2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
flectra.define('web.kanban_model_tests', function (require) {
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
"use strict";
var KanbanModel = require('web.KanbanModel');
var testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
var createModel = testUtils.createModel;
QUnit.module('Views', {
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = {
partner: {
fields: {
active: {string: "Active", type: "boolean", default: true},
display_name: {string: "STRING", type: 'char'},
foo: {string: "Foo", type: 'char'},
bar: {string: "Bar", type: 'integer'},
qux: {string: "Qux", type: 'many2one', relation: 'partner'},
product_id: {string: "Favorite product", type: 'many2one', relation: 'product'},
product_ids: {string: "Favorite products", type: 'one2many', relation: 'product'},
category: {string: "Category M2M", type: 'many2many', relation: 'partner_type'},
records: [
{id: 1, foo: 'blip', bar: 1, product_id: 37, category: [12], display_name: "first partner"},
{id: 2, foo: 'gnap', bar: 2, product_id: 41, display_name: "second partner"},
onchanges: {},
product: {
fields: {
name: {string: "Product Name", type: "char"}
records: [
{id: 37, display_name: "xphone"},
{id: 41, display_name: "xpad"}
partner_type: {
fields: {
display_name: {string: "Partner Type", type: "char"}
records: [
{id: 12, display_name: "gold"},
{id: 14, display_name: "silver"},
{id: 15, display_name: "bronze"}
// add related fields to category.
this.data.partner.fields.category.relatedFields =
$.extend(true, {}, this.data.partner_type.fields);
this.params = {
fields: this.data.partner.fields,
limit: 40,
modelName: 'partner',
openGroupByDefault: true,
viewType: 'kanban',
}, function () {
QUnit.test('load grouped + add a new group', function (assert) {
var calledRoutes = {};
var model = createModel({
Model: KanbanModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route) {
if (!(route in calledRoutes)) {
calledRoutes[route] = 1;
} else {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var params = _.extend(this.params, {
groupedBy: ['product_id'],
fieldNames: ['foo'],
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
// various checks on the load result
var state = model.get(resultID);
assert.ok(_.isEqual(state.groupedBy, ['product_id']), 'should be grouped by "product_id"');
assert.strictEqual(state.data.length, 2, 'should have found 2 groups');
assert.strictEqual(state.count, 2, 'both groups contain one record');
var xphoneGroup = _.findWhere(state.data, {res_id: 37});
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.model, 'partner', 'group should have correct model');
assert.ok(xphoneGroup, 'should have a group for res_id 37');
assert.ok(xphoneGroup.isOpen, '"xphone" group should be open');
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.value, 'xphone', 'group 37 should be "xphone"');
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.count, 1, '"xphone" group should have one record');
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.data.length, 1, 'should have fetched the records in the group');
assert.ok(_.isEqual(xphoneGroup.domain[0], ['product_id', '=', 37]),
'domain should be correct');
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.limit, 40, 'limit in a group should be 40');
// add a new group
model.createGroup('xpod', resultID);
state = model.get(resultID);
assert.strictEqual(state.data.length, 3, 'should now have 3 groups');
assert.strictEqual(state.count, 2, 'there are still 2 records');
var xpodGroup = _.findWhere(state.data, {value: 'xpod'});
assert.strictEqual(xpodGroup.model, 'partner', 'new group should have correct model');
assert.ok(xpodGroup, 'should have an "xpod" group');
assert.ok(xpodGroup.isOpen, 'new group should be open');
assert.strictEqual(xpodGroup.count, 0, 'new group should contain no record');
assert.ok(_.isEqual(xpodGroup.domain[0], ['product_id', '=', xpodGroup.res_id]),
'new group should have correct domain');
// check the rpcs done
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(calledRoutes).length, 3, 'three different routes have been called');
var nbReadGroups = calledRoutes['/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/read_group'];
var nbSearchRead = calledRoutes['/web/dataset/search_read'];
var nbNameCreate = calledRoutes['/web/dataset/call_kw/product/name_create'];
assert.strictEqual(nbReadGroups, 1, 'should have done 1 read_group');
assert.strictEqual(nbSearchRead, 2, 'should have done 2 search_read');
