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Search View
OpenERP Web 7.0 implements a unified facets-based search view instead
of the previous form-like search view (composed of buttons and
multiple fields). The goal for this change is twofold:
* Avoid the common issue of users confusing the search view with a
form view and trying to create their records through it (or entering
all their data, hitting the ``Create`` button expecting their record
to be created and losing everything).
* Improve the looks and behaviors of the view, and the fit within
OpenERP Web's new design.
The internal structure of the faceted search is inspired by
`VisualSearch <http://documentcloud.github.com/visualsearch/>`_
As does VisualSearch, the new search view is based on `Backbone`_ and
makes significant use of Backbone's models and collections (OpenERP
Web's widgets make a good replacement for Backbone's own views). As a
result, understanding the implementation details of the OpenERP Web 7
search view also requires a basic understanding of Backbone's models,
collections and events.
.. note::
This document may mention *fetching* data. This is a shortcut for
"returning a :js:class:`Deferred` to [whatever is being
fetched]". Unless further noted, the function or method may opt to
return nothing by fetching ``null`` (which can easily be done by
returning ``$.when(null)``, which simply wraps the ``null`` in a
Working with the search view: creating new inputs
The primary component of search views, as with all other OpenERP
views, are inputs. The search view has two types of inputs — filters
and fields — but only one is easly customizable: fields.
The mapping from OpenERP field types (and widgets) to search view
objects is stored in the ``openerp.web.search.fields``
:js:class:`~openerp.web.Registry` where new field types and widgets
can be added.
Search view inputs have four main roles:
Loading defaults
Once the search view has initialized all its inputs, it will call
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.facet_for_defaults` on each input,
passing it a mapping (a javascript object) of ``name:value`` extracted
from the action's context.
This method should fetch a :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` (or
an equivalent object) for the field's default value if applicable (if
a default value for the field is found in the ``defaults`` mapping).
A default implementation is provided which checks if ``defaults``
contains a non-falsy value for the field's ``@name`` and calls
:js:func:`openerp.web.search.Input.facet_for` with that value.
There is no default implementation of
:js:func:`openerp.web.search.Input.facet_for` [#no_impl]_, but
:js:class:`openerp.web.search.Field` provides one, which uses the
value as-is to fetch a :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet`.
Providing completions
An important component of the new search view is the auto-completion
pane, and the task of providing completion items is delegated to
inputs through the :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.complete`
This method should take a single argument (the string being typed by
the user) and should fetch an ``Array`` of possible completions
A default implementation is provided which fetches nothing.
A completion item is a javascript object with two keys (technically it
can have any number of keys, but only these two will be used by the
search view):
The string which will be displayed in the completion pane. It may
be formatted using HTML (inline only), as a result if ``value`` is
interpolated into it it *must* be escaped. ``_.escape`` can be
used for this.
Either a :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` object or (more
commonly) the corresponding attributes object. This is the facet
which will be inserted into the search query if the completion
item is selected by the user.
If the ``facet`` is not provided (not present, ``null``, ``undefined``
or any other falsy value), the completion item will not be selectable
and will act as a section title of sort (the ``label`` will be
formatted differently). If an input *may* fetch multiple completion
items, it *should* prefix those with a section title using its own
name. This has no technical consequence but is clearer for users.
.. note::
If a field is :js:func:`invisible
<openerp.web.search.Input.visible>`, its completion function will
*not* be called.
Providing drawer/supplementary UI
For some inputs (fields or not), interaction via autocompletion may be
awkward or even impossible.
These may opt to being rendered in a "drawer" as well or instead. In
that case, they will undergo the normal widget lifecycle and be
rendered inside the drawer.
.. Found no good type-based way to handle this, since there is no MI
(so no type-tagging) and it's possible for both Field and non-Field
input to be put into the drawer, for whatever reason (e.g. some
sort of auto-detector completion item for date widgets, but a
second more usual calendar widget in the drawer for more
obvious/precise interactions)
Any input can note its desire to be rendered in the drawer by
returning a truthy value from
By default, :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.in_drawer` returns the
value of :js:attr:`~openerp.web.search.Input._in_drawer`, which is
``false``. The behavior can be toggled either by redefining the
attribute to ``true`` (either on the class or on the input), or by
overriding :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.in_drawer` itself.
The input will be rendered in the full width of the drawer, it will be
started only once (per view).
.. todo:: drawer API (if a widget wants to close the drawer in some
way), part of the low-level SearchView API/interactions?
.. todo:: handle filters and filter groups via a "driver" input which
dynamically collects, lays out and renders filters? =>
exercises drawer thingies
.. note::
An :js:func:`invisible <openerp.web.search.Input.visible>` input
will not be inserted into the drawer.
