
627 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import requests
from PIL import Image
import base64
import datetime
import io
import json
import re
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import slug
from odoo.tools import image
from odoo.tools.translate import html_translate
from odoo.exceptions import Warning
class Channel(models.Model):
""" A channel is a container of slides. It has group-based access configuration
allowing to configure slide upload and access. Slides can be promoted in
channels. """
_name = 'slide.channel'
_description = 'Channel for Slides'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata', 'website.published.mixin']
_order = 'sequence, id'
_order_by_strategy = {
'most_viewed': 'total_views desc',
'most_voted': 'likes desc',
'latest': 'date_published desc',
name = fields.Char('Name', translate=True, required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
description = fields.Html('Description', translate=html_translate, sanitize_attributes=False)
sequence = fields.Integer(default=10, help='Display order')
category_ids = fields.One2many('slide.category', 'channel_id', string="Categories")
slide_ids = fields.One2many('slide.slide', 'channel_id', string="Slides")
promote_strategy = fields.Selection([
('none', 'No Featured Presentation'),
('latest', 'Latest Published'),
('most_voted', 'Most Voted'),
('most_viewed', 'Most Viewed'),
('custom', 'Featured Presentation')],
string="Featuring Policy", default='most_voted', required=True)
custom_slide_id = fields.Many2one('slide.slide', string='Slide to Promote')
promoted_slide_id = fields.Many2one('slide.slide', string='Featured Slide', compute='_compute_promoted_slide_id', store=True)
@api.depends('custom_slide_id', 'promote_strategy', 'slide_ids.likes',
'slide_ids.total_views', "slide_ids.date_published")
def _compute_promoted_slide_id(self):
for record in self:
if record.promote_strategy == 'none':
record.promoted_slide_id = False
elif record.promote_strategy == 'custom':
record.promoted_slide_id = record.custom_slide_id
elif record.promote_strategy:
slides = self.env['slide.slide'].search(
[('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id', '=', record.id)],
limit=1, order=self._order_by_strategy[record.promote_strategy])
record.promoted_slide_id = slides and slides[0] or False
nbr_presentations = fields.Integer('Number of Presentations', compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
nbr_documents = fields.Integer('Number of Documents', compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
nbr_videos = fields.Integer('Number of Videos', compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
nbr_infographics = fields.Integer('Number of Infographics', compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
total = fields.Integer(compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
@api.depends('slide_ids.slide_type', 'slide_ids.website_published')
def _count_presentations(self):
result = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, dict())
res = self.env['slide.slide'].read_group(
[('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id', 'in', self.ids)],
['channel_id', 'slide_type'], ['channel_id', 'slide_type'],
for res_group in res:
result[res_group['channel_id'][0]][res_group['slide_type']] = result[res_group['channel_id'][0]].get(res_group['slide_type'], 0) + res_group['__count']
for record in self:
record.nbr_presentations = result[record.id].get('presentation', 0)
record.nbr_documents = result[record.id].get('document', 0)
record.nbr_videos = result[record.id].get('video', 0)
record.nbr_infographics = result[record.id].get('infographic', 0)
record.total = record.nbr_presentations + record.nbr_documents + record.nbr_videos + record.nbr_infographics
publish_template_id = fields.Many2one(
'mail.template', string='Published Template',
help="Email template to send slide publication through email",
default=lambda self: self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('website_slides.slide_template_published'))
share_template_id = fields.Many2one(
'mail.template', string='Shared Template',
help="Email template used when sharing a slide",
default=lambda self: self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('website_slides.slide_template_shared'))
visibility = fields.Selection([
('public', 'Public'),
('private', 'Private'),
('partial', 'Show channel but restrict presentations')],
default='public', required=True)
group_ids = fields.Many2many(
'res.groups', 'rel_channel_groups', 'channel_id', 'group_id',
string='Channel Groups', help="Groups allowed to see presentations in this channel")
access_error_msg = fields.Html(
'Error Message', help="Message to display when not accessible due to access rights",
default=lambda s: _("<p>This channel is private and its content is restricted to some users.</p>"),
translate=html_translate, sanitize_attributes=False)
upload_group_ids = fields.Many2many(
'res.groups', 'rel_upload_groups', 'channel_id', 'group_id',
string='Upload Groups', help="Groups allowed to upload presentations in this channel. If void, every user can upload.")
# not stored access fields, depending on each user
can_see = fields.Boolean('Can See', compute='_compute_access', search='_search_can_see')
can_see_full = fields.Boolean('Full Access', compute='_compute_access')
can_upload = fields.Boolean('Can Upload', compute='_compute_access')
def _search_can_see(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ('=', '!=', '<>'):
raise ValueError('Invalid operator: %s' % (operator,))
if not value:
operator = operator == "=" and '!=' or '='
if self._uid == SUPERUSER_ID:
return [(1, '=', 1)]
# Better perfs to split request and use inner join that left join
req = """
SELECT id FROM slide_channel WHERE visibility='public'
FROM slide_channel c
INNER JOIN rel_channel_groups rg on c.id = rg.channel_id
INNER JOIN res_groups g on g.id = rg.group_id
INNER JOIN res_groups_users_rel u on g.id = u.gid and uid = %s
op = operator == "=" and "inselect" or "not inselect"
# don't use param named because orm will add other param (test_active, ...)
return [('id', op, (req, (self._uid, )))]
@api.depends('visibility', 'group_ids', 'upload_group_ids')
def _compute_access(self):
self.can_see = self.visibility in ['public', 'private'] or bool(self.group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id)
self.can_see_full = self.visibility == 'public' or bool(self.group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id)
self.can_upload = self.can_see and (not self.upload_group_ids or bool(self.upload_group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id))
def _compute_website_url(self):
super(Channel, self)._compute_website_url()
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
for channel in self:
if channel.id: # avoid to perform a slug on a not yet saved record in case of an onchange.
channel.website_url = '%s/slides/%s' % (base_url, slug(channel))
def change_visibility(self):
if self.visibility == 'public':
self.group_ids = False
def write(self, vals):
res = super(Channel, self).write(vals)
if 'active' in vals:
# archiving/unarchiving a channel does it on its slides, too
self.with_context(active_test=False).mapped('slide_ids').write({'active': vals['active']})
return res
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, parent_id=False, subtype=None, **kwargs):
""" Temporary workaround to avoid spam. If someone replies on a channel
through the 'Presentation Published' email, it should be considered as a
note as we don't want all channel followers to be notified of this answer. """
if parent_id:
parent_message = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(parent_id)
if parent_message.subtype_id and parent_message.subtype_id == self.env.ref('website_slides.mt_channel_slide_published'):
if kwargs.get('subtype_id'):
kwargs['subtype_id'] = False
subtype = 'mail.mt_note'
return super(Channel, self).message_post(parent_id=parent_id, subtype=subtype, **kwargs)
class Category(models.Model):
""" Channel contain various categories to manage its slides """
_name = 'slide.category'
_description = "Slides Category"
_order = "sequence, id"
name = fields.Char('Name', translate=True, required=True)
channel_id = fields.Many2one('slide.channel', string="Channel", required=True, ondelete='cascade')
sequence = fields.Integer(default=10, help='Display order')
slide_ids = fields.One2many('slide.slide', 'category_id', string="Slides")
nbr_presentations = fields.Integer("Number of Presentations", compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
nbr_documents = fields.Integer("Number of Documents", compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
nbr_videos = fields.Integer("Number of Videos", compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
nbr_infographics = fields.Integer("Number of Infographics", compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
total = fields.Integer(compute='_count_presentations', store=True)
@api.depends('slide_ids.slide_type', 'slide_ids.website_published')
def _count_presentations(self):
result = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, dict())
res = self.env['slide.slide'].read_group(
[('website_published', '=', True), ('category_id', 'in', self.ids)],
['category_id', 'slide_type'], ['category_id', 'slide_type'],
for res_group in res:
result[res_group['category_id'][0]][res_group['slide_type']] = result[res_group['category_id'][0]].get(res_group['slide_type'], 0) + res_group['__count']
for record in self:
record.nbr_presentations = result[record.id].get('presentation', 0)
record.nbr_documents = result[record.id].get('document', 0)
record.nbr_videos = result[record.id].get('video', 0)
record.nbr_infographics = result[record.id].get('infographic', 0)
record.total = record.nbr_presentations + record.nbr_documents + record.nbr_videos + record.nbr_infographics
class EmbeddedSlide(models.Model):
""" Embedding in third party websites. Track view count, generate statistics. """
_name = 'slide.embed'
_description = 'Embedded Slides View Counter'
_rec_name = 'slide_id'
slide_id = fields.Many2one('slide.slide', string="Presentation", required=True, index=True)
url = fields.Char('Third Party Website URL', required=True)
count_views = fields.Integer('# Views', default=1)
def add_embed_url(self, slide_id, url):
baseurl = urls.url_parse(url).netloc
embeds = self.search([('url', '=', baseurl), ('slide_id', '=', int(slide_id))], limit=1)
if embeds:
embeds.count_views += 1
embeds = self.create({
'slide_id': slide_id,
'url': baseurl,
return embeds.count_views
class SlideTag(models.Model):
""" Tag to search slides accross channels. """
_name = 'slide.tag'
_description = 'Slide Tag'
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('slide_tag_unique', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'A tag must be unique!'),
class Slide(models.Model):
""" This model represents actual presentations. Those must be one of four
- Presentation
- Document
- Infographic
- Video
Slide has various statistics like view count, embed count, like, dislikes """
_name = 'slide.slide'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata', 'website.published.mixin']
_description = 'Slides'
_mail_post_access = 'read'
'__last_update', 'name', 'image_thumb', 'image_medium', 'slide_type', 'total_views', 'category_id',
'channel_id', 'description', 'tag_ids', 'write_date', 'create_date',
'website_published', 'website_url', 'website_meta_title', 'website_meta_description', 'website_meta_keywords']
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(channel_id, name)', 'The slide name must be unique within a channel')
# description
name = fields.Char('Title', required=True, translate=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
description = fields.Text('Description', translate=True)
channel_id = fields.Many2one('slide.channel', string="Channel", required=True)
category_id = fields.Many2one('slide.category', string="Category", domain="[('channel_id', '=', channel_id)]")
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('slide.tag', 'rel_slide_tag', 'slide_id', 'tag_id', string='Tags')
download_security = fields.Selection(
[('none', 'No One'), ('user', 'Authenticated Users Only'), ('public', 'Everyone')],
string='Download Security',
required=True, default='user')
image = fields.Binary('Image', attachment=True)
image_medium = fields.Binary('Medium', compute="_get_image", store=True, attachment=True)
image_thumb = fields.Binary('Thumbnail', compute="_get_image", store=True, attachment=True)
def _get_image(self):
for record in self:
if record.image:
record.image_medium = image.crop_image(record.image, type='top', ratio=(4, 3), size=(500, 400))
record.image_thumb = image.crop_image(record.image, type='top', ratio=(4, 3), size=(200, 200))
record.image_medium = False
record.iamge_thumb = False
# content
slide_type = fields.Selection([
('infographic', 'Infographic'),
('presentation', 'Presentation'),
('document', 'Document'),
('video', 'Video')],
string='Type', required=True,
help="The document type will be set automatically based on the document URL and properties (e.g. height and width for presentation and document).")
index_content = fields.Text('Transcript')
datas = fields.Binary('Content', attachment=True)
url = fields.Char('Document URL', help="Youtube or Google Document URL")
document_id = fields.Char('Document ID', help="Youtube or Google Document ID")
mime_type = fields.Char('Mime-type')
def on_change_url(self):
if self.url:
res = self._parse_document_url(self.url)
if res.get('error'):
raise Warning(_('Could not fetch data from url. Document or access right not available:\n%s') % res['error'])
values = res['values']
if not values.get('document_id'):
raise Warning(_('Please enter valid Youtube or Google Doc URL'))
for key, value in values.items():
self[key] = value
# website
date_published = fields.Datetime('Publish Date')
likes = fields.Integer('Likes')
dislikes = fields.Integer('Dislikes')
# views
embedcount_ids = fields.One2many('slide.embed', 'slide_id', string="Embed Count")
slide_views = fields.Integer('# of Website Views')
embed_views = fields.Integer('# of Embedded Views')
total_views = fields.Integer("Total # Views", default="0", compute='_compute_total', store=True)
@api.depends('slide_views', 'embed_views')
def _compute_total(self):
for record in self:
record.total_views = record.slide_views + record.embed_views
embed_code = fields.Text('Embed Code', readonly=True, compute='_get_embed_code')
def _get_embed_code(self):
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
for record in self:
if record.datas and (not record.document_id or record.slide_type in ['document', 'presentation']):
record.embed_code = '<iframe src="%s/slides/embed/%s?page=1" allowFullScreen="true" height="%s" width="%s" frameborder="0"></iframe>' % (base_url, record.id, 315, 420)
elif record.slide_type == 'video' and record.document_id:
if not record.mime_type:
# embed youtube video
record.embed_code = '<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/%s?theme=light" allowFullScreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>' % (record.document_id)
# embed google doc video
record.embed_code = '<iframe src="//drive.google.com/file/d/%s/preview" allowFullScreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>' % (record.document_id)
record.embed_code = False
def _compute_website_url(self):
super(Slide, self)._compute_website_url()
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
for slide in self:
if slide.id: # avoid to perform a slug on a not yet saved record in case of an onchange.
