2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
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2018-01-16 14:34:24 +05:30
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2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
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<b > [Answer]</b>
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<t t-if= "answer.state == 'flagged'" >
<small class= "text-muted" >
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(<t t-esc= "len(answer.website_message_ids)" />
<t t-if= "len(answer.website_message_ids)>1" > Comments</t>
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2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
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2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
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<t t-set= "message_content_01" > Inventory Date Problem, Task remaining hours, Can you help solve solve my tax computation problem in Canada?</t>
<a href= "#" data-placement= "top" data-trigger= "focus" data-toggle= "popover" t-att-data-content= "message_content_01" title= "Click to get bad question samples" > bad examples</a>
<t t-set= "message_content_02" > How to create a physical inventory at an anterior date?, How is the 'remaining hours' field computed on tasks?, How to configure TPS and TVQ's canadian taxes?</t>
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2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
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2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
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<button type= "submit" class= "btn btn-primary mb16" t-if= "question.post_type != 'discussion'" > Post Comment</button>
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<button type= "submit" t-attf-class= "btn btn-primary #{forum.allow_share and 'oe_social_share_call' or ''} mt16 #{not question.can_answer and 'karma_required' or ''}"
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<button type= "submit" t-attf-class= "btn btn-primary #{forum.allow_share and 'oe_social_share_call' or ''} mt16 #{not question.can_answer and 'karma_required' or ''}"
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<div class= "vote_count text-muted" t-esc= "post.vote_count" />
<a t-attf-class= "vote_down fa fa-caret-down no-decoration #{own_vote == -1 and 'text-warning' or ''} #{((own_vote == -1 and not can_upvote) or not can_downvote) and 'karma_required' or ''}"
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<ul class= "pull-right list-inline mb0" id= "options" >
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<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
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<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
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<t t-set= "classes" t-value= "'fa-trash-o'" />
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<t t-if= "question.state == 'flagged'" >
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<t t-call= "website_forum.post_comment" >
<t t-set= "object" t-value= "question" />
<div t-foreach= "question.child_ids" t-as= "post_answer" class= "mt16 mb32" >
<t t-if= "post_answer.state != 'flagged' or (post_answer.state == 'flagged' and post_answer.can_moderate)" >
<hr class= "mb4 mt4" />
<t t-call= "website_forum.post_answers" >
<t t-set= "answer" t-value= "post_answer" />
<div id= "post_reply"
t-if="(question.post_type != 'question' or question.post_type == 'question' and not question.uid_has_answered) and question.state != 'close' and question.active != False and question.can_answer">
<t t-call= "website_forum.post_answer" />
<div t-if= "question.post_type == 'question' and question.uid_has_answered" class= "mb16" >
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<span class= "text-muted" > (only one answer per question is allowed)</span>
<template id= "post_answers" >
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<div t-attf-class= "forum_answer" t-attf-id= "answer_#{answer.id}" >
<div class= "pull-left" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.vote" >
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<div t-if= "question.post_type == 'question'" class= "mt4" >
<a t-attf-class= "accept_answer fa fa-2x fa-check-circle no-decoration #{answer.is_correct and 'oe_answer_true' or 'oe_answer_false'} #{not answer.can_accept and 'karma_required' or ''}"
<div class= "question-block" >
<div class= "pull-right author-box" >
<t t-set= "user_profile_url" t-attf-value= "#" />
<t t-if= "answer.create_uid.id == request.session.uid or answer.create_uid.sudo().website_published" >
<t t-set= "user_profile_url" t-value= "'/forum/%s/user/%s' % (slug(forum), answer.create_uid.id)" />
<div class= "o_forum_user_bio_expand" t-if= "answer.can_display_biography" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.forum_user_tooltip" />
