2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
<flectra >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<!-- Top menu item -->
<menuitem name= "Purchases"
<menuitem id= "menu_procurement_management" name= "Purchase"
parent="menu_purchase_root" sequence="1" />
<!-- Supplier menu -->
<menuitem id= "menu_procurement_management_supplier_name" name= "Vendors"
action="base.action_partner_supplier_form" sequence="15"/>
<menuitem id= "menu_purchase_config" name= "Configuration" parent= "menu_purchase_root" sequence= "100" groups= "group_purchase_manager" />
action="product.product_supplierinfo_type_action" id="menu_product_pricelist_action2_purchase"
parent="menu_procurement_management" sequence="16" groups="purchase.group_manage_vendor_price"/>
id="menu_product_in_config_purchase" name="Products"
parent="menu_purchase_config" sequence="30" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
action="product.product_category_action_form" id="menu_product_category_config_purchase"
parent="purchase.menu_product_in_config_purchase" sequence="1" />
action="product.product_uom_categ_form_action" id="menu_purchase_uom_categ_form_action"
parent="purchase.menu_product_in_config_purchase" sequence="10" />
action="product.product_uom_form_action" id="menu_purchase_uom_form_action"
parent="purchase.menu_product_in_config_purchase" sequence="5"/>
<!-- Purchase Control Menu -->
<menuitem id= "menu_purchase_control" name= "Control" parent= "purchase.menu_purchase_root" sequence= "4" />
<!-- Inventory control -->
<menuitem action= "stock.action_receipt_picking_move" id= "menu_action_picking_tree_in_move"
parent="menu_purchase_control" sequence="11"/>
<!-- Invoice control -->
<record id= "product_normal_action_puchased" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Products</field>
<field name= "type" > ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name= "res_model" > product.template</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > kanban,tree,form</field>
<field name= "context" > {"search_default_filter_to_purchase":1}</field>
<field name= "search_view_id" eval= "False" /> <!-- Force empty -->
<field name= "view_id" eval= "False" /> <!-- Force empty -->
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "oe_view_nocontent_create" >
Click to define a new product.
</p> <p >
You must define a product for everything you purchase, whether
it's a physical product, a consumable or services you buy to
</p> <p >
The product form contains detailed information to improve the
purchase process: prices, procurement logistics, accounting data,
available vendors, etc.
<!-- Product menu -->
<menuitem name= "Products" id= "menu_procurement_partner_contact_form" action= "product_normal_action_puchased"
parent="menu_procurement_management" sequence="20"/>
<record id= "product_product_action" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Product Variants</field>
<field name= "res_model" > product.product</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,kanban,form</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "context" > {"search_default_filter_to_purchase": 1}</field>
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "oe_view_nocontent_create" >
Click to define a new product.
</p> <p >
You must define a product for everything you purchase, whether
it's a physical product, a consumable or services you buy to
</p> <p >
The product form contains detailed information to improve the
purchase process: prices, procurement logistics, accounting data,
available vendors, etc.
