2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api , fields , models , _
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
class ResConfigSettings ( models . TransientModel ) :
_inherit = ' res.config.settings '
has_accounting_entries = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_has_chart_of_accounts ' )
currency_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.currency ' , related = " company_id.currency_id " , required = True ,
string = ' Currency ' , help = " Main currency of the company. " )
currency_exchange_journal_id = fields . Many2one (
' account.journal ' ,
related = ' company_id.currency_exchange_journal_id ' ,
string = " Exchange Gain or Loss Journal " ,
domain = [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' general ' ) ] ,
help = ' The accounting journal where automatic exchange differences will be registered ' )
has_chart_of_accounts = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_has_chart_of_accounts ' , string = ' Company has a chart of accounts ' )
chart_template_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.chart.template ' , string = ' Template ' ,
domain = " [( ' visible ' , ' = ' , True)] " )
code_digits = fields . Integer ( string = ' # of Digits * ' , related = ' company_id.accounts_code_digits ' , help = " No. of digits to use for account code " )
tax_calculation_rounding_method = fields . Selection ( [
( ' round_per_line ' , ' Round calculation of taxes per line ' ) ,
( ' round_globally ' , ' Round globally calculation of taxes ' ) ,
] , related = ' company_id.tax_calculation_rounding_method ' , string = ' Tax calculation rounding method ' )
module_account_accountant = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Accounting ' )
group_analytic_accounting = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Analytic Accounting ' ,
implied_group = ' analytic.group_analytic_accounting ' )
group_warning_account = fields . Boolean ( string = " Warnings " , implied_group = ' account.group_warning_account ' )
group_cash_rounding = fields . Boolean ( string = " Cash Rounding " , implied_group = ' account.group_cash_rounding ' )
module_account_asset = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Assets Management ' )
module_account_deferred_revenue = fields . Boolean ( string = " Revenue Recognition " )
module_account_budget = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Budget Management ' )
module_account_payment = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Online Payment ' )
module_account_reports = fields . Boolean ( " Dynamic Reports " )
module_account_reports_followup = fields . Boolean ( " Enable payment followup management " )
default_sale_tax_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.tax ' , string = " Default Sale Tax " ,
company_dependent = True , oldname = " default_sale_tax " )
default_purchase_tax_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.tax ' , string = " Default Purchase Tax " ,
company_dependent = True , oldname = " default_purchase_tax " )
module_l10n_us_check_printing = fields . Boolean ( " Allow check printing and deposits " )
module_account_batch_deposit = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Use batch deposit ' ,
help = ' This allows you to group received checks before you deposit them to the bank. \n '
' -This installs the module account_batch_deposit. ' )
module_account_sepa = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Use SEPA payments ' )
module_account_sepa_direct_debit = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Use SEPA Direct Debit ' )
module_account_plaid = fields . Boolean ( string = " Plaid Connector " )
module_account_yodlee = fields . Boolean ( " Bank Interface - Sync your bank feeds automatically " )
module_account_bank_statement_import_qif = fields . Boolean ( " Import .qif files " )
module_account_bank_statement_import_ofx = fields . Boolean ( " Import in .ofx format " )
module_account_bank_statement_import_csv = fields . Boolean ( " Import in .csv format " )
module_account_bank_statement_import_camt = fields . Boolean ( " Import in CAMT.053 format " )
module_currency_rate_live = fields . Boolean ( string = " Allow Currency Rate Live " )
module_print_docsaway = fields . Boolean ( string = " Docsaway " )
module_product_margin = fields . Boolean ( string = " Allow Product Margin " )
module_l10n_eu_service = fields . Boolean ( string = " EU Digital Goods VAT " )
module_account_taxcloud = fields . Boolean ( string = " Account TaxCloud " )
tax_exigibility = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Cash Basis ' , related = ' company_id.tax_exigibility ' )
tax_cash_basis_journal_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.journal ' , related = ' company_id.tax_cash_basis_journal_id ' , string = " Tax Cash Basis Journal " )
account_hide_setup_bar = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Hide Setup Bar ' , related = ' company_id.account_setup_bar_closed ' , help = " Tick if you wish to hide the setup bar on the dashboard " )
def get_values ( self ) :
res = super ( ResConfigSettings , self ) . get_values ( )
IrDefault = self . env [ ' ir.default ' ] . sudo ( )
default_sale_tax_id = IrDefault . get ( ' product.template ' , " taxes_id " , company_id = self . company_id . id or self . env . user . company_id . id )
default_purchase_tax_id = IrDefault . get ( ' product.template ' , " supplier_taxes_id " , company_id = self . company_id . id or self . env . user . company_id . id )
res . update (
default_purchase_tax_id = default_purchase_tax_id [ 0 ] if default_purchase_tax_id else False ,
default_sale_tax_id = default_sale_tax_id [ 0 ] if default_sale_tax_id else False ,
return res
def set_values ( self ) :
super ( ResConfigSettings , self ) . set_values ( )
if self . group_multi_currency :
self . env . ref ( ' base.group_user ' ) . write ( { ' implied_ids ' : [ ( 4 , self . env . ref ( ' product.group_sale_pricelist ' ) . id ) ] } )
""" Set the product taxes if they have changed """
IrDefault = self . env [ ' ir.default ' ] . sudo ( )
IrDefault . set ( ' product.template ' , " taxes_id " , self . default_sale_tax_id . ids , company_id = self . company_id . id )
IrDefault . set ( ' product.template ' , " supplier_taxes_id " , self . default_purchase_tax_id . ids , company_id = self . company_id . id )
""" install a chart of accounts for the given company (if required) """
if self . chart_template_id and self . chart_template_id != self . company_id . chart_template_id :
wizard = self . env [ ' wizard.multi.charts.accounts ' ] . create ( {
' company_id ' : self . company_id . id ,
' chart_template_id ' : self . chart_template_id . id ,
' transfer_account_id ' : self . chart_template_id . transfer_account_id . id ,
' code_digits ' : self . code_digits or 6 ,
' sale_tax_rate ' : 15.0 ,
' purchase_tax_rate ' : 15.0 ,
' complete_tax_set ' : self . chart_template_id . complete_tax_set ,
' currency_id ' : self . currency_id . id ,
' bank_account_code_prefix ' : self . chart_template_id . bank_account_code_prefix ,
' cash_account_code_prefix ' : self . chart_template_id . cash_account_code_prefix ,
} )
wizard . onchange_chart_template_id ( )
wizard . execute ( )
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' )
def _compute_has_chart_of_accounts ( self ) :
self . has_chart_of_accounts = bool ( self . company_id . chart_template_id )
self . chart_template_id = self . company_id . chart_template_id or False
self . has_accounting_entries = self . env [ ' wizard.multi.charts.accounts ' ] . existing_accounting ( self . company_id )
@api.onchange ( ' group_analytic_accounting ' )
def onchange_analytic_accounting ( self ) :
if self . group_analytic_accounting :
self . module_account_accountant = True
@api.onchange ( ' module_account_budget ' )
def onchange_module_account_budget ( self ) :
if self . module_account_budget :
self . group_analytic_accounting = True
@api.onchange ( ' module_account_yodlee ' )
def onchange_account_yodlee ( self ) :
if self . module_account_yodlee :
self . module_account_plaid = True
@api.onchange ( ' tax_exigibility ' )
def _onchange_tax_exigibility ( self ) :
res = { }
tax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . search ( [
( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . user . company_id . id ) , ( ' tax_exigibility ' , ' = ' , ' on_payment ' )
] , limit = 1 )
if not self . tax_exigibility and tax :
self . tax_exigibility = True
res [ ' warning ' ] = {
' title ' : _ ( ' Error! ' ) ,
' message ' : _ ( ' You cannot disable this setting because some of your taxes are cash basis. '
' Modify your taxes first before disabling this setting. ' )
return res
def create ( self , values ) :
# Optimisation purpose, saving a res_config even without changing any values will trigger the write of all
# related values, including the currency_id field on res_company. This in turn will trigger the recomputation
# of account_move_line related field company_currency_id which can be slow depending on the number of entries
# in the database. Thus, if we do not explicitely change the currency_id, we should not write it on the company
# Same for the field `code_digits` which will trigger a write on all the account.account to complete the
# code the missing characters to complete the desired number of digit, leading to a sql_constraint.
if ( ' company_id ' in values and ' currency_id ' in values ) :
company = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . browse ( values . get ( ' company_id ' ) )
if company . currency_id . id == values . get ( ' currency_id ' ) :
values . pop ( ' currency_id ' )
if company . accounts_code_digits == values . get ( ' code_digits ' ) :
values . pop ( ' code_digits ' )
return super ( ResConfigSettings , self ) . create ( values )