
199 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from decorator import decorator
import inspect
import logging
import sys
import time
import odoo
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _LogTracer(object):
def __init__(self, whitelist=None, blacklist=None, files=None, deep=False):
self.profiles = {}
self.whitelist = whitelist
self.blacklist = blacklist
self.files = files
self.deep = deep
self.first_frame = None
def tracer(self, frame, event, arg):
if not self.first_frame:
self.first_frame = frame.f_code
if not self.deep and self.first_frame != frame.f_code:
return self.tracer
if frame.f_code.co_name in ['<genexpr>', '__getattr__', '__iter__', '__init__']:
if 'self' not in frame.f_locals:
return self.tracer
if self.files and frame.f_code.co_filename not in self.files:
return self.tracer
in_self = frame.f_locals['self']
if isinstance(in_self, (odoo.sql_db.Cursor, odoo.sql_db.TestCursor, odoo.sql_db.LazyCursor)):
return self.tracer
model = getattr(in_self, '_name', None)
if self.whitelist and model not in self.whitelist:
return self.tracer
if model in self.blacklist and self.first_frame != frame.f_code:
return self.tracer
if frame.f_code not in self.profiles:
lines, firstline = inspect.getsourcelines(frame)
self.profiles[frame.f_code] = {
'model': model,
'filename': frame.f_code.co_filename,
'firstline': firstline,
'code': lines,
'calls': [],
'nb': 0,
except Exception:
codeProfile = self.profiles[frame.f_code]
if not frame.f_lineno:
codeProfile['nb'] += 1
cr = getattr(in_self, '_cr', None)
'event': event,
'lineno': frame.f_lineno,
'queries': cr and cr.sql_log_count,
'time': time.time(),
'callno': codeProfile['nb'],
return self.tracer
def profile(method=None, whitelist=None, blacklist=(None,), files=None,
minimum_time=0, minimum_queries=0):
Decorate an entry point method.
If profile is used without params, log as shallow mode else, log
all methods for all odoo models by applying the optional filters.
:param whitelist: None or list of model names to display in the log
(Default: None)
:type whitelist: list or None
:param files: None or list of filenames to display in the log
(Default: None)
:type files: list or None
:param list blacklist: list model names to remove from the log
(Default: remove non odoo model from the log: [None])
:param int minimum_time: minimum time (ms) to display a method
(Default: 0)
:param int minimum_queries: minimum sql queries to display a method
(Default: 0)
.. code-block:: python
from odoo.tools.profiler import profile
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
@profile # log only this create method
def create(self, vals):
@profile() # log all methods for all odoo models
def unlink(self):
@profile(whitelist=['sale.order', 'ir.model.data'])
def action_quotation_send(self):
def write(self):
NB: The use of the profiler modifies the execution time
deep = not method
def _odooProfile(method, *args, **kwargs):
log_tracer = _LogTracer(whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist, files=files, deep=deep)
result = method(*args, **kwargs)
log = ["\n%-10s%-10s%s\n" % ('calls', 'queries', 'ms')]
for v in log_tracer.profiles.values():
v['report'] = {}
l = len(v['calls'])
for k, call in enumerate(v['calls']):
if k+1 >= l:
if call['lineno'] not in v['report']:
v['report'][call['lineno']] = {
'nb_queries': 0,
'delay': 0,
'nb': 0,
v['report'][call['lineno']]['nb'] += 1
n = k+1
while k+1 <= l and v['calls'][k+1]['callno'] != call['callno']:
n += 1
if n >= l:
next_call = v['calls'][n]
if next_call['queries'] is not None:
v['report'][call['lineno']]['nb_queries'] += next_call['queries'] - call.get('queries', 0)
v['report'][call['lineno']]['delay'] += next_call['time'] - call['time']
queries = 0
delay = 0
for call in v['report'].values():
queries += call['nb_queries']
delay += call['delay']
if minimum_time and minimum_time > delay*1000:
if minimum_queries and minimum_queries > queries:
# todo: no color if output in a file
log.append("\033[1;33m%s %s--------------------- %s, %s\033[1;0m\n\n" % (v['model'] or '', '-' * (15-len(v['model'] or '')), v['filename'], v['firstline']))
for lineno, line in enumerate(v['code']):
if (lineno + v['firstline']) in v['report']:
data = v['report'][lineno + v['firstline']]
log.append("%-10s%-10s%-10s%s" % (
str(data['nb']) if 'nb_queries' in data else '.',
str(data.get('nb_queries', '')),
str(round(data['delay']*100000)/100) if 'delay' in data else '',
log.append(" " * 30)
log.append("\nTotal:\n%-10s%-10d%-10s\n\n" % (
return result
if not method:
return lambda method: decorator(_odooProfile, method)
wrapper = decorator(_odooProfile, method)
return wrapper