
1321 lines
57 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import ast
import collections
import copy
import datetime
import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import itertools
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
import json
import werkzeug
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import LxmlError
from lxml.builder import E
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.modules.module import get_resource_from_path, get_resource_path
from odoo.osv import orm
from odoo.tools import config, graph, ConstantMapping, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES, pycompat
from odoo.tools.convert import _fix_multiple_roots
from odoo.tools.parse_version import parse_version
from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
from odoo.tools.view_validation import valid_view
from odoo.tools.translate import xml_translate, TRANSLATED_ATTRS
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MOVABLE_BRANDING = ['data-oe-model', 'data-oe-id', 'data-oe-field', 'data-oe-xpath', 'data-oe-source-id']
# First sort criterion for inheritance is priority, second is chronological order of installation
# Note: natural _order has `name`, but only because that makes list browsing easier
INHERIT_ORDER = 'priority,id'
# attributes in views that may contain references to field names
def keep_query(*keep_params, **additional_params):
Generate a query string keeping the current request querystring's parameters specified
in ``keep_params`` and also adds the parameters specified in ``additional_params``.
Multiple values query string params will be merged into a single one with comma seperated
The ``keep_params`` arguments can use wildcards too, eg:
keep_query('search', 'shop_*', page=4)
if not keep_params and not additional_params:
keep_params = ('*',)
params = additional_params.copy()
qs_keys = list(request.httprequest.args)
for keep_param in keep_params:
for param in fnmatch.filter(qs_keys, keep_param):
if param not in additional_params and param in qs_keys:
params[param] = request.httprequest.args.getlist(param)
return werkzeug.urls.url_encode(params)
class ViewCustom(models.Model):
_name = 'ir.ui.view.custom'
_order = 'create_date desc' # search(limit=1) should return the last customization
ref_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Original View', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')
arch = fields.Text(string='View Architecture', required=True)
def name_get(self):
return [(rec.id, rec.user_id.name) for rec in self]
def name_search(self, name, args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100):
if name:
recs = self.search([('user_id', operator, name)] + (args or []), limit=limit)
return recs.name_get()
return super(ViewCustom, self).name_search(name, args=args, operator=operator, limit=limit)
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(ViewCustom, self)._auto_init()
tools.create_index(self._cr, 'ir_ui_view_custom_user_id_ref_id',
self._table, ['user_id', 'ref_id'])
return res
def _hasclass(context, *cls):
""" Checks if the context node has all the classes passed as arguments
node_classes = set(context.context_node.attrib.get('class', '').split())
return node_classes.issuperset(cls)
def get_view_arch_from_file(filename, xmlid):
doc = etree.parse(filename)
node = None
for n in doc.xpath('//*[@id="%s"]' % (xmlid)):
if n.tag in ('template', 'record'):
node = n
if node is None:
# fallback search on template with implicit module name
for n in doc.xpath('//*[@id="%s"]' % (xmlid.split('.')[1])):
if n.tag in ('template', 'record'):
node = n
if node is not None:
if node.tag == 'record':
field = node.find('field[@name="arch"]')
inner = u''.join([etree.tostring(child, encoding='unicode') for child in field.iterchildren()])
return field.text + inner
elif node.tag == 'template':
# The following dom operations has been copied from convert.py's _tag_template()
if not node.get('inherit_id'):
node.set('t-name', xmlid)
node.tag = 't'
node.tag = 'data'
node.attrib.pop('id', None)
return etree.tostring(node, encoding='unicode')
_logger.warning("Could not find view arch definition in file '%s' for xmlid '%s'", filename, xmlid)
return None
def add_text_before(node, text):
""" Add text before ``node`` in its XML tree. """
if text is None:
prev = node.getprevious()
if prev is not None:
prev.tail = (prev.tail or "") + text
parent = node.getparent()
parent.text = (parent.text or "") + text
def add_text_inside(node, text):
""" Add text inside ``node``. """
if text is None:
if len(node):
node[-1].tail = (node[-1].tail or "") + text
node.text = (node.text or "") + text
def remove_element(node):
""" Remove ``node`` but not its tail, from its XML tree. """
add_text_before(node, node.tail)
xpath_utils = etree.FunctionNamespace(None)
xpath_utils['hasclass'] = _hasclass
TRANSLATED_ATTRS_RE = re.compile(r"@(%s)\b" % "|".join(TRANSLATED_ATTRS))
WRONGCLASS = re.compile(r"(@class\s*=|=\s*@class|contains\(@class)")
class View(models.Model):
_name = 'ir.ui.view'
_order = "priority,name,id"
name = fields.Char(string='View Name', required=True)
model = fields.Char(index=True)
key = fields.Char()
priority = fields.Integer(string='Sequence', default=16, required=True)
type = fields.Selection([('tree', 'Tree'),
('form', 'Form'),
('graph', 'Graph'),
('pivot', 'Pivot'),
('calendar', 'Calendar'),
('diagram', 'Diagram'),
('gantt', 'Gantt'),
('kanban', 'Kanban'),
('search', 'Search'),
('qweb', 'QWeb')], string='View Type')
arch = fields.Text(compute='_compute_arch', inverse='_inverse_arch', string='View Architecture', nodrop=True)
arch_base = fields.Text(compute='_compute_arch_base', inverse='_inverse_arch_base', string='View Architecture')
arch_db = fields.Text(string='Arch Blob', translate=xml_translate, oldname='arch')
arch_fs = fields.Char(string='Arch Filename')
inherit_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Inherited View', ondelete='restrict', index=True)
inherit_children_ids = fields.One2many('ir.ui.view', 'inherit_id', string='Views which inherit from this one')
field_parent = fields.Char(string='Child Field')
model_data_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.data', string="Model Data",
compute='_compute_model_data_id', search='_search_model_data_id')
xml_id = fields.Char(string="External ID", compute='_compute_xml_id',
help="ID of the view defined in xml file")
groups_id = fields.Many2many('res.groups', 'ir_ui_view_group_rel', 'view_id', 'group_id',
string='Groups', help="If this field is empty, the view applies to all users. Otherwise, the view applies to the users of those groups only.")
