . Char ( ' Name ' , required = True , translate = True )
active = fields . Boolean ( ' Active ' , default = True )