2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
from psycopg2 import OperationalError , Error
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api , fields , models , _
from flectra . exceptions import UserError , ValidationError
from flectra . osv import expression
from flectra . tools . float_utils import float_compare , float_is_zero
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
import logging
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class StockQuant ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' stock.quant '
_description = ' Quants '
_rec_name = ' product_id '
product_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.product ' , ' Product ' ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' , readonly = True , required = True )
# so user can filter on template in webclient
product_tmpl_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.template ' , string = ' Product Template ' ,
related = ' product_id.product_tmpl_id ' )
product_uom_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.uom ' , ' Unit of Measure ' ,
readonly = True , related = ' product_id.uom_id ' )
company_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' location_id.company_id ' ,
string = ' Company ' , store = True , readonly = True )
location_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.location ' , ' Location ' ,
auto_join = True , ondelete = ' restrict ' , readonly = True , required = True )
2018-01-18 15:27:39 +05:30
branch_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' location_id.branch_id ' ,
string = ' Branch ' , )
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lot_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.production.lot ' , ' Lot/Serial Number ' ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' , readonly = True )
package_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.quant.package ' , ' Package ' ,
help = ' The package containing this quant ' , readonly = True , ondelete = ' restrict ' )
owner_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.partner ' , ' Owner ' ,
help = ' This is the owner of the quant ' , readonly = True )
quantity = fields . Float (
' Quantity ' ,
help = ' Quantity of products in this quant, in the default unit of measure of the product ' ,
readonly = True , required = True , oldname = ' qty ' )
reserved_quantity = fields . Float (
' Reserved Quantity ' ,
default = 0.0 ,
help = ' Quantity of reserved products in this quant, in the default unit of measure of the product ' ,
readonly = True , required = True )
in_date = fields . Datetime ( ' Incoming Date ' , readonly = True )
def action_view_stock_moves ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
action = self . env . ref ( ' stock.stock_move_line_action ' ) . read ( ) [ 0 ]
action [ ' domain ' ] = [
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , self . product_id . id ) ,
2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
' | ' ,
( ' location_id ' , ' = ' , self . location_id . id ) ,
( ' location_dest_id ' , ' = ' , self . location_id . id ) ,
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
( ' lot_id ' , ' = ' , self . lot_id . id ) ,
2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
' | ' ,
( ' package_id ' , ' = ' , self . package_id . id ) ,
( ' result_package_id ' , ' = ' , self . package_id . id ) ,
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return action
@api.constrains ( ' product_id ' )
def check_product_id ( self ) :
if any ( elem . product_id . type != ' product ' for elem in self ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' Quants cannot be created for consumables or services. ' ) )
@api.constrains ( ' quantity ' )
def check_quantity ( self ) :
for quant in self :
if float_compare ( quant . quantity , 1 , precision_rounding = quant . product_uom_id . rounding ) > 0 and quant . lot_id and quant . product_id . tracking == ' serial ' :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' A serial number should only be linked to a single product. ' ) )
@api.constrains ( ' in_date ' , ' lot_id ' )
def check_in_date ( self ) :
for quant in self :
if quant . in_date and not quant . lot_id :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' An incoming date cannot be set to an untracked product. ' ) )
@api.constrains ( ' location_id ' )
def check_location_id ( self ) :
for quant in self :
if quant . location_id . usage == ' view ' :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' You cannot take products from or deliver products to a location of type " view " . ' ) )
def _compute_name ( self ) :
self . name = ' %s : %s %s ' % ( self . lot_id . name or self . product_id . code or ' ' , self . quantity , self . product_id . uom_id . name )
def _get_removal_strategy ( self , product_id , location_id ) :