model_ids = fields.One2many('ir.model.data', 'res_id', domain=[('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view')], auto_join=True)
create_date = fields.Datetime(readonly=True)
write_date = fields.Datetime(string='Last Modification Date', readonly=True)
mode = fields.Selection([('primary', "Base view"), ('extension', "Extension View")],
string="View inheritance mode", default='primary', required=True,
help="""Only applies if this view inherits from an other one (inherit_id is not False/Null).
* if extension (default), if this view is requested the closest primary view
is looked up (via inherit_id), then all views inheriting from it with this
view's model are applied
* if primary, the closest primary view is fully resolved (even if it uses a
different model than this one), then this view's inheritance specs
(<xpath/>) are applied, and the result is used as if it were this view's
actual arch.
active = fields.Boolean(default=True,
help="""If this view is inherited,
* if True, the view always extends its parent
* if False, the view currently does not extend its parent but can be enabled
@api.depends('arch_db', 'arch_fs')
def _compute_arch(self):
def resolve_external_ids(arch_fs, view_xml_id):
def replacer(m):
xmlid = m.group('xmlid')
if '.' not in xmlid:
xmlid = '%s.%s' % (view_xml_id.split('.')[0], xmlid)
return m.group('prefix') + str(self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id(xmlid))
return re.sub(r'(?P<prefix>[^%])%\((?P<xmlid>.*?)\)[ds]', replacer, arch_fs)
for view in self:
arch_fs = None
if 'xml' in config['dev_mode'] and view.arch_fs and view.xml_id:
# It is safe to split on / herebelow because arch_fs is explicitely stored with '/'
fullpath = get_resource_path(*view.arch_fs.split('/'))
if fullpath:
arch_fs = get_view_arch_from_file(fullpath, view.xml_id)
# replace %(xml_id)s, %(xml_id)d, %%(xml_id)s, %%(xml_id)d by the res_id
arch_fs = arch_fs and resolve_external_ids(arch_fs, view.xml_id).replace('%%', '%')
_logger.warning("View %s: Full path [%s] cannot be found.", view.xml_id, view.arch_fs)
arch_fs = False
view.arch = pycompat.to_text(arch_fs or view.arch_db)
def _inverse_arch(self):
for view in self:
data = dict(arch_db=view.arch)
if 'install_mode_data' in self._context:
imd = self._context['install_mode_data']
if '.' not in imd['xml_id']:
imd['xml_id'] = '%s.%s' % (imd['module'], imd['xml_id'])
if self._name == imd['model'] and (not view.xml_id or view.xml_id == imd['xml_id']):
# we store the relative path to the resource instead of the absolute path, if found
# (it will be missing e.g. when importing data-only modules using base_import_module)
path_info = get_resource_from_path(imd['xml_file'])
if path_info:
data['arch_fs'] = '/'.join(path_info[0:2])
def _compute_arch_base(self):
# 'arch_base' is the same as 'arch' without translation
for view, view_wo_lang in pycompat.izip(self, self.with_context(lang=None)):
view.arch_base = view_wo_lang.arch
def _inverse_arch_base(self):
for view, view_wo_lang in pycompat.izip(self, self.with_context(lang=None)):
view_wo_lang.arch = view.arch_base
def _compute_model_data_id(self):
# get the first ir_model_data record corresponding to self
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
for data in self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['res_id'], order='id desc'):
view = self.browse(data['res_id'])
view.model_data_id = data['id']
def _search_model_data_id(self, operator, value):
name = 'name' if isinstance(value, pycompat.string_types) else 'id'
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), (name, operator, value)]
data = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search(domain)
return [('id', 'in', data.mapped('res_id'))]
def _compute_xml_id(self):
xml_ids = collections.defaultdict(list)
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
for data in self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['module', 'name', 'res_id']):
xml_ids[data['res_id']].append("%s.%s" % (data['module'], data['name']))
for view in self:
view.xml_id = xml_ids.get(view.id, [''])[0]
def _valid_inheritance(self, arch):
""" Check whether view inheritance is based on translated attribute. """
for node in arch.xpath('//*[@position]'):
# inheritance may not use a translated attribute as selector
if node.tag == 'xpath':
match = TRANSLATED_ATTRS_RE.search(node.get('expr', ''))
if match:
message = "View inheritance may not use attribute %r as a selector." % match.group(1)
self.raise_view_error(message, self.id)
if WRONGCLASS.search(node.get('expr', '')):
"Error-prone use of @class in view %s (%s): use the "
"hasclass(*classes) function to filter elements by "
"their classes", self.name, self.xml_id
if node.get(attr):
message = "View inheritance may not use attribute %r as a selector." % attr
self.raise_view_error(message, self.id)
return True
def _check_xml(self):
