2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api, models, _
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountChartTemplate(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.chart.template"
def generate_journals(self, acc_template_ref, company, journals_dict=None):
journal_to_add = [{'name': _('Stock Journal'), 'type': 'general', 'code': 'STJ', 'favorite': False, 'sequence': 8}]
return super(AccountChartTemplate, self).generate_journals(acc_template_ref=acc_template_ref, company=company, journals_dict=journal_to_add)
def generate_properties(self, acc_template_ref, company, property_list=None):
res = super(AccountChartTemplate, self).generate_properties(acc_template_ref=acc_template_ref, company=company)
PropertyObj = self.env['ir.property'] # Property Stock Journal
value = self.env['account.journal'].search([('company_id', '=', company.id), ('code', '=', 'STJ'), ('type', '=', 'general')], limit=1)
if value:
field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([('name', '=', 'property_stock_journal'), ('model', '=', 'product.category'), ('relation', '=', 'account.journal')], limit=1)
vals = {
'name': 'property_stock_journal',
'company_id': company.id,
'fields_id': field.id,
'value': 'account.journal,%s' % value.id,
properties = PropertyObj.search([('name', '=', 'property_stock_journal'), ('company_id', '=', company.id)])
if properties:
# the property exist: modify it
# create the property
todo_list = [ # Property Stock Accounts
for record in todo_list:
account = getattr(self, record)
value = account and 'account.account,' + str(acc_template_ref[account.id]) or False
if value:
field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([('name', '=', record), ('model', '=', 'product.category'), ('relation', '=', 'account.account')], limit=1)
vals = {
'name': record,
'company_id': company.id,
'fields_id': field.id,
'value': value,
properties = PropertyObj.search([('name', '=', record), ('company_id', '=', company.id)])
if properties:
# the property exist: modify it
# create the property
return res