if product_id . categ_id . removal_strategy_id :
return product_id . categ_id . removal_strategy_id . method
loc = location_id
while loc :
if loc . removal_strategy_id :
return loc . removal_strategy_id . method
loc = loc . location_id
return ' fifo '
def _get_removal_strategy_order ( self , removal_strategy ) :
if removal_strategy == ' fifo ' :
return ' in_date, id '
elif removal_strategy == ' lifo ' :
return ' in_date desc, id desc '
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Removal strategy %s not implemented. ' ) % ( removal_strategy , ) )
def _gather ( self , product_id , location_id , lot_id = None , package_id = None , owner_id = None , strict = False ) :
removal_strategy = self . _get_removal_strategy ( product_id , location_id )
removal_strategy_order = self . _get_removal_strategy_order ( removal_strategy )
domain = [
( ' product_id ' , ' = ' , product_id . id ) ,
if not strict :
if lot_id :
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' lot_id ' , ' = ' , lot_id . id ) ] , domain ] )
if package_id :
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' package_id ' , ' = ' , package_id . id ) ] , domain ] )
if owner_id :
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' owner_id ' , ' = ' , owner_id . id ) ] , domain ] )
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' location_id ' , ' child_of ' , location_id . id ) ] , domain ] )
else :
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' lot_id ' , ' = ' , lot_id and lot_id . id or False ) ] , domain ] )
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' package_id ' , ' = ' , package_id and package_id . id or False ) ] , domain ] )
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' owner_id ' , ' = ' , owner_id and owner_id . id or False ) ] , domain ] )
domain = expression . AND ( [ [ ( ' location_id ' , ' = ' , location_id . id ) ] , domain ] )
return self . search ( domain , order = removal_strategy_order )
def _get_available_quantity ( self , product_id , location_id , lot_id = None , package_id = None , owner_id = None , strict = False , allow_negative = False ) :
""" Return the available quantity, i.e. the sum of `quantity` minus the sum of
` reserved_quantity ` , for the set of quants sharing the combination of ` product_id ,
location_id ` if ` strict ` is set to False or sharing the * exact same characteristics *
otherwise .
This method is called in the following usecases :
- when a stock move checks its availability
- when a stock move actually assign
- when editing a move line , to check if the new value is forced or not
- when validating a move line with some forced values and have to potentially unlink an
equivalent move line in another picking
In the two first usecases , ` strict ` should be set to ` False ` , as we don ' t know what exact
quants we ' ll reserve, and the characteristics are meaningless in this context.
In the last ones , ` strict ` should be set to ` True ` , as we work on a specific set of
characteristics .
: return : available quantity as a float
self = self . sudo ( )
quants = self . _gather ( product_id , location_id , lot_id = lot_id , package_id = package_id , owner_id = owner_id , strict = strict )
rounding = product_id . uom_id . rounding
if product_id . tracking == ' none ' :
available_quantity = sum ( quants . mapped ( ' quantity ' ) ) - sum ( quants . mapped ( ' reserved_quantity ' ) )
if allow_negative :
return available_quantity
else :
return available_quantity if float_compare ( available_quantity , 0.0 , precision_rounding = rounding ) > = 0.0 else 0.0
else :
availaible_quantities = { lot_id : 0.0 for lot_id in list ( set ( quants . mapped ( ' lot_id ' ) ) ) + [ ' untracked ' ] }
for quant in quants :
if not quant . lot_id :
availaible_quantities [ ' untracked ' ] + = quant . quantity - quant . reserved_quantity
else :
availaible_quantities [ quant . lot_id ] + = quant . quantity - quant . reserved_quantity
if allow_negative :
return sum ( availaible_quantities . values ( ) )
else :
return sum ( [ available_quantity for available_quantity in availaible_quantities . values ( ) if float_compare ( available_quantity , 0 , precision_rounding = rounding ) > 0 ] )
def _update_available_quantity ( self , product_id , location_id , quantity , lot_id = None , package_id = None , owner_id = None , in_date = None ) :
""" Increase or decrease `reserved_quantity` of a set of quants for a given set of
product_id / location_id / lot_id / package_id / owner_id .
: param product_id :
: param location_id :
: param quantity :
: param lot_id :
: param package_id :
: param owner_id :
: param datetime in_date : Should only be passed when calls to this method are done in
order to move a quant . When creating a tracked quant , the
current datetime will be used .
