2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
flectra.define('web.basic_model_tests', function (require) {
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
"use strict";
var BasicModel = require('web.BasicModel');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var createModel = testUtils.createModel;
QUnit.module('Views', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
display_name: {string: "STRING", type: 'char'},
total: {string: "Total", type: 'integer'},
foo: {string: "Foo", type: 'char'},
bar: {string: "Bar", type: 'integer'},
qux: {string: "Qux", type: 'many2one', relation: 'partner'},
product_id: {string: "Favorite product", type: 'many2one', relation: 'product'},
product_ids: {string: "Favorite products", type: 'one2many', relation: 'product'},
category: {string: "Category M2M", type: 'many2many', relation: 'partner_type'},
date: {string: "Date Field", type: 'date'},
reference: {string: "Reference Field", type: 'reference', selection: [["product", "Product"], ["partner_type", "Partner Type"], ["partner", "Partner"]]},
records: [
{id: 1, foo: 'blip', bar: 1, product_id: 37, category: [12], display_name: "first partner", date: "2017-01-25"},
{id: 2, foo: 'gnap', bar: 2, product_id: 41, display_name: "second partner"},
onchanges: {},
product: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Product Name", type: "char"}
records: [
{id: 37, display_name: "xphone"},
{id: 41, display_name: "xpad"}
partner_type: {
fields: {
display_name: {string: "Partner Type", type: "char"},
date: {string: "Date Field", type: 'date'},
records: [
{id: 12, display_name: "gold", date: "2017-01-25"},
{id: 14, display_name: "silver"},
{id: 15, display_name: "bronze"}
// add related fields to category.
this.data.partner.fields.category.relatedFields =
$.extend(true, {}, this.data.partner_type.fields);
this.params = {
res_id: 2,
modelName: 'partner',
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
}, function () {
QUnit.test('can load a record', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
this.params.context = {active_field: 2};
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.context, {
active_field: 2,
bin_size: true,
someKey: 'some value',
}, "should have sent the correct context");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
session: {
user_context: {someKey: 'some value'},
assert.strictEqual(model.get(1), null, "should return null for non existing key");
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
// it is a string, because it is used as a key in an object
assert.strictEqual(typeof resultID, 'string', "result should be a valid id");
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.res_id, 2, "res_id read should be the same as asked");
assert.strictEqual(record.type, 'record', "should be of type 'record'");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, "gnap", "should correctly read value");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, undefined, "should not fetch the field 'bar'");
QUnit.test('rejects loading a record with invalid id', function (assert) {
this.params.res_id = 99;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).always(function (error) {
assert.strictEqual(this.state(), 'rejected',
"load should return a rejected deferred for an invalid id")
QUnit.test('notify change with many2one', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'qux'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.qux, false, "qux field should be false");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {qux: {id: 1, display_name: "hello"}});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.qux.data.id, 1, "qux field should be 1");
QUnit.test('notify change on many2one: unset and reset same value', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[1].qux = 1;
this.params.fieldNames = ['qux'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.qux.data.id, 1, "qux value should be 1");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {qux: false});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.qux, false, "qux should be unset");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {qux: {id: 1, display_name: 'second_partner'}});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.qux.data.id, 1, "qux value should be 1 again");
QUnit.test('write on a many2one', function (assert) {
var self = this;
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id'];
var rpcCount = 0;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, 'xpad',
"should be initialized with correct value");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_id: {id: 37, display_name: 'xphone'}});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, 'xphone',
"should be changed with correct value");
assert.strictEqual(self.data.partner.records[1].product_id, 37,
"should have really saved the data");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 3, "should have done 3 rpc: 1 read, 1 write, 1 read");
QUnit.test('basic onchange', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.bar = obj.foo.length;
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'bar'];
this.params.context = {hello: 'world'};
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'onchange') {
var context = args.args[4];
assert.deepEqual(context, {hello: 'world'},
"context should be sent by the onchange");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'gnap', "foo field is properly initialized");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 2, "bar field is properly initialized");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: 'mary poppins'});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'mary poppins', "onchange has been applied");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 12, "onchange has been applied");
QUnit.test('onchange with a many2one', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.product_id.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.product_id = function (obj) {