# Sanity checks: the view should not break anything upon rendering!
# Any exception raised below will cause a transaction rollback.
self = self.with_context(check_field_names=True)
for view in self:
view_arch = etree.fromstring(view.arch.encode('utf-8'))
view_def = view.read_combined(['arch'])
view_arch_utf8 = view_def['arch']
if view.type != 'qweb':
view_doc = etree.fromstring(view_arch_utf8)
# verify that all fields used are valid, etc.
self.postprocess_and_fields(view.model, view_doc, view.id)
# RNG-based validation is not possible anymore with 7.0 forms
view_docs = [view_doc]
if view_docs[0].tag == 'data':
# A <data> element is a wrapper for multiple root nodes
view_docs = view_docs[0]
for view_arch in view_docs:
if not valid_view(view_arch):
raise ValidationError(_('Invalid view definition'))
return True
@api.constrains('type', 'groups_id')
def _check_groups(self):
for view in self:
if view.type == 'qweb' and view.groups_id:
raise ValidationError(_("Qweb view cannot have 'Groups' define on the record. Use 'groups' attributes inside the view definition"))
def _check_000_inheritance(self):
# NOTE: constraints methods are check alphabetically. Always ensure this method will be
# called before other constraint metheods to avoid infinite loop in `read_combined`.
if not self._check_recursion(parent='inherit_id'):
raise ValidationError(_('You cannot create recursive inherited views.'))
_sql_constraints = [
"CHECK (mode != 'extension' OR inherit_id IS NOT NULL)",
"Invalid inheritance mode: if the mode is 'extension', the view must"
" extend an other view"),
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(View, self)._auto_init()
tools.create_index(self._cr, 'ir_ui_view_model_type_inherit_id',
self._table, ['model', 'inherit_id'])
return res
def _compute_defaults(self, values):
if 'inherit_id' in values:
values.setdefault('mode', 'extension' if values['inherit_id'] else 'primary')
return values
def create(self, values):
if not values.get('type'):
if values.get('inherit_id'):
values['type'] = self.browse(values['inherit_id']).type
if not values.get('arch') and not values.get('arch_base'):
raise ValidationError(_('Missing view architecture.'))
values['type'] = etree.fromstring(values.get('arch') or values.get('arch_base')).tag
except LxmlError:
# don't raise here, the constraint that runs `self._check_xml` will
# do the job properly.
if not values.get('name'):
values['name'] = "%s %s" % (values.get('model'), values['type'])
return super(View, self).create(self._compute_defaults(values))
def write(self, vals):
# If view is modified we remove the arch_fs information thus activating the arch_db
# version. An `init` of the view will restore the arch_fs for the --dev mode
if ('arch' in vals or 'arch_base' in vals) and 'install_mode_data' not in self._context:
vals['arch_fs'] = False
# drop the corresponding view customizations (used for dashboards for example), otherwise
# not all users would see the updated views
custom_view = self.env['ir.ui.view.custom'].search([('ref_id', 'in', self.ids)])
if custom_view:
return super(View, self).write(self._compute_defaults(vals))
def toggle(self):
""" Switches between enabled and disabled statuses
for view in self:
view.write({'active': not view.active})
# default view selection
def default_view(self, model, view_type):
""" Fetches the default view for the provided (model, view_type) pair:
primary view with the lowest priority.
:param str model:
:param int view_type:
:return: id of the default view of False if none found
:rtype: int
domain = [('model', '=', model), ('type', '=', view_type), ('mode', '=', 'primary')]
return self.search(domain, limit=1).id
# Inheritance mecanism
def _get_inheriting_views_arch_domain(self, view_id, model):
return [
['inherit_id', '=', view_id],
['model', '=', model],
['mode', '=', 'extension'],
['active', '=', True],
def get_inheriting_views_arch(self, view_id, model):
"""Retrieves the architecture of views that inherit from the given view, from the sets of
views that should currently be used in the system. During the module upgrade phase it
may happen that a view is present in the database but the fields it relies on are not
fully loaded yet. This method only considers views that belong to modules whose code
is already loaded. Custom views defined directly in the database are loaded only
after the module initialization phase is completely finished.
