
577 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
flectra.define('web.FormController', function (require) {
"use strict";
var BasicController = require('web.BasicController');
var dialogs = require('web.view_dialogs');
var core = require('web.core');
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');
var Sidebar = require('web.Sidebar');
var _t = core._t;
var qweb = core.qweb;
var FormController = BasicController.extend({
custom_events: _.extend({}, BasicController.prototype.custom_events, {
bounce_edit: '_onBounceEdit',
button_clicked: '_onButtonClicked',
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edited_list: '_onEditedList',
open_one2many_record: '_onOpenOne2ManyRecord',
open_record: '_onOpenRecord',
toggle_column_order: '_onToggleColumnOrder',
update_sidebar_attachments: '_updateSidebarAttachments',
* @override
* @param {boolean} params.hasSidebar
* @param {Object} params.toolbarActions
init: function (parent, model, renderer, params) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.actionButtons = params.actionButtons;
this.disableAutofocus = params.disableAutofocus;
this.footerToButtons = params.footerToButtons;
this.defaultButtons = params.defaultButtons;
this.hasSidebar = params.hasSidebar;
this.toolbarActions = params.toolbarActions || {};
// Public
* Calls autofocus on the renderer
autofocus: function () {
if (!this.disableAutofocus) {
* This method switches the form view in edit mode, with a new record.
* @todo make record creation a basic controller feature
* @param {string} [parentID] if given, the parentID will be used as parent
* for the new record.
* @returns {Deferred}
createRecord: function (parentID) {
var self = this;
var record = this.model.get(this.handle, {raw: true});
return this.model.load({
context: record.getContext(),
fields: record.fields,
fieldsInfo: record.fieldsInfo,
modelName: this.modelName,
parentID: parentID,
res_ids: record.res_ids,
type: 'record',
viewType: 'form',
}).then(function (handle) {
self.handle = handle;
return self._setMode('edit');
* Returns the current res_id, wrapped in a list. This is only used by the
* sidebar (and the debugmanager)
* @override
* @returns {number[]} either [current res_id] or []
getSelectedIds: function () {
var env = this.model.get(this.handle, {env: true});
return env.currentId ? [env.currentId] : [];
* @override method from AbstractController
* @returns {string}
getTitle: function () {
return this.model.getName(this.handle);
* Called each time the form view is attached into the DOM
* @todo convert to new style
on_attach_callback: function () {
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this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Render buttons for the control panel. The form view can be rendered in
* a dialog, and in that case, if we have buttons defined in the footer, we
* have to use them instead of the standard buttons.
* @override method from AbstractController
* @param {jQueryElement} $node
renderButtons: function ($node) {
var $footer = this.footerToButtons ? this.$('footer') : null;
var mustRenderFooterButtons = $footer && $footer.length;
if (!this.defaultButtons && !mustRenderFooterButtons) {
this.$buttons = $('<div/>');
if (mustRenderFooterButtons) {
} else {
this.$buttons.append(qweb.render("FormView.buttons", {widget: this}));
this.$buttons.on('click', '.o_form_button_edit', this._onEdit.bind(this));
this.$buttons.on('click', '.o_form_button_create', this._onCreate.bind(this));
this.$buttons.on('click', '.o_form_button_save', this._onSave.bind(this));
this.$buttons.on('click', '.o_form_button_cancel', this._onDiscard.bind(this));
* The form view has to prevent a click on the pager if the form is dirty
* @override method from BasicController
* @param {jQueryElement} $node
* @param {Object} options
renderPager: function ($node, options) {
options = _.extend({}, options, {
validate: this.canBeDiscarded.bind(this),
this._super($node, options);
* Instantiate and render the sidebar if a sidebar is requested
* Sets this.sidebar
* @param {jQuery} [$node] a jQuery node where the sidebar should be
* inserted
renderSidebar: function ($node) {
if (!this.sidebar && this.hasSidebar) {
var otherItems = [];
if (this.is_action_enabled('delete')) {
label: _t('Delete'),
callback: this._onDeleteRecord.bind(this),
if (this.is_action_enabled('create') && this.is_action_enabled('duplicate')) {
label: _t('Duplicate'),
callback: this._onDuplicateRecord.bind(this),
this.sidebar = new Sidebar(this, {
editable: this.is_action_enabled('edit'),
viewType: 'form',
env: {
context: this.model.get(this.handle).getContext(),
activeIds: this.getSelectedIds(),
model: this.modelName,
actions: _.extend(this.toolbarActions, {other: otherItems}),
// Show or hide the sidebar according to the view mode
* Show a warning message if the user modified a translated field. For each
* field, the notification provides a link to edit the field's translations.
