2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
import base64
import datetime
import logging
import psycopg2
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from email.utils import formataddr
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import _, api, fields, models
from flectra import tools
from flectra.addons.base.ir.ir_mail_server import MailDeliveryException
from flectra.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailMail(models.Model):
""" Model holding RFC2822 email messages to send. This model also provides
facilities to queue and send new email messages. """
_name = 'mail.mail'
_description = 'Outgoing Mails'
_inherits = {'mail.message': 'mail_message_id'}
_order = 'id desc'
_rec_name = 'subject'
# content
mail_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', 'Message', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True, auto_join=True)
body_html = fields.Text('Rich-text Contents', help="Rich-text/HTML message")
references = fields.Text('References', help='Message references, such as identifiers of previous messages', readonly=1)
headers = fields.Text('Headers', copy=False)
# Auto-detected based on create() - if 'mail_message_id' was passed then this mail is a notification
# and during unlink() we will not cascade delete the parent and its attachments
notification = fields.Boolean('Is Notification', help='Mail has been created to notify people of an existing mail.message')
# recipients
email_to = fields.Text('To', help='Message recipients (emails)')
email_cc = fields.Char('Cc', help='Carbon copy message recipients')
recipient_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string='To (Partners)')
# process
state = fields.Selection([
('outgoing', 'Outgoing'),
('sent', 'Sent'),
('received', 'Received'),
('exception', 'Delivery Failed'),
('cancel', 'Cancelled'),
], 'Status', readonly=True, copy=False, default='outgoing')
auto_delete = fields.Boolean(
'Auto Delete',
help="Permanently delete this email after sending it, to save space")
2018-02-08 09:21:46 +00:00
keep_days = fields.Integer('Keep days', default=-1,
help="This value defines the no. of days "
"the emails should be recorded "
"in the system: \n -1 = Email will be deleted "
"immediately once it is send \n greater than 0 = Email "
"will be deleted after "
"the no. of days are met.")
delete_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_delete_on_date',
string='Delete on.', store=True)
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
failure_reason = fields.Text(
'Failure Reason', readonly=1,
help="Failure reason. This is usually the exception thrown by the email server, stored to ease the debugging of mailing issues.")
scheduled_date = fields.Char('Scheduled Send Date',
help="If set, the queue manager will send the email after the date. If not set, the email will be send as soon as possible.")
2018-03-12 16:30:35 +05:30
2018-02-08 09:21:46 +00:00
def _compute_delete_on_date(self):
2018-03-12 16:30:35 +05:30
for obj in self:
mail_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(obj.date)
if obj.keep_days > 0:
delete_on = mail_date + datetime.timedelta(days=obj.keep_days)
obj.delete_date = delete_on
obj.delete_date = mail_date.date()
2018-02-08 09:21:46 +00:00
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
def create(self, values):
# notification field: if not set, set if mail comes from an existing mail.message
if 'notification' not in values and values.get('mail_message_id'):
values['notification'] = True
if not values.get('mail_message_id'):
self = self.with_context(message_create_from_mail_mail=True)
return super(MailMail, self).create(values)
def unlink(self):
# cascade-delete the parent message for all mails that are not created for a notification
to_cascade = self.search([('notification', '=', False), ('id', 'in', self.ids)]).mapped('mail_message_id')
res = super(MailMail, self).unlink()
return res
def default_get(self, fields):
# protection for `default_type` values leaking from menu action context (e.g. for invoices)
# To remove when automatic context propagation is removed in web client
if self._context.get('default_type') not in type(self).message_type.base_field.selection:
self = self.with_context(dict(self._context, default_type=None))
return super(MailMail, self).default_get(fields)
def mark_outgoing(self):
return self.write({'state': 'outgoing'})
def cancel(self):
return self.write({'state': 'cancel'})
2018-02-08 09:21:46 +00:00
def process_email_unlink(self):
mail_ids = self.sudo().search([('delete_date', '=', datetime.datetime.now().date())])
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def process_email_queue(self, ids=None):
"""Send immediately queued messages, committing after each
message is sent - this is not transactional and should
not be called during another transaction!
:param list ids: optional list of emails ids to send. If passed
no search is performed, and these ids are used
:param dict context: if a 'filters' key is present in context,
this value will be used as an additional
filter to further restrict the outgoing
messages to send (by default all 'outgoing'
messages are sent).
