
941 lines
47 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import itertools
import logging
import math
import re
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
from flectra import api, fields, models, modules, tools, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from flectra.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from flectra.tools import pycompat, misc
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KarmaError(Forbidden):
""" Karma-related error, used for forum and posts. """
class Forum(models.Model):
_name = 'forum.forum'
_description = 'Forum'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata']
def init(self):
""" Add forum uuid for user email validation.
TDE TODO: move me somewhere else, auto_init ? """
forum_uuids = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].search([('key', '=', 'website_forum.uuid')])
if not forum_uuids:
forum_uuids.set_param('website_forum.uuid', str(uuid.uuid4()))
def _get_default_faq(self):
with misc.file_open('website_forum/data/forum_default_faq.html', 'r') as f:
return f.read()
# description and use
name = fields.Char('Forum Name', required=True, translate=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
faq = fields.Html('Guidelines', default=_get_default_faq, translate=True)
description = fields.Text(
default=lambda s: _('This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. '
'Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, '
'build your professional profile and become a better marketer together.'))
welcome_message = fields.Html(
'Welcome Message',
default = """<section class="bg-info" style="height: 168px;"><div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h1 class="text-center" style="text-align: left;">Welcome!</h1>
<p class="text-muted text-center" style="text-align: left;">This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together.</p>
<div class="col-md-12">
<a href="#" class="js_close_intro">Hide Intro</a> <a class="btn btn-primary forum_register_url" href="/web/login">Register</a> </div>
default_order = fields.Selection([
('create_date desc', 'Newest'),
('write_date desc', 'Last Updated'),
('vote_count desc', 'Most Voted'),
('relevancy desc', 'Relevance'),
('child_count desc', 'Answered')],
string='Default Order', required=True, default='write_date desc')
relevancy_post_vote = fields.Float('First Relevance Parameter', default=0.8, help="This formula is used in order to sort by relevance. The variable 'votes' represents number of votes for a post, and 'days' is number of days since the post creation")
relevancy_time_decay = fields.Float('Second Relevance Parameter', default=1.8)
default_post_type = fields.Selection([
('question', 'Question'),
('discussion', 'Discussion'),
('link', 'Link')],
string='Default Post', required=True, default='question')
allow_question = fields.Boolean('Questions', help="Users can answer only once per question. Contributors can edit answers and mark the right ones.", default=True)
allow_discussion = fields.Boolean('Discussions', default=True)
allow_link = fields.Boolean('Links', help="When clicking on the post, it redirects to an external link", default=True)
allow_bump = fields.Boolean('Allow Bump', default=True,
help='Check this box to display a popup for posts older than 10 days '
'without any given answer. The popup will offer to share it on social '
'networks. When shared, a question is bumped at the top of the forum.')
allow_share = fields.Boolean('Sharing Options', default=True,
help='After posting the user will be proposed to share its question '
'or answer on social networks, enabling social network propagation '
'of the forum content.')
count_posts_waiting_validation = fields.Integer(string="Number of posts waiting for validation", compute='_compute_count_posts_waiting_validation')
count_flagged_posts = fields.Integer(string='Number of flagged posts', compute='_compute_count_flagged_posts')
# karma generation
karma_gen_question_new = fields.Integer(string='Asking a question', default=2)
karma_gen_question_upvote = fields.Integer(string='Question upvoted', default=5)
karma_gen_question_downvote = fields.Integer(string='Question downvoted', default=-2)
karma_gen_answer_upvote = fields.Integer(string='Answer upvoted', default=10)
karma_gen_answer_downvote = fields.Integer(string='Answer downvoted', default=-2)
karma_gen_answer_accept = fields.Integer(string='Accepting an answer', default=2)
karma_gen_answer_accepted = fields.Integer(string='Answer accepted', default=15)
karma_gen_answer_flagged = fields.Integer(string='Answer flagged', default=-100)
# karma-based actions
karma_ask = fields.Integer(string='Ask questions', default=3)
karma_answer = fields.Integer(string='Answer questions', default=3)
karma_edit_own = fields.Integer(string='Edit own posts', default=1)
karma_edit_all = fields.Integer(string='Edit all posts', default=300)
karma_edit_retag = fields.Integer(string='Change question tags', default=75, oldname="karma_retag")
karma_close_own = fields.Integer(string='Close own posts', default=100)
karma_close_all = fields.Integer(string='Close all posts', default=500)
karma_unlink_own = fields.Integer(string='Delete own posts', default=500)
karma_unlink_all = fields.Integer(string='Delete all posts', default=1000)
karma_tag_create = fields.Integer(string='Create new tags', default=30)