: return : tuple ( available_quantity , in_date as a datetime )
self = self . sudo ( )
quants = self . _gather ( product_id , location_id , lot_id = lot_id , package_id = package_id , owner_id = owner_id , strict = True )
rounding = product_id . uom_id . rounding
if lot_id :
incoming_dates = quants . mapped ( ' in_date ' ) # `mapped` already filtered out falsy items
incoming_dates = [ fields . Datetime . from_string ( incoming_date ) for incoming_date in incoming_dates ]
if in_date :
incoming_dates + = [ in_date ]
# If multiple incoming dates are available for a given lot_id/package_id/owner_id, we
# consider only the oldest one as being relevant.
if incoming_dates :
in_date = fields . Datetime . to_string ( min ( incoming_dates ) )
else :
in_date = fields . Datetime . now ( )
for quant in quants :
try :
with self . _cr . savepoint ( ) :
self . _cr . execute ( " SELECT 1 FROM stock_quant WHERE id = %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT " , [ quant . id ] , log_exceptions = False )
quant . write ( {
' quantity ' : quant . quantity + quantity ,
' in_date ' : in_date ,
} )
# cleanup empty quants
if float_is_zero ( quant . quantity , precision_rounding = rounding ) and float_is_zero ( quant . reserved_quantity , precision_rounding = rounding ) :
quant . unlink ( )
except OperationalError as e :
if e . pgcode == ' 55P03 ' : # could not obtain the lock
else :
else :
self . create ( {
' product_id ' : product_id . id ,
' location_id ' : location_id . id ,
' quantity ' : quantity ,
' lot_id ' : lot_id and lot_id . id ,
' package_id ' : package_id and package_id . id ,
' owner_id ' : owner_id and owner_id . id ,
' in_date ' : in_date ,
} )
return self . _get_available_quantity ( product_id , location_id , lot_id = lot_id , package_id = package_id , owner_id = owner_id , strict = False , allow_negative = True ) , fields . Datetime . from_string ( in_date )
def _update_reserved_quantity ( self , product_id , location_id , quantity , lot_id = None , package_id = None , owner_id = None , strict = False ) :
""" Increase the reserved quantity, i.e. increase `reserved_quantity` for the set of quants
sharing the combination of ` product_id , location_id ` if ` strict ` is set to False or sharing
the * exact same characteristics * otherwise . Typically , this method is called when reserving
a move or updating a reserved move line . When reserving a chained move , the strict flag
should be enabled ( to reserve exactly what was brought ) . When the move is MTS , it could take
anything from the stock , so we disable the flag . When editing a move line , we naturally
enable the flag , to reflect the reservation according to the edition .
: return : a list of tuples ( quant , quantity_reserved ) showing on which quant the reservation
was done and how much the system was able to reserve on it
self = self . sudo ( )
rounding = product_id . uom_id . rounding
quants = self . _gather ( product_id , location_id , lot_id = lot_id , package_id = package_id , owner_id = owner_id , strict = strict )
available_quantity = self . _get_available_quantity ( product_id , location_id , lot_id = lot_id , package_id = package_id , owner_id = owner_id , strict = strict )
if float_compare ( quantity , 0 , precision_rounding = rounding ) > 0 and float_compare ( quantity , available_quantity , precision_rounding = rounding ) > 0 :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' It is not possible to reserve more products of %s than you have in stock. ' ) % ( ' , ' . join ( quants . mapped ( ' product_id ' ) . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ) )
elif float_compare ( quantity , 0 , precision_rounding = rounding ) < 0 and float_compare ( abs ( quantity ) , sum ( quants . mapped ( ' reserved_quantity ' ) ) , precision_rounding = rounding ) > 0 :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' It is not possible to unreserve more products of %s than you have in stock. ' ) % ( ' , ' . join ( quants . mapped ( ' product_id ' ) . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ) )
reserved_quants = [ ]
for quant in quants :
if float_compare ( quantity , 0 , precision_rounding = rounding ) > 0 :
max_quantity_on_quant = quant . quantity - quant . reserved_quantity
if float_compare ( max_quantity_on_quant , 0 , precision_rounding = rounding ) < = 0 :
max_quantity_on_quant = min ( max_quantity_on_quant , quantity )
quant . reserved_quantity + = max_quantity_on_quant
reserved_quants . append ( ( quant , max_quantity_on_quant ) )
quantity - = max_quantity_on_quant
available_quantity - = max_quantity_on_quant
else :
max_quantity_on_quant = min ( quant . reserved_quantity , abs ( quantity ) )
quant . reserved_quantity - = max_quantity_on_quant
reserved_quants . append ( ( quant , - max_quantity_on_quant ) )
quantity + = max_quantity_on_quant
available_quantity + = max_quantity_on_quant
if float_is_zero ( quantity , precision_rounding = rounding ) or float_is_zero ( available_quantity , precision_rounding = rounding ) :
return reserved_quants
def _merge_quants ( self ) :
""" In a situation where one transaction is updating a quant via
` _update_available_quantity ` and another concurrent one calls this function with the same
argument , we ’ ll create a new quant in order for these transactions to not rollback . This
method will find and deduplicate these quants .