if (obj.product_id === 37) {
obj.foo = "space lollipop";
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'product_id'];
var rpcCount = 0;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'onchange') {
assert.strictEqual(args.args[2], "product_id",
"should send the only changed field as a string, not a list");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'gnap', "foo field is properly initialized");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.id, 41, "product_id field is properly initialized");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_id: {id: 37, display_name: 'xphone'}});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'space lollipop', "onchange has been applied");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 2, "should have done 2 rpc: 1 read and 1 onchange");
QUnit.test('onchange on a one2many not in view (fieldNames)', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.bar = obj.foo.length;
obj.product_ids = [];
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'gnap', "foo field is properly initialized");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, undefined, "bar field is not loaded");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids, undefined, "product_ids field is not loaded");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: 'mary poppins'});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'mary poppins', "onchange has been applied");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 12, "onchange has been applied");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids, undefined,
"onchange on product_ids (one2many) has not been applied");
QUnit.test('notifyChange on a one2many', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[1].product_ids = [37];
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_ids'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'name_get') {
assert.strictEqual(args.model, 'product');
return this._super(route, args);
var o2mParams = {
modelName: 'product',
fields: this.data.product.fields,
fieldNames: ['display_name'],
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
model.load(o2mParams).then(function (newRecordID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
var x2mListID = record.data.product_ids.id;
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.count, 1,
"there should be one record in the relation");
// trigger a 'ADD' command
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_ids: {operation: 'ADD', id: newRecordID}});
assert.deepEqual(model.localData[x2mListID]._changes, [{
operation: 'ADD', id: newRecordID,
}], "_changes should be correct");
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.count, 2,
"there should be two records in the relation");
// trigger a 'UPDATE' command
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_ids: {operation: 'UPDATE', id: newRecordID}});
assert.deepEqual(model.localData[x2mListID]._changes, [{
operation: 'ADD', id: newRecordID,
}, {
operation: 'UPDATE', id: newRecordID,
}], "_changes should be correct");
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.count, 2,
"there should be two records in the relation");
// trigger a 'DELETE' command on the existing record
var existingRecordID = record.data.product_ids.data[0].id;
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_ids: {operation: 'DELETE', ids: [existingRecordID]}});
assert.deepEqual(model.localData[x2mListID]._changes, [{
operation: 'ADD', id: newRecordID,
}, {
operation: 'UPDATE', id: newRecordID,
}, {
operation: 'DELETE', id: existingRecordID,
"_changes should be correct");
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.count, 1,
"there should be one record in the relation");
// trigger a 'DELETE' command on the new record
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_ids: {operation: 'DELETE', ids: [newRecordID]}});
assert.deepEqual(model.localData[x2mListID]._changes, [{
operation: 'DELETE', id: existingRecordID,
}], "_changes should be correct");
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.count, 0,
"there should be no record in the relation");
QUnit.test('notifyChange on a many2one, without display_name', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'name_get') {
assert.strictEqual(args.model, 'product');
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, 'xpad',
"product_id field is set to xpad");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_id: {id: 37}});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, 'xphone',
"display_name should have been fetched");
QUnit.test('onchange on a char with an unchanged many2one', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.foo.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.foo = obj.foo + " alligator";
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'product_id'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'onchange') {
assert.strictEqual(args.args[1].product_id, 41, "should send correct value");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: 'cookie'});
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'cookie alligator', "onchange has been applied");
QUnit.test('onchange on a char with another many2one not set to a value', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].product_id = false;
this.data.partner.fields.foo.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.foo = obj.foo + " alligator";
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'product_id'];
this.params.res_id = 1;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id, false, "product_id is not set");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: 'cookie'});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'cookie alligator', "onchange has been applied");
QUnit.test('can get a many2many', function (assert) {
this.params.res_id = 1;
