2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import models , api , fields
from flectra . fields import Datetime as FieldDateTime
from flectra . tools . translate import _
from flectra . exceptions import UserError
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
class AccountClosing ( models . Model ) :
This object holds an interval total and a grand total of the accounts of type receivable for a company ,
as well as the last account_move that has been counted in a previous object
It takes its earliest brother to infer from when the computation needs to be done
in order to compute its own data .
_name = ' account.sale.closing '
_order = ' date_closing_stop desc, sequence_number desc '
name = fields . Char ( help = " Frequency and unique sequence number " , required = True )
company_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.company ' , string = ' Company ' , readonly = True , required = True )
date_closing_stop = fields . Datetime ( string = " Closing Date " , help = ' Date to which the values are computed ' , readonly = True , required = True )
date_closing_start = fields . Datetime ( string = " Starting Date " , help = ' Date from which the total interval is computed ' , readonly = True , required = True )
frequency = fields . Selection ( string = ' Closing Type ' , selection = [ ( ' daily ' , ' Daily ' ) , ( ' monthly ' , ' Monthly ' ) , ( ' annually ' , ' Annual ' ) ] , readonly = True , required = True )
total_interval = fields . Monetary ( string = " Period Total " , help = ' Total in receivable accounts during the interval, excluding overlapping periods ' , readonly = True , required = True )
cumulative_total = fields . Monetary ( string = " Cumulative Grand Total " , help = ' Total in receivable accounts since the beginnig of times ' , readonly = True , required = True )
sequence_number = fields . Integer ( ' Sequence # ' , readonly = True , required = True )
last_move_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.move ' , string = ' Last journal entry ' , help = ' Last Journal entry included in the grand total ' , readonly = True )
last_move_hash = fields . Char ( string = ' Last journal entry \' s inalteralbility hash ' , readonly = True )
currency_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.currency ' , string = ' Currency ' , help = " The company ' s currency " , readonly = True , related = ' company_id.currency_id ' , store = True )
def _query_for_aml ( self , company , first_move_sequence_number , date_start ) :
params = { ' company_id ' : company . id }
query = ''' WITH aggregate AS (SELECT m.id AS move_id,
aml . balance AS balance ,
aml . id as line_id
FROM account_move_line aml
JOIN account_journal j ON aml . journal_id = j . id
JOIN account_account acc ON acc . id = aml . account_id
JOIN account_account_type t ON ( t . id = acc . user_type_id AND t . type = ' receivable ' )
JOIN account_move m ON m . id = aml . move_id
WHERE j . type = ' sale '
AND aml . company_id = % ( company_id ) s
AND m . state = ' posted ' '''
if first_move_sequence_number is not False and first_move_sequence_number is not None :
params [ ' first_move_sequence_number ' ] = first_move_sequence_number
query + = ''' AND m.l10n_fr_secure_sequence_number > %(first_move_sequence_number)s '''
elif date_start :
#the first time we compute the closing, we consider only from the installation of the module
params [ ' date_start ' ] = date_start
query + = ''' AND m.date >= %(date_start)s '''
query + = " ORDER BY m.l10n_fr_secure_sequence_number DESC) "
query + = ''' SELECT array_agg(move_id) AS move_ids,
array_agg ( line_id ) AS line_ids ,
sum ( balance ) AS balance
FROM aggregate '''
self . env . cr . execute ( query , params )
return self . env . cr . dictfetchall ( ) [ 0 ]
def _compute_amounts ( self , frequency , company ) :
Method used to compute all the business data of the new object .
It will search for previous closings of the same frequency to infer the move from which
account move lines should be fetched .
@param { string } frequency : a valid value of the selection field on the object ( daily , monthly , annually )
frequencies are literal ( daily means 24 hours and so on )
@param { recordset } company : the company for which the closing is done
@return { dict } containing { field : value } for each business field of the object
interval_dates = self . _interval_dates ( frequency , company )
previous_closing = self . search ( [
( ' frequency ' , ' = ' , frequency ) ,
( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , company . id ) ] , limit = 1 , order = ' sequence_number desc ' )
first_move = self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
date_start = interval_dates [ ' interval_from ' ]
cumulative_total = 0
if previous_closing :
first_move = previous_closing . last_move_id
date_start = previous_closing . create_date
cumulative_total + = previous_closing . cumulative_total
aml_aggregate = self . _query_for_aml ( company , first_move . l10n_fr_secure_sequence_number , date_start )
total_interval = aml_aggregate [ ' balance ' ] or 0
cumulative_total + = total_interval
# We keep the reference to avoid gaps (like daily object during the weekend)
last_move = first_move
if aml_aggregate [ ' move_ids ' ] :
last_move = last_move . browse ( aml_aggregate [ ' move_ids ' ] [ 0 ] )
return { ' total_interval ' : total_interval ,
' cumulative_total ' : cumulative_total ,
' last_move_id ' : last_move . id ,
' last_move_hash ' : last_move . l10n_fr_hash ,
' date_closing_stop ' : interval_dates [ ' date_stop ' ] ,
' date_closing_start ' : date_start ,
' name ' : interval_dates [ ' name_interval ' ] + ' - ' + interval_dates [ ' date_stop ' ] [ : 10 ] }
def _interval_dates ( self , frequency , company ) :
Method used to compute the theoretical date from which account move lines should be fetched
@param { string } frequency : a valid value of the selection field on the object ( daily , monthly , annually )
frequencies are literal ( daily means 24 hours and so on )
@param { recordset } company : the company for which the closing is done
@return { dict } the theoretical date from which account move lines are fetched .
date_stop date to which the move lines are fetched , always now ( )
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the dates are in their Flectra Database string representation
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date_stop = datetime . utcnow ( )
interval_from = None
name_interval = ' '
if frequency == ' daily ' :
interval_from = date_stop - timedelta ( days = 1 )
name_interval = _ ( ' Daily Closing ' )
elif frequency == ' monthly ' :
month_target = date_stop . month > 1 and date_stop . month - 1 or 12
year_target = month_target < 12 and date_stop . year or date_stop . year - 1
interval_from = date_stop . replace ( year = year_target , month = month_target )
name_interval = _ ( ' Monthly Closing ' )
elif frequency == ' annually ' :
year_target = date_stop . year - 1
interval_from = date_stop . replace ( year = year_target )
name_interval = _ ( ' Annual Closing ' )
return { ' interval_from ' : FieldDateTime . to_string ( interval_from ) ,
' date_stop ' : FieldDateTime . to_string ( date_stop ) ,
' name_interval ' : name_interval }
def write ( self , vals ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Sale Closings are not meant to be written or deleted under any circumstances. ' ) )
def unlink ( self ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Sale Closings are not meant to be written or deleted under any circumstances. ' ) )
def _automated_closing ( self , frequency = ' daily ' ) :
""" To be executed by the CRON to create an object of the given frequency for each company that needs it
@param { string } frequency : a valid value of the selection field on the object ( daily , monthly , annually )
frequencies are literal ( daily means 24 hours and so on )
@return { recordset } all the objects created for the given frequency
res_company = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . search ( [ ] )
account_closings = self . env [ ' account.sale.closing ' ]
for company in res_company . filtered ( lambda c : c . _is_accounting_unalterable ( ) ) :
new_sequence_number = company . l10n_fr_closing_sequence_id . next_by_id ( )
values = self . _compute_amounts ( frequency , company )
values [ ' frequency ' ] = frequency
values [ ' company_id ' ] = company . id
values [ ' sequence_number ' ] = new_sequence_number
account_closings | = account_closings . create ( values )
return account_closings