2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api, models
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
_name = 'product.template'
_inherit = 'product.template'
def compute_price(self):
for template in self:
if template.product_variant_count == 1:
return template.product_variant_id.compute_price()
class ProductProduct(models.Model):
_name = 'product.product'
_inherit = 'product.product'
def compute_price(self):
bom_obj = self.env['mrp.bom']
action_rec = self.env.ref('stock_account.action_view_change_standard_price')
for product in self:
bom = bom_obj._bom_find(product=product)
if bom:
price = product._calc_price(bom)
if action_rec:
action = action_rec.read([])[0]
action['context'] = {'default_new_price': price}
return action
return True
def _calc_price(self, bom):
price = 0.0
result, result2 = bom.explode(self, 1)
for sbom, sbom_data in result2:
if not sbom.attribute_value_ids:
# No attribute_value_ids means the bom line is not variant specific
price += sbom.product_id.uom_id._compute_price(sbom.product_id.standard_price, sbom.product_uom_id) * sbom_data['qty']
if bom.routing_id:
# FIXME master: remove me
if hasattr(self.env['mrp.workcenter'], 'costs_hour'):
total_cost = 0.0
for order in bom.routing_id.operation_ids:
total_cost += (order.time_cycle/60) * order.workcenter_id.costs_hour
price += bom.product_uom_id._compute_price(total_cost, bom.product_id.uom_id)
# Convert on product UoM quantities
if price > 0:
price = bom.product_uom_id._compute_price(price / bom.product_qty, self.uom_id)
return price