2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<?xml version="1.0"?>
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
<flectra >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<data noupdate= "1" >
<!-- Expense - related subtypes for messaging / Chatter -->
<record id= "calendar.subtype_invitation" model= "mail.message.subtype" >
<field name= "name" > Invitation</field>
<field name= "res_model" > calendar.event</field>
<field name= "description" eval= "False" />
<field name= "default" eval= "False" />
<record id= "alarm_notif_1" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 15 Minute(s)</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "15" />
<field name= "interval" > minutes</field>
<field name= "type" > notification</field>
<record id= "alarm_notif_2" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 30 Minute(s)</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "30" />
<field name= "interval" > minutes</field>
<field name= "type" > notification</field>
<record id= "alarm_notif_3" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 1 Hour(s)</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "1" />
<field name= "interval" > hours</field>
<field name= "type" > notification</field>
<record id= "alarm_notif_4" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 2 Hour(s)</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "2" />
<field name= "interval" > hours</field>
<field name= "type" > notification</field>
<record id= "alarm_notif_5" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 1 Day(s)</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "1" />
<field name= "interval" > days</field>
<field name= "type" > notification</field>
<record id= "alarm_mail_1" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 3 Hour(s), by e-mail</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "3" />
<field name= "interval" > hours</field>
<field name= "type" > email</field>
<record id= "alarm_mail_2" model= "calendar.alarm" >
<field name= "name" > 6 Hour(s), by e-mail</field>
<field name= "duration" eval= "6" />
<field name= "interval" > hours</field>
<field name= "type" > email</field>
<record id= "categ_meet1" model= "calendar.event.type" >
<field name= "name" > Customer Meeting</field>
<record id= "categ_meet2" model= "calendar.event.type" >
<field name= "name" > Internal Meeting</field>
<record id= "categ_meet3" model= "calendar.event.type" >
<field name= "name" > Off-site Meeting</field>
<record id= "categ_meet4" model= "calendar.event.type" >
<field name= "name" > Open Discussion</field>
<record id= "categ_meet5" model= "calendar.event.type" >
<field name= "name" > Feedback Meeting</field>
<record id= "calendar_template_meeting_invitation" model= "mail.template" >
<field name= "name" > Calendar: Meeting Invitation</field>
<field name= "email_from" > ${object.event_id.user_id.email or ''}</field>
<field name= "subject" > ${object.event_id.name} invitation</field>
<field name= "model_id" ref= "calendar.model_calendar_attendee" />
<field name= "email_to" > ${('' if object.partner_id and object.partner_id.email and object.partner_id.email==object.email else object.email|safe)}</field>
<field name= "partner_to" > ${object.partner_id and object.partner_id.email and object.partner_id.email==object.email and object.partner_id.id or False }</field>
<field name= "auto_delete" eval= "True" />
<field name= "body_html" > < ![CDATA[
<div summary= "o_mail_template" style= "padding:0px;width:600px;margin:auto;background: #FFFFFF repeat top /100%;color:#777777" >
% set colors = {'needsAction': 'grey', 'accepted': 'green', 'tentative': '#FFFF00', 'declined': 'red'}
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td valign= "center" width= "200" style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;font-size: 12px" >
<img src= "/logo.png" style= "padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;" alt= "${user.company_id.name}" >
<td valign= "center" align= "right" width= "340" style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px; font-size: 12px;" >
<p >
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/accept?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or ''}&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > Accept</a>
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/decline?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or '' }&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > Decline</a>
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/view?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or ''}&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > View</a>
</tr> </tbody>
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td valign= "top" style= "width:600px; padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;" >
<div >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0;margin:15px auto;padding:0" >
</tr> </tbody>
<div style= "padding:0px;width:600px;margin:auto;background: #FFFFFF repeat top /100%;color:#777777" >
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;font-size: 14px;" >
<p style= "font-size: 20px; text-align: center;" > Invitation to <strong > ${object.event_id.name}</strong> </p>
<p >
<strong > Dear ${object.common_name}</strong> ,<br />
${object.event_id.user_id.partner_id.name} invited you for the ${object.event_id.name} meeting of ${object.event_id.user_id.company_id.name}.</p>
<table style= "margin-top: 20px;" > <tr >
<td >
<div style= "border-top-left-radius:3px;border-top-right-radius:3px;font-size:12px;border-collapse:separate;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;width:130px;min-height: 18px;background:#875A7B;padding-top: 4px;border:1px solid #875A7B;" >
${object.event_id.get_interval('dayname', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
<div style= "font-size:48px;min-height:auto;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;color: #5F5F5F;background-color: #F8F8F8;width: 130px;border:1px solid #875A7B;" >