Converting from facet objects
Ultimately, the point of the search view is to allow searching. In
OpenERP this is done via :ref:`domains <openerpserver:domains>`. On
the other hand, the OpenERP Web 7 search view's state is modelled
after a collection of :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet`, and each
field of a search view may have special requirements when it comes to
the domains it produces [#special]_.
So there needs to be some way of mapping
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` objects to OpenERP search data.
This is done via an input's
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_domain` and
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_context`. Each takes a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` and returns whatever it's
supposed to generate (a domain or a context, respectively). Either can
return ``null`` if the current value does not map to a domain or
context, and can throw an :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Invalid`
exception if the value is not valid at all for the field.
.. note::
The :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` object can have any
number of values (from 1 upwards)
.. note::
There is a third conversion method,
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_groupby`, which returns an
``Array`` of groupby domains rather than a single context. At this
point, it is only implemented on (and used by) filters.
Programmatic interactions: internal model
This new searchview is built around an instance of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.SearchQuery` available as
The query is a `backbone collection`_ of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` objects, which can be interacted
with directly by external objects or search view controls
(e.g. widgets displayed in the drawer).
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.SearchQuery
The current search query of the search view, provides convenience
behaviors for manipulating :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet`
on top of the usual `backbone collection`_ methods.
The query ensures all of its facets contain at least one
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` instance. Otherwise,
the facet is automatically removed from the query.
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.SearchQuery.add(values, options)
Overridden from the base ``add`` method so that adding a facet
which is *already* in the collection will merge the value of
the new facet into the old one rather than add a second facet
with different values.
:param values: facet, facet attributes or array thereof
:returns: the collection itself
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.SearchQuery.toggle(value, options)
Convenience method for toggling facet values in a query:
removes the values (through the facet itself) if they are
present, adds them if they are not. If the facet itself is not
in the collection, adds it automatically.
A toggling is atomic: only one change event will be triggered
on the facet regardless of the number of values added to or
removed from the facet (if the facet already exists), and the
facet is only removed from the query if it has no value *at
the end* of the toggling.
:param value: facet or facet attributes
:returns: the collection
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.Facet
A `backbone model`_ representing a single facet of the current
search. May map to a search field, or to a more complex or
fuzzier input (e.g. a custom filter or an advanced search).
.. js:attribute:: category
The displayed name of the facet, as a ``String``. This is a
backbone model attribute.
.. js:attribute:: field
The :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input` instance which
originally created the facet [#facet-field]_, used to delegate
some operations (such as serializing the facet's values to
domains and contexts). This is a backbone model attribute.
.. js:attribute:: values
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValues` as a javascript
attribute, stores all the values for the facet and helps
propagate their events to the facet. Is also available as a
backbone attribute (via ``#get`` and ``#set``) in which cases
it serializes to and deserializes from javascript arrays (via
``Collection#toJSON`` and ``Collection#reset``).
.. js:attribute:: [icon]
optional, a single ASCII letter (a-z or A-Z) mapping to the
bundled mnmliconsRegular icon font.
When a facet with an ``icon`` attribute is rendered, the icon
is displayed (in the icon font) in the first section of the
facet instead of the ``category``.
By default, only filters make use of this facility.
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.FacetValues
`Backbone collection`_ of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` instances.
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.FacetValue
`Backbone model`_ representing a single value within a facet,
represents a pair of (displayed name, logical value).
.. js:attribute:: label
Backbone model attribute storing the "displayable"
representation of the value, visually output to the
user. Must be a string.
.. js:attribute:: value
Backbone model attribute storing the logical/internal value
(of itself), will be used by
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input` to serialize to domains
and contexts.
Can be of any type.
Field services
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Field` provides a default
implementation of :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_domain` and
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_context` taking care of most
of the peculiarities pertaining to OpenERP's handling of fields in
search views. It also provides finer hooks to let developers of new
fields and widgets customize the behavior they want without
necessarily having to reimplement all of
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_domain` or
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.Field.get_context(facet)
If the field has no ``@context``, simply returns
``null``. Otherwise, calls
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Field.value_from` once for each
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` of the current
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` (in order to extract the
basic javascript object from the
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` then evaluates
``@context`` with each of these values set as ``self``, and
returns the union of all these contexts.
:param facet:
:type facet: openerp.web.search.Facet
:returns: a context (literal or compound)
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.Field.get_domain(facet)
If the field has no ``@filter_domain``, calls
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Field.make_domain` once with each
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` of the current
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` as well as the field's
``@name`` and either its ``@operator`` or
If the field has an ``@filter_value``, calls
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Field.value_from` once per
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` and evaluates
``@filter_value`` with each of these values set as ``self``.
In either case, "ors" all of the resulting domains (using ``|``)
if there is more than one
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` and returns the union
of the result.