karma_upvote = fields.Integer(string='Upvote', default=5)
karma_downvote = fields.Integer(string='Downvote', default=50)
karma_answer_accept_own = fields.Integer(string='Accept an answer on own questions', default=20)
karma_answer_accept_all = fields.Integer(string='Accept an answer to all questions', default=500)
karma_comment_own = fields.Integer(string='Comment own posts', default=1)
karma_comment_all = fields.Integer(string='Comment all posts', default=1)
karma_comment_convert_own = fields.Integer(string='Convert own answers to comments and vice versa', default=50)
karma_comment_convert_all = fields.Integer(string='Convert all answers to comments and vice versa', default=500)
karma_comment_unlink_own = fields.Integer(string='Unlink own comments', default=50)
karma_comment_unlink_all = fields.Integer(string='Unlink all comments', default=500)
karma_flag = fields.Integer(string='Flag a post as offensive', default=500)
karma_dofollow = fields.Integer(string='Nofollow links', help='If the author has not enough karma, a nofollow attribute is added to links', default=500)
karma_editor = fields.Integer(string='Editor Features: image and links',
default=30, oldname='karma_editor_link_files')
karma_user_bio = fields.Integer(string='Display detailed user biography', default=750)
karma_post = fields.Integer(string='Ask questions without validation', default=100)
karma_moderate = fields.Integer(string='Moderate posts', default=1000)
@api.constrains('allow_question', 'allow_discussion', 'allow_link', 'default_post_type')
def _check_default_post_type(self):
if (self.default_post_type == 'question' and not self.allow_question) \
or (self.default_post_type == 'discussion' and not self.allow_discussion) \
or (self.default_post_type == 'link' and not self.allow_link):
raise ValidationError(_('You cannot choose %s as default post since the forum does not allow it.') % self.default_post_type)
def _compute_count_posts_waiting_validation(self):
domain = [('forum_id', '=', self.id), ('state', '=', 'pending')]
self.count_posts_waiting_validation = self.env['forum.post'].search_count(domain)
def _compute_count_flagged_posts(self):
domain = [('forum_id', '=', self.id), ('state', '=', 'flagged')]
self.count_flagged_posts = self.env['forum.post'].search_count(domain)
def create(self, values):
return super(Forum, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=True)).create(values)
def write(self, vals):
res = super(Forum, self).write(vals)
if 'active' in vals:
# archiving/unarchiving a forum does it on its posts, too
self.env['forum.post'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('forum_id', 'in', self.ids)]).write({'active': vals['active']})
return res
def _tag_to_write_vals(self, tags=''):
Tag = self.env['forum.tag']
post_tags = []
existing_keep = []
user = self.env.user
for tag in (tag for tag in tags.split(',') if tag):
if tag.startswith('_'): # it's a new tag
# check that not arleady created meanwhile or maybe excluded by the limit on the search
tag_ids = Tag.search([('name', '=', tag[1:])])
if tag_ids:
# check if user have Karma needed to create need tag
if user.exists() and user.karma >= self.karma_tag_create and len(tag) and len(tag[1:].strip()):
post_tags.append((0, 0, {'name': tag[1:], 'forum_id': self.id}))
post_tags.insert(0, [6, 0, existing_keep])
return post_tags
def get_tags_first_char(self):
""" get set of first letter of forum tags """
tags = self.env['forum.tag'].search([('forum_id', '=', self.id), ('posts_count', '>', 0)])
return sorted(set([tag.name[0].upper() for tag in tags if len(tag.name)]))
class Post(models.Model):
_name = 'forum.post'
_description = 'Forum Post'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata']
_order = "is_correct DESC, vote_count DESC, write_date DESC"
name = fields.Char('Title')
forum_id = fields.Many2one('forum.forum', string='Forum', required=True)
content = fields.Html('Content', strip_style=True)
plain_content = fields.Text('Plain Content', compute='_get_plain_content', store=True)
content_link = fields.Char('URL', help="URL of Link Articles")
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('forum.tag', 'forum_tag_rel', 'forum_id', 'forum_tag_id', string='Tags')
state = fields.Selection([('active', 'Active'), ('pending', 'Waiting Validation'), ('close', 'Close'), ('offensive', 'Offensive'), ('flagged', 'Flagged')], string='Status', default='active')
views = fields.Integer('Number of Views', default=0)
active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)
post_type = fields.Selection([
('question', 'Question'),
('link', 'Article'),
('discussion', 'Discussion')],
string='Type', default='question', required=True)
website_message_ids = fields.One2many(domain=lambda self: [('model', '=', self._name), ('message_type', 'in', ['email', 'comment'])])
# history
create_date = fields.Datetime('Asked on', index=True, readonly=True)
create_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Created by', index=True, readonly=True)
write_date = fields.Datetime('Update on', index=True, readonly=True)
bump_date = fields.Datetime('Bumped on', readonly=True,
help="Technical field allowing to bump a question. Writing on this field will trigger "
"a write on write_date and therefore bump the post. Directly writing on write_date "
"is currently not supported and this field is a workaround.")