query = """ WITH
dupes AS (
SELECT min ( id ) as to_update_quant_id ,
( array_agg ( id ORDER BY id ) ) [ 2 : array_length ( array_agg ( id ) , 1 ) ] as to_delete_quant_ids ,
SUM ( reserved_quantity ) as reserved_quantity ,
SUM ( quantity ) as quantity
FROM stock_quant
GROUP BY product_id , company_id , location_id , lot_id , package_id , owner_id , in_date
HAVING count ( id ) > 1
) ,
_up AS (
UPDATE stock_quant q
SET quantity = d . quantity ,
reserved_quantity = d . reserved_quantity
FROM dupes d
WHERE d . to_update_quant_id = q . id
DELETE FROM stock_quant WHERE id in ( SELECT unnest ( to_delete_quant_ids ) from dupes )
try :
with self . env . cr . savepoint ( ) :
self . env . cr . execute ( query )
except Error as e :
_logger . info ( ' an error occured while merging quants: %s ' , e . pgerror )
class QuantPackage ( models . Model ) :
""" Packages containing quants and/or other packages """
_name = " stock.quant.package "
_description = " Physical Packages "
_order = ' name '
name = fields . Char (
' Package Reference ' , copy = False , index = True ,
default = lambda self : self . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . next_by_code ( ' stock.quant.package ' ) or _ ( ' Unknown Pack ' ) )
quant_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.quant ' , ' package_id ' , ' Bulk Content ' , readonly = True )
packaging_id = fields . Many2one (
' product.packaging ' , ' Package Type ' , index = True ,
help = " This field should be completed only if everything inside the package share the same product, otherwise it doesn ' t really makes sense. " )
location_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.location ' , ' Location ' , compute = ' _compute_package_info ' , search = ' _search_location ' ,
index = True , readonly = True )
company_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.company ' , ' Company ' , compute = ' _compute_package_info ' , search = ' _search_company ' ,
index = True , readonly = True )
owner_id = fields . Many2one (
' res.partner ' , ' Owner ' , compute = ' _compute_package_info ' , search = ' _search_owner ' ,
index = True , readonly = True )
move_line_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.move.line ' , ' result_package_id ' )
current_picking_move_line_ids = fields . One2many ( ' stock.move.line ' , compute = " _compute_current_picking_info " )
current_picking_id = fields . Boolean ( compute = " _compute_current_picking_info " )
current_source_location_id = fields . Many2one ( ' stock.location ' , compute = " _compute_current_picking_info " )
current_destination_location_id = fields . Many2one ( ' stock.location ' , compute = " _compute_current_picking_info " )
is_processed = fields . Boolean ( compute = " _compute_current_picking_info " )
@api.depends ( ' quant_ids.package_id ' , ' quant_ids.location_id ' , ' quant_ids.company_id ' , ' quant_ids.owner_id ' )
def _compute_package_info ( self ) :
for package in self :
values = { ' location_id ' : False , ' company_id ' : self . env . user . company_id . id , ' owner_id ' : False }
if package . quant_ids :
values [ ' location_id ' ] = package . quant_ids [ 0 ] . location_id
package . location_id = values [ ' location_id ' ]
package . company_id = values [ ' company_id ' ]
package . owner_id = values [ ' owner_id ' ]
def name_get ( self ) :
return list ( self . _compute_complete_name ( ) . items ( ) )
def _compute_complete_name ( self ) :
""" Forms complete name of location from parent location to child location. """
res = { }
for package in self :
name = package . name
res [ package . id ] = name
return res
def _compute_current_picking_info ( self ) :
""" When a package is in displayed in picking, it gets the picking id trough the context, and this function
populates the different fields used when we move entire packages in pickings .
