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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from .common import TestCrm
class NewLeadNotification(TestCrm):
def test_new_lead_notification(self):
""" Test newly create leads like from the website. People and channels
subscribed to the sales channel shoud be notified. """
# subscribe a partner and a channel to the sales channel with new lead subtype
subtype = self.env.ref("crm.mt_salesteam_lead")
self.sales_team_1.message_subscribe(partner_ids=[self.user_salesman_all.partner_id.id], subtype_ids=[subtype.id])
self.sales_team_1.message_subscribe(channel_ids=[self.channel_listen.id], subtype_ids=[subtype.id])
# Imitate what happens in the controller when somebody creates a new
# lead from the website form
2018-01-16 18:21:36 +05:30
branch = self.env.ref('base_branch_company.data_branch_1')
lead = self.env["crm.lead"].with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).sudo().create({
"contact_name": "Somebody",
"description": "Some question",
"email_from": "somemail@example.com",
"name": "Some subject",
"partner_name": "Some company",
"team_id": self.sales_team_1.id,
2018-01-16 18:21:36 +05:30
"branch_id": branch.id,
"phone": "+0000000000"
# partner and channel should be auto subscribed
self.assertIn(self.user_salesman_all.partner_id, lead.message_partner_ids)
self.assertIn(self.channel_listen, lead.message_channel_ids)
msg = lead.message_ids[0]
self.assertIn(self.user_salesman_all.partner_id, msg.needaction_partner_ids)
self.assertIn(self.channel_listen, msg.channel_ids)
# The user should have a new unread message
lead_user = lead.sudo(self.user_salesman_all)