<a t-att-href= "user_profile_url" class= "o_forum_user_info" >
<img class= "pull-left img img-rounded o_forum_avatar" t-attf-src= "/forum/user/#{answer.create_uid.id}/avatar" />
<a t-att-href= "user_profile_url"
t-options='{"widget": "contact", "country_image": True, "fields": ["name", "country_id"]}'
style="display: inline-block;"/>
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<a t-attf-href= "/forum/#{slug(question.forum_id)}/question/#{slug(question)}#answer_#{answer.id}" > On</a>
<span t-field= "answer.create_date" t-options= '{"format":"short"}' />
<div class= "clearfix" > <span t-field= "answer.content" class= "oe_no_empty" /> </div>
<div class= "clearfix" >
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<li t-if= "question.post_type == 'question' and not (len(answer.website_message_ids))" >
<a t-attf-class= "fa fa-comment-o #{not answer.can_comment and 'karma_required text-muted' or ''}"
t-attf-data-karma="#{not answer.can_comment and answer.karma_comment or 0}"
style="cursor: pointer" t-att-data-toggle="answer.can_comment and 'collapse' or None"
t-attf-data-target="#comment#{ answer._name.replace('.','') + '-' + str(answer.id) }"> Comment
<li >
<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
<t t-set= "url" t-value= "'/forum/' + slug(forum) + '/post/' + slug(answer) + '/edit'" />
<t t-set= "label" > Edit</t>
<t t-set= "classes" t-value= "'fa fa-pencil-square-o'" />
<t t-set= "karma" t-value= "not answer.can_edit and answer.karma_edit or 0" />
<li >
<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
<t t-set= "url" t-value= "'/forum/' + slug(forum) + '/post/' + slug(answer) + '/delete'" />
<t t-set= "label" > Delete</t>
<t t-set= "classes" t-value= "'fa-trash-o'" />
<t t-set= "karma" t-value= "not answer.can_unlink and answer.karma_unlink or 0" />
<li >
<a t-attf-style= "cursor: pointer;#{not answer.can_flag and 'color:#999;' or ''}"
t-attf-class="flag fa fa-flag #{not answer.can_flag and 'karma_required' or ''}"
t-attf-data-karma="#{not answer.can_flag and answer.forum_id.karma_flag or 0}"
<t t-if= "answer.state == 'flagged'" > Flagged</t>
<t t-if= "answer.state != 'flagged'" > Flag</t>
<li t-if= "question.post_type == 'question'" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
<t t-set= "url" t-value= "'/forum/' + slug(forum) + '/post/' + slug(answer) + '/convert_to_comment'" />
<t t-set= "label" > Convert as a comment</t>
<t t-set= "classes" t-value= "'fa-magic'" />
<t t-set= "karma" t-value= "not answer.can_comment_convert and answer.karma_comment_convert or 0" />
<ul class= "list-inline mb0" >
<li t-if= "question.post_type != 'question'" >
<a t-attf-class= "fa fa-reply #{not question.can_answer and 'karma_required text-muted' or None}" t-att-data-karma= "question.forum_id.karma_answer" style= "cursor: pointer" data-toggle= "collapse"
t-attf-data-target="#reply#{ answer._name.replace('.','') + '-' + str(answer.id) }"> Reply
<hr class= "mt4 mb4" />
<t t-if= "answer.post_type == 'question'" t-call= "website_forum.post_comment" >
<t t-set= "object" t-value= "answer" />
<div t-if= "answer.post_type != 'question' and question.state != 'close' and question.active != False" >
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<t t-set= "object" t-value= "answer" />
<div t-foreach= "answer.child_ids" t-as= "child_answer" class= "mt4 mb4" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.post_answers" >
<t t-set= "answer" t-value= "child_answer" />
<div class= "clearfix" t-if= "len(answer.website_message_ids)" >
<div class= "col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-2" >
<ul class= "list-inline mb0" >
<li t-if= "question.post_type == 'question'" >
<a t-attf-class= "fa fa-comment-o #{not answer.can_comment and 'karma_required text-muted' or ''}"
t-attf-data-karma="#{not answer.can_comment and answer.karma_comment or 0}"
style="cursor: pointer" t-att-data-toggle="answer.can_comment and 'collapse' or None"
t-attf-data-target="#comment#{ answer._name.replace('.','') + '-' + str(answer.id) }"> Comment
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<div class= "o_forum_user_bio text-left panel panel-body" >
<a t-att-href= "user_profile_url" >
<img class= "pull-left img img-rounded o_forum_avatar_big" t-attf-src= "/forum/user/#{answer.create_uid.id}/avatar" />
<div class= "o_forum_tooltip_header" >
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t-options='{"widget": "contact", "country_image": True, "fields": ["name", "country_id"]}'
style="display: inline-block;"/>
<span t-field= "answer.create_uid" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "UserBio": True, "badges": True, "fields": ["karma"]}' />
<div t-field= "answer.create_uid" t-options= '{"widget": "contact", "website_description": True, "fields": ["partner_id"]}' />
<!-- Utility template: Post a Comment -->
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<div class= "row clearfix" >
<div class= "col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2" >
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<small class= "text-muted" >
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<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
<t t-set= "url" t-value= "'/forum/' + slug(forum) + '/post/' + slug(object) + '/comment/' + slug(message) + '/delete'" />
<t t-set= "label" > </t>
<t t-set= "karma" t-value= "user.karma<required_karma and required_karma or 0" />
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<div > <span t-field= "message.body" class= "oe_no_empty" /> </div>
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<t t-if= "(object.parent_id and object.parent_id.state != 'close' and object.parent_id.active != False) or (not object.parent_id and object.state != 'close' and object.active != False)" >
<t t-set= "allow_post_comment" t-value= "True" />
<t t-if= "allow_post_comment" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.link_button" >
<t t-set= "url" t-value= "'/forum/' + slug(forum) + '/post/' + slug(object) + '/comment/' + slug(message) + '/convert_to_answer'" />
<t t-set= "label" > Convert as an answer</t>
<t t-set= "karma" t-value= "user.karma<required_karma and required_karma or 0" />
<t t-set= "classes" t-value= "'fa-magic pull-right'" />
<a t-attf-href= "/forum/#{slug(forum)}/partner/#{message.author_id.id}"
t-field="message.author_id" t-options='{"widget": "contact", "country_image": True, "fields": ["name", "country_id"]}'
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on <span t-field= "message.date" t-options= '{"format":"short"}' />
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<a t-attf-href= "/forum/#{ slug(forum) }/tag/#{ slug(tag) }/questions?{{ keep_query( filters='tag') }}"
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<t t-set= "object" t-value= "tag" />
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<table class= "table mt32 mb64" >
<tr t-foreach= "badges" t-as= "badge" >
<td >
<span class= "badge pull-left" >
<span t-if= "badge.level == 'gold'" class= "fa fa-circle badge-gold" />
<span t-if= "badge.level == 'silver'" class= "fa fa-circle badge-silver" />
<span t-if= "badge.level == 'bronze'" class= "fa fa-circle badge-bronze" />
<span > </span> <span t-field= "badge.name" />
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<b t-esc= "badge.stat_count_distinct" />
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<span t-field= "badge.description" />
<template id= "moderation_queue" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.header" >
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<span class= "dropdown" >
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<t t-if= "queue_type == 'validation'" > Pending</t>
<t t-if= "queue_type == 'flagged'" > Flagged</t>
<t t-if= "queue_type == 'offensive'" > Offensive</t>
<b class= "caret" />
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<li t-att-class= "queue_type == 'flagged' and 'active' or None " >
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<li t-if= "uid" t-att-class= "queue_type == 'offensive' and 'active' or None " >
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<div class= "text-center" t-if= "count_posts == 0" >
<t t-if= "queue_type == 'validation'" > The validation queue is empty.</t>
<t t-if= "queue_type == 'flagged'" > The flagged queue is empty.</t>
<t t-if= "queue_type == 'offensive'" > The offensive queue is empty.</t>
<div t-foreach= "posts_ids" t-as= "question" class= "mb16 row post_to_validate" style= "padding-bottom:16px;border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7;" >
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<div class= "col-sm-10" >
<t t-if= "question.parent_id" >
<div t-foreach= "question" t-as= "answer" style= "display: inline-block;" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.moderation_display_post_answer" />
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<t t-call= "website_forum.moderation_display_post_question_block" />
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<t t-if= "user.country_id" >
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<t t-raw= "separator" />
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<b > badges:</b>
<span >
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<span class= "fa fa-circle badge-silver ml8" />
<span t-esc= "user.silver_badge" class= "ml4" />
<span class= "fa fa-circle badge-bronze ml8" />
<span t-esc= "user.bronze_badge" class= "ml4" />
<t t-raw= "0" />
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<div class= "col-md-10" >
<input name= "user_id" t-att-value= "user.id" type= "hidden" />
<div class= "form-group" >
<label class= "col-md-2 control-label mb16" for= "user_name" > Real name</label>
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<input type= "text" class= "form-control" name= "name" id= "user_name" required= "True" t-attf-value= "#{user.name}" />
