2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
<flectra >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<record id= "view_warehouse" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<form string= "Warehouse" create= "false" >
<sheet >
<div class= "oe_button_box" name= "button_box" >
<button name= "action_view_all_routes"
<button name= "toggle_active" type= "object" class= "oe_stat_button" icon= "fa-archive" >
<field name= "active" widget= "boolean_button" options= '{"terminology": "archive"}' />
<label for= "name" class= "oe_edit_only" />
<h1 > <field name= "name" /> </h1>
<group >
<group >
<field name= "code" />
<group >
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<field name= "partner_id" />
2018-01-23 12:10:28 +05:30
<field name= "branch_id" groups= "base_branch_company.group_multi_branch" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<notebook colspan= "4" groups= "stock.group_adv_location" >
<page string= "Warehouse Configuration" colspan= "4" >
<group colspan= "4" >
<field name= "reception_steps" widget= 'radio' />
<field name= "delivery_steps" widget= 'radio' />
<field name= "default_resupply_wh_id" widget= 'selection' />
<field name= "resupply_wh_ids" domain= "[('id', '!=', id)]" widget= 'many2many_checkboxes' />
<page string= "Technical Information" groups= 'base.group_no_one' >
<group >
<group string= "Locations" >
<field name= "wh_input_stock_loc_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "wh_qc_stock_loc_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "wh_pack_stock_loc_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "wh_output_stock_loc_id" readonly= "1" />
<group string= "Operation Types" >
<field name= "in_type_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "int_type_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "pick_type_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "pack_type_id" readonly= "1" />
<field name= "out_type_id" readonly= "1" />
<record id= "stock_warehouse_view_form_editable" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.form.editable</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "inherit_id" ref= "stock.view_warehouse" />
<field name= "groups_id" eval= "[(4, ref('stock.group_stock_multi_warehouses'))]" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<xpath expr= "//form" position= "attributes" >
<attribute name= "create" > true</attribute>
<record id= "view_warehouse_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.tree</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<tree string= "Warehouse" create= "false" >
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "active" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "lot_stock_id" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "partner_id" />
<record id= "stock_warehouse_view_tree_editable" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.tree.editable</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "inherit_id" ref= "stock.view_warehouse_tree" />
<field name= "groups_id" eval= "[(4, ref('stock.group_stock_multi_warehouses'))]" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<xpath expr= "//tree" position= "attributes" >
<attribute name= "create" > true</attribute>
<record id= "stock_warehouse_view_search" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.search</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<search string= "Warehouse" >
<field name= "name" />
<filter string= "Archived" name= "inactive" domain= "[('active','=',False)]" />
<record id= "action_warehouse_form" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Warehouses</field>
<field name= "res_model" > stock.warehouse</field>
<field name= "type" > ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_id" ref= "view_warehouse_tree" />
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "oe_view_nocontent_create" >
Click to define a new warehouse.
<menuitem action= "action_warehouse_form" id= "menu_action_warehouse_form"
parent="menu_warehouse_config" sequence="1"/>
<!-- Order Point -->
<record id= "view_stock_warehouse_orderpoint_kanban" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint.kanban</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<kanban class= "o_kanban_mobile" >
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "product_id" />
<field name= "product_min_qty" />
<field name= "product_max_qty" />
<templates >
<t t-name= "kanban-box" >
<div t-attf-class= "oe_kanban_global_click" >
<div class= "o_kanban_record_top" >
<div class= "o_kanban_record_headings" >
<strong class= "o_kanban_record_title" > <t t-esc= "record.name.value" /> </strong>
<span class= "badge" > <strong > Min qty :</strong> <t t-esc= "record.product_min_qty.value" /> </span>
<div class= "o_kanban_record_bottom" >
<div class= "oe_kanban_bottom_left" >
<span > <t t-esc= "record.product_id.value" /> </span>
<div class= "oe_kanban_bottom_right" >
<span class= "badge" > <strong > Max qty :</strong> <t t-esc= "record.product_max_qty.value" /> </span>
<record id= "view_warehouse_orderpoint_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint.tree</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<tree string= "Reordering Rules" >
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "active" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "warehouse_id" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "location_id" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "product_id" />
<field name= "product_uom" options= "{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}" groups= "product.group_uom" />
<field name= "product_min_qty" />
<field name= "product_max_qty" />
<record model= "ir.ui.view" id= "warehouse_orderpoint_search" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint.search</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<search string= "Reordering Rules Search" >
<field name= "name" string= "Reordering Rules" />
<field name= "warehouse_id" />
<field name= "location_id" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" />
<field name= "product_id" />
<filter string= "Archived" name= "inactive" domain= "[('active','=',False)]" />
<group expand= "0" string= "Group By" >
<filter string= "Warehouse" domain= "[]" context= "{'group_by':'warehouse_id'}" />
<filter string= "Location" domain= "[]" context= "{'group_by':'location_id'}" />
<record id= "view_warehouse_orderpoint_form" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint.form</field>
<field name= "model" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<form string= "Reordering Rules" >
<sheet >
<div class= "oe_button_box" name= "button_box" >
<button name= "toggle_active" type= "object" class= "oe_stat_button" icon= "fa-archive" >
<field name= "active" widget= "boolean_button" options= '{"terminology": "archive"}' />
<group >
<group >
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "product_id" />
<group >
<field name= "warehouse_id" widget= "selection" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "product_uom" options= "{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}" groups= "product.group_uom" />
<field name= "location_id" groups= "stock.group_stock_multi_locations" />
<field name= "group_id" groups= "stock.group_adv_location" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
<group >
<group string= "Rules" >
<field name= "product_min_qty" />
<field name= "product_max_qty" />
<field name= "qty_multiple" string= "Quantity Multiple" />
<group string= "Misc" >
<label for= "lead_days" />
<div class= "o_row" >
<field name= "lead_days" />
<field name= "lead_type" />
<record id= "action_orderpoint_form" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Reordering Rules</field>
<field name= "res_model" > stock.warehouse.orderpoint</field>
<field name= "type" > ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,kanban,form</field>
<field name= "view_id" ref= "view_warehouse_orderpoint_tree" />
<field name= "search_view_id" ref= "warehouse_orderpoint_search" />
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "oe_view_nocontent_create" >
Click to add a reordering rule.
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
</p> <p > You can define your minimum stock rules, so that Flectra will automatically create draft manufacturing orders or request for quotations according to the stock level. Once the virtual stock of a product (= stock on hand minus all confirmed orders and reservations) is below the minimum quantity, Flectra will generate a procurement request to increase the stock up to the maximum quantity.</p>
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
name="Reordering Rules" parent="menu_stock_inventory_control" sequence="10"/>
context="{'search_default_warehouse_id': active_id, 'default_warehouse_id': active_id}"
name="Reordering Rules"
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00