:param int view_id: id of the view whose inheriting views should be retrieved
:param str model: model identifier of the inheriting views.
:rtype: list of tuples
:return: [(view_arch,view_id), ...]
user_groups = self.env.user.groups_id
conditions = self._get_inheriting_views_arch_domain(view_id, model)
if self.pool._init and not self._context.get('load_all_views'):
# Module init currently in progress, only consider views from
# modules whose code is already loaded
# Search terms inside an OR branch in a domain
# cannot currently use relationships that are
# not required. The root cause is the INNER JOIN
# used to implement it.
modules = tuple(self.pool._init_modules) + (self._context.get('install_mode_data', {}).get('module'),)
views = self.search(conditions + [('model_ids.module', 'in', modules)])
views_cond = [('id', 'in', list(self._context.get('check_view_ids') or (0,)) + views.ids)]
views = self.search(conditions + views_cond, order=INHERIT_ORDER)
views = self.search(conditions, order=INHERIT_ORDER)
return [(view.arch, view.id)
for view in views.sudo()
if not view.groups_id or (view.groups_id & user_groups)]
def raise_view_error(self, message, view_id):
view = self.browse(view_id)
not_avail = _('n/a')
message = (
"%(msg)s\n\n" +
_("Error context:\nView `%(view_name)s`") +
"\n[view_id: %(viewid)s, xml_id: %(xmlid)s, "
"model: %(model)s, parent_id: %(parent)s]"
) % {
'view_name': view.name or not_avail,
'viewid': view_id or not_avail,
'xmlid': view.xml_id or not_avail,
'model': view.model or not_avail,
'parent': view.inherit_id.id or not_avail,
'msg': message,
raise ValueError(message)
def locate_node(self, arch, spec):
""" Locate a node in a source (parent) architecture.
Given a complete source (parent) architecture (i.e. the field
`arch` in a view), and a 'spec' node (a node in an inheriting
view that specifies the location in the source view of what
should be changed), return (if it exists) the node in the
source view matching the specification.
:param arch: a parent architecture to modify
:param spec: a modifying node in an inheriting view
:return: a node in the source matching the spec
if spec.tag == 'xpath':
nodes = etree.ETXPath(spec.get('expr'))(arch)
return nodes[0] if nodes else None
elif spec.tag == 'field':
# Only compare the field name: a field can be only once in a given view
# at a given level (and for multilevel expressions, we should use xpath
# inheritance spec anyway).
for node in arch.iter('field'):
if node.get('name') == spec.get('name'):
return node
return None
for node in arch.iter(spec.tag):
if isinstance(node, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES):
if all(node.get(attr) == spec.get(attr) for attr in spec.attrib
if attr not in ('position', 'version')):
# Version spec should match parent's root element's version
if spec.get('version') and spec.get('version') != arch.get('version'):
return None
return node
return None
def inherit_branding(self, specs_tree, view_id, root_id):
for node in specs_tree.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
xpath = node.getroottree().getpath(node)
if node.tag == 'data' or node.tag == 'xpath' or node.get('position') or node.get('t-field'):
self.inherit_branding(node, view_id, root_id)
node.set('data-oe-id', str(view_id))
node.set('data-oe-xpath', xpath)
node.set('data-oe-model', 'ir.ui.view')
node.set('data-oe-field', 'arch')
return specs_tree
def apply_inheritance_specs(self, source, specs_tree, inherit_id):
""" Apply an inheriting view (a descendant of the base view)
Apply to a source architecture all the spec nodes (i.e. nodes
describing where and what changes to apply to some parent
architecture) given by an inheriting view.
:param Element source: a parent architecture to modify
:param Elepect specs_tree: a modifying architecture in an inheriting view
:param inherit_id: the database id of specs_arch
:return: a modified source where the specs are applied
:rtype: Element
# Queue of specification nodes (i.e. nodes describing where and
# changes to apply to some parent architecture).
specs = [specs_tree]
while len(specs):
spec = specs.pop(0)
if isinstance(spec, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES):
if spec.tag == 'data':
specs += [c for c in spec]
node = self.locate_node(source, spec)
if node is not None:
pos = spec.get('position', 'inside')
if pos == 'replace':
for loc in spec.xpath(".//*[text()='$0']"):
loc.text = ''
if node.getparent() is None:
source = copy.deepcopy(spec[0])
for child in spec:
elif pos == 'attributes':
for child in spec.getiterator('attribute'):
attribute = child.get('name')
value = child.text or ''
if child.get('add') or child.get('remove'):
assert not child.text
separator = child.get('separator', ',')
if separator == ' ':
separator = None # squash spaces
to_add = (
s for s in (s.strip() for s in child.get('add', '').split(separator))
if s
to_remove = {s.strip() for s in child.get('remove', '').split(separator)}
values = (s.strip() for s in node.get(attribute, '').split(separator))
value = (separator or ' ').join(itertools.chain(
(v for v in values if v not in to_remove),
if value:
node.set(attribute, value)
elif attribute in node.attrib:
del node.attrib[attribute]
elif pos == 'inside':
add_text_inside(node, spec.text)
for child in spec:
elif pos == 'after':
# add a sentinel element right after node, insert content of
# spec before the sentinel, then remove the sentinel element
sentinel = E.sentinel()
add_text_before(sentinel, spec.text)
for child in spec:
elif pos == 'before':
add_text_before(node, spec.text)
for child in spec:
self.raise_view_error(_("Invalid position attribute: '%s'") % pos, inherit_id)
attrs = ''.join([
' %s="%s"' % (attr, spec.get(attr))
for attr in spec.attrib
if attr != 'position'
tag = "<%s%s>" % (spec.tag, attrs)
self.raise_view_error(_("Element '%s' cannot be located in parent view") % tag, inherit_id)
return source
def apply_view_inheritance(self, source, source_id, model, root_id=None):
""" Apply all the (directly and indirectly) inheriting views.
