2018-07-24 16:45:11 +05:30
# Part of Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing
# details.
from flectra import api, models, _
from datetime import datetime
from flectra.exceptions import UserError
class AssetDepreciation(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "report.account_asset.asset_depreciation_template"
def get_date(self, data):
date_lst = [{
'start_date': data['start_date'],
'end_date': data['end_date']
return date_lst
def get_data(self, data):
asset_dep_line_id_list = list()
asset_dep_line_id_list = \
('depreciation_date', '>=', data['start_date']),
('depreciation_date', '<=', data['end_date']),
('move_check', '=', True),
('move_id', '!=', False),
('move_id.state', '=', 'posted')
if not asset_dep_line_id_list:
raise UserError(_("No Depreciation Lines in this fiscal year.."))
data_dict = {}
for line_id in asset_dep_line_id_list:
product_id = line_id.asset_id.product_id.id
depre_date = datetime.strptime(
line_id.depreciation_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
purchase_date = datetime.strptime(
line_id.asset_id.date, "%Y-%m-%d")
if product_id not in data_dict:
if depre_date.year == purchase_date.year \
or line_id.sequence == 1:
open_asset = 0.0
open_dep = 0.0
2018-08-02 14:49:29 +05:30
add_asset = line_id.begin_value
2018-07-24 16:45:11 +05:30
2018-08-02 14:49:29 +05:30
open_asset = line_id.begin_value
2018-07-24 16:45:11 +05:30
add_asset = 0.00
open_dep = line_id.depreciated_value - line_id.amount
add_dep = line_id.amount
total_dep = open_dep + add_dep
total_asset = open_asset + add_asset
data_dict[product_id] = {
'name': line_id.asset_id.name,
'product_name': line_id.asset_id.product_id.name,
'category': line_id.asset_id.category_id.name,
'open_asset': open_asset,
'add_asset': add_asset,
'total_asset': total_asset,
'open_dep': open_dep,
'add_dep': add_dep,
'total_dep': total_dep,
'open_net': open_asset - open_dep,
'add_net': add_asset - add_dep,
'total_net': total_asset - total_dep
add_dep = line_id.amount
if depre_date.year == purchase_date.year \
or line_id.sequence == 1:
open_asset = 0.0
2018-08-02 14:49:29 +05:30
add_asset = line_id.begin_value
2018-07-24 16:45:11 +05:30
open_dep = 0.0
2018-08-02 14:49:29 +05:30
open_asset = line_id.begin_value
2018-07-24 16:45:11 +05:30
add_asset = 0.00
open_dep = line_id.depreciated_value - line_id.amount
if line_id.asset_id.sale_date \
and line_id.asset_id.sale_date >= data['start_date'] \
and line_id.asset_id.sale_date <= data['end_date']:
add_asset -= line_id.begin_value
add_dep -= line_id.depreciated_value
total_dep = open_dep + add_dep
total_asset = open_asset + add_asset
data_dict[product_id]['open_asset'] += open_asset
data_dict[product_id]['add_asset'] += add_asset
data_dict[product_id]['total_asset'] += total_asset
data_dict[product_id]['open_dep'] += open_dep
data_dict[product_id]['add_dep'] += add_dep
data_dict[product_id]['total_dep'] += total_dep
data_dict[product_id]['open_net'] += open_asset - open_dep
data_dict[product_id]['add_net'] += add_asset - add_dep
data_dict[product_id]['total_net'] += total_asset - total_dep
final_data = []
for key in data_dict:
return final_data
def get_report_values(self, docids, data=None):
report_lines = self.get_data(data.get('form'))
model = self.env.context.get('active_model')
docs = self.env[model].browse(self.env.context.get('active_id'))
return {'doc_ids': docids, 'doc_model': model, 'data': data,
'docs': docs, 'get_data': report_lines}