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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import logging
import psycopg2
import werkzeug
from werkzeug import url_encode
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api, http, registry, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from flectra.addons.web.controllers.main import binary_content
from flectra.exceptions import AccessError
from flectra.http import request
from flectra.tools import consteq, pycompat
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/mail'
def _redirect_to_messaging(cls):
messaging_action = request.env['mail.thread']._get_inbox_action_xml_id()
url = '/web#%s' % url_encode({'action': messaging_action})
return werkzeug.utils.redirect(url)
def _check_token(cls, token):
base_link = request.httprequest.path
params = dict(request.params)
params.pop('token', '')
valid_token = request.env['mail.thread']._generate_notification_token(base_link, params)
return consteq(valid_token, str(token))
def _check_token_and_record_or_redirect(cls, model, res_id, token):
comparison = cls._check_token(token)
if not comparison:
_logger.warning(_('Invalid token in route %s') % request.httprequest.url)
return comparison, None, cls._redirect_to_messaging()
record = request.env[model].browse(res_id).exists()
except Exception:
record = None
redirect = cls._redirect_to_messaging()
redirect = cls._redirect_to_record(model, res_id)
return comparison, record, redirect
def _redirect_to_record(cls, model, res_id, access_token=None):
uid = request.session.uid
# no model / res_id, meaning no possible record -> redirect to login
if not model or not res_id or model not in request.env:
return cls._redirect_to_messaging()
# find the access action using sudo to have the details about the access link
RecordModel = request.env[model]
record_sudo = RecordModel.sudo().browse(res_id).exists()
if not record_sudo:
# record does not seem to exist -> redirect to login
return cls._redirect_to_messaging()
# the record has a window redirection: check access rights
if uid is not None:
if not RecordModel.sudo(uid).check_access_rights('read', raise_exception=False):
return cls._redirect_to_messaging()
except AccessError:
return cls._redirect_to_messaging()
record_action = record_sudo.get_access_action(access_uid=uid)
record_action = record_sudo.get_access_action()
if record_action['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_url' and record_action.get('target_type') != 'public':
return cls._redirect_to_messaging()
record_action.pop('target_type', None)
# the record has an URL redirection: use it directly
if record_action['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_url':
return werkzeug.utils.redirect(record_action['url'])
# other choice: act_window (no support of anything else currently)
elif not record_action['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_window':
return cls._redirect_to_messaging()
url_params = {
'view_type': record_action['view_type'],
'model': model,
'id': res_id,
'active_id': res_id,
'view_id': record_sudo.get_formview_id(),
'action': record_action.get('id'),
url = '/web?#%s' % url_encode(url_params)
return werkzeug.utils.redirect(url)
@http.route('/mail/receive', type='json', auth='none')
def receive(self, req):
""" End-point to receive mail from an external SMTP server. """
dbs = req.jsonrequest.get('databases')
for db in dbs:
message = base64.b64decode(dbs[db])
db_registry = registry(db)
with db_registry.cursor() as cr:
env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
env['mail.thread'].message_process(None, message)
except psycopg2.Error:
return True
@http.route('/mail/read_followers', type='json', auth='user')
def read_followers(self, follower_ids, res_model):
followers = []
is_editable = request.env.user.has_group('base.group_no_one')
partner_id = request.env.user.partner_id
follower_id = None
follower_recs = request.env['mail.followers'].sudo().browse(follower_ids)
res_ids = follower_recs.mapped('res_id')
for follower in follower_recs:
is_uid = partner_id == follower.partner_id
follower_id = follower.id if is_uid else follower_id
'id': follower.id,
'name': follower.partner_id.name or follower.channel_id.name,
'email': follower.partner_id.email if follower.partner_id else None,
'res_model': 'res.partner' if follower.partner_id else 'mail.channel',
'res_id': follower.partner_id.id or follower.channel_id.id,
'is_editable': is_editable,
'is_uid': is_uid,
return {
'followers': followers,
'subtypes': self.read_subscription_data(res_model, follower_id) if follower_id else None
@http.route('/mail/read_subscription_data', type='json', auth='user')
def read_subscription_data(self, res_model, follower_id):
""" Computes:
- message_subtype_data: data about document subtypes: which are
available, which are followed if any """
followers = request.env['mail.followers'].browse(follower_id)
# find current model subtypes, add them to a dictionary
subtypes = request.env['mail.message.subtype'].search(['&', ('hidden', '=', False), '|', ('res_model', '=', res_model), ('res_model', '=', False)])
subtypes_list = [{
'name': subtype.name,
'res_model': subtype.res_model,
'sequence': subtype.sequence,
'default': subtype.default,
'internal': subtype.internal,
'followed': subtype.id in followers.mapped('subtype_ids').ids,
'parent_model': subtype.parent_id.res_model,
'id': subtype.id
} for subtype in subtypes]
subtypes_list = sorted(subtypes_list, key=lambda it: (it['parent_model'] or '', it['res_model'] or '', it['internal'], it['sequence']))
return subtypes_list
@http.route('/mail/view', type='http', auth='none')
def mail_action_view(self, model=None, res_id=None, message_id=None, access_token=None, **kwargs):
""" Generic access point from notification emails. The heuristic to
choose where to redirect the user is the following :
- find a public URL
- if none found
- users with a read access are redirected to the document
- users without read access are redirected to the Messaging
- not logged users are redirected to the login page
models that have an access_token may apply variations on this.