write_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Updated by', index=True, readonly=True)
relevancy = fields.Float('Relevance', compute="_compute_relevancy", store=True)
# vote
vote_ids = fields.One2many('forum.post.vote', 'post_id', string='Votes')
user_vote = fields.Integer('My Vote', compute='_get_user_vote')
vote_count = fields.Integer('Total Votes', compute='_get_vote_count', store=True)
# favorite
favourite_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', string='Favourite')
user_favourite = fields.Boolean('Is Favourite', compute='_get_user_favourite')
favourite_count = fields.Integer('Favorite Count', compute='_get_favorite_count', store=True)
# hierarchy
is_correct = fields.Boolean('Correct', help='Correct answer or answer accepted')
parent_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post', string='Question', ondelete='cascade')
self_reply = fields.Boolean('Reply to own question', compute='_is_self_reply', store=True)
child_ids = fields.One2many('forum.post', 'parent_id', string='Answers')
child_count = fields.Integer('Number of answers', compute='_get_child_count', store=True)
uid_has_answered = fields.Boolean('Has Answered', compute='_get_uid_has_answered')
has_validated_answer = fields.Boolean('Is answered', compute='_get_has_validated_answer', store=True)
# offensive moderation tools
flag_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Flagged by')
moderator_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Reviewed by', readonly=True)
# closing
closed_reason_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post.reason', string='Reason')
closed_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Closed by', index=True)
closed_date = fields.Datetime('Closed on', readonly=True)
# karma calculation and access
karma_accept = fields.Integer('Convert comment to answer', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
karma_edit = fields.Integer('Karma to edit', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
karma_close = fields.Integer('Karma to close', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
karma_unlink = fields.Integer('Karma to unlink', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
karma_comment = fields.Integer('Karma to comment', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
karma_comment_convert = fields.Integer('Karma to convert comment to answer', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
karma_flag = fields.Integer('Flag a post as offensive', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_ask = fields.Boolean('Can Ask', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_answer = fields.Boolean('Can Answer', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_accept = fields.Boolean('Can Accept', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_edit = fields.Boolean('Can Edit', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_close = fields.Boolean('Can Close', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_unlink = fields.Boolean('Can Unlink', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_upvote = fields.Boolean('Can Upvote', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_downvote = fields.Boolean('Can Downvote', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_comment = fields.Boolean('Can Comment', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_comment_convert = fields.Boolean('Can Convert to Comment', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_view = fields.Boolean('Can View', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', search='_search_can_view')
can_display_biography = fields.Boolean("Is the author's biography visible from his post", compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_post = fields.Boolean('Can Automatically be Validated', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_flag = fields.Boolean('Can Flag', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
can_moderate = fields.Boolean('Can Moderate', compute='_get_post_karma_rights')
def _search_can_view(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ('=', '!=', '<>'):
raise ValueError('Invalid operator: %s' % (operator,))
if not value:
operator = operator == "=" and '!=' or '='
value = True
if self._uid == SUPERUSER_ID:
return [(1, '=', 1)]
user = self.env['res.users'].browse(self._uid)
req = """
FROM forum_post p
LEFT JOIN res_users u ON p.create_uid = u.id
LEFT JOIN forum_forum f ON p.forum_id = f.id
(p.create_uid = %s and f.karma_close_own <= %s)
or (p.create_uid != %s and f.karma_close_all <= %s)
or (
u.karma > 0
and (p.active or p.create_uid = %s)
op = operator == "=" and "inselect" or "not inselect"
