2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
flectra.define('web.pivot_tests', function (require) {
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var PivotView = require('web.PivotView');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var _t = core._t;
var createView = testUtils.createView;
QUnit.module('Views', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
foo: {string: "Foo", type: "integer"},
bar: {string: "bar", type: "boolean"},
date: {string: "Date", type: "date", store: true},
product_id: {string: "Product", type: "many2one", relation: 'product', store: true},
non_stored_m2o: {string: "Non Stored M2O", type: "many2one", relation: 'product'},
customer: {string: "Customer", type: "many2one", relation: 'customer', store: true},
records: [
id: 1,
foo: 12,
bar: true,
date: '2016-12-14',
product_id: 37,
customer: 1,
}, {
id: 2,
foo: 1,
bar: true,
date: '2016-10-26',
product_id: 41,
customer: 2,
}, {
id: 3,
foo: 17,
bar: true,
date: '2016-12-15',
product_id: 41,
customer: 2,
}, {id: 4,
foo: 2,
bar: false,
date: '2016-04-11',
product_id: 41,
customer: 1,
product: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Product Name", type: "char"}
records: [{
id: 37,
display_name: "xphone",
}, {
id: 41,
display_name: "xpad",
customer: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Customer Name", type: "char"}
records: [{
id: 1,
display_name: "First",
}, {
id: 2,
display_name: "Second",
}, function () {
QUnit.test('simple pivot rendering', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot string="Partners">' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
assert.strictEqual(args.kwargs.lazy, false,
"the read_group should be done with the lazy=false option");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
"root node should have classname 'o_enable_linking'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('td.o_pivot_cell_value:contains(32)').length, 1,
"should contain a pivot cell with the sum of all records");
QUnit.test('pivot view without "string" attribute', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
// this is important for export functionality.
assert.strictEqual(pivot.title, _t("Untitled"), "should have a valid title");
QUnit.test('clicking on a cell triggers a do_action', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
intercepts: {
do_action: function (ev) {
assert.deepEqual(ev.data.action, {
context: {someKey: true, userContextKey: true},
domain: [['product_id', '=', 37]],
name: 'Partners',
res_model: 'partner',
target: 'current',
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
view_mode: 'list',
view_type: 'list',
views: [[false, 'list'], [2, 'form']],
}, "should trigger do_action with the correct args");
session: {
user_context: {userContextKey: true},
viewOptions: {
action: {
views: [[2, 'form'], [5, 'kanban'], [false, 'list'], [false, 'pivot']],
context: {someKey: true, search_default_test: 3},
title: 'Partners',
"root node should have classname 'o_enable_linking'");
pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value:contains(12)').click(); // should trigger a do_action
QUnit.test('pivot view with disable_linking="True"', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot disable_linking="True">' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
intercepts: {
do_action: function () {
assert.ok(false, "should not trigger do_action");
"root node should not have classname 'o_enable_linking'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 1,
"should have one cell");
pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').click(); // should not trigger a do_action
QUnit.test('pivot view grouped by date field', function (assert) {
var data = this.data;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="date" interval="month" type="col"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
mockRPC: function (route, params) {
var wrong_fields = _.filter(params.kwargs.fields, function (field) {
return !(field in data.partner.fields);
assert.ok(!wrong_fields.length, 'fields given to read_group should exist on the model');
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
QUnit.test('without measures, pivot view uses __count by default', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot></pivot>',
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.fields, ['__count'],
"should make a read_group with no valid fields");
return this._super(route, args);
var $countMeasure = pivot.$buttons.find('li[data-field=__count]');
assert.ok($countMeasure.hasClass('selected'), "The count measure should be activated");
QUnit.test('pivot view can be reloaded', function (assert) {
var readGroupCount = 0;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot></pivot>',
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
return this._super(route, args);
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('td.o_pivot_cell_value:contains(4)').length, 1,
"should contain a pivot cell with the number of all records");
assert.strictEqual(readGroupCount, 1, "should have done 1 rpc");
pivot.update({domain: [['foo', '>', 10]]});
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('td.o_pivot_cell_value:contains(2)').length, 1,
"should contain a pivot cell with the number of remaining records");
assert.strictEqual(readGroupCount, 2, "should have done 2 rpcs");
QUnit.test('pivot view grouped by many2one field', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
"should have one opened header");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xphone)').length, 1,
"should display one header with 'xphone'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xpad)').length, 1,
"should display one header with 'xpad'");
QUnit.test('basic folding/unfolding', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
mockRPC: function () {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 3,
"should have 3 rows: 1 for the opened header, and 2 for data");
// click on the opened header to close it
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 1, "should have 1 row");
// click on closed header to open dropdown
pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed').click();
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('ul.o_pivot_field_menu > li[data-field="date"]').length, 1,
"should have the date field as proposition");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_field_selection li[data-field="product_id"]').length, 1,
"should have the product_id field as proposition");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_field_selection li[data-field="non_stored_m2o"]').length, 0,
"should not have the non_stored_m2o field as proposition");
pivot.$('ul.o_pivot_field_menu > li[data-field="date"] a').click();
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 4,
"should have 4 rows: one for header, 3 for data");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 3,
"should have done 3 rpcs (initial load) + open header with different groupbys");
QUnit.test('more folding/unfolding', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
