2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
flectra.define('web.view_dialogs_tests', function (require) {
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
"use strict";
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var dialogs = require('web.view_dialogs');
var Widget = require('web.Widget');
QUnit.module('Views', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
display_name: { string: "Displayed name", type: "char" },
foo: {string: "Foo", type: 'char'},
bar: {string: "Bar", type: "boolean"},
records: [
{id: 1, foo: 'blip', display_name: 'blipblip', bar: true},
{id: 2, foo: 'ta tata ta ta', display_name: 'macgyver', bar: false},
{id: 3, foo: 'piou piou', display_name: "Jack O'Neill", bar: true},
}, function () {
function createParent(params) {
var widget = new Widget();
testUtils.addMockEnvironment(widget, params);
return widget;
QUnit.test('formviewdialog buttons in footer are positioned properly', function (assert) {
var parent = createParent({
data: this.data,
archs: {
'<form string="Partner">' +
'<sheet>' +
'<group><field name="foo"/></group>' +
'<footer><button string="Custom Button" type="object" class="btn-primary"/></footer>' +
'</sheet>' +
testUtils.intercept(parent, 'env_updated', function () {
throw new Error("The environment should not be propagated to the view manager");
new dialogs.FormViewDialog(parent, {
res_model: 'partner',
res_id: 1,
assert.notOk($('div.modal .modal-body button').length,
"should not have any button in body");
assert.strictEqual($('div.modal .modal-footer button').length, 1,
"should have only one button in footer");
QUnit.test('SelectCreateDialog use domain, group_by and search default', function (assert) {
var search = 0;
var parent = createParent({
data: this.data,
archs: {
'<tree string="Partner">' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'<search>' +
'<field name="foo" filter_domain="[(\'display_name\',\'ilike\',self), (\'foo\',\'ilike\',self)]"/>' +
'<group expand="0" string="Group By">' +
'<filter name="groupby_bar" context="{\'group_by\' : \'bar\'}"/>' +
'</group>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (search === 1 && args.method === 'read_group') {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs, {
context: {group_by: "bar"},
domain: [["display_name","like","a"], ["display_name","ilike","piou"], ["foo","ilike","piou"]],
orderby: '',
lazy: true
}, "should search with the complete domain (domain + search), and group by 'bar'");
if (search === 2 && route === '/web/dataset/search_read') {
assert.deepEqual(args, {
context: {},
domain: [["display_name","like","a"], ["display_name","ilike","piou"], ["foo","ilike","piou"]],
model: "partner",
limit: 80,
sort: ""
}, "should search with the complete domain (domain + search)");
if (search === 3 && route === '/web/dataset/search_read') {
assert.deepEqual(args, {
context: {},
domain: [["display_name","like","a"]],
model: "partner",
limit: 80,
sort: ""
}, "should search with the domain");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var dialog = new dialogs.SelectCreateDialog(parent, {
no_create: true,
readonly: true,
res_model: 'partner',
domain: [['display_name', 'like', 'a']],
context: {
search_default_groupby_bar: true,
search_default_foo: 'piou',
dialog.$('.o_searchview_facet:contains(groupby_bar) .o_facet_remove').click();
dialog.$('.o_searchview_facet .o_facet_remove').click();
QUnit.test('SelectCreateDialog correctly evaluates domains', function (assert) {
var parent = createParent({
data: this.data,
archs: {
'<tree string="Partner">' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
'<search>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/search_read') {
assert.deepEqual(args.domain, [['id', '=', 2]],
"should have correctly evaluated the domain");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
session: {
user_context: {uid: 2},
new dialogs.SelectCreateDialog(parent, {
no_create: true,
readonly: true,
res_model: 'partner',
domain: "[['id', '=', uid]]",
QUnit.test('SelectCreateDialog list view in readonly', function (assert) {
var parent = createParent({
data: this.data,
archs: {
'<tree string="Partner" editable="bottom">' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
'<field name="foo"/>' +
var dialog = new dialogs.SelectCreateDialog(parent, {
res_model: 'partner',
// click on the first row to see if the list is editable
dialog.$('.o_list_view tbody tr:first td:not(.o_list_record_selector):first').click();
assert.equal(dialog.$('.o_list_view tbody tr:first td:not(.o_list_record_selector):first input').length, 0,
"list view should not be editable in a SelectCreateDialog");