# don't use param named because orm will add other param (test_active, ...)
return [('id', op, (req, (user.id, user.karma, user.id, user.karma, user.id)))]
def _get_plain_content(self):
self.plain_content = tools.html2plaintext(self.content)[0:500] if self.content else False
@api.depends('vote_count', 'forum_id.relevancy_post_vote', 'forum_id.relevancy_time_decay')
def _compute_relevancy(self):
if self.create_date:
days = (datetime.today() - datetime.strptime(self.create_date, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)).days
self.relevancy = math.copysign(1, self.vote_count) * (abs(self.vote_count - 1) ** self.forum_id.relevancy_post_vote / (days + 2) ** self.forum_id.relevancy_time_decay)
self.relevancy = 0
def _get_user_vote(self):
votes = self.env['forum.post.vote'].search_read([('post_id', 'in', self._ids), ('user_id', '=', self._uid)], ['vote', 'post_id'])
mapped_vote = dict([(v['post_id'][0], v['vote']) for v in votes])
for vote in self:
vote.user_vote = mapped_vote.get(vote.id, 0)
def _get_vote_count(self):
read_group_res = self.env['forum.post.vote'].read_group([('post_id', 'in', self._ids)], ['post_id', 'vote'], ['post_id', 'vote'], lazy=False)
result = dict.fromkeys(self._ids, 0)
for data in read_group_res:
result[data['post_id'][0]] += data['__count'] * int(data['vote'])
for post in self:
post.vote_count = result[post.id]
def _get_user_favourite(self):
self.user_favourite = self._uid in self.favourite_ids.ids
def _get_favorite_count(self):
self.favourite_count = len(self.favourite_ids)
@api.depends('create_uid', 'parent_id')
def _is_self_reply(self):
self.self_reply = self.parent_id.create_uid.id == self._uid
@api.depends('child_ids.create_uid', 'website_message_ids')
def _get_child_count(self):
def process(node):
total = len(node.website_message_ids) + len(node.child_ids)
for child in node.child_ids:
total += process(child)
return total
self.child_count = process(self)
def _get_uid_has_answered(self):
self.uid_has_answered = any(answer.create_uid.id == self._uid for answer in self.child_ids)
def _get_has_validated_answer(self):
self.has_validated_answer = any(answer.is_correct for answer in self.child_ids)
def _get_post_karma_rights(self):
user = self.env.user
is_admin = user.id == SUPERUSER_ID
# sudoed recordset instead of individual posts so values can be
# prefetched in bulk
for post, post_sudo in pycompat.izip(self, self.sudo()):
is_creator = post.create_uid == user
post.karma_accept = post.forum_id.karma_answer_accept_own if post.parent_id.create_uid == user else post.forum_id.karma_answer_accept_all
post.karma_edit = post.forum_id.karma_edit_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_edit_all
post.karma_close = post.forum_id.karma_close_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_close_all
post.karma_unlink = post.forum_id.karma_unlink_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_unlink_all
post.karma_comment = post.forum_id.karma_comment_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_comment_all
post.karma_comment_convert = post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_all
post.can_ask = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_ask
post.can_answer = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_answer
post.can_accept = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_accept
post.can_edit = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_edit
post.can_close = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_close
post.can_unlink = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_unlink
post.can_upvote = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_upvote
post.can_downvote = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_downvote
post.can_comment = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_comment
post.can_comment_convert = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_comment_convert
post.can_view = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_close or (post_sudo.create_uid.karma > 0 and (post_sudo.active or post_sudo.create_uid == user))
post.can_display_biography = is_admin or post_sudo.create_uid.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_user_bio
post.can_post = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_post
post.can_flag = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_flag
post.can_moderate = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_moderate
@api.constrains('post_type', 'forum_id')
def _check_post_type(self):
if (self.post_type == 'question' and not self.forum_id.allow_question) \
or (self.post_type == 'discussion' and not self.forum_id.allow_discussion) \
or (self.post_type == 'link' and not self.forum_id.allow_link):
raise ValidationError(_('This forum does not allow %s') % self.post_type)
def _update_content(self, content, forum_id):
forum = self.env['forum.forum'].browse(forum_id)
if content and self.env.user.karma < forum.karma_dofollow:
for match in re.findall(r'<a\s.*href=".*?">', content):
match = re.escape(match) # replace parenthesis or special char in regex
content = re.sub(match, match[:3] + 'rel="nofollow" ' + match[3:], content)
if self.env.user.karma <= forum.karma_editor:
filter_regexp = r'(<img.*?>)|(<a[^>]*?href[^>]*?>)|(<[a-z|A-Z]+[^>]*style\s*=\s*[\'"][^\'"]*\s*background[^:]*:[^url;]*url)'
content_match = re.search(filter_regexp, content, re.I)
if content_match:
raise KarmaError('User karma not sufficient to post an image or link.')
return content
def create(self, vals):
if 'content' in vals and vals.get('forum_id'):
vals['content'] = self._update_content(vals['content'], vals['forum_id'])
post = super(Post, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True)).create(vals)
# deleted or closed questions
if post.parent_id and (post.parent_id.state == 'close' or post.parent_id.active is False):
raise UserError(_('Posting answer on a [Deleted] or [Closed] question is not possible'))
# karma-based access
if not post.parent_id and not post.can_ask:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to create a new question')
elif post.parent_id and not post.can_answer:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to answer to a question')
if not post.parent_id and not post.can_post:
post.sudo().state = 'pending'
# add karma for posting new questions
if not post.parent_id and post.state == 'active':
return post
def check_mail_message_access(self, res_ids, operation, model_name=None):
if operation in ('write', 'unlink') and (not model_name or model_name == 'forum.post'):
# Make sure only author or moderator can edit/delete messages
if any(not post.can_edit for post in self.browse(res_ids)):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to edit a post.')
return super(Post, self).check_mail_message_access(res_ids, operation, model_name=model_name)
@api.depends('name', 'post_type')
def name_get(self):
result = []
for post in self:
if post.post_type == 'discussion' and post.parent_id and not post.name:
result.append((post.id, '%s (%s)' % (post.parent_id.name, post.id)))
result.append((post.id, '%s' % (post.name)))
return result
def write(self, vals):
trusted_keys = ['active', 'is_correct', 'tag_ids'] # fields where security is checked manually
if 'content' in vals:
vals['content'] = self._update_content(vals['content'], self.forum_id.id)
if 'state' in vals:
if vals['state'] in ['active', 'close']:
if any(not post.can_close for post in self):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to close or reopen a post.')
trusted_keys += ['state', 'closed_uid', 'closed_date', 'closed_reason_id']
elif vals['state'] == 'flagged':
if any(not post.can_flag for post in self):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to flag a post.')
trusted_keys += ['state', 'flag_user_id']
if 'active' in vals:
if any(not post.can_unlink for post in self):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to delete or reactivate a post')
if 'is_correct' in vals:
if any(not post.can_accept for post in self):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to accept or refuse an answer')
# update karma except for self-acceptance
mult = 1 if vals['is_correct'] else -1
for post in self:
if vals['is_correct'] != post.is_correct and post.create_uid.id != self._uid:
post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * mult)
self.env.user.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accept * mult)
if 'tag_ids' in vals:
tag_ids = set(tag.get('id') for tag in self.resolve_2many_commands('tag_ids', vals['tag_ids']))
if any(set(post.tag_ids) != tag_ids for post in self) and any(self.env.user.karma < post.forum_id.karma_edit_retag for post in self):
raise KarmaError(_('Not enough karma to retag.'))
if any(key not in trusted_keys for key in vals) and any(not post.can_edit for post in self):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to edit a post.')
res = super(Post, self).write(vals)
# if post content modify, notify followers
if 'content' in vals or 'name' in vals:
for post in self:
if post.parent_id:
body, subtype = _('Answer Edited'), 'website_forum.mt_answer_edit'
obj_id = post.parent_id
body, subtype = _('Question Edited'), 'website_forum.mt_question_edit'
obj_id = post
obj_id.message_post(body=body, subtype=subtype)
if 'active' in vals:
answers = self.env['forum.post'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('parent_id', 'in', self.ids)])
if answers:
answers.write({'active': vals['active']})
return res
def post_notification(self):
for post in self:
tag_partners = post.tag_ids.mapped('message_partner_ids')
tag_channels = post.tag_ids.mapped('message_channel_ids')
if post.state == 'active' and post.parent_id:
subject=_('Re: %s') % post.parent_id.name,
partner_ids=[(4, p.id) for p in tag_partners],
channel_ids=[(4, c.id) for c in tag_channels],
elif post.state == 'active' and not post.parent_id:
partner_ids=[(4, p.id) for p in tag_partners],
channel_ids=[(4, c.id) for c in tag_channels],
elif post.state == 'pending' and not post.parent_id:
# TDE FIXME: in master, you should probably use a subtype;
# however here we remove subtype but set partner_ids
partners = post.sudo().message_partner_ids | tag_partners
partners = partners.filtered(lambda partner: partner.user_ids and any(user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_moderate for user in partner.user_ids))
return True
def reopen(self):
if any(post.parent_id or post.state != 'close' for post in self):
return False
reason_offensive = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_7')
reason_spam = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_8')
for post in self:
if post.closed_reason_id in (reason_offensive, reason_spam):
_logger.info('Upvoting user <%s>, reopening spam/offensive question',
karma = post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_flagged
if post.closed_reason_id == reason_spam:
# If first post, increase the karma to add
count_post = post.search_count([('parent_id', '=', False), ('forum_id', '=', post.forum_id.id), ('create_uid', '=', post.create_uid.id)])
if count_post == 1:
karma *= 10
post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(karma * -1)
self.sudo().write({'state': 'active'})
def close(self, reason_id):
if any(post.parent_id for post in self):
return False
reason_offensive = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_7').id
reason_spam = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_8').id
if reason_id in (reason_offensive, reason_spam):
for post in self:
_logger.info('Downvoting user <%s> for posting spam/offensive contents',
karma = post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_flagged
if reason_id == reason_spam:
# If first post, increase the karma to remove
count_post = post.search_count([('parent_id', '=', False), ('forum_id', '=', post.forum_id.id), ('create_uid', '=', post.create_uid.id)])
if count_post == 1:
karma *= 10
'state': 'close',
'closed_uid': self._uid,
'closed_date': datetime.today().strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT),
'closed_reason_id': reason_id,
return True
def validate(self):
if not self.can_moderate:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to validate a post')
# if state == pending, no karma previously added for the new question
if self.state == 'pending':
'state': 'active',
'active': True,
'moderator_id': self.env.user.id,
return True
def refuse(self):
if not self.can_moderate:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to refuse a post')
self.moderator_id = self.env.user
return True
def flag(self):
if not self.can_flag:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to flag a post')
if(self.state == 'flagged'):
return {'error': 'post_already_flagged'}
elif(self.state == 'active'):
'state': 'flagged',
'flag_user_id': self.env.user.id,
return self.can_moderate and {'success': 'post_flagged_moderator'} or {'success': 'post_flagged_non_moderator'}
return {'error': 'post_non_flaggable'}
def mark_as_offensive(self, reason_id):
if not self.can_moderate:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to mark a post as offensive')
# remove some karma
_logger.info('Downvoting user <%s> for posting spam/offensive contents', self.create_uid)
'state': 'offensive',
'moderator_id': self.env.user.id,
'closed_date': datetime.today().strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT),
'closed_reason_id': reason_id,
'active': False,
return True
def unlink(self):
if any(not post.can_unlink for post in self):
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to unlink a post')
# if unlinking an answer with accepted answer: remove provided karma
for post in self:
if post.is_correct:
post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * -1)
self.env.user.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * -1)
return super(Post, self).unlink()
def bump(self):
""" Bump a question: trigger a write_date by writing on a dummy bump_date
field. One cannot bump a question more than once every 10 days. """
if self.forum_id.allow_bump and not self.child_ids and (datetime.today() - datetime.strptime(self.write_date, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)).days > 9:
# write through super to bypass karma; sudo to allow public user to bump any post
return self.sudo().write({'bump_date': fields.Datetime.now()})
return False
def vote(self, upvote=True):
Vote = self.env['forum.post.vote']
vote_ids = Vote.search([('post_id', 'in', self._ids), ('user_id', '=', self._uid)])
new_vote = '1' if upvote else '-1'
voted_forum_ids = set()
if vote_ids:
for vote in vote_ids:
if upvote:
new_vote = '0' if vote.vote == '-1' else '1'
new_vote = '0' if vote.vote == '1' else '-1'
vote.vote = new_vote
for post_id in set(self._ids) - voted_forum_ids:
for post_id in self._ids:
Vote.create({'post_id': post_id, 'vote': new_vote})
return {'vote_count': self.vote_count, 'user_vote': new_vote}
def convert_answer_to_comment(self):
""" Tools to convert an answer (forum.post) to a comment (mail.message).