// open dropdown to zoom into first row
pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed').first().click();
// click on date by day
pivot.$('ul.o_pivot_field_menu > li[data-field="date"] a[data-interval="day"]').click();
// open dropdown to zoom into second row
pivot.$('tbody td.o_pivot_header_cell_closed:eq(1)').first().click();
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 7,
"should have 7 rows (1 for total, 1 for xphone, 1 for xpad, 4 for data)");
QUnit.test('pivot view can be flipped', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
mockRPC: function () {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 3,
"should have 3 rows: 1 for the open header, and 2 for data");
rpcCount = 0;
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 0, "should not have done any rpc");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 1,
"should have 1 rows: 1 for the main header");
QUnit.test('can toggle extra measure', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
mockRPC: function () {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 3,
"should have 3 cells: 1 for the open header, and 2 for data");
"the __count measure should not be selected");
rpcCount = 0;
pivot.$buttons.find('li[data-field=__count] a').click();
"the __count measure should be selected");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 6,
"should have 6 cells: 2 for the open header, and 4 for data");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 2,
"should have done 2 rpcs to reload data");
pivot.$buttons.find('li[data-field=__count] a').click();
"the __count measure should not be selected");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 3,
"should have 3 cells: 1 for the open header, and 2 for data");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 2,
"should not have done any extra rpcs");
QUnit.test('no content helper when no active measure', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot string="Partners">' +
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 0,
"should not have a no_content_helper");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('table').length, 1,
"should have a table in DOM");
pivot.$buttons.find('li[data-field=__count] a').click();
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1,
"should have a no_content_helper");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('table').length, 0,
"should not have a table in DOM");
QUnit.test('no content helper when no data', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot string="Partners">' +
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 0,
"should not have a no_content_helper");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('table').length, 1,
"should have a table in DOM");
pivot.update({domain: [['foo', '=', 12345]]});
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1,
"should have a no_content_helper");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('table').length, 0,
"should not have a table in DOM");
QUnit.test('no content helper when no data, part 2', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records = [];
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot string="Partners"></pivot>',
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1,
"should have a no_content_helper");
QUnit.test('no content helper when no data, part 3', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot string="Partners"></pivot>',
viewOptions: {
domain: [['foo', '=', 12345]]
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1,
"should have a no_content_helper");
pivot.update({domain: [['foo', '=', 12345]]});
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 1,
"should still have a no_content_helper");
pivot.update({domain: []});
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.oe_view_nocontent').length, 0,
"should not have a no_content_helper");
// tries to open a field selection menu, to make sure it was not
// removed from the dom.
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('ul.o_pivot_field_menu').length, 1,
"the field selector menu exists");
QUnit.test('tries to restore previous state after domain change', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
mockRPC: function () {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 3,
"should have 3 cells: 1 for the open header, and 2 for data");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_measure_row:contains(Foo)').length, 1,
"should have 1 row for measure Foo");
pivot.update({domain: [['foo', '=', 12345]]});
rpcCount = 0;
pivot.update({domain: []});
assert.equal(rpcCount, 2, "should have reloaded data");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 3,
"should still have 3 cells: 1 for the open header, and 2 for data");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_measure_row:contains(Foo)').length, 1,
"should still have 1 row for measure Foo");
QUnit.test('can be grouped with the update function', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 1,
"should have only 1 cell");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 1,
"should have 1 rows");
pivot.update({groupBy: ['product_id']});
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('.o_pivot_cell_value').length, 3,
"should have 3 cells");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 3,
"should have 3 rows");
QUnit.test('can sort data in a column by clicking on header', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
assert.strictEqual($('td.o_pivot_cell_value').text(), "321220",
"should have proper values in cells (total, result 1, result 2");
assert.strictEqual($('td.o_pivot_cell_value').text(), "322012",
"should have proper values in cells (total, result 2, result 1");
assert.strictEqual($('td.o_pivot_cell_value').text(), "321220",
"should have proper values in cells (total, result 1, result 2");
QUnit.test('can expand all rows', function (assert) {
var nbReadGroups = 0;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
assert.strictEqual(nbReadGroups, 2, "should have done 2 read_group RPCS");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('td.o_pivot_cell_value').text(), "321220",
"should have proper values in cells (total, result 1, result 2)");
// expand on date:days, product
nbReadGroups = 0;
pivot.update({groupBy: ['date:days', 'product_id']});
assert.strictEqual(nbReadGroups, 3, "should have done 3 read_group RPCS");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 8,
"should have 7 rows (total + 3 for December and 2 for October and April)");
// collapse the last two rows
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 6,
"should have 6 rows now");
// expand all
nbReadGroups = 0;
assert.strictEqual(nbReadGroups, 3, "should have done 3 read_group RPCS");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 8,
"should have 8 rows again");
QUnit.test('expand all with a delay', function (assert) {
var def;
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
'<field name="product_id" type="row"/>' +