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<label class= "col-md-2 control-label mb16" for= "user_website_published" t-if= "user.id == uid" > Public profile</label>
<div class= "col-md-8 mb16" t-if= "user.id == uid" >
<input type= "checkbox" class= "mt8" name= "website_published" id= "user_website_published" value= "True" t-if= "not user.website_published" />
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<div class= "form-group" >
<label class= "col-md-2 control-label mb16" for= "user_website" > Website</label>
<div class= "col-md-8 mb16" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" name= "website" id= "user_website" t-attf-value= "#{user.partner_id.website or ''}" />
<div class= "form-group" >
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<div class= "col-md-8 mb16" >
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<div class= "form-group" >
<label class= "col-md-2 control-label mb16" for= "user_city" > City</label>
<div class= "col-md-8 mb16" >
<input type= "text" class= "form-control" name= "city" id= "user_city" t-attf-value= "#{user.partner_id.city or ''}" />
<div class= "form-group" >
<label class= "col-md-2 control-label mb16" > Country</label>
<div class= "col-md-8 mb16" >
<select class= "form-control" name= "country" >
<option value= "" > Country...</option>
<t t-foreach= "countries or []" t-as= "country" >
<option t-att-value= "country.id" t-att-selected= "country.id == user.partner_id.country_id.id" > <t t-esc= "country.name" /> </option>
<!-- Note: using website_description fiels instead of using commnt firld of partner -->
<div class= "form-group" >
<label class= "col-md-2 control-label mb16" for= "description" > Biography</label>
<div class= "col-md-8 mb16" >
<textarea name= "description" id= "description" style= "min-height: 120px" required= "True"
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<div class= "col-sm-offset-2 col-md-2 mb16" >
<button type= "submit" class= "btn btn-primary btn-lg" > Update</button>
<template id= "user_detail_full" >
<t t-call= "website_forum.header" >
<h1 class= "mt0 page-header" >
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<small > profile</small>
2018-01-16 14:34:24 +05:30
<div class= "row mb32" id= "user-details" >
<div class= "col-sm-2" id= "user-avtar" >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<img class= "img img-responsive img-circle" t-attf-src= "/forum/user/#{user.id}/avatar" />
2018-01-16 14:34:24 +05:30
<div class= "col-sm-10" id= "user-table" >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<table class= "table table-condensed" >
<tr >
<td rowspan= "4" valign= "top" > <span class= "text-muted" > stats</span> </td>
<td > karma</td>
<td > <span t-field= "user.karma" /> </td>
</tr> <tr >
<td > votes</td>
<td >
<span class= "fa fa-thumbs-up" />
<span t-esc= "up_votes" />
<span class= "fa fa-thumbs-down" />
<span t-esc= "down_votes" />
<tr >
<td > member since</td>
<td > <span t-field= "user.create_date" t-options= '{"format": "short"}' /> </td>
</tr> <tr >
<td > last connection</td>
<td > <span t-field= "user.login_date" t-options= '{"format": "short"}' /> </td>
<tr >
<td rowspan= "2" valign= "top" > <span class= "text-muted" > bio</span> </td>
<td > website</td>
<td >
<a t-att-href= "user.website" t-if= "user.website" >
<span t-field= "user.website" />
</tr> <tr >
<td > location</td>
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2018-01-16 14:34:24 +05:30
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2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
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<template id= "user_badges" >
<table class= "table mt32 mb64" >
<tr t-foreach= "user.badge_ids" t-as= "badge" >
<td >
<span class= "badge pull-left" >
<span t-if= "badge.badge_id.level == 'gold'" class= "fa fa-circle badge-gold" />
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<t t-if= "vote.post_id.parent_id" >
<a t-attf-href= "/forum/#{ slug(forum) }/question/#{ vote.post_id.parent_id.id }/#answer-#{ vote.post_id.id }" t-esc= "vote.post_id.parent_id.name" style= "margin-left:10px" />
<t t-if= "not vote.post_id.parent_id" >
<a t-attf-href= "/forum/#{ slug(forum) }/question/#{ vote.post_id.id }" style= " color:black;margin-left:10px" t-esc= "vote.post_id.name" />
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<template id= "forum_post_template_new_question" >
<p > A new question <b t-esc= "object.name" /> on <t t-esc= "object.forum_id.name" /> has been posted. Click here to access the question :</p>
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<template id= "forum_post_template_validation" >
<p > A new question <b t-esc= "object.name" /> on <t t-esc= "object.forum_id.name" /> has been posted and require your validation. Click here to access the question :</p>
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2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00