:param source: a parent architecture to modify (with parent modifications already applied)
:param source_id: the database view_id of the parent view
:param model: the original model for which we create a view (not
necessarily the same as the source's model); only the inheriting
views with that specific model will be applied.
:return: a modified source where all the modifying architecture are applied
if root_id is None:
root_id = source_id
sql_inherit = self.get_inheriting_views_arch(source_id, model)
for (specs, view_id) in sql_inherit:
specs_tree = etree.fromstring(specs.encode('utf-8'))
if self._context.get('inherit_branding'):
self.inherit_branding(specs_tree, view_id, root_id)
source = self.apply_inheritance_specs(source, specs_tree, view_id)
source = self.apply_view_inheritance(source, view_id, model, root_id=root_id)
return source
def read_combined(self, fields=None):
Utility function to get a view combined with its inherited views.
* Gets the top of the view tree if a sub-view is requested
* Applies all inherited archs on the root view
* Returns the view with all requested fields
.. note:: ``arch`` is always added to the fields list even if not
requested (similar to ``id``)
# introduce check_view_ids in context
if 'check_view_ids' not in self._context:
self = self.with_context(check_view_ids=[])
check_view_ids = self._context['check_view_ids']
# if view_id is not a root view, climb back to the top.
root = self
while root.mode != 'primary':
# Add inherited views to the list of loading forced views
# Otherwise, inherited views could not find elements created in their direct parents if that parent is defined in the same module
root = root.inherit_id
# arch and model fields are always returned
if fields:
fields = list({'arch', 'model'}.union(fields))
# read the view arch
[view_data] = root.read(fields=fields)
view_arch = etree.fromstring(view_data['arch'].encode('utf-8'))
if not root.inherit_id:
arch_tree = view_arch
parent_view = root.inherit_id.read_combined(fields=fields)
arch_tree = etree.fromstring(parent_view['arch'])
arch_tree = self.apply_inheritance_specs(arch_tree, view_arch, parent_view['id'])
if self._context.get('inherit_branding'):
'data-oe-model': 'ir.ui.view',
'data-oe-id': str(root.id),
'data-oe-field': 'arch',
# and apply inheritance
arch = self.apply_view_inheritance(arch_tree, root.id, self.model)
return dict(view_data, arch=etree.tostring(arch, encoding='unicode'))
def _apply_group(self, model, node, modifiers, fields):
"""Apply group restrictions, may be set at view level or model level::
* at view level this means the element should be made invisible to
people who are not members
* at model level (exclusively for fields, obviously), this means
the field should be completely removed from the view, as it is
completely unavailable for non-members
:return: True if field should be included in the result of fields_view_get
Model = self.env[model]
if node.tag == 'field' and node.get('name') in Model._fields:
field = Model._fields[node.get('name')]
if field.groups and not self.user_has_groups(groups=field.groups):
fields.pop(node.get('name'), None)
# no point processing view-level ``groups`` anymore, return
return False
if node.get('groups'):
can_see = self.user_has_groups(groups=node.get('groups'))
if not can_see:
node.set('invisible', '1')
modifiers['invisible'] = True
if 'attrs' in node.attrib:
del node.attrib['attrs'] # avoid making field visible later
del node.attrib['groups']
return True
# Postprocessing: translation, groups and modifiers
# TODO: remove group processing from ir_qweb
def postprocess(self, model, node, view_id, in_tree_view, model_fields):
"""Return the description of the fields in the node.
In a normal call to this method, node is a complete view architecture
but it is actually possible to give some sub-node (this is used so
that the method can call itself recursively).
Originally, the field descriptions are drawn from the node itself.