The original post is unlinked and a new comment is posted on the question
using the post create_uid as the comment's author. """
if not self.parent_id:
return self.env['mail.message']
# karma-based action check: use the post field that computed own/all value
if not self.can_comment_convert:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to convert an answer to a comment')
# post the message
question = self.parent_id
values = {
'author_id': self.sudo().create_uid.partner_id.id, # use sudo here because of access to res.users model
'body': tools.html_sanitize(self.content, sanitize_attributes=True, strip_style=True, strip_classes=True),
'message_type': 'comment',
'subtype': 'mail.mt_comment',
'date': self.create_date,
new_message = question.with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).message_post(**values)
# unlink the original answer, using SUPERUSER_ID to avoid karma issues
return new_message
def convert_comment_to_answer(self, message_id, default=None):
""" Tool to convert a comment (mail.message) into an answer (forum.post).
The original comment is unlinked and a new answer from the comment's author
is created. Nothing is done if the comment's author already answered the
question. """
comment = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(message_id)
post = self.browse(comment.res_id)
if not comment.author_id or not comment.author_id.user_ids: # only comment posted by users can be converted
return False
# karma-based action check: must check the message's author to know if own / all
karma_convert = comment.author_id.id == self.env.user.partner_id.id and post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_own or post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_all
can_convert = self.env.user.karma >= karma_convert
if not can_convert:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to convert a comment to an answer')
# check the message's author has not already an answer
question = post.parent_id if post.parent_id else post
post_create_uid = comment.author_id.user_ids[0]
if any(answer.create_uid.id == post_create_uid.id for answer in question.child_ids):
return False
# create the new post
post_values = {
'forum_id': question.forum_id.id,
'content': comment.body,
'parent_id': question.id,
# done with the author user to have create_uid correctly set
new_post = self.sudo(post_create_uid.id).create(post_values)
# delete comment
return new_post
def unlink_comment(self, message_id):
user = self.env.user
comment = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(message_id)
if not comment.model == 'forum.post' or not comment.res_id == self.id:
return False
# karma-based action check: must check the message's author to know if own or all
karma_unlink = comment.author_id.id == user.partner_id.id and self.forum_id.karma_comment_unlink_own or self.forum_id.karma_comment_unlink_all
can_unlink = user.karma >= karma_unlink
if not can_unlink:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to unlink a comment')
return comment.unlink()
def set_viewed(self):
self._cr.execute("""UPDATE forum_post SET views = views+1 WHERE id IN %s""", (self._ids,))
return True
def get_access_action(self, access_uid=None):
""" Instead of the classic form view, redirect to the post on the website directly """
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': '/forum/%s/question/%s' % (self.forum_id.id, self.id),
'target': 'self',
'target_type': 'public',
'res_id': self.id,
def _notification_recipients(self, message, groups):
groups = super(Post, self)._notification_recipients(message, groups)
for group_name, group_method, group_data in groups:
group_data['has_button_access'] = True
return groups
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, message_type='notification', subtype=None, **kwargs):
question_followers = self.env['res.partner']
if self.ids and message_type == 'comment': # user comments have a restriction on karma
# add followers of comments on the parent post
if self.parent_id:
partner_ids = kwargs.get('partner_ids', [])
comment_subtype = self.sudo().env.ref('mail.mt_comment')
question_followers = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search([
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', '=', self.parent_id.id),
('partner_id', '!=', False),
]).filtered(lambda fol: comment_subtype in fol.subtype_ids).mapped('partner_id')
partner_ids += [(4, partner.id) for partner in question_followers]
kwargs['partner_ids'] = partner_ids
if not self.can_comment:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to comment')
if not kwargs.get('record_name') and self.parent_id:
kwargs['record_name'] = self.parent_id.name
return super(Post, self).message_post(message_type=message_type, subtype=subtype, **kwargs)
def message_get_message_notify_values(self, message, message_values):
""" Override to avoid keeping all notified recipients of a comment.