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
return $.when(def).then(_.constant(result));
return result;
// expand on date:days, product
pivot.update({groupBy: ['date:days', 'product_id']});
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 8,
"should have 7 rows (total + 3 for December and 2 for October and April)");
// collapse the last two rows
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 6,
"should have 6 rows now");
// expand all
def = $.Deferred();
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr').length, 8,
"should have 8 rows again");
QUnit.test('can download a file', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="date" interval="month" type="col"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
session: {
get_file: function (args) {
assert.strictEqual(args.url, '/web/pivot/export_xls',
"should call get_file with correct parameters");
2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
QUnit.test('can download a file without data', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records = [];
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="date" interval="month" type="col"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
session: {
get_file: function (args) {
assert.strictEqual(args.url, '/web/pivot/export_xls',
"should call get_file with correct parameters");
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
QUnit.test('getContext correctly returns measures and groupbys', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="date" interval="day" type="col"/>' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure"/>' +
assert.deepEqual(pivot.getContext(), {
pivot_column_groupby: ['date:day'],
pivot_measures: ['foo'],
pivot_row_groupby: [],
}, "context should be correct");
// expand header on field customer
pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:nth(1)').click();
pivot.$('ul.o_pivot_field_menu > li[data-field="customer"] a').click();
assert.deepEqual(pivot.getContext(), {
pivot_column_groupby: ['date:day', 'customer'],
pivot_measures: ['foo'],
pivot_row_groupby: [],
}, "context should be correct");
// expand row on field product_id
pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed').first().click();
pivot.$('ul.o_pivot_field_menu > li[data-field="product_id"] a').click();
assert.deepEqual(pivot.getContext(), {
pivot_column_groupby: ['date:day', 'customer'],
pivot_measures: ['foo'],
pivot_row_groupby: ['product_id'],
}, "context should be correct");
QUnit.test('correctly uses pivot_ keys from the context', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.amount = {string: "Amount", type: "float"};
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="date" interval="day" type="col"/>' +
'<field name="amount" type="measure"/>' +
viewOptions: {
context: {
pivot_measures: ['foo'],
pivot_column_groupby: ['customer'],
pivot_row_groupby: ['product_id'],
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
"column: should have one opened header");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(First)').length, 1,
"column: should display one closed header with 'First'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(Second)').length, 1,
"column: should display one closed header with 'Second'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
"row: should have one opened header");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xphone)').length, 1,
"row: should display one closed header with 'xphone'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xpad)').length, 1,
"row: should display one closed header with 'xpad'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr:first td:nth(3)').text(), '32',
"selected measure should be foo, with total 32");
QUnit.test('correctly uses pivot_ keys from the context (at reload)', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.amount = {string: "Amount", type: "float"};
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="date" interval="day" type="col"/>' +
'<field name="amount" type="measure"/>' +
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr:first td.o_pivot_cell_value:last').text(), '0.00',
"the active measure should be amount");
var reloadParams = {
context: {
pivot_measures: ['foo'],
pivot_column_groupby: ['customer'],
pivot_row_groupby: ['product_id'],
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
"column: should have one opened header");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(First)').length, 1,
"column: should display one closed header with 'First'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(Second)').length, 1,
"column: should display one closed header with 'Second'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
"row: should have one opened header");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xphone)').length, 1,
"row: should display one closed header with 'xphone'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xpad)').length, 1,
"row: should display one closed header with 'xpad'");
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr:first td:nth(3)').text(), '32',
"selected measure should be foo, with total 32");
QUnit.test('correctly use group_by key from the context', function (assert) {
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: 'partner',
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot>' +
'<field name="customer" type="col" />' +
'<field name="foo" type="measure" />' +
groupBy: ['product_id'],
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
'column: should have one opened header');
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(First)').length, 1,
'column: should display one closed header with "First"');
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('thead .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(Second)').length, 1,
'column: should display one closed header with "Second"');
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_opened').length, 1,
'row: should have one opened header');
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xphone)').length, 1,
'row: should display one closed header with "xphone"');
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody .o_pivot_header_cell_closed:contains(xpad)').length, 1,
'row: should display one closed header with "xpad"');
assert.strictEqual(pivot.$('tbody tr:first td:nth(3)').text(), '32',
'selected measure should be foo, with total 32');
QUnit.test('pivot still handles __count__ measure', function (assert) {
// for retro-compatibility reasons, the pivot view still handles
// '__count__' measure.
var pivot = createView({
View: PivotView,
model: "partner",
data: this.data,
arch: '<pivot></pivot>',
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.fields, ['__count'],
"should make a read_group with field __count");
return this._super(route, args);
viewOptions: {
context: {
pivot_measures: ['__count__'],
var $countMeasure = pivot.$buttons.find('li[data-field=__count]');
assert.ok($countMeasure.hasClass('selected'), "The count measure should be activated");