if message_id:
message = request.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(int(message_id)).exists()
message = request.env['mail.message']
if message:
model, res_id = message.model, message.res_id
# either a wrong message_id, either someone trying ids -> just go to messaging
return self._redirect_to_messaging()
elif res_id and isinstance(res_id, pycompat.string_types):
res_id = int(res_id)
return self._redirect_to_record(model, res_id, access_token)
@http.route('/mail/follow', type='http', auth='user', methods=['GET'])
def mail_action_follow(self, model, res_id, token=None):
comparison, record, redirect = self._check_token_and_record_or_redirect(model, int(res_id), token)
if comparison and record:
except Exception:
return self._redirect_to_messaging()
return redirect
@http.route('/mail/unfollow', type='http', auth='user', methods=['GET'])
def mail_action_unfollow(self, model, res_id, token=None):
comparison, record, redirect = self._check_token_and_record_or_redirect(model, int(res_id), token)
if comparison and record:
# TDE CHECKME: is sudo really necessary ?
except Exception:
return self._redirect_to_messaging()
return redirect
@http.route('/mail/new', type='http', auth='user')
def mail_action_new(self, model, res_id, action_id):
# TDE NOTE: this controller is deprecated and will disappear before v11.
if model not in request.env:
return self._redirect_to_messaging()
params = {'view_type': 'form', 'model': model}
if action_id:
# Probably something to do
params['action'] = action_id
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web?#%s' % url_encode(params))
@http.route('/mail/assign', type='http', auth='user', methods=['GET'])
def mail_action_assign(self, model, res_id, token=None):
comparison, record, redirect = self._check_token_and_record_or_redirect(model, int(res_id), token)
if comparison and record:
record.write({'user_id': request.uid})
except Exception:
return self._redirect_to_messaging()
return redirect
@http.route('/mail/<string:res_model>/<int:res_id>/avatar/<int:partner_id>', type='http', auth='public')
def avatar(self, res_model, res_id, partner_id):
headers = [('Content-Type', 'image/png')]
status = 200
content = 'R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==' # default image is one white pixel
if res_model in request.env:
# if the current user has access to the document, get the partner avatar as sudo()
if partner_id in request.env[res_model].browse(res_id).sudo().exists().message_ids.mapped('author_id').ids:
status, headers, _content = binary_content(model='res.partner', id=partner_id, field='image_medium', default_mimetype='image/png', env=request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID))
# binary content return an empty string and not a placeholder if obj[field] is False
if _content != '':
content = _content
if status == 304:
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304)
except AccessError:
image_base64 = base64.b64decode(content)
headers.append(('Content-Length', len(image_base64)))
response = request.make_response(image_base64, headers)
response.status = str(status)
return response
@http.route('/mail/needaction', type='json', auth='user')
def needaction(self):
return request.env['res.partner'].get_needaction_count()
@http.route('/mail/client_action', type='json', auth='user')
def mail_client_action(self):
values = {
'needaction_inbox_counter': request.env['res.partner'].get_needaction_count(),
'starred_counter': request.env['res.partner'].get_starred_count(),
'channel_slots': request.env['mail.channel'].channel_fetch_slot(),
'commands': request.env['mail.channel'].get_mention_commands(),
'mention_partner_suggestions': request.env['res.partner'].get_static_mention_suggestions(),
'shortcodes': request.env['mail.shortcode'].sudo().search_read([], ['shortcode_type', 'source', 'unicode_source', 'substitution', 'description']),
'menu_id': request.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mail_channel_menu_root_chat'),
return values