2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra . tests import common
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
class Test_Lunch ( common . TransactionCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
""" *****setUp***** """
super ( Test_Lunch , self ) . setUp ( )
self . demo_user = self . env [ ' res.users ' ] . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' Demo User ' ) ] )
self . product_bolognese_ref = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . get_object_reference ( ' lunch ' , ' product_Bolognese ' )
self . product_Bolognese_id = self . product_bolognese_ref and self . product_bolognese_ref [ 1 ] or False
self . new_id_order = self . env [ ' lunch.order ' ] . create ( {
' user_id ' : self . demo_user . id ,
' order_line_ids ' : ' [] ' ,
} )
self . new_id_order_line = self . env [ ' lunch.order.line ' ] . create ( {
' order_id ' : self . new_id_order . id ,
' product_id ' : self . product_Bolognese_id ,
' note ' : ' +Emmental ' ,
' cashmove ' : [ ] ,
' price ' : self . env [ ' lunch.product ' ] . browse ( self . product_Bolognese_id ) . price ,
} )
def test_00_lunch_order ( self ) :
""" Change the state of an order line from ' new ' to ' ordered ' . Check that there are no cashmove linked to that order line """
self . order_one = self . new_id_order_line
#we check that our order_line is a 'new' one and that there are no cashmove linked to that order_line:
self . assertEqual ( self . order_one . state , ' new ' )
self . assertEqual ( list ( self . order_one . cashmove ) , [ ] )
#we order that orderline so it's state will be 'ordered'
self . order_one . order ( )
self . order_one = self . new_id_order_line
#we check that our order_line is a 'ordered' one and that there are no cashmove linked to that order_line:
self . assertEqual ( self . order_one . state , ' ordered ' )
self . assertEqual ( list ( self . order_one . cashmove ) , [ ] )
def test_01_lunch_order ( self ) :
""" Change the state of an order line from ' new ' to ' ordered ' then to ' confirmed ' . Check that there is a cashmove linked to the order line """
self . test_00_lunch_order ( )
#We receive the order so we confirm the order line so it's state will be 'confirmed'
#A cashmove will be created and we will test that the cashmove amount equals the order line price
self . order_one . confirm ( )
self . order_one = self . new_id_order_line
#we check that our order_line is a 'confirmed' one and that there are a cashmove linked to that order_line with an amount equals to the order line price:
self . assertEqual ( self . order_one . state , ' confirmed ' )
self . assertTrue ( self . order_one . cashmove )
self . assertTrue ( self . order_one . cashmove [ 0 ] . amount == - self . order_one . price )
def test_02_lunch_order ( self ) :
""" Change the state of an order line from ' confirmed ' to ' cancelled ' and check that the cashmove linked to that order line will be deleted """
self . test_01_lunch_order ( )
#We have a confirmed order with its associate cashmove
#We execute the cancel function
self . order_one . cancel ( )
self . order_one = self . new_id_order_line
#We check that the state is cancelled and that the cashmove has been deleted
self . assertEqual ( self . order_one . state , ' cancelled ' )
self . assertFalse ( self . order_one . cashmove )