assert.strictEqual(nbNameCreate, 1, 'should have done 1 name_create');
QUnit.test('archive/restore a column', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: KanbanModel,
data: this.data,
var params = _.extend(this.params, {
groupedBy: ['product_id'],
fieldNames: ['foo'],
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var state = model.get(resultID);
var xphoneGroup = _.findWhere(state.data, {res_id: 37});
var xpadGroup = _.findWhere(state.data, {res_id: 41});
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.count, 1, 'xphone group has one record');
assert.strictEqual(xpadGroup.count, 1, 'xpad group has one record');
// archive the column 'xphone'
var recordIDs = _.pluck(xphoneGroup.data, 'id');
model.toggleActive(recordIDs, false, xphoneGroup.id);
state = model.get(resultID);
xphoneGroup = _.findWhere(state.data, {res_id: 37});
assert.strictEqual(xphoneGroup.count, 0, 'xphone group has no record anymore');
xpadGroup = _.findWhere(state.data, {res_id: 41});
assert.strictEqual(xpadGroup.count, 1, 'xpad group still has one record');
QUnit.test('kanban model does not allow nested groups', function (assert) {
var model = createModel({
Model: KanbanModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (args.method === 'read_group') {
assert.deepEqual(args.kwargs.groupby, ['product_id'],
"the second level of groupBy should have been removed");
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var params = _.extend(this.params, {
groupedBy: ['product_id', 'qux'],
fieldNames: ['foo'],
model.load(params).then(function (resultID) {
var state = model.get(resultID);
assert.deepEqual(state.groupedBy, ['product_id'],
"the second level of groupBy should have been removed");
QUnit.test('resequence columns and records', function (assert) {
var done = assert.async();
this.data.partner.records.push({id: 3, foo: 'aaa', product_id: 37});
var nbReseq = 0;
var model = createModel({
Model: KanbanModel,
data: this.data,
mockRPC: function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web/dataset/resequence') {
if (nbReseq === 1) { // resequencing columns
assert.deepEqual(args.ids, [41, 37],
"ids should be correct");
assert.strictEqual(args.model, 'product_id',
"model should be correct");
} else if (nbReseq === 2) { // resequencing records
assert.deepEqual(args.ids, [3, 1],
"ids should be correct");
assert.strictEqual(args.model, 'partner',
"model should be correct");
return $.when();
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var params = _.extend(this.params, {
groupedBy: ['product_id'],
fieldNames: ['foo'],
.then(function (stateID) {
var state = model.get(stateID);
assert.strictEqual(state.data[0].res_id, 37,
"first group should be res_id 37");
// resequence columns
return model.resequence('product_id', [41, 37], stateID);
.then(function (stateID) {
var state = model.get(stateID);
assert.strictEqual(state.data[0].res_id, 41,
"first group should be res_id 41 after resequencing");
assert.strictEqual(state.data[1].data[0].res_id, 1,
"first record should be res_id 1");
// resequence records
return model.resequence('partner', [3, 1], state.data[1].id);
.then(function (groupID) {
var group = model.get(groupID);
assert.strictEqual(group.data[0].res_id, 3,
"first record should be res_id 3 after resequencing");
QUnit.test('add record to group', function (assert) {
var self = this;
var model = createModel({
Model: KanbanModel,
data: this.data,
var params = _.extend(this.params, {
groupedBy: ['product_id'],
fieldNames: ['foo'],
model.load(params).then(function (stateID) {
self.data.partner.records.push({id: 3, foo: 'new record', product_id: 37});
var state = model.get(stateID);
assert.deepEqual(state.res_ids, [1, 2],
"state should have the correct res_ids");
assert.strictEqual(state.count, 2,
"state should have the correct count");
assert.strictEqual(state.data[0].count, 1,
"first group should contain one record");
return model.addRecordToGroup(state.data[0].id, 3).then(function () {
var state = model.get(stateID);
assert.deepEqual(state.res_ids, [3, 1, 2],
"state should have the correct res_ids");
assert.strictEqual(state.count, 3,
"state should have the correct count");
assert.deepEqual(state.data[0].res_ids, [3, 1],
"new record's id should have been added to the res_ids");
assert.strictEqual(state.data[0].count, 2,
"first group should now contain two records");
assert.strictEqual(state.data[0].data[0].data.foo, 'new record',
"new record should have been fetched");