* @override
saveRecord: function () {
var self = this;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function (changedFields) {
// the title could have been changed
self.set('title', self.getTitle());
if (_t.database.multi_lang && changedFields.length) {
// need to make sure changed fields that should be translated
// are displayed with an alert
var fields = self.renderer.state.fields;
var data = self.renderer.state.data;
var alertFields = [];
for (var k = 0; k < changedFields.length; k++) {
var field = fields[changedFields[k]];
var fieldData = data[changedFields[k]];
if (field.translate && fieldData) {
if (alertFields.length) {
return changedFields;
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* Overrides to force the viewType to 'form', so that we ensure that the
* correct fields are reloaded (this is only useful for one2many form views).
* @override
update: function (params, options) {
params = _.extend({viewType: 'form'}, params);
return this._super(params, options);
// Private
* When a save operation has been confirmed from the model, this method is
* called.
* @private
* @override method from field manager mixin
* @param {string} id - id of the previously changed record
* @returns {Deferred}
_confirmSave: function (id) {
if (id === this.handle) {
if (this.mode === 'readonly') {
return this.reload();
} else {
return this._setMode('readonly');
} else {
// A subrecord has changed, so update the corresponding relational field
// i.e. the one whose value is a record with the given id or a list
// having a record with the given id in its data
var record = this.model.get(this.handle);
// Callback function which returns true
// if a value recursively contains a record with the given id.
// This will be used to determine the list of fields to reload.
var containsChangedRecord = function (value) {
return _.isObject(value) &&
(value.id === id || _.find(value.data, containsChangedRecord));
var changedFields = _.findKey(record.data, containsChangedRecord);
return this.renderer.confirmChange(record, record.id, [changedFields]);
* Override to disable buttons in the renderer.
* @override
* @private
_disableButtons: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Override to enable buttons in the renderer.
* @override
* @private
_enableButtons: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Hook method, called when record(s) has been deleted.
* @override
_onDeletedRecords: function () {
var state = this.model.get(this.handle, {raw: true});
if (!state.res_ids.length) {
} else {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* We just add the current ID to the state pushed. This allows the web
* client to add it in the url, for example.
* @override method from AbstractController
* @private
* @param {Object} [state]
_pushState: function (state) {
state = state || {};
var env = this.model.get(this.handle, {env: true});
state.id = env.currentId;
* Calls unfreezeOrder when changing the mode.
* @override
_setMode: function (mode, recordID) {
if ((recordID || this.handle) === this.handle) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Updates the controller's title according to the new state
* @override
* @private
* @param {Object} state
* @returns {Deferred}
_update: function () {
var title = this.getTitle();
this.set('title', title);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(this.autofocus.bind(this));
* @private
_updateButtons: function () {
if (this.$buttons) {
if (this.footerToButtons) {
var $footer = this.$('footer');
if ($footer.length) {
var edit_mode = (this.mode === 'edit');
.toggleClass('o_hidden', !edit_mode);
.toggleClass('o_hidden', edit_mode);
* Show or hide the sidebar according to the actual_mode
* @private
_updateSidebar: function () {
if (this.sidebar) {
this.sidebar.do_toggle(this.mode === 'readonly');
_updateSidebarAttachments: function (attachments) {
if (this.sidebar) {
this.sidebar.items.files = attachments.data.files;
// Handlers
* Bounce the 'Edit' button.