:param facet:
:type facet: openerp.web.search.Facet
:returns: a domain (literal or compound)
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.Field.make_domain(name, operator, facetValue)
Builds a literal domain from the provided data. Calls
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Field.value_from` on the
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` and evaluates and sets
it as the domain's third value, uses the other two parameters as
the first two values.
Can be overridden to build more complex default domains.
:param String name: the field's name
:param String operator: the operator to use in the field's domain
:param facetValue:
:type facetValue: openerp.web.search.FacetValue
:returns: Array<(String, String, Object)>
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.Field.value_from(facetValue)
Extracts a "bare" javascript value from the provided
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue`, and returns it.
The default implementation will simply return the ``value``
backbone property of the argument.
:param facetValue:
:type facetValue: openerp.web.search.FacetValue
:returns: Object
.. js:attribute:: openerp.web.search.Field.default_operator
Operator used to build a domain when a field has no ``@operator``
or ``@filter_domain``. ``"="`` for
Arbitrary data storage
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` and
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` objects (and structures)
provided by your widgets should never be altered by the search view
(or an other widget). This means you are free to add arbitrary fields
in these structures if you need to (because you have more complex
needs than the attributes described in this document).
Ideally this should be avoided, but the possibility remains.
.. todo:: merge in changelog instead?
The displaying of the search view was significantly altered from
OpenERP Web 6.1 to OpenERP Web 7.
As a result, while the external API used to interact with the search
view does not change many internal details — including the interaction
between the search view and its widgets — were significantly altered:
Internal operations
* :js:func:`openerp.web.SearchView.do_clear` has been removed
* :js:func:`openerp.web.SearchView.do_toggle_filter` has been removed
Widgets API
* :js:func:`openerp.web.search.Widget.render` has been removed
* :js:func:`openerp.web.search.Widget.make_id` has been removed
* Search field objects are not openerp widgets anymore, their
``start`` is not generally called
* :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.clear` has been removed since
clearing the search view now simply consists of removing all search
* :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_domain` and
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_context` now take a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` as parameter, from which it's
their job to get whatever value they want
* :js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_groupby` has been added. It returns
an :js:class:`Array` of context-like constructs. By default, it does not do
anything in :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Field` and it returns the various
contexts of its enabled filters in
* :js:func:`openerp.web.search.Filter.is_enabled` has been removed
* :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FilterGroup` instances are still
rendered (and started) in the "advanced search" drawer.
* ``get_value`` has been replaced by
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Field.value_from` as it now takes a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` argument (instead of no
argument). It provides a default implementation returning the
``value`` property of its argument.
* The third argument to
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Field.make_domain` is now a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` so child classes have all
the information they need to derive the "right" resulting domain.
Custom filters
Instead of being an intrinsic part of the search view, custom filters
are now a special case of filter groups. They are treated specially
still, but much less so than they used to be.
Many To One
* Because the autocompletion service is now provided by the search
view itself,
:js:func:`openerp.web.search.ManyToOneField.setup_autocomplete` has
been removed.
Advanced Search
* The advanced search is now a more standard
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input` configured to be rendered in
the drawer.
* :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field` are
now standard widgets, with the "right" behaviors (they don't rebind
their ``$element`` in ``start()``)
* The ad-hoc optional setting of the openerp field descriptor on a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.ExtendedSearchProposition.Field` has
been removed, the field descriptor is now passed as second argument
to the
constructor, and bound to its
* Instead of its former domain triplet ``(field, operator, value)``,
now returns an object with two fields ``label`` and ``value``,
respectively a human-readable version of the proposition and the
corresponding domain triplet for the proposition.
.. [#previous]
the original view was implemented on top of a monkey-patched
VisualSearch, but as our needs diverged from VisualSearch's goal
this made less and less sense ultimately leading to a clean-room
.. [#no_impl]
In case you are extending the search view with a brand new type of
.. [#completion]
Ideally this array should not hold more than about 10 items, but
the search view does not put any constraint on this at the
moment. Note that this may change.
.. [#facet-field]
``field`` does not actually need to be an instance of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input`, nor does it need to be what
created the facet, it just needs to provide the three
facet-serialization methods
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_context` and
:js:func:`~openerp.web.search.Input.get_gropuby`, existing
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input` subtypes merely provide
convenient base implementation for those methods.
Complex search view inputs (especially those living in the drawer)
may prefer using object literals with the right slots returning
closed-over values or some other scheme un-bound to an actual
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input`, as
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.CustomFilters` and
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Advanced` do.
.. [#special]
search view fields may also bundle context data to add to the
search context
.. _Backbone:
.. _Backbone.Collection:
.. _Backbone collection:
.. _Backbone model:
.. _commit 3fca87101d: