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flectra.define('google_drive.gdrive_integration', function (require) {
"use strict";
var FormView = require('web.FormView');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var GoogleDriveSideBar = require('google_drive.sidebar');
var createView = testUtils.createView;
* @override
* Avoid breaking other tests because of the new route
* that the module introduces
var _addGoogleDocItemsOriginal = GoogleDriveSideBar.prototype._addGoogleDocItems;
var _addGoogleDocItemsMocked = function (model, resID) {
return $.when();
GoogleDriveSideBar.prototype._addGoogleDocItems = _addGoogleDocItemsMocked;
QUnit.module('gdrive_integration', {
beforeEach: function () {
// For our test to work, the _addGoogleDocItems function needs to be the original
GoogleDriveSideBar.prototype._addGoogleDocItems = _addGoogleDocItemsOriginal;
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
display_name: {string: "Displayed name", type: "char", searchable: true},
records: [{
id: 1,
display_name: "Locomotive Breath",
'google.drive.config': {
fields: {
model_id: {string: 'Model', type: 'int'},
name: {string: 'Name', type: 'char'},
google_drive_resource_id: {string: 'Resource ID', type: 'char'},
records: [{
id: 27,
name: 'Cyberdyne Systems',
model_id: 1,
google_drive_resource_id: 'T1000',
'ir.attachment': {
fields: {
name: {string: 'Name', type:'char'}
records: [],
afterEach: function() {
GoogleDriveSideBar.prototype._addGoogleDocItems = _addGoogleDocItemsMocked;
}, function () {
QUnit.module('Google Drive Sidebar');
QUnit.test('rendering of the google drive attachments in Sidebar', function (assert) {
var form = createView({
View: FormView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<form string="Partners">' +
'<field name="display_name"/>' +
res_id: 1,
viewOptions: {sidebar: true},
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/google.drive.config/get_google_drive_config') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args, ['partner', 1],
'The route to get google drive config should have been called');
return $.when([{id: 27, name: 'Cyberdyne Systems'}]);
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/google.drive.config/search_read'){
return $.when([{google_drive_resource_id: "T1000",
google_drive_client_id: "cyberdyne.org",
id: 1}]);
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/google.drive.config/get_google_drive_url') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args, [27, 1, 'T1000'],
'The route to get the Google url should have been called');
// We don't return anything useful, otherwise it will open a new tab
return $.when();
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var google_action = form.sidebar.$('.oe_share_gdoc');
assert.strictEqual(google_action.length, 1,
'The button to the google action should be present');
// Trigger opening of the dynamic link