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# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# # Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra.tests import common
class base_automation_test(common.TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(base_automation_test, self).setUp()
self.user_admin = self.env.ref('base.user_root')
self.user_demo = self.env.ref('base.user_demo')
def create_lead(self, **kwargs):
vals = {
'name': "Lead Test",
'user_id': self.user_admin.id,
return self.env['base.automation.lead.test'].create(vals)
def test_00_check_to_state_open_pre(self):
Check that a new record (with state = open) doesn't change its responsible
when there is a precondition filter which check that the state is open.
lead = self.create_lead(state='open')
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'open')
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin, "Responsible should not change on creation of Lead with state 'open'.")
def test_01_check_to_state_draft_post(self):
Check that a new record changes its responsible when there is a postcondition
filter which check that the state is draft.
lead = self.create_lead()
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'draft', "Lead state should be 'draft'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_demo, "Responsible should be change on creation of Lead with state 'draft'.")
def test_02_check_from_draft_to_done_with_steps(self):
A new record is created and goes from states 'open' to 'done' via the
other states (open, pending and cancel). We have a rule with:
- precondition: the record is in "open"
- postcondition: that the record is "done".
If the state goes from 'open' to 'done' the responsible is changed.
If those two conditions aren't verified, the responsible remains the same.
lead = self.create_lead(state='open')
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'open', "Lead state should be 'open'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin, "Responsible should not change on creation of Lead with state 'open'.")
# change state to pending and check that responsible has not changed
lead.write({'state': 'pending'})
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'pending', "Lead state should be 'pending'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin, "Responsible should not change on creation of Lead with state from 'draft' to 'open'.")
# change state to done and check that responsible has not changed
lead.write({'state': 'done'})
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'done', "Lead state should be 'done'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin, "Responsible should not chang on creation of Lead with state from 'pending' to 'done'.")
def test_03_check_from_draft_to_done_without_steps(self):
A new record is created and goes from states 'open' to 'done' via the
other states (open, pending and cancel). We have a rule with:
- precondition: the record is in "open"
- postcondition: that the record is "done".
If the state goes from 'open' to 'done' the responsible is changed.
If those two conditions aren't verified, the responsible remains the same.
lead = self.create_lead(state='open')
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'open', "Lead state should be 'open'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin, "Responsible should not change on creation of Lead with state 'open'.")
# change state to done and check that responsible has changed
lead.write({'state': 'done'})
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'done', "Lead state should be 'done'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_demo, "Responsible should be change on write of Lead with state from 'open' to 'done'.")
def test_10_recomputed_field(self):
Check that a rule is executed whenever a field is recomputed after a
change on another model.
partner = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1')
partner.write({'customer': False})
lead = self.create_lead(state='open', partner_id=partner.id)
self.assertFalse(lead.customer, "Customer field should updated to False")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin, "Responsible should not change on creation of Lead with state from 'draft' to 'open'.")
# change partner, recompute on lead should trigger the rule
partner.write({'customer': True})
self.assertTrue(lead.customer, "Customer field should updated to True")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_demo, "Responsible should be change on write of Lead when Customer becomes True.")
def test_11_recomputed_field(self):
Check that a rule is executed whenever a field is recomputed and the
context contains the target field
partner = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1')
lead = self.create_lead(state='draft', partner_id=partner.id)
self.assertFalse(lead.deadline, 'There should not be a deadline defined')
# change priority and user; this triggers deadline recomputation, and
# the server action should set the boolean field to True
lead.write({'priority': True, 'user_id': self.user_admin.id})
self.assertTrue(lead.deadline, 'Deadline should be defined')
self.assertTrue(lead.is_assigned_to_admin, 'Lead should be assigned to admin')
def test_12_recursive(self):
""" Check that a rule is executed recursively by a secondary change. """
lead = self.create_lead(state='open')
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'open')
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_admin)
# change partner; this should trigger the rule that modifies the state
partner = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1')
lead.write({'partner_id': partner.id})
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'draft')
def test_20_direct_line(self):
Check that a rule is executed after creating a line record.
line = self.env['base.automation.line.test'].create({'name': "Line"})
self.assertEqual(line.user_id, self.user_demo)
def test_20_indirect_line(self):
Check that creating a lead with a line executes rules on both records.
lead = self.create_lead(line_ids=[(0, 0, {'name': "Line"})])
self.assertEqual(lead.state, 'draft', "Lead state should be 'draft'")
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_demo, "Responsible should change on creation of Lead test line.")
self.assertEqual(len(lead.line_ids), 1, "New test line is not created")
self.assertEqual(lead.line_ids.user_id, self.user_demo, "Responsible should be change on creation of Lead test line.")