for package in self :
picking_id = self . env . context . get ( ' picking_id ' )
if not picking_id :
package . current_picking_move_line_ids = False
package . current_picking_id = False
package . is_processed = False
package . current_source_location_id = False
package . current_destination_location_id = False
package . current_picking_move_line_ids = package . move_line_ids . filtered ( lambda ml : ml . picking_id . id == picking_id )
package . current_picking_id = True
package . current_source_location_id = package . current_picking_move_line_ids [ : 1 ] . location_id
package . current_destination_location_id = package . current_picking_move_line_ids [ : 1 ] . location_dest_id
package . is_processed = not bool ( package . current_picking_move_line_ids . filtered ( lambda ml : ml . qty_done < ml . product_uom_qty ) )
def action_toggle_processed ( self ) :
""" This method set the quantity done to the reserved quantity of all move lines of a package or to 0 if the package is already processed """
picking_id = self . env . context . get ( ' picking_id ' )
if picking_id :
self . ensure_one ( )
move_lines = self . current_picking_move_line_ids
if move_lines . filtered ( lambda ml : ml . qty_done < ml . product_uom_qty ) :
destination_location = self . env . context . get ( ' destination_location ' )
for ml in move_lines :
vals = { ' qty_done ' : ml . product_uom_qty }
if destination_location :
vals [ ' location_dest_id ' ] = destination_location
ml . write ( vals )
else :
for ml in move_lines :
ml . qty_done = 0
def _search_location ( self , operator , value ) :
if value :
packs = self . search ( [ ( ' quant_ids.location_id ' , operator , value ) ] )
else :
packs = self . search ( [ ( ' quant_ids ' , operator , value ) ] )
if packs :
return [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , packs . ids ) ]
else :
return [ ( ' id ' , ' = ' , False ) ]
def _search_company ( self , operator , value ) :
if value :
packs = self . search ( [ ( ' quant_ids.company_id ' , operator , value ) ] )
else :
packs = self . search ( [ ( ' quant_ids ' , operator , value ) ] )
if packs :
return [ ( ' id ' , ' parent_of ' , packs . ids ) ]
else :
return [ ( ' id ' , ' = ' , False ) ]
def _search_owner ( self , operator , value ) :
if value :
packs = self . search ( [ ( ' quant_ids.owner_id ' , operator , value ) ] )
else :
packs = self . search ( [ ( ' quant_ids ' , operator , value ) ] )
if packs :
return [ ( ' id ' , ' parent_of ' , packs . ids ) ]
else :
return [ ( ' id ' , ' = ' , False ) ]
def _check_location_constraint ( self ) :
''' checks that all quants in a package are stored in the same location. This function cannot be used
as a constraint because it needs to be checked on pack operations ( they may not call write on the
package )
for pack in self :
locations = pack . get_content ( ) . filtered ( lambda quant : quant . qty > 0.0 ) . mapped ( ' location_id ' )
if len ( locations ) != 1 :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Everything inside a package should be in the same location ' ) )
return True
def unpack ( self ) :
for package in self :
2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
move_lines_to_remove = package . move_line_ids . filtered ( lambda move_line : move_line . state != ' done ' )
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
if move_lines_to_remove :
move_lines_to_remove . write ( { ' result_package_id ' : False } )
else :
package . mapped ( ' quant_ids ' ) . write ( { ' package_id ' : False } )
def action_view_picking ( self ) :
action = self . env . ref ( ' stock.action_picking_tree_all ' ) . read ( ) [ 0 ]
domain = [ ' | ' , ( ' result_package_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) , ( ' package_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ]
pickings = self . env [ ' stock.move.line ' ] . search ( domain ) . mapped ( ' picking_id ' )
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , pickings . ids ) ]
return action
def view_content_package ( self ) :
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . for_xml_id ( ' stock ' , ' quantsact ' )
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , self . _get_contained_quants ( ) . ids ) ]
return action
def _get_contained_quants ( self ) :
return self . env [ ' stock.quant ' ] . search ( [ ( ' package_id ' , ' child_of ' , self . ids ) ] )
def _get_all_products_quantities ( self ) :
''' This function computes the different product quantities for the given package
# TDE CLEANME: probably to move somewhere else, like in pack op
res = { }
for quant in self . _get_contained_quants ( ) :
if quant . product_id not in res :
res [ quant . product_id ] = 0
res [ quant . product_id ] + = quant . qty
return res