But there is now some code calling fields_get() in order to merge some
of those information in the architecture.
result = False
fields = {}
children = True
modifiers = {}
if model not in self.env:
self.raise_view_error(_('Model not found: %(model)s') % dict(model=model), view_id)
Model = self.env[model]
if node.tag in ('field', 'node', 'arrow'):
if node.get('object'):
attrs = {}
views = {}
xml_form = E.form(*(f for f in node if f.tag == 'field'))
xarch, xfields = self.with_context(base_model_name=model).postprocess_and_fields(node.get('object'), xml_form, view_id)
views['form'] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields,
attrs = {'views': views}
fields = xfields
if node.get('name'):
attrs = {}
field = Model._fields.get(node.get('name'))
if field:
children = False
views = {}
for f in node:
if f.tag in ('form', 'tree', 'graph', 'kanban', 'calendar'):
xarch, xfields = self.with_context(base_model_name=model).postprocess_and_fields(field.comodel_name, f, view_id)
views[str(f.tag)] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields,
attrs = {'views': views}
if field.comodel_name in self.env and field.type in ('many2one', 'many2many'):
Comodel = self.env[field.comodel_name]
node.set('can_create', 'true' if Comodel.check_access_rights('create', raise_exception=False) else 'false')
node.set('can_write', 'true' if Comodel.check_access_rights('write', raise_exception=False) else 'false')
fields[node.get('name')] = attrs
field = model_fields.get(node.get('name'))
if field:
orm.transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers)
elif node.tag in ('form', 'tree'):
result = Model.view_header_get(False, node.tag)
if result:
node.set('string', result)
in_tree_view = node.tag == 'tree'
elif node.tag == 'calendar':
for additional_field in ('date_start', 'date_delay', 'date_stop', 'color', 'all_day'):
if node.get(additional_field):
fields[node.get(additional_field).split('.', 1)[0]] = {}
for f in node:
if f.tag == 'filter':
fields[f.get('name')] = {}
if not self._apply_group(model, node, modifiers, fields):
# node must be removed, no need to proceed further with its children
return fields
# The view architeture overrides the python model.
# Get the attrs before they are (possibly) deleted by check_group below
orm.transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers, self._context, in_tree_view)
for f in node:
if children or (node.tag == 'field' and f.tag in ('filter', 'separator')):
fields.update(self.postprocess(model, f, view_id, in_tree_view, model_fields))
orm.transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node)
return fields
def add_on_change(self, model_name, arch):
""" Add attribute on_change="1" on fields that are dependencies of
computed fields on the same view.
# map each field object to its corresponding nodes in arch
field_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
def collect(node, model):
if node.tag == 'field':
field = model._fields.get(node.get('name'))
if field:
if field.relational:
model = self.env[field.comodel_name]
for child in node:
collect(child, model)
collect(arch, self.env[model_name])
for field, nodes in field_nodes.items():
# if field should trigger an onchange, add on_change="1" on the
# nodes referring to field
model = self.env[field.model_name]
if model._has_onchange(field, field_nodes):
for node in nodes:
if not node.get('on_change'):
node.set('on_change', '1')
return arch
def get_attrs_symbols(self):
""" Return a set of predefined symbols for evaluating attrs. """
return {
'True', 'False', 'None', # those are identifiers in Python 2.7
def get_attrs_field_names(self, arch):
""" Retrieve the field names appearing in context, domain and attrs, and
return a list of triples ``(field_name, attr_name, attr_value)``.
symbols = self.get_attrs_symbols() | {None}
result = []
def get_name(node):
""" return the name from an AST node, or None """
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
return node.id
def get_subname(get, node):
""" return the subfield name from an AST node, or None """
if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute) and get(node.value) == 'parent':
return node.attr
def process_expr(expr, get, key, val):
""" parse `expr` and collect triples """
for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(expr.strip(), mode='eval')):
name = get(node)
if name not in symbols:
result.append((name, key, val))
def process_attrs(expr, get, key, val):
""" parse `expr` and collect field names in lhs of conditions. """
for domain in safe_eval(expr).values():
if not isinstance(domain, list):
for arg in domain:
if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
process_expr(str(arg[0]), get, key, expr)
def process(node, get=get_name):
""" traverse `node` and collect triples """
for key, val in node.items():
if not val:
process_expr(val, get, key, val)
elif key == 'attrs':
process_attrs(val, get, key, val)
if node.tag == 'field':
# retrieve subfields of 'parent'
get = partial(get_subname, get)
for child in node:
process(child, get)
return result
def postprocess_and_fields(self, model, node, view_id):
""" Return an architecture and a description of all the fields.
The field description combines the result of fields_get() and
:param node: the architecture as as an etree
:return: a tuple (arch, fields) where arch is the given node as a
string and fields is the description of all the fields.