<menuitem id= "product_product_menu" name= "Product Variants" action= "product_product_action"
parent="menu_procurement_management" sequence="21" groups="product.group_product_variant"/>
<record model= "ir.ui.view" id= "purchase_order_calendar" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.calendar</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "priority" eval= "2" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<calendar string= "Calendar View" date_start= "date_planned" color= "partner_id" >
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "amount_total" widget= "monetary" />
<field name= "partner_id" />
<record model= "ir.ui.view" id= "purchase_order_pivot" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.pivot</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<pivot string= "Purchase Order" display_quantity= "True" >
<field name= "partner_id" type= "row" />
<field name= "amount_total" type= "measure" />
<record model= "ir.ui.view" id= "purchase_order_graph" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.graph</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<graph string= "Purchase Order" >
<field name= "partner_id" />
<field name= "amount_total" type= "measure" />
<record id= "purchase_open_picking" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Receptions</field>
<field name= "res_model" > stock.picking</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,form</field>
<field name= "domain" > [('purchase_id', '=', active_id)]</field>
<record id= "purchase_order_form" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.form</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<form string= "Purchase Order" >
<header >
<button name= "action_rfq_send" states= "draft" string= "Send RFQ by Email" type= "object" context= "{'send_rfq':True}" class= "oe_highlight" />
<button name= "action_rfq_send" states= "sent" string= "Re-Send RFQ by Email" type= "object" context= "{'send_rfq':True}" />
<button name= "print_quotation" string= "Print RFQ" type= "object" states= "draft" class= "oe_highlight" groups= "base.group_user" />
<button name= "print_quotation" string= "Print RFQ" type= "object" states= "sent" groups= "base.group_user" />
<button name= "button_confirm" type= "object" states= "draft" string= "Confirm Order" id= "draft_confirm" />
<button name= "button_confirm" type= "object" states= "sent" string= "Confirm Order" class= "oe_highlight" id= "bid_confirm" />
<button name= "button_approve" type= "object" states= 'to approve' string= "Approve Order" class= "oe_highlight" groups= "purchase.group_purchase_manager" />
<button name= "action_rfq_send" states= "purchase" string= "Send PO by Email" type= "object" context= "{'send_rfq':False}" />
<button name= "action_view_picking" string= "Receive Products" class= "oe_highlight" type= "object" attrs= "{'invisible': ['|', '|' , ('is_shipped', '=', True), ('state','not in', ('purchase','done')), ('picking_count', '=', 0)]}" />
<button name= "button_draft" states= "cancel" string= "Set to Draft" type= "object" />
<button name= "button_cancel" states= "draft,to approve,sent,purchase" string= "Cancel" type= "object" />
<button name= "button_done" type= "object" string= "Lock" states= "purchase" />
<button name= "button_unlock" type= "object" string= "Unlock" states= "done" groups= "purchase.group_purchase_manager" />
<field name= "state" widget= "statusbar" statusbar_visible= "draft,sent,purchase" readonly= "1" />
<sheet >
<div class= "oe_button_box" name= "button_box" >
<button type= "object"
icon="fa-truck" attrs="{'invisible':[('state', 'in', ('draft','sent','to approve')),('picking_ids','=',[])]}">
<field name= "picking_count" widget= "statinfo" string= "Shipment" help= "Incoming Shipments" />
<field name= "picking_ids" invisible= "1" />
<button type= "object" name= "action_view_invoice"
icon="fa-pencil-square-o" attrs="{'invisible':[('state', 'in', ('draft','sent','to approve')),('invoice_ids','=',[])]}">
<field name= "invoice_count" widget= "statinfo" string= "Vendor Bills" />
<field name= 'invoice_ids' invisible= "1" />
<div class= "oe_title" >
<label string= "Request for Quotation " attrs= "{'invisible': [('state','not in',('draft','sent','bid'))]}" />
<label string= "Purchase Order " attrs= "{'invisible': [('state','in',('draft','sent','bid'))]}" />
<h1 >
<field name= "name" readonly= "1" />
<group >
<group >
<field name= "partner_id" context= "{'search_default_supplier':1, 'default_supplier':1, 'default_customer':0}" domain= "[('supplier','=',True)]" />
<field name= "partner_ref" />
<field name= "currency_id" groups= "base.group_multi_currency" />
<field name= "is_shipped" invisible= "1" />
<group >
<field name= "date_order" />
<field name= "origin" attrs= "{'invisible': [('origin','=',False)]}" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<notebook >
<page string= "Products" >
<field name= "order_line" attrs= "{'readonly': [('state', 'in', ('done', 'cancel'))]}" >
<tree string= "Purchase Order Lines" editable= "bottom" >
<field name= "currency_id" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "state" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "sequence" widget= "handle" />
<field name= "product_id" attrs= "{'readonly': [('state', 'in', ('purchase', 'to approve','done', 'cancel'))]}" context= "{'partner_id':parent.partner_id, 'quantity':product_qty,'uom':product_uom, 'company_id': parent.company_id}" force_save= "1" />
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "move_dest_ids" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "date_planned" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<field name= "account_analytic_id" context= "{'default_partner_id':parent.partner_id}" groups= "purchase.group_analytic_accounting" />
<field name= "analytic_tag_ids" groups= "purchase.group_analytic_accounting" widget= "many2many_tags" options= "{'color_field': 'color'}" />
<field name= "product_qty" />
<field name= "qty_received" invisible= "not context.get('show_purchase', True)" />
<field name= "qty_invoiced" invisible= "not context.get('show_purchase', True)" />
<field name= "product_uom" groups= "product.group_uom" attrs= "{'readonly': [('state', 'in', ('purchase', 'done', 'cancel'))]}" force_save= "1" />
<field name= "price_unit" />
<field name= "taxes_id" widget= "many2many_tags" domain= "[('type_tax_use','=','purchase')]" context= "{'default_type_tax_use': 'purchase'}" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<field name= "price_subtotal" widget= "monetary" />
<form string= "Purchase Order Line" >
<sheet >
<group >
<group >
<field name= "product_id"
context="{'partner_id': parent.partner_id}"/>
<label for= "product_qty" />
<div >
<field name= "product_qty" class= "oe_inline" />
<span class= "oe_inline" >   </span>
<field name= "product_uom" groups= "product.group_uom" class= "oe_inline" />
<field name= "price_unit" />
<group >
<field name= "taxes_id" widget= "many2many_tags" domain= "[('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase')]" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<field name= "date_planned" widget= "date" />
<field name= "account_analytic_id" colspan= "2" groups= "purchase.group_analytic_accounting" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<notebook >
<page string= "Notes" >
<field name= "name" />
</page> <page string= "Invoices and Incoming Shipments" >
<field name= "invoice_lines" />
<field name= "move_ids" />
<group class= "oe_subtotal_footer oe_right" >
<field name= "amount_untaxed" widget= "monetary" options= "{'currency_field': 'currency_id'}" />
<field name= "amount_tax" widget= "monetary" options= "{'currency_field': 'currency_id'}" />
<div class= "oe_subtotal_footer_separator oe_inline" >
<label for= "amount_total" />
<field name= "amount_total" nolabel= "1" class= "oe_subtotal_footer_separator" widget= "monetary" options= "{'currency_field': 'currency_id'}" />
<field name= "notes" class= "oe_inline" placeholder= "Define your terms and conditions ..." />
<div class= "oe_clear" />
<page string= "Deliveries & Invoices" >
<group >
<group >
<label for= "date_planned" />
<div >
<field name= "date_planned" required= "1" attrs= "{'readonly': [('state', 'not in', ('draft', 'sent'))]}" />
<button name= "action_set_date_planned" type= "object"
string="Set date to all order lines"
help="This changes the scheduled date of all order lines to the given date"
class="fa fa-calendar o_icon_button oe_edit_only"/>
<field name= "picking_type_id" domain= "[('code','=','incoming')]" options= "{'no_create': True}" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "dest_address_id" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" attrs= "{'invisible': [('default_location_dest_id_usage', '!=', 'customer')], 'required': [('default_location_dest_id_usage', '=', 'customer')]}" />
<field name= "default_location_dest_id_usage" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "incoterm_id" />
2018-01-23 12:10:28 +05:30
<field name= "branch_id" groups= "base_branch_company.group_multi_branch" options= "{'no_create': True, 'no_create_edit': True}" />
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<group >
<field name= "invoice_status" />
<field name= "payment_term_id" options= "{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}" attrs= "{'readonly': ['|', ('invoice_status','=', 'invoiced'), ('state', '=', 'done')]}" />
<field name= "fiscal_position_id" options= "{'no_create': True}" attrs= "{'readonly': ['|', ('invoice_status','=', 'invoiced'), ('state', '=', 'done')]}" />
<field name= "date_approve" groups= "base.group_no_one" />
<div class= "oe_chatter" >
<field name= "message_follower_ids" widget= "mail_followers" />
<field name= "activity_ids" widget= "mail_activity" />
<field name= "message_ids" widget= "mail_thread" />
<record id= "view_purchase_order_filter" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > request.quotation.select</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<search string= "Search Purchase Order" >
<field name= "name" string= "Reference" />
<field name= "partner_id" operator= "child_of" />
<field name= "product_id" />
<field name= "create_uid" />
<filter name= "draft" string= "Quotations" domain= "[('state','in',('draft','sent','to approve'))]" />
<filter name= "approved" string= "Purchase Orders" domain= "[('state','in',('purchase','done'))]" />
<filter name= "to_approve" string= "To Approve" domain= "[('state', '=', 'to approve')]" />
<separator />
<filter name= "not_invoiced" string= "Waiting Bills" domain= "[('invoice_status','=', 'to invoice')]" help= "Purchase orders that include lines not invoiced." />
<filter name= "invoiced" string= "Bills Received" domain= "[('invoice_status','=', 'invoiced')]" help= "Purchase orders that have been invoiced." />
<filter string= "Unread Messages" name= "message_needaction" domain= "[('message_needaction','=',True)]" />
<separator />
<filter string= "My Activities" name= "activities_my"
domain="[('activity_ids.user_id', '=', uid)]"/>
<separator />
<filter string= "Late Activities" name= "activities_overdue"
domain="[('activity_ids.date_deadline', '< ', context_today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))]"
help="Show all records which has next action date is before today"/>
<filter string= "Today Activities" name= "activities_today"
domain="[('activity_ids.date_deadline', '=', context_today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))]"/>
<filter string= "Future Activities" name= "activities_upcoming_all"
domain="[('activity_ids.date_deadline', '> ', context_today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
<group expand= "0" string= "Group By" >
<filter string= "Vendor" domain= "[]" context= "{'group_by':'partner_id'}" />
<filter string= "Order Date" domain= "[]" context= "{'group_by':'date_order'}" />
<filter string= "Expected Date" domain= "[]" context= "{'group_by':'date_planned'}" />
2018-01-18 15:27:39 +05:30
<filter name= "groupby_branch" string= "Branch" domain= "[]" context= "{'group_by': 'branch_id'}" />
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<!-- Purchase Orders Kanban View -->
<record model= "ir.ui.view" id= "view_purchase_order_kanban" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.kanban</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<kanban class= "o_kanban_mobile" >
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "partner_id" />
<field name= "amount_total" />
<field name= "state" />
<field name= "date_order" />
<field name= "currency_id" />
<templates >
<t t-name= "kanban-box" >
<div t-attf-class= "oe_kanban_card oe_kanban_global_click" >
<div class= "o_kanban_record_top mb16" >
<div class= "o_kanban_record_headings mt4" >
<strong class= "o_kanban_record_title" > <span > <t t-esc= "record.partner_id.value" /> </span> </strong>
<strong > <field name= "amount_total" widget= "monetary" /> </strong>
<div class= "o_kanban_record_bottom" >
<div class= "oe_kanban_bottom_left" >
<span > <t t-esc= "record.name.value" /> <t t-esc= "record.date_order.value and record.date_order.value.split(' ')[0] or False" /> </span>
<div class= "oe_kanban_bottom_right" >
<field name= "state" widget= "label_selection" options= "{'classes': {'draft': 'default', 'cancel': 'default', 'done': 'success', 'approved': 'warning'}}" />
<record id= "purchase_order_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.tree</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<tree decoration-bf= "message_unread==True" decoration-muted= "state=='cancel'" decoration-info= "state in ('wait','confirmed')" string= "Purchase Order" >
<field name= "message_unread" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "name" string= "Reference" />
<field name= "date_order" />
<field name= "partner_id" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
2018-01-23 12:10:28 +05:30
<field name= "branch_id" groups= "base_branch_company.group_multi_branch" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<field name= "date_planned" invisible= "context.get('quotation_only', False)" />
<field name= "origin" />
<field name= "amount_untaxed" sum= "Total Untaxed amount" string= "Untaxed" widget= "monetary" />
<field name= "amount_total" sum= "Total amount" widget= "monetary" />
<field name= "currency_id" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "state" />
<field name= "invoice_status" invisible= "not context.get('show_purchase', True)" />
<record id= "purchase_order_action_generic" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Purchase Orders</field>
<field name= "type" > ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name= "res_model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "domain" > []</field>
<field name= "view_id" ref= "purchase_order_form" />
<record id= "purchase_rfq" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Requests for Quotation</field>
<field name= "type" > ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name= "res_model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "context" > {'search_default_todo':1, 'show_purchase': False}</field>
<field name= "domain" > [('state','in',('draft','sent','bid','cancel', 'confirmed'))]</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,kanban,form,pivot,graph,calendar</field>
<field name= "search_view_id" ref= "view_purchase_order_filter" />
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "oe_view_nocontent_create" >
Click to create a request for quotation.
</p> <p >
The quotation contains the history of the discussion/negotiation
you had with your vendor. Once confirmed, a request for
quotation is converted into a purchase order.
</p> <p >
Most propositions of purchase orders are created automatically
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
by Flectra based on inventory needs.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<menuitem action= "purchase_rfq" id= "menu_purchase_rfq"
<record id= "purchase_form_action" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Purchase Orders</field>
<field name= "type" > ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name= "res_model" > purchase.order</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,kanban,form,pivot,graph,calendar</field>
<field name= "context" > {'search_default_todo':1, 'show_purchase': True}</field>
<field name= "domain" > [('state','not in',('draft','sent','bid', 'confirmed'))]</field>
<field name= "search_view_id" ref= "view_purchase_order_filter" />
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "oe_view_nocontent_create" >
Click to create a quotation that will be converted into a purchase order.
</p> <p >
Use this menu to search within your purchase orders by
references, vendor, products, etc. For each purchase order,
you can track the related discussion with the vendor, control
the products received and control the vendor bills.
<menuitem action= "purchase_form_action" id= "menu_purchase_form_action" parent= "menu_procurement_management" sequence= "6" />
<record id= "purchase_order_line_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.line.tree</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order.line</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<tree string= "Purchase Order Lines" create= "false" >
<field name= "order_id" />
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "partner_id" string= "Vendor" />
<field name= "product_id" />
<field name= "price_unit" />
<field name= "product_qty" />
<field name= "product_uom" groups= "product.group_uom" />
<field name= "price_subtotal" widget= "monetary" />
<field name= "date_planned" widget= "date" />
<record id= "purchase_order_line_form2" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > purchase.order.line.form2</field>
<field name= "model" > purchase.order.line</field>
<field name= "priority" eval= "20" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<form string= "Purchase Order Line" create= "false" >
<sheet >
<label for= "order_id" class= "oe_edit_only" />
<h1 >
<field name= "order_id" class= "oe_inline" />
<label string= "," attrs= "{'invisible':[('date_order','=',False)]}" />
<field name= "date_order" class= "oe_inline" />
<label for= "partner_id" class= "oe_edit_only" />
<h2 > <field name= "partner_id" /> </h2>
<group >
<group >
<field name= "product_id" readonly= "1" />
<label for= "product_qty" />
<div >
<field name= "product_qty" readonly= "1" class= "oe_inline" />
<field name= "product_uom" readonly= "1" groups= "product.group_uom" class= "oe_inline" />
<field name= "price_unit" />
<group >
<field name= "taxes_id" widget= "many2many_tags"
domain="[('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase')]"/>
<field name= "date_planned" widget= "date" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<field name= "account_analytic_id" colspan= "4" groups= "purchase.group_analytic_accounting" />
<field name= "name" />
<separator string= "Manual Invoices" />
<field name= "invoice_lines" />
<separator string= "Stock Moves" />
<field name= "move_ids" />
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<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
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<field name= "product_id" />
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<!-- Product Suppliers -->
<record id= "view_product_supplier_inherit" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > product.template.supplier.form.inherit</field>
<field name= "model" > product.template</field>
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placeholder="This note will show up on purchase orders."/>
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2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00