2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
from flectra import http, _
from flectra.addons.portal.controllers.portal import _build_url_w_params
from flectra.http import request, route
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
class PaymentPortal(http.Controller):
@route('/invoice/pay/<int:invoice_id>/form_tx', type='json', auth="public", website=True)
def invoice_pay_form(self, acquirer_id, invoice_id, save_token=False, access_token=None, **kwargs):
""" Json method that creates a payment.transaction, used to create a
transaction when the user clicks on 'pay now' button on the payment
:return html: form containing all values related to the acquirer to
redirect customers to the acquirer website """
success_url = kwargs.get('success_url', '/my')
invoice_sudo = request.env['account.invoice'].sudo().browse(invoice_id)
if not invoice_sudo:
return False
acquirer = request.env['payment.acquirer'].browse(int(acquirer_id))
return False
2018-07-06 11:38:42 +02:00
if request.env.user == request.env.ref('base.public_user'):
save_token = False # we avoid to create a token for the public user
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token = request.env['payment.token'].sudo() # currently no support of payment tokens
tx = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._check_or_create_invoice_tx(
tx_type='form_save' if save_token else 'form',
2018-07-06 11:38:42 +02:00
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
# set the transaction id into the session
request.session['portal_invoice_%s_transaction_id' % invoice_sudo.id] = tx.id
return tx.render_invoice_button(
submit_txt=_('Pay & Confirm'),
'type': 'form_save' if save_token else 'form',
'alias_usage': _('If we store your payment information on our server, subscription payments will be made automatically.'),
@http.route('/invoice/pay/<int:invoice_id>/s2s_token_tx', type='http', auth='public', website=True)
def invoice_pay_token(self, invoice_id, pm_id=None, **kwargs):
""" Use a token to perform a s2s transaction """
error_url = kwargs.get('error_url', '/my')
success_url = kwargs.get('success_url', '/my')
access_token = kwargs.get('access_token')
params = {}
if access_token:
params['access_token'] = access_token
invoice_sudo = request.env['account.invoice'].sudo().browse(invoice_id).exists()
if not invoice_sudo:
params['error'] = 'pay_invoice_invalid_doc'
return request.redirect(_build_url_w_params(error_url, params))
token = request.env['payment.token'].sudo().browse(int(pm_id))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
token = False
2018-07-06 11:38:42 +02:00
token_owner = invoice_sudo.partner_id if request.env.user == request.env.ref('base.public_user') else request.env.user.partner_id
if not token or token.partner_id != token_owner:
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params['error'] = 'pay_invoice_invalid_token'
return request.redirect(_build_url_w_params(error_url, params))
# find an existing tx or create a new one
tx = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo()._check_or_create_invoice_tx(
2018-07-06 11:38:42 +02:00
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# set the transaction id into the session
request.session['portal_invoice_%s_transaction_id' % invoice_sudo.id] = tx.id
# proceed to the payment
res = tx.confirm_invoice_token()
2018-04-05 10:25:40 +02:00
if tx.state != 'authorized' or not tx.acquirer_id.capture_manually:
if res is not True:
params['error'] = res
return request.redirect(_build_url_w_params(error_url, params))
params['success'] = 'pay_invoice'
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
return request.redirect(_build_url_w_params(success_url, params))