fields = {}
if model not in self.env:
self.raise_view_error(_('Model not found: %(model)s') % dict(model=model), view_id)
Model = self.env[model]
is_base_model = self.env.context.get('base_model_name', model) == model
if node.tag == 'diagram':
if node.getchildren()[0].tag == 'node':
node_model = self.env[node.getchildren()[0].get('object')]
node_fields = node_model.fields_get(None)
if (not node.get("create") and
not node_model.check_access_rights('create', raise_exception=False) or
not self._context.get("create", True) and is_base_model):
node.set("create", 'false')
if node.getchildren()[1].tag == 'arrow':
arrow_fields = self.env[node.getchildren()[1].get('object')].fields_get(None)
fields = Model.fields_get(None)
node = self.add_on_change(model, node)
attrs_fields = []
if self.env.context.get('check_field_names'):
attrs_fields = self.get_attrs_field_names(node)
fields_def = self.postprocess(model, node, view_id, False, fields)
if node.tag in ('kanban', 'tree', 'form', 'gantt'):
for action, operation in (('create', 'create'), ('delete', 'unlink'), ('edit', 'write')):
if (not node.get(action) and
not Model.check_access_rights(operation, raise_exception=False) or
not self._context.get(action, True) and is_base_model):
node.set(action, 'false')
if node.tag in ('kanban',):
group_by_name = node.get('default_group_by')
if group_by_name in Model._fields:
group_by_field = Model._fields[group_by_name]
if group_by_field.type == 'many2one':
group_by_model = Model.env[group_by_field.comodel_name]
for action, operation in (('group_create', 'create'), ('group_delete', 'unlink'), ('group_edit', 'write')):
if (not node.get(action) and
not group_by_model.check_access_rights(operation, raise_exception=False) or
not self._context.get(action, True) and is_base_model):
node.set(action, 'false')
arch = etree.tostring(node, encoding="unicode").replace('\t', '')
for k in list(fields):
if k not in fields_def:
del fields[k]
for field in fields_def:
if field in fields:
message = _("Field `%(field_name)s` does not exist") % dict(field_name=field)
self.raise_view_error(message, view_id)
missing = [item for item in attrs_fields if item[0] not in fields]
if missing:
msg_lines = []
msg_fmt = _("Field %r used in attributes must be present in view but is missing:")
line_fmt = _(" - %r in %s=%r")
for name, lines in itertools.groupby(sorted(missing), itemgetter(0)):
if msg_lines:
msg_lines.append(msg_fmt % name)
for line in lines:
msg_lines.append(line_fmt % line)
self.raise_view_error("\n".join(msg_lines), view_id)
return arch, fields
# QWeb template views
def _read_template_keys(self):
""" Return the list of context keys to use for caching ``_read_template``. """
return ['lang', 'inherit_branding', 'editable', 'translatable', 'edit_translations', 'website_id']
# apply ormcache_context decorator unless in dev mode...
'xml' not in config['dev_mode'],
tools.ormcache('frozenset(self.env.user.groups_id.ids)', 'view_id',
'tuple(self._context.get(k) for k in self._read_template_keys())'),
def _read_template(self, view_id):
arch = self.browse(view_id).read_combined(['arch'])['arch']
arch_tree = etree.fromstring(arch)
root = E.templates(arch_tree)
arch = etree.tostring(root, encoding='unicode')
return arch
def read_template(self, xml_id):
return self._read_template(self.get_view_id(xml_id))
def get_view_id(self, template):
""" Return the view ID corresponding to ``template``, which may be a
view ID or an XML ID. Note that this method may be overridden for other
kinds of template values.
if isinstance(template, pycompat.integer_types):
return template
if '.' not in template:
raise ValueError('Invalid template id: %r' % template)
return self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id(template, raise_if_not_found=True)
def clear_cache(self):
""" Deprecated, use `clear_caches` instead. """
if 'xml' not in config['dev_mode']:
def _contains_branded(self, node):
return node.tag == 't'\
or 't-raw' in node.attrib\
or any(self.is_node_branded(child) for child in node.iterdescendants())
def _pop_view_branding(self, element):
distributed_branding = dict(
(attribute, element.attrib.pop(attribute))
for attribute in MOVABLE_BRANDING
if element.get(attribute))
return distributed_branding
def distribute_branding(self, e, branding=None, parent_xpath='',
if e.get('t-ignore') or e.tag == 'head':
# remove any view branding possibly injected by inheritance
for descendant in e.iterdescendants(tag=etree.Element):
if not attrs.intersection(descendant.attrib):
# TODO: find a better name and check if we have a string to boolean helper
node_path = e.get('data-oe-xpath')
if node_path is None:
node_path = "%s/%s[%d]" % (parent_xpath, e.tag, index_map[e.tag])
if branding and not (e.get('data-oe-model') or e.get('t-field')):
e.set('data-oe-xpath', node_path)
if not e.get('data-oe-model'):
if {'t-esc', 't-raw'}.intersection(e.attrib):
# nodes which fully generate their content and have no reason to
# be branded because they can not sensibly be edited
elif self._contains_branded(e):
# if a branded element contains branded elements distribute own
# branding to children unless it's t-raw, then just remove branding
# on current element
distributed_branding = self._pop_view_branding(e)
if 't-raw' not in e.attrib:
# TODO: collections.Counter if remove p2.6 compat
# running index by tag type, for XPath query generation
indexes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for child in e.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
if child.get('data-oe-xpath'):
# injected by view inheritance, skip otherwise
# generated xpath is incorrect
indexes[child.tag] += 1
child, distributed_branding,
parent_xpath=node_path, index_map=indexes)
def is_node_branded(self, node):
""" Finds out whether a node is branded or qweb-active (bears a
@data-oe-model or a @t-* *which is not t-field* as t-field does not
section out views)
:param node: an etree-compatible element to test
:type node: etree._Element
:rtype: boolean
return any(
(attr in ('data-oe-model', 'group') or (attr.startswith('t-')))
for attr in node.attrib
def translate_qweb(self, arch, lang):
# Deprecated: templates are translated once read from database
return arch
def get_view_xmlid(self):
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('res_id', '=', self.id)]
xmlid = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['module', 'name'])[0]
return '%s.%s' % (xmlid['module'], xmlid['name'])
def render_template(self, template, values=None, engine='ir.qweb'):
return self.browse(self.get_view_id(template)).render(values, engine)
def render(self, values=None, engine='ir.qweb'):
assert isinstance(self.id, pycompat.integer_types)
qcontext = self._prepare_qcontext()
qcontext.update(values or {})
return self.env[engine].render(self.id, qcontext)
def _prepare_qcontext(self):
""" Returns the qcontext : rendering context with website specific value (required
to render website layout template)
qcontext = dict(
request=request, # might be unbound if we're not in an httprequest context
debug=request.debug if request else False,
return qcontext
# Misc
def open_translations(self):
""" Open a view for editing the translations of field 'arch_db'. """
return self.env['ir.translation'].translate_fields('ir.ui.view', self.id, 'arch_db')
def graph_get(self, id, model, node_obj, conn_obj, src_node, des_node, label, scale):
def rec_name(rec):
return (rec.name if 'name' in rec else
rec.x_name if 'x_name' in rec else
nodes = []
nodes_name = []
transitions = []
start = []
tres = {}
labels = {}
no_ancester = []
blank_nodes = []
Model = self.env[model]
Node = self.env[node_obj]
for model_key, model_value in Model._fields.items():
if model_value.type == 'one2many':
if model_value.comodel_name == node_obj:
_Node_Field = model_key
_Model_Field = model_value.inverse_name
for node_key, node_value in Node._fields.items():
if node_value.type == 'one2many':
if node_value.comodel_name == conn_obj:
# _Source_Field = "Incoming Arrows" (connected via des_node)
if node_value.inverse_name == des_node:
_Source_Field = node_key
# _Destination_Field = "Outgoing Arrows" (connected via src_node)
if node_value.inverse_name == src_node:
_Destination_Field = node_key
record = Model.browse(id)
for line in record[_Node_Field]:
if line[_Source_Field] or line[_Destination_Field]:
nodes_name.append((line.id, rec_name(line)))
blank_nodes.append({'id': line.id, 'name': rec_name(line)})
if 'flow_start' in line and line.flow_start:
elif not line[_Source_Field]:
for t in line[_Destination_Field]:
transitions.append((line.id, t[des_node].id))
tres[str(t['id'])] = (line.id, t[des_node].id)
label_string = ""
if label:
for lbl in safe_eval(label):
if tools.ustr(lbl) in t and tools.ustr(t[lbl]) == 'False':
label_string += ' '
label_string = label_string + " " + tools.ustr(t[lbl])
labels[str(t['id'])] = (line.id, label_string)
g = graph(nodes, transitions, no_ancester)
result = g.result_get()
results = {}
for node_id, node_name in nodes_name:
results[str(node_id)] = result[node_id]
results[str(node_id)]['name'] = node_name
return {'nodes': results,
'transitions': tres,
'label': labels,
'blank_nodes': blank_nodes,
'node_parent_field': _Model_Field}
def _validate_custom_views(self, model):
"""Validate architecture of custom views (= without xml id) for a given model.
This method is called at the end of registry update.
query = """SELECT max(v.id)
FROM ir_ui_view v
LEFT JOIN ir_model_data md ON (md.model = 'ir.ui.view' AND md.res_id = v.id)
WHERE md.module NOT IN (SELECT name FROM ir_module_module)
AND v.model = %s
AND v.active = true
GROUP BY coalesce(v.inherit_id, v.id)"""
self._cr.execute(query, [model])
rec = self.browse(it[0] for it in self._cr.fetchall())
return rec.with_context({'load_all_views': True})._check_xml()
def _validate_module_views(self, module):
"""Validate architecture of all the views of a given module"""
assert not self.pool._init or module in self.pool._init_modules
xmlid_filter = ''
params = (module,)
if self.pool._init:
# only validate the views that are still existing...
xmlid_filter = "AND md.name IN %s"
names = tuple(
for (xmod, name), (model, res_id) in self.pool.model_data_reference_ids.items()
if xmod == module and model == self._name
if not names:
# no views for this module, nothing to validate
params += (names,)
query = """SELECT max(v.id)
FROM ir_ui_view v
LEFT JOIN ir_model_data md ON (md.model = 'ir.ui.view' AND md.res_id = v.id)
WHERE md.module = %s {0}
GROUP BY coalesce(v.inherit_id, v.id)""".format(xmlid_filter)
self._cr.execute(query, params)
for vid, in self._cr.fetchall():
except Exception as e:
self.raise_view_error("Can't validate view:\n%s" % e, vid)