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
category: {
fieldsInfo: {default: {display_name: {}}},
relatedFields: {display_name: {type: "char"}},
viewType: 'default',
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.category.data[0].res_id, 12,
"should have loaded many2many res_ids");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.category.data[0].data.display_name, "gold",
"should have loaded many2many display_name");
record = model.get(resultID, {raw: true});
assert.deepEqual(record.data.category, [12],
"with option raw, category should only return ids");
QUnit.test('can use command add and get many2many value with date field', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
category: {
fieldsInfo: {default: {date: {}}},
relatedFields: {date: {type: "date"}},
viewType: 'default',
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var changes = {
category: {operation: 'ADD_M2M', ids: [{id: 12}]}
model.notifyChanges(resultID, changes).then(function () {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.category.data.length, 1, "should have added one category");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.category.data[0].data.date instanceof moment,
true, "should have a date parsed in a moment object");
QUnit.test('many2many with ADD_M2M command and context with parent key', function (assert) {
this.data.partner_type.fields.some_char = {type: "char"};
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
category: {
fieldsInfo: {default: {some_char: { context: "{'a': parent.foo}"}}},
relatedFields: {some_char: {type: "char"}},
viewType: 'default',
foo: {},
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var changes = {
category: {operation: 'ADD_M2M', ids: [{id: 12}]}
model.notifyChanges(resultID, changes).then(function () {
var record = model.get(resultID);
var categoryRecord = record.data.category.data[0];
assert.deepEqual(categoryRecord.getContext({fieldName: 'some_char'}), {a:'gnap'},
"should properly evaluate context");
QUnit.test('can fetch a list', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
this.params.domain = [];
this.params.groupedBy = [];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.context = {active_field: 2};
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
assert.strictEqual(args.context.active_field, 2,
"should have sent the correct context");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.type, 'list', "record fetched should be a list");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.length, 2, "should have fetched 2 records");
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].data.foo, 'blip', "first record should have 'blip' in foo field");
QUnit.test('fetch x2manys in list, with not too many rpcs', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].category = [12, 15];
this.data.partner.records[1].category = [12, 14];
this.params.fieldNames = ['category'];
this.params.domain = [];
this.params.groupedBy = [];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].data.category.data.length, 2,
"first record should have 2 categories loaded");
"should have done 2 rpc (searchread and read category)");
QUnit.test('can make a default_record, no onchange', function (assert) {
this.params.context = {};
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id', 'category', 'product_ids'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id, false, "m2o default value should be false");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.product_ids.data, [], "o2m default should be []");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.category.data, [], "m2m default should be []");
"there should be default_get");
2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
QUnit.test('default_get returning a non requested field', function (assert) {
// 'default_get' returns a default value for the fields given in
// arguments. It should not return a value for fields that have not be
// requested. However, it happens (e.g. res.users), and the webclient
// should not crash when this situation occurs (the field should simply
// be ignored).
this.params.context = {};
this.params.fieldNames = ['category'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
var result = this._super(route, args);
if (args.method === 'default_get') {
result.product_ids = [[6, 0, [37, 41]]];
return result;
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.ok('category' in record.data,
"should have processed 'category'");
assert.notOk('product_ids' in record.data,
"should have ignored 'product_ids'");
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
QUnit.test('can make a default_record with default relational values', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.product_id.default = 37;
this.data.partner.fields.product_ids.default = [
[0, false, {name: 'xmac'}],
[0, false, {name: 'xcloud'}]
this.data.partner.fields.category.default = [
[6, false, [12, 14]]
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id', 'category', 'product_ids'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
form: {
category: {},
product_id: {},
product_ids: {
fieldsInfo: {
default: { name: {} },
relatedFields: this.data.product.fields,
viewType: 'default',
this.params.viewType = 'form';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.deepEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, 'xphone',
"m2o default should be xphone");
2, "o2m default should have two records");
'xmac', "first o2m default value should be xmac");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.category.res_ids, [12, 14],
"m2m default should be [12, 14]");
assert.verifySteps(['default_get', 'name_get'],
"there should be default_get and name_get");
QUnit.test('default_record, with onchange on many2one', function (assert) {
// the onchange is done by the mockRPC because we want to return a value
// of 'false', which does not work with the mockserver mockOnChange method.
this.data.partner.onchanges.product_id = true;
this.params.context = {};
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'onchange') {
return $.when({value: { product_id: false }});
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id, false, "m2o default value should be false");
QUnit.test('default record: batch namegets on same model and res_id', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var fields = this.data.partner.fields;
fields.other_product_id = _.extend({}, fields.product_id);
fields.product_id.default = 37;
fields.other_product_id.default = 41;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
var params = {
context: {},
fieldNames: ['other_product_id', 'product_id'],
fields: fields,
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'record',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, "xphone",
"should have fetched correct name");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.other_product_id.data.display_name, "xpad",
"should have fetched correct name");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 2, "should have done 2 rpcs: default_get and 1 name_get");
QUnit.test('undoing a change makes the record not dirty', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, "gnap", "foo field should properly be set");
assert.ok(!model.isDirty(resultID), "record should not be dirty");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: "hello"});
assert.ok(model.isDirty(resultID), "record should be dirty");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: "gnap"});
assert.ok(!model.isDirty(resultID), "record should not be dirty");
QUnit.test('isDirty works correctly on list made empty', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['category'];
this.params.res_id = 1;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
var category_value = record.data.category;
assert.ok(_.isObject(category_value), "category field should have been fetched");
assert.strictEqual(category_value.data.length, 1, "category field should contain one record");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {category: {
operation: 'DELETE',
ids: [category_value.data[0].id],
assert.ok(model.isDirty(resultID), "record should be considered dirty");
QUnit.test('can duplicate a record', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.display_name, "second partner",
"record should have correct display name");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, "gnap", "foo should be set to correct value");
model.duplicateRecord(resultID).then(function (duplicateID) {
var duplicate = model.get(duplicateID);
assert.strictEqual(duplicate.data.display_name, "second partner (copy)",
"record should have been duplicated");
assert.strictEqual(duplicate.data.foo, "gnap", "foo should be set to correct value");
QUnit.test('record with many2one set to some value, then set it to none', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id'];
var self = this;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id.data.display_name, 'xpad', "product_id should be set");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {product_id: false});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id, false, "product_id should not be set");
assert.strictEqual(self.data.partner.records[1].product_id, false,
"should have saved the new product_id value");
QUnit.test('internal state of groups remains when reloading', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
this.params.domain = [];
this.params.limit = 80;
this.params.groupedBy = ['product_id'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
var filterEnabled = false;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group' && filterEnabled) {
// as this is not yet supported by the MockServer, simulates
// a read_group that returns empty groups
// this is the case for several models (e.g. project.task
// grouped by stage_id)
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function (result) {
// artificially filter out records of first group
result[0].product_id_count = 0;
return result;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.length, 2, "should have 2 groups");
var groupID = record.data[0].id;
assert.strictEqual(model.localData[groupID].parentID, resultID,
"parentID should be correctly set on groups");
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.ok(record.data[0].isOpen, "first group should be open");
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].data.length, 1,
"first group should have one record");
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].limit, 80,
"limit should be 80 by default");
// change the limit and offset of the first group
model.localData[record.data[0].id].limit = 10;
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.ok(record.data[0].isOpen, "first group should still be open");
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].data.length, 1,
"first group should still have one record");
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].limit, 10,
"new limit should have been kept");
// filter some records out: the open group should stay open but now
// be empty
filterEnabled = true;
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].count, 0,
"first group's count should be 0");
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].data.length, 0,
"first group's data should be empty'");
QUnit.test('group on date field with magic grouping method', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo'];
this.params.groupedBy = ['date:month'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.fields, ['foo', 'date'],
"should have correctly trimmed the magic grouping info from the field name");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
QUnit.test('read group when grouped by a selection field', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.selection = {
type: 'selection',
selection: [['a', 'A'], ['b', 'B']],
this.data.partner.records[0].selection = 'a';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
var params = {
modelName: 'partner',
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
fieldNames: ['foo'],
groupedBy: ['selection'],