We avoid tracking needaction on post comments. Only emails should be
sufficient. """
if message.message_type == 'comment':
return {
'needaction_partner_ids': [],
'partner_ids': [],
return {}
class PostReason(models.Model):
_name = "forum.post.reason"
_description = "Post Closing Reason"
_order = 'name'
name = fields.Char(string='Closing Reason', required=True, translate=True)
reason_type = fields.Char(string='Reason Type')
class Vote(models.Model):
_name = 'forum.post.vote'
_description = 'Vote'
post_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post', string='Post', ondelete='cascade', required=True)
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', required=True, default=lambda self: self._uid)
vote = fields.Selection([('1', '1'), ('-1', '-1'), ('0', '0')], string='Vote', required=True, default='1')
create_date = fields.Datetime('Create Date', index=True, readonly=True)
forum_id = fields.Many2one('forum.forum', string='Forum', related="post_id.forum_id", store=True)
recipient_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='To', related="post_id.create_uid", store=True)
def _get_karma_value(self, old_vote, new_vote, up_karma, down_karma):
_karma_upd = {
'-1': {'-1': 0, '0': -1 * down_karma, '1': -1 * down_karma + up_karma},
'0': {'-1': 1 * down_karma, '0': 0, '1': up_karma},
'1': {'-1': -1 * up_karma + down_karma, '0': -1 * up_karma, '1': 0}
return _karma_upd[old_vote][new_vote]
def create(self, vals):
vote = super(Vote, self).create(vals)
# own post check
if vote.user_id.id == vote.post_id.create_uid.id:
raise UserError(_('Not allowed to vote for its own post'))
# karma check
if vote.vote == '1' and not vote.post_id.can_upvote:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to upvote.')
elif vote.vote == '-1' and not vote.post_id.can_downvote:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to downvote.')
if vote.post_id.parent_id:
karma_value = self._get_karma_value('0', vote.vote, vote.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_upvote, vote.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_downvote)
karma_value = self._get_karma_value('0', vote.vote, vote.forum_id.karma_gen_question_upvote, vote.forum_id.karma_gen_question_downvote)
return vote
def write(self, values):
if 'vote' in values:
for vote in self:
# own post check
if vote.user_id.id == vote.post_id.create_uid.id:
raise UserError(_('Not allowed to vote for its own post'))
# karma check
if (values['vote'] == '1' or vote.vote == '-1' and values['vote'] == '0') and not vote.post_id.can_upvote:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to upvote.')
elif (values['vote'] == '-1' or vote.vote == '1' and values['vote'] == '0') and not vote.post_id.can_downvote:
raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to downvote.')
# karma update
if vote.post_id.parent_id:
karma_value = self._get_karma_value(vote.vote, values['vote'], vote.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_upvote, vote.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_downvote)
karma_value = self._get_karma_value(vote.vote, values['vote'], vote.forum_id.karma_gen_question_upvote, vote.forum_id.karma_gen_question_downvote)
res = super(Vote, self).write(values)
return res
class Tags(models.Model):
_name = "forum.tag"
_description = "Forum Tag"
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata']
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
create_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Created by', readonly=True)
forum_id = fields.Many2one('forum.forum', string='Forum', required=True)
post_ids = fields.Many2many(
'forum.post', 'forum_tag_rel', 'forum_tag_id', 'forum_id',
string='Posts', domain=[('state', '=', 'active')])
posts_count = fields.Integer('Number of Posts', compute='_get_posts_count', store=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'unique (name, forum_id)', "Tag name already exists !"),
@api.depends("post_ids.tag_ids", "post_ids.state")
def _get_posts_count(self):
for tag in self:
tag.posts_count = len(tag.post_ids)
def create(self, vals):
forum = self.env['forum.forum'].browse(vals.get('forum_id'))
if self.env.user.karma < forum.karma_tag_create:
raise KarmaError(_('Not enough karma to create a new Tag'))
return super(Tags, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=True)).create(vals)