* @private
_onBounceEdit: function () {
if (this.$buttons) {
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* @private
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* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onButtonClicked: function (event) {
// stop the event's propagation as a form controller might have other
// form controllers in its descendants (e.g. in a FormViewDialog)
var self = this;
var def;
function saveAndExecuteAction () {
return self.saveRecord(self.handle, {
stayInEdit: true,
}).then(function () {
// we need to reget the record to make sure we have changes made
// by the basic model, such as the new res_id, if the record is
// new.
var record = self.model.get(event.data.record.id);
return self._callButtonAction(attrs, record);
var attrs = event.data.attrs;
if (attrs.confirm) {
var d = $.Deferred();
Dialog.confirm(this, attrs.confirm, {
confirm_callback: saveAndExecuteAction,
}).on("closed", null, function () {
def = d.promise();
} else if (attrs.special === 'cancel') {
def = this._callButtonAction(attrs, event.data.record);
} else if (!attrs.special || attrs.special === 'save') {
// save the record but don't switch to readonly mode
def = saveAndExecuteAction();
* Called when the user wants to create a new record -> @see createRecord
* @private
_onCreate: function () {
* Deletes the current record
* @private
_onDeleteRecord: function () {
* Called when the user wants to discard the changes made to the current
* record -> @see discardChanges
* @private
_onDiscard: function () {
* Called when the user clicks on 'Duplicate Record' in the sidebar
* @private
_onDuplicateRecord: function () {
var self = this;
.then(function (handle) {
self.handle = handle;
* Called when the user wants to edit the current record -> @see _setMode
* @private
_onEdit: function () {
* This method is called when someone tries to freeze the order, most likely
* in a x2many list view
* @private
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* @param {FlectraEvent} ev
* @param {integer} ev.id of the list to freeze while editing a line
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_onEditedList: function (ev) {
if (ev.data.id) {
this.model.save(ev.data.id, {savePoint: true});
* Opens a one2many record (potentially new) in a dialog. This handler is
* o2m specific as in this case, the changes done on the related record
* shouldn't be saved in DB when the user clicks on 'Save' in the dialog,
* but later on when he clicks on 'Save' in the main form view. For this to
* work correctly, the main model and the local id of the opened record must
* be given to the dialog, which will complete the viewInfo of the record
* with the one of the form view.
* @private
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* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onOpenOne2ManyRecord: function (event) {
var data = event.data;
var record;
if (data.id) {
record = this.model.get(data.id, {raw: true});
new dialogs.FormViewDialog(this, {
context: data.context,
domain: data.domain,
fields_view: data.fields_view,
model: this.model,
on_saved: data.on_saved,
parentID: data.parentID,
readonly: data.readonly,
recordID: record && record.id,
res_id: record && record.res_id,
res_model: data.field.relation,
shouldSaveLocally: true,
title: (record ? _t("Open: ") : _t("Create ")) + (event.target.string || data.field.string),
* Open an existing record in a form view dialog
* @private
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* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onOpenRecord: function (event) {
var self = this;
var record = this.model.get(event.data.id, {raw: true});
new dialogs.FormViewDialog(self, {
context: event.data.context,
fields_view: event.data.fields_view,
on_saved: event.data.on_saved,
readonly: event.data.readonly,
res_id: record.res_id,
res_model: record.model,
title: _t("Open: ") + event.data.string,
* Called when the user wants to save the current record -> @see saveRecord
* @private
* @param {MouseEvent} ev
_onSave: function (ev) {
ev.stopPropagation(); // Prevent x2m lines to be auto-saved
* This method is called when someone tries to sort a column, most likely
* in a x2many list view
* @private
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* @param {FlectraEvent} event
_onToggleColumnOrder: function (event) {
var self = this;
this.model.setSort(event.data.id, event.data.name).then(function () {
var field = event.data.field;
var state = self.model.get(self.handle);
self.renderer.confirmChange(state, state.id, [field]);
return FormController;