2018-07-19 17:19:58 +05:30
filters = ['&',
('state', '=', 'outgoing'),
('scheduled_date', '<', datetime.datetime.now()),
('scheduled_date', '=', False)]
if 'filters' in self._context:
# TODO: make limit configurable
filtered_ids = self.search(filters, limit=10000).ids
if not ids:
ids = filtered_ids
ids = list(set(filtered_ids) & set(ids))
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
res = None
# auto-commit except in testing mode
auto_commit = not getattr(threading.currentThread(), 'testing', False)
res = self.browse(ids).send(auto_commit=auto_commit)
except Exception:
_logger.exception("Failed processing mail queue")
return res
def _postprocess_sent_message(self, mail_sent=True):
"""Perform any post-processing necessary after sending ``mail``
successfully, including deleting it completely along with its
attachment if the ``auto_delete`` flag of the mail was set.
Overridden by subclasses for extra post-processing behaviors.
:return: True
notif_emails = self.filtered(lambda email: email.notification)
if notif_emails:
notifications = self.env['mail.notification'].search([
('mail_message_id', 'in', notif_emails.mapped('mail_message_id').ids),
('is_email', '=', True)])
if mail_sent:
'email_status': 'sent',
'email_status': 'exception',
if mail_sent:
2018-02-08 09:21:46 +00:00
if self.keep_days > 0:
return True
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
self.sudo().filtered(lambda self: self.auto_delete).unlink()
return True
# ------------------------------------------------------
# mail_mail formatting, tools and send mechanism
# ------------------------------------------------------
def send_get_mail_body(self, partner=None):
"""Return a specific ir_email body. The main purpose of this method
is to be inherited to add custom content depending on some module."""
body = self.body_html or ''
return body
def send_get_mail_to(self, partner=None):
"""Forge the email_to with the following heuristic:
- if 'partner', recipient specific (Partner Name <email>)
- else fallback on mail.email_to splitting """
if partner:
email_to = [formataddr((partner.name or 'False', partner.email or 'False'))]
email_to = tools.email_split_and_format(self.email_to)
return email_to
def send_get_email_dict(self, partner=None):
"""Return a dictionary for specific email values, depending on a
partner, or generic to the whole recipients given by mail.email_to.
:param Model partner: specific recipient partner
body = self.send_get_mail_body(partner=partner)
body_alternative = tools.html2plaintext(body)
res = {
'body': body,
'body_alternative': body_alternative,
'email_to': self.send_get_mail_to(partner=partner),
return res
def _split_by_server(self):
"""Returns an iterator of pairs `(mail_server_id, record_ids)` for current recordset.
The same `mail_server_id` may repeat in order to limit batch size according to
the `mail.session.batch.size` system parameter.
groups = defaultdict(list)
# Turn prefetch OFF to avoid MemoryError on very large mail queues, we only care
# about the mail server ids in this case.
for mail in self.with_context(prefetch_fields=False):
sys_params = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
batch_size = int(sys_params.get_param('mail.session.batch.size', 1000))
for server_id, record_ids in groups.items():
for mail_batch in tools.split_every(batch_size, record_ids):
yield server_id, mail_batch
def send(self, auto_commit=False, raise_exception=False):
""" Sends the selected emails immediately, ignoring their current
state (mails that have already been sent should not be passed
unless they should actually be re-sent).
Emails successfully delivered are marked as 'sent', and those
that fail to be deliver are marked as 'exception', and the
corresponding error mail is output in the server logs.
:param bool auto_commit: whether to force a commit of the mail status
after sending each mail (meant only for scheduler processing);
should never be True during normal transactions (default: False)
:param bool raise_exception: whether to raise an exception if the
email sending process has failed
:return: True
for server_id, batch_ids in self._split_by_server():
smtp_session = None
smtp_session = self.env['ir.mail_server'].connect(mail_server_id=server_id)
except Exception as exc:
if raise_exception:
# To be consistent and backward compatible with mail_mail.send() raised
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# exceptions, it is encapsulated into an Flectra MailDeliveryException
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
raise MailDeliveryException(_('Unable to connect to SMTP Server'), exc)
self.browse(batch_ids).write({'state': 'exception', 'failure_reason': exc})
'Sent batch %s emails via mail server ID #%s',
len(batch_ids), server_id)
if smtp_session:
def _send(self, auto_commit=False, raise_exception=False, smtp_session=None):
IrMailServer = self.env['ir.mail_server']
for mail_id in self.ids:
mail = self.browse(mail_id)
if mail.state != 'outgoing':
2018-02-08 09:21:46 +00:00
if mail.state != 'exception' and mail.auto_delete and \
mail.keep_days < 0:
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# TDE note: remove me when model_id field is present on mail.message - done here to avoid doing it multiple times in the sub method
if mail.model:
model = self.env['ir.model']._get(mail.model)[0]
model = None
if model:
mail = mail.with_context(model_name=model.name)
# load attachment binary data with a separate read(), as prefetching all
# `datas` (binary field) could bloat the browse cache, triggerring
# soft/hard mem limits with temporary data.
attachments = [(a['datas_fname'], base64.b64decode(a['datas']), a['mimetype'])
for a in mail.attachment_ids.sudo().read(['datas_fname', 'datas', 'mimetype'])]
# specific behavior to customize the send email for notified partners
email_list = []
if mail.email_to:
for partner in mail.recipient_ids:
# headers
headers = {}
ICP = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
bounce_alias = ICP.get_param("mail.bounce.alias")
catchall_domain = ICP.get_param("mail.catchall.domain")
if bounce_alias and catchall_domain:
if mail.model and mail.res_id:
headers['Return-Path'] = '%s+%d-%s-%d@%s' % (bounce_alias, mail.id, mail.model, mail.res_id, catchall_domain)
headers['Return-Path'] = '%s+%d@%s' % (bounce_alias, mail.id, catchall_domain)
if mail.headers:
except Exception:
# Writing on the mail object may fail (e.g. lock on user) which
# would trigger a rollback *after* actually sending the email.
# To avoid sending twice the same email, provoke the failure earlier
'state': 'exception',
'failure_reason': _('Error without exception. Probably due do sending an email without computed recipients.'),
mail_sent = False
# build an RFC2822 email.message.Message object and send it without queuing
res = None
for email in email_list:
msg = IrMailServer.build_email(
object_id=mail.res_id and ('%s-%s' % (mail.res_id, mail.model)),
res = IrMailServer.send_email(
msg, mail_server_id=mail.mail_server_id.id, smtp_session=smtp_session)
except AssertionError as error:
if str(error) == IrMailServer.NO_VALID_RECIPIENT:
# No valid recipient found for this particular
# mail item -> ignore error to avoid blocking
# delivery to next recipients, if any. If this is
# the only recipient, the mail will show as failed.
_logger.info("Ignoring invalid recipients for mail.mail %s: %s",
mail.message_id, email.get('email_to'))
if res:
mail.write({'state': 'sent', 'message_id': res, 'failure_reason': False})
mail_sent = True
# /!\ can't use mail.state here, as mail.refresh() will cause an error
# see revid:odo@openerp.com-20120622152536-42b2s28lvdv3odyr in 6.1
if mail_sent:
_logger.info('Mail with ID %r and Message-Id %r successfully sent', mail.id, mail.message_id)
except MemoryError:
# prevent catching transient MemoryErrors, bubble up to notify user or abort cron job
# instead of marking the mail as failed
'MemoryError while processing mail with ID %r and Msg-Id %r. Consider raising the --limit-memory-hard startup option',
mail.id, mail.message_id)
except psycopg2.Error:
# If an error with the database occurs, chances are that the cursor is unusable.
# This will lead to an `psycopg2.InternalError` being raised when trying to write
# `state`, shadowing the original exception and forbid a retry on concurrent
# update. Let's bubble it.
except Exception as e:
failure_reason = tools.ustr(e)
_logger.exception('failed sending mail (id: %s) due to %s', mail.id, failure_reason)
mail.write({'state': 'exception', 'failure_reason': failure_reason})
if raise_exception:
if isinstance(e, AssertionError):
# get the args of the original error, wrap into a value and throw a MailDeliveryException
# that is an except_orm, with name and value as arguments
value = '. '.join(e.args)
raise MailDeliveryException(_("Mail Delivery Failed"), value)
if auto_commit is True:
return True