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var dataPoint = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(dataPoint.data.length, 2, "should have two groups");
var groupFalse = _.findWhere(dataPoint.data, {value: false});
assert.ok(groupFalse, "should have a group for value false");
assert.deepEqual(groupFalse.domain, [['selection', '=', false]],
"group's domain should be correct");
var groupA = _.findWhere(dataPoint.data, {value: 'A'});
assert.ok(groupA, "should have a group for value 'a'");
assert.deepEqual(groupA.domain, [['selection', '=', 'a']],
"group's domain should be correct");
QUnit.test('create record, then save', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_ids'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
this.params.context = {active_field: 2};
var id;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'create') {
// has to be done before the call to _super
assert.notOk('product_ids' in args.args[0], "should not have any value");
assert.notOk('category' in args.args[0], "should not have other fields");
assert.strictEqual(args.kwargs.context.active_field, 2,
"record's context should be correctly passed");
var result = this._super(route, args);
if (args.method === 'create') {
result.then(function (res) {
id = res;
return result;
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
model.save(record.id, {reload: false});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.res_id, id, "should have correct id from server");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.id, id, "should have correct id from server");
QUnit.test('write commands on a one2many', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[1].product_ids = [37];
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_ids'];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'write') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[0], [2], "should write on res_id = 2");
var commands = args.args[1].product_ids;
assert.deepEqual(commands[0], [4, 37, false], "first command should be a 4");
// TO DO: uncomment next line
// assert.strictEqual(commands[1], [0, false, {name: "toy"}], "second command should be a 0");
assert.strictEqual(commands[1][0], 0, "second command should be a 0");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID, {raw: true});
assert.deepEqual(record.data.product_ids, [37], "should have correct initial value");
model.makeRecord('product', [{
name: 'name',
string: "Product Name",
type: "char",
value: "xpod"
]).then(function (relatedRecordID) {
model.notifyChanges(record.id, {
product_ids: {operation: "ADD", id: relatedRecordID}
QUnit.test('create commands on a one2many', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
product_ids: {
fieldsInfo: {
default: {
display_name: {type: 'string'},
viewType: 'default',
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data.length, 0,
"one2many should start with a list of length 0");
model.notifyChanges(record.id, {
product_ids: {
operation: "CREATE",
data: {
display_name: 'coucou',
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data.length, 1,
"one2many should be a list of length 1");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data[0].data.display_name, "coucou",
"one2many should have correct data");
QUnit.test('onchange with a one2many on a new record', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.total.default = 50;
this.data.partner.fields.product_ids.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.product_ids = function (obj) {
obj.total += 100;
this.params.fieldNames = ['total', 'product_ids'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
form: {
product_ids: {
fieldsInfo: {
default: { name: {} },
relatedFields: this.data.product.fields,
viewType: 'default',
total: {},
this.params.viewType = 'form';
var o2mRecordParams = {
fields: this.data.product.fields,
fieldNames: ['name'],
modelName: 'product',
type: 'record',
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'onchange' && args.args[1].total === 150) {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[1].product_ids, [[0, args.args[1].product_ids[0][1], {name: "xpod"}]],
"Should have sent the create command in the onchange");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data.length, 0,
"one2many should start with a list of length 0");
// make a default record for the related model
model.load(o2mRecordParams).then(function (relatedRecordID) {
// update the subrecord
model.notifyChanges(relatedRecordID, {name: 'xpod'});
// add the subrecord to the o2m of the main record
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {
product_ids: {operation: "ADD", id: relatedRecordID}
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data.length, 1,
"one2many should be a list of length 1");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data[0].data.name, "xpod",
"one2many should have correct data");
QUnit.test('dates are properly loaded and parsed (record)', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
var params = {
fieldNames: ['date'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
modelName: 'partner',
res_id: 1,
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.ok(record.data.date instanceof moment,
"fetched date field should have been formatted");
params.res_id = 2;
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.date, false,
"unset date field should be false");
QUnit.test('dates are properly loaded and parsed (list)', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
var params = {
fieldNames: ['date'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'list',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
var firstRecord = record.data[0];
var secondRecord = record.data[1];
assert.ok(firstRecord.data.date instanceof moment,
"fetched date field should have been formatted");
assert.strictEqual(secondRecord.data.date, false,
"if date is not set, it should be false");
QUnit.test('dates are properly loaded and parsed (default_get)', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
var params = {
fieldNames: ['date'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'record',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.date, false, "date default value should be false");
QUnit.test('default_get on x2many may return a list of ids', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.category.default = [12, 14];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
var params = {
fieldNames: ['category'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'record',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.ok(_.isEqual(record.data.category.res_ids, [12, 14]),
"category field should have correct default value");
QUnit.test('default_get: fetch many2one with default (empty & not) inside x2manys', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.o2m = {
string: "O2M", type: 'one2many', relation: 'partner', default: [
[6, 0, []],
[0, 0, {category: false}],
[0, 0, {category: 12}],
this.data.partner.fields.category.type = 'many2one';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'name_get' && args.model === 'partner_type') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args, [[12]], "should name_get on category 12");
return this._super(route, args);
var params = {
fieldNames: ['o2m'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
fieldsInfo: {
form: {
o2m: {
relatedFields: this.data.partner.fields,
fieldsInfo: {
list: {
category: {
relatedFields: { display_name: {} },
viewType: 'list',
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'record',
viewType: 'form',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.o2m.count, 2, "o2m field should contain 2 records");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.o2m.data[0].data.category, false,
"first category field should be empty");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.o2m.data[1].data.category.data.display_name, "gold",
"second category field should have been correctly fetched");
QUnit.test('default_get: fetch x2manys inside x2manys', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.o2m = {
string: "O2M", type: 'one2many', relation: 'partner', default: [[6, 0, [1]]],
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
var params = {
fieldNames: ['o2m'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
fieldsInfo: {
form: {
o2m: {
relatedFields: this.data.partner.fields,
fieldsInfo: {
list: {
category: {
relatedFields: { display_name: {} },
viewType: 'list',
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'record',
viewType: 'form',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.o2m.count, 1, "o2m field should contain 1 record");
var categoryList = record.data.o2m.data[0].data.category;
assert.strictEqual(categoryList.count, 1,
"category field should contain 1 record");
'gold', "category records should have been fetched");
QUnit.test('contexts and domains can be properly fetched', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.product_id.context = "{'hello': 'world', 'test': foo}";
this.data.partner.fields.product_id.domain = "[['hello', 'like', 'world'], ['test', 'like', foo]]";
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id', 'foo'];
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var recordPartner = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(typeof recordPartner.getContext, "function",
"partner record should have a getContext function");
assert.strictEqual(typeof recordPartner.getDomain, "function",
"partner record should have a getDomain function");
assert.deepEqual(recordPartner.getContext(), {},
"asking for a context without a field name should fetch the session/user/view context");
assert.deepEqual(recordPartner.getDomain(), [],
"asking for a domain without a field name should fetch the session/user/view domain");
recordPartner.getContext({fieldName: "product_id"}),
{hello: "world", test: "gnap"},
"asking for a context with a field name should fetch the field context (evaluated)");
recordPartner.getDomain({fieldName: "product_id"}),
[["hello", "like", "world"], ["test", "like", "gnap"]],
"asking for a domain with a field name should fetch the field domain (evaluated)");
// Try again with xml override of field domain and context
model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
foo: {},
product_id: {
context: "{'hello2': 'world', 'test2': foo}",
domain: "[['hello2', 'like', 'world'], ['test2', 'like', foo]]",
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var recordPartner = model.get(resultID);
recordPartner.getContext({fieldName: "product_id"}),
{hello2: "world", test2: "gnap"},
"field context should have been overriden by xml attribute");
recordPartner.getDomain({fieldName: "product_id"}),
[["hello2", "like", "world"], ["test2", "like", "gnap"]],
"field domain should have been overriden by xml attribute");
QUnit.test('dont write on readonly fields (write and create)', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'bar'];
this.data.partner.fields.foo.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.bar = obj.foo.length;
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
foo: {},
bar: {
modifiers: {
readonly: true,
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'write') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[1], {foo: "verylongstring"},
"should only save foo field");
if (args.method === 'create') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[0], {foo: "anotherverylongstring"},
"should only save foo field");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 2,
"should be initialized with correct value");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: "verylongstring"});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 14,
"should be changed with correct value");
// start again, but with a new record
delete this.params.res_id;
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 0,
"should be initialized with correct value (0 as integer)");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: "anotherverylongstring"});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 21,
"should be changed with correct value");
QUnit.test('dont write on readonly fields unless save attribute is set', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['foo', 'bar'];
this.data.partner.fields.foo.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.bar = obj.foo.length;
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
default: {
foo: {},
bar: {
modifiers: {
readonly: true,
force_save: true,
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'write') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[1], {bar: 14, foo: "verylongstring"},
"should only save foo field");
if (args.method === 'create') {
assert.deepEqual(args.args[0], {bar: 21, foo: "anotherverylongstring"},
"should only save foo field");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 2,
"should be initialized with correct value");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: "verylongstring"});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 14,
"should be changed with correct value");
// start again, but with a new record
delete this.params.res_id;
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 0,
"should be initialized with correct value (0 as integer)");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foo: "anotherverylongstring"});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.bar, 21,
"should be changed with correct value");
QUnit.test('default_get with one2many values', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'default_get') {
return $.when({
product_ids: [[0, 0, {"name": "xdroid"}]]
return this._super(route, args);
var params = {
fieldNames: ['product_ids'],
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
modelName: 'partner',
type: 'record',
fieldsInfo: {
form: {
product_ids: {
fieldsInfo: {
default: { name: {} },
relatedFields: this.data.product.fields,
viewType: 'default',
viewType: 'form',
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof resultID, 'string', "result should be a valid id");
QUnit.test('call makeRecord with a pre-fetched many2one field', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.makeRecord('coucou', [{
name: 'partner_id',
relation: 'partner',
type: 'many2one',
value: [1, 'first partner'],
}], {
partner_id: {
options: {
no_open: true,
}).then(function (recordID) {
var record = model.get(recordID);
assert.deepEqual(record.fieldsInfo.default.partner_id, {options: {no_open: true}},
"makeRecord should have generated the fieldsInfo");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.partner_id.data, {id: 1, display_name: 'first partner'},
"many2one should contain the partner with id 1");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 0, "makeRecord should not have done any rpc");
QUnit.test('call makeRecord with a many2many field', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.makeRecord('coucou', [{
name: 'partner_ids',
fields: [{
name: 'id',
type: 'integer',
}, {
name: 'display_name',
type: 'char',
relation: 'partner',
type: 'many2many',
value: [1, 2],
}]).then(function (recordID) {
var record = model.get(recordID);
assert.deepEqual(record.fieldsInfo.default.partner_ids, {},
"makeRecord should have generated the fieldsInfo");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.partner_ids.count, 2,
"there should be 2 elements in the many2many");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.partner_ids.data.length, 2,
"many2many should be a list of length 2");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.partner_ids.data[0].data, {id: 1, display_name: 'first partner'},
"many2many should contain the partner with id 1");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 1, "makeRecord should have done 1 rpc");
QUnit.test('call makeRecord with a pre-fetched many2many field', function (assert) {
var rpcCount = 0;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.makeRecord('coucou', [{
name: 'partner_ids',
fields: [{
name: 'id',
type: 'integer',
}, {
name: 'display_name',
type: 'char',
relation: 'partner',
type: 'many2many',
value: [{
id: 1,
display_name: "first partner",
}, {
id: 2,
display_name: "second partner",
}]).then(function (recordID) {
var record = model.get(recordID);
assert.deepEqual(record.fieldsInfo.default.partner_ids, {},
"makeRecord should have generated the fieldsInfo");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.partner_ids.count, 2,
"there should be 2 elements in the many2many");
assert.strictEqual(record.data.partner_ids.data.length, 2,
"many2many should be a list of length 2");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.partner_ids.data[0].data, {id: 1, display_name: 'first partner'},
"many2many should contain the partner with id 1");
assert.strictEqual(rpcCount, 0, "makeRecord should not have done any rpc");
QUnit.test('check id, active_id, active_ids, active_model values in record\'s context', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.product_id.context = "{'id': id, 'active_id': active_id, 'active_ids': active_ids, 'active_model': active_model}";
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id'];
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var recordPartner = model.get(resultID);
recordPartner.getContext({fieldName: "product_id"}),
{id: 2, active_id: 2, active_ids: [2], active_model: "partner"},
"wrong values for id, active_id, active_ids or active_model");
// Try again without record
this.params.res_id = undefined;
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var recordPartner = model.get(resultID);
recordPartner.getContext({fieldName: "product_id"}),
{id: false, active_id: false, active_ids: [], active_model: "partner"},
"wrong values for id, active_id, active_ids or active_model. Have to be defined even if there is no record.");
QUnit.test('load model with many2many field properly fetched', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = ['category'];
this.params.res_id = 1;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
"there should be only one read");
QUnit.test('data should contain all fields in view, default being false', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.product_ids.default = [
[6, 0, []],
[0, 0, {name: 'new'}],
this.data.product.fields.date = { string: "Date", type: "date" };
var params = {
fieldNames: ['product_ids'],
modelName: 'partner',
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
fieldsInfo: {
form: {
product_ids: {
relatedFields: this.data.product.fields,
fieldsInfo: { list: { name: {}, date: {} } },
viewType: 'list',
res_id: undefined,
type: 'record',
viewType: 'form',
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_ids.data[0].data.date, false,
