<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"title="Calls for tenders are used when you want to generate requests for quotations to several vendors for a given set of products. You can configure per product if you directly do a Request for Quotation to one vendor or if you want a Call for Tenders to compare offers from several vendors.">
Manage your purchase agreements (call for tenders, blanket orders)
<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"title="This default value is applied to any new product created. This can be changed in the product detail form.">
<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"title="If enabled, activates 3-way matching on vendor bills : the items must be received in order to pay the invoice.">
Make sure you only pay bills for which you received the goods you ordered
<divclass="row mt16 o_settings_container">
<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"title="By default, vendor prices can be set manually in the product detail form. If your vendors provide you with pricelist files, this option allows you to easily import them into the system from ‘Purchase > Vendor Pricelists’ menu.">
<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"attrs="{'invisible': [('is_installed_sale', '=', False)]}"title="This adds a dropshipping route to apply on products in order to request your vendors to deliver to your customers. A product to dropship will generate a purchase request for quotation once the sales order confirmed. This is a on-demand flow. The requested delivery address will be the customer delivery address and not your warehouse.">
<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"title="Allows you to specify an analytic account on purchase order lines."groups="account.group_account_user">
<divclass="col-xs-12 col-md-6 o_setting_box"title="Margin of error for vendor lead times. When the system generates Purchase Orders for reordering products,they will be scheduled that many days earlier to cope with unexpected vendor delays.">
<spanclass="fa fa-lg fa-building-o"title="Values set here are company-specific."groups="base.group_multi_company"/>