${object.event_id.get_interval('day', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
<div style= 'font-size:12px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;background-color:#875A7B' > ${object.event_id.get_interval('month', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}</div>
<div style= "border-collapse:separate;color: #5F5F5F;text-align:center;width: 130px;font-size:12px;border-bottom-right-radius:3px;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #875A7B;border-bottom-left-radius:3px;" > ${not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.get_interval('time', tz=object.partner_id.tz) or ''}</div>
<td width= "20px;" />
<td >
<p > Details of the event</p>
<ul >
% if object.event_id.location:
<li > Location: ${object.event_id.location}
(<a target= "_blank" href= "http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=${object.event_id.location}" > View Map</a> )
% endif
% if object.event_id.description :
<li > Description: ${object.event_id.description}</li>
% endif
% if not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.duration
<li > Duration: ${('%dH%02d' % (object.event_id.duration,(object.event_id.duration*60)%60))}</li>
% endif
<li > Attendees
<ul >
% for attendee in object.event_id.attendee_ids:
<li >
<div style= "display:inline-block; border-radius: 50%; width:10px; height:10px;background:${colors[attendee.state] or 'white'};" > </div>
% if attendee.common_name != object.common_name:
<span style= "margin-left:5px" > ${attendee.common_name}</span>
% else:
<span style= "margin-left:5px" > You</span>
% endif
% endfor
</ul> </li>
</tr> </table>
</tr> </tbody>
</div> ]]></field>
<record id= "calendar_template_meeting_changedate" model= "mail.template" >
<field name= "name" > Calendar: Date updated</field>
<field name= "email_from" > ${object.event_id.user_id.email or ''}</field>
<field name= "subject" > ${object.event_id.name}: Date updated</field>
<field name= "model_id" ref= "calendar.model_calendar_attendee" />
<field name= "email_to" > ${('' if object.partner_id and object.partner_id.email and object.partner_id.email==object.email else object.email|safe)}</field>
<field name= "partner_to" > ${object.partner_id and object.partner_id.email and object.partner_id.email==object.email and object.partner_id.id or False }</field>
<field name= "auto_delete" eval= "True" />
<field name= "body_html" > < ![CDATA[
<div summary= "o_mail_template" style= "padding:0px;width:600px;margin:auto;background: #FFFFFF repeat top /100%;color:#777777" >
% set colors = {'needsAction': 'grey', 'accepted': 'green', 'tentative': '#FFFF00', 'declined': 'red'}
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td valign= "center" width= "200" style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;font-size: 12px" >
<img src= "/logo.png" style= "padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;" alt= "${user.company_id.name}" >
<td valign= "center" align= "right" width= "340" style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px; font-size: 12px;" >
<p >
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/accept?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or ''}&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > Accept</a>
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/decline?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or '' }&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > Decline</a>
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/view?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or ''}&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > View</a>
</tr> </tbody>
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td valign= "top" style= "width:600px; padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;" >
<div >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0;margin:15px auto;padding:0" >
</tr> </tbody>
<div style= "padding:0px;width:600px;margin:auto;background: #FFFFFF repeat top /100%;color:#777777" >
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;font-size: 14px;" >
<p style= "font-size: 20px; text-align: center;" > <strong > ${object.event_id.name} date updated</strong> </p>
<p >
<strong > Dear ${object.common_name}</strong> ,<br />
The date of the meeting has been upated. The meeting ${object.event_id.name} created by ${object.event_id.user_id.partner_id.name} is now scheduled for ${object.event_id.get_display_time_tz(tz=object.partner_id.tz)}.
<table style= "margin-top: 20px;" > <tr >
<td >
<div style= "border-top-left-radius:3px;border-top-right-radius:3px;font-size:12px;border-collapse:separate;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;width:130px;min-height: 18px;background:#875A7B;padding-top: 4px;" >
${object.event_id.get_interval('dayname', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
<div style= "font-size:48px;min-height:auto;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;color: #5F5F5F;background-color: #F8F8F8;width: 130px;border:1px solid #875A7B;" >
${object.event_id.get_interval('day', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
<div style= 'font-size:12px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;background-color:#875A7B' > ${object.event_id.get_interval('month', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}</div>
<div style= "border-collapse:separate;color: #5F5F5F;text-align:center;width: 130px;font-size:12px;border-bottom-right-radius:3px;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #875A7B;border-bottom-left-radius:3px;" > ${not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.get_interval('time', tz=object.partner_id.tz) or ''}</div>
<td width= "20px;" />
<td >
<p > Details of the event</p>
<ul >
% if object.event_id.location:
<li > Location: ${object.event_id.location}
(<a target= "_blank" href= "http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=${object.event_id.location}" > View Map</a> )
% endif
% if object.event_id.description :
<li > Description: ${object.event_id.description}</li>
% endif
% if not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.duration
<li > Duration: ${('%dH%02d' % (object.event_id.duration,(object.event_id.duration*60)%60))}</li>
% endif
<li > Attendees
<ul >
% for attendee in object.event_id.attendee_ids:
<li >
<div style= "display:inline-block; border-radius: 50%; width:10px; height:10px;background:${colors[attendee.state] or 'white'};" > </div>
% if attendee.common_name != object.common_name:
<span style= "margin-left:5px" > ${attendee.common_name}</span>
% else:
<span style= "margin-left:5px" > You</span>
% endif
% endfor
</ul> </li>
</tr> </table>
</tr> </tbody>
</div> ]]></field>
<record id= "calendar_template_meeting_reminder" model= "mail.template" >
<field name= "name" > Calendar: Reminder</field>
<field name= "email_from" > ${object.event_id.user_id.email or ''}</field>
<field name= "subject" > ${object.event_id.name} - Reminder</field>
<field name= "model_id" ref= "calendar.model_calendar_attendee" />
<field name= "email_to" > ${('' if object.partner_id and object.partner_id.email and object.partner_id.email==object.email else object.email|safe)}</field>
<field name= "partner_to" > ${object.partner_id and object.partner_id.email and object.partner_id.email==object.email and object.partner_id.id or False }</field>
<field name= "auto_delete" eval= "True" />
<field name= "body_html" > < ![CDATA[
<div summary= "o_mail_template" style= "padding:0px;width:600px;margin:auto;background: #FFFFFF repeat top /100%;color:#777777" >
% set colors = {'needsAction': 'grey', 'accepted': 'green', 'tentative': '#FFFF00', 'declined': 'red'}
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td valign= "center" width= "200" style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;font-size: 12px" >
<img src= "/logo.png" style= "padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;" alt= "${user.company_id.name}" >
<td valign= "center" align= "right" width= "340" style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px; font-size: 12px;" >
<p >
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/accept?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or ''}&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > Accept</a>
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/decline?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or '' }&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > Decline</a>
<a href= "/calendar/meeting/view?db=${'dbname' in ctx and ctx['dbname'] or ''}&token=${object.access_token}&action=${'action_id' in ctx and ctx['action_id'] or ''}&id=${object.event_id.id}" style= "padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; color: #FFFFFF; border-color:#875A7B; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; background-image: none; background-color: #875A7B; border: 1px solid #875A7B; border-radius:3px" > View</a>
</tr> </tbody>
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td valign= "top" style= "width:600px; padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;" >
<div >
<hr width= "100%" style= "background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0;margin:15px auto;padding:0" >
</tr> </tbody>
<div style= "padding:0px;width:600px;margin:auto;background: #FFFFFF repeat top /100%;color:#777777" >
<table cellspacing= "0" cellpadding= "0" style= "width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;background:inherit;color:inherit" >
<tbody > <tr >
<td style= "padding:10px 10px 10px 5px;font-size: 14px;" >
<p style= "font-size: 20px; text-align: center;" > Reminder for <strong > ${object.event_id.name}</strong> </p>
<p >
<strong > Dear ${object.common_name}</strong> ,<br />
This is a reminder for the below event :
<table style= "margin-top: 20px;" > <tr >
<td >
<div style= "border-top-left-radius:3px;border-top-right-radius:3px;font-size:12px;border-collapse:separate;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;width:130px;min-height: 18px;background:#875A7B;padding-top: 4px;" >
${object.event_id.get_interval('dayname', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
<div style= "font-size:48px;min-height:auto;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;color: #5F5F5F;background-color: #F8F8F8;width: 130px;border:1px solid #875A7B;" >
${object.event_id.get_interval('day', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}
<div style= 'font-size:12px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff;background-color:#875A7B' > ${object.event_id.get_interval('month', tz=object.partner_id.tz if not object.event_id.allday else None)}</div>
<div style= "border-collapse:separate;color: #5F5F5F;text-align:center;width: 130px;font-size:12px;border-bottom-right-radius:3px;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #875A7B;border-bottom-left-radius:3px;" > ${not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.get_interval('time', tz=object.partner_id.tz) or ''}</div>
<td width= "20px;" />
<td >
<p > Details of the event</p>
<ul >
% if object.event_id.location:
<li > Location: ${object.event_id.location}
(<a target= "_blank" href= "http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=${object.event_id.location}" > View Map</a> )
% endif
% if object.event_id.description :
<li > Description: ${object.event_id.description}</li>
% endif
% if not object.event_id.allday and object.event_id.duration
<li > Duration: ${('%dH%02d' % (object.event_id.duration,(object.event_id.duration*60)%60))}</li>
% endif
<li > Attendees
<ul >
% for attendee in object.event_id.attendee_ids:
<li >
<div style= "display:inline-block; border-radius: 50%; width:10px; height:10px;background:${colors[attendee.state] or 'white'};" > </div>
% if attendee.common_name != object.common_name:
<span style= "margin-left:5px" > ${attendee.common_name}</span>
% else:
<span style= "margin-left:5px" > You</span>
% endif
% endfor
</ul> </li>
</tr> </table>
</tr> </tbody>
</div> ]]></field>
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00