"date value should be in data, and should be false");
QUnit.test('changes are discarded when reloading from a new record', function (assert) {
// practical use case: click on 'Create' to open a form view in edit
// mode (new record), click on 'Discard', then open an existing record
this.data.partner.fields.foo.default = 'default';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
// load a new record (default_get)
var params = _.extend(this.params, {
res_id: undefined,
type: 'record',
fieldNames: ['foo'],
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'default',
"should be the default value");
// reload with id 2
model.reload(record.id, {currentId: 2}).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foo, 'gnap',
"should be the value of record 2");
QUnit.test('has a proper evaluation context', function (assert) {
this.params.fieldNames = Object.keys(this.data.partner.fields);
this.params.res_id = 1;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.deepEqual(record.evalContext, {
active_id: 1,
active_ids: [1],
active_model: "partner",
bar: 1,
category: [12],
current_date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
date: "2017-01-25",
display_name: "first partner",
foo: "blip",
id: 1,
product_id: 37,
product_ids: [],
qux: false,
reference: false,
total: 0
}, "should use the proper eval context");
QUnit.test('x2manys in contexts and domains are correctly evaluated', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].product_ids = [37, 41];
this.params.fieldNames = Object.keys(this.data.partner.fields);
this.params.fieldsInfo = {
form: {
qux: {
context: "{'category': category, 'product_ids': product_ids}",
domain: "[['id', 'in', category], ['id', 'in', product_ids]]",
relatedFields: this.data.partner.fields,
category: {
relatedFields: this.data.partner_type.fields,
product_ids: {
relatedFields: this.data.product.fields,
this.params.viewType = 'form';
this.params.res_id = 1;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
var context = record.getContext({fieldName: 'qux'});
var domain = record.getDomain({fieldName: 'qux'});
assert.deepEqual(context, {
category: [12],
product_ids: [37, 41],
}, "x2many values in context manipulated client-side should be lists of ids");
"x2many values in context sent to the server should be commands");
assert.deepEqual(domain, [
['id', 'in', [12]],
['id', 'in', [37, 41]],
], "x2many values in domains should be lists of ids");
"x2many values in domains should be lists of ids");
QUnit.test('fetch references in list, with not too many rpcs', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.records[0].reference = 'product,37';
this.data.partner.records[1].reference = 'product,41';
this.params.fieldNames = ['reference'];
this.params.domain = [];
this.params.groupedBy = [];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === "/web/dataset/call_kw/product/name_get") {
assert.deepEqual(args.args, [[37, 41]],
"the name_get should contain the product ids");
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data[0].data.reference.data.display_name, "xphone",
"name_get should have been correctly fetched");
assert.verifySteps(["/web/dataset/search_read", "/web/dataset/call_kw/product/name_get"],
"should have done 2 rpc (searchread and name_get for product)");
QUnit.test('reload a new record', function (assert) {
this.params.context = {};
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_id', 'category', 'product_ids'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
return this._super(route, args);
model.load(this.params).then(function (recordID) {
model.reload(recordID).then(function (recordID) {
assert.verifySteps(['default_get', 'default_get'],
"two default_get RPCs should have been done");
var record = model.get(recordID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.product_id, false,
"m2o default value should be false");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.product_ids.data, [],
"o2m default should be []");
assert.deepEqual(record.data.category.data, [],
"m2m default should be []");
QUnit.test('default_get with value false for a one2many', function (assert) {
this.data.partner.fields.product_ids.default = false;
this.params.fieldNames = ['product_ids'];
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.type = 'record';
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
assert.deepEqual(record.data.product_ids.data, [], "o2m default should be []");
QUnit.test('only x2many lists (static) should be sorted client-side', function (assert) {
this.params.modelName = 'partner_type';
this.params.res_id = undefined;
this.params.orderedBy = [{name: 'display_name', asc: true}];
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/search_read') {
// simulate randomn sort form the server
return $.when({
length: 3,
records: [
{id: 12, display_name: "gold", date: "2017-01-25"},
{id: 15, display_name: "bronze"},
{id: 14, display_name: "silver"},
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var list = model.get(resultID);
assert.deepEqual(_.map(list.data, 'res_id'), [12, 15, 14],
"should have kept the order from the server");
QUnit.test('onchange on a boolean field', function (assert) {
var newFields = {
foobool: {
type: 'boolean',
string: 'foobool',
foobool2: {
type: 'boolean',
string: 'foobool2',
_.extend(this.data.partner.fields, newFields);
this.data.partner.fields.foobool.onChange = true;
this.data.partner.onchanges.foobool = function (obj) {
if (obj.foobool) {
obj.foobool2 = true;
this.data.partner.records[0].foobool = false;
this.data.partner.records[0].foobool2 = true;
this.params.res_id = 1;
this.params.fieldNames = ['foobool', 'foobool2'];
this.params.fields = this.data.partner.fields;
var model = createModel({
Model: BasicModel,
data: this.data,
model.load(this.params).then(function (resultID) {
var record = model.get(resultID);
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foobool2: false});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foobool2, false, "foobool2 field should be false");
model.notifyChanges(resultID, {foobool: true});
record = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(record.data.foobool2, true, "foobool2 field should be true");