# link_tracker is not in dependencies, so use it to shorten url only if installed.
if self.env.registry.get('link.tracker'):
url = self.env['link.tracker'].sudo().create({
'url': '%s/slides/slide/%s' % (base_url, slug(slide)),
'title': slide.name,
url = '%s/slides/slide/%s' % (base_url, slug(slide))
slide.website_url = url
def create(self, values):
if not values.get('index_content'):
values['index_content'] = values.get('description')
if values.get('slide_type') == 'infographic' and not values.get('image'):
values['image'] = values['datas']
if values.get('website_published') and not values.get('date_published'):
values['date_published'] = datetime.datetime.now()
if values.get('url') and not values.get('document_id'):
doc_data = self._parse_document_url(values['url']).get('values', dict())
for key, value in doc_data.items():
values.setdefault(key, value)
# Do not publish slide if user has not publisher rights
if not self.user_has_groups('website.group_website_publisher'):
values['website_published'] = False
slide = super(Slide, self).create(values)
return slide
def write(self, values):
if values.get('url') and values['url'] != self.url:
doc_data = self._parse_document_url(values['url']).get('values', dict())
for key, value in doc_data.items():
values.setdefault(key, value)
if values.get('channel_id'):
custom_channels = self.env['slide.channel'].search([('custom_slide_id', '=', self.id), ('id', '!=', values.get('channel_id'))])
custom_channels.write({'custom_slide_id': False})
res = super(Slide, self).write(values)
if values.get('website_published'):
self.date_published = datetime.datetime.now()
return res
def check_field_access_rights(self, operation, fields):
""" As per channel access configuration (visibility)
- public ==> no restriction on slides access
- private ==> restrict all slides of channel based on access group defined on channel group_ids field
- partial ==> show channel, but presentations based on groups means any user can see channel but not slide's content.
For private: implement using record rule
For partial: user can see channel, but channel gridview have slide detail so we have to implement
partial field access mechanism for public user so he can have access of promotional field (name, view_count) of slides,
but not all fields like data (actual pdf content)
all fields should be accessible only for user group defined on channel group_ids
if self.env.uid == SUPERUSER_ID:
return fields or list(self._fields)
fields = super(Slide, self).check_field_access_rights(operation, fields)
# still read not perform so we can not access self.channel_id
if self.ids:
self.env.cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT channel_id FROM ' + self._table + ' WHERE id IN %s', (tuple(self.ids),))
channel_ids = [x[0] for x in self.env.cr.fetchall()]
channels = self.env['slide.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_ids)
limited_access = all(channel.visibility == 'partial' and
not len(channel.group_ids & self.env.user.groups_id)
for channel in channels)
if limited_access:
fields = [field for field in fields if field in self._PROMOTIONAL_FIELDS]
return fields
def get_access_action(self, access_uid=None):
""" Instead of the classic form view, redirect to website if it is published. """
if self.website_published:
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': '%s' % self.website_url,
'target': 'self',
'target_type': 'public',
'res_id': self.id,
return super(Slide, self).get_access_action(access_uid)
def _notification_recipients(self, message, groups):
groups = super(Slide, self)._notification_recipients(message, groups)
if self.website_published:
for group_name, group_method, group_data in groups:
group_data['has_button_access'] = True
return groups
def get_related_slides(self, limit=20):
domain = [('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id.visibility', '!=', 'private'), ('id', '!=', self.id)]
if self.category_id:
domain += [('category_id', '=', self.category_id.id)]
for record in self.search(domain, limit=limit):
yield record
def get_most_viewed_slides(self, limit=20):
for record in self.search([('website_published', '=', True), ('channel_id.visibility', '!=', 'private'), ('id', '!=', self.id)], limit=limit, order='total_views desc'):
yield record
def _post_publication(self):
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
for slide in self.filtered(lambda slide: slide.website_published and slide.channel_id.publish_template_id):
publish_template = slide.channel_id.publish_template_id
html_body = publish_template.with_context(base_url=base_url).render_template(publish_template.body_html, 'slide.slide', slide.id)
subject = publish_template.render_template(publish_template.subject, 'slide.slide', slide.id)
return True
def send_share_email(self, email):
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
return self.channel_id.share_template_id.with_context(email=email, base_url=base_url).send_mail(self.id)
# --------------------------------------------------
# Parsing methods
# --------------------------------------------------
def _fetch_data(self, base_url, data, content_type=False, extra_params=False):
result = {'values': dict()}
response = requests.get(base_url, params=data)
if content_type == 'json':
result['values'] = response.json()
elif content_type in ('image', 'pdf'):
result['values'] = base64.b64encode(response.content)
result['values'] = response.content
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
result['error'] = e.response.content
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
result['error'] = str(e)
return result
def _find_document_data_from_url(self, url):
expr = re.compile(r'^.*((youtu.be/)|(v/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*')
arg = expr.match(url)
document_id = arg and arg.group(7) or False
if document_id:
return ('youtube', document_id)
expr = re.compile(r'(^https:\/\/docs.google.com|^https:\/\/drive.google.com).*\/d\/([^\/]*)')
arg = expr.match(url)
document_id = arg and arg.group(2) or False
if document_id:
return ('google', document_id)
return (None, False)
def _parse_document_url(self, url, only_preview_fields=False):
document_source, document_id = self._find_document_data_from_url(url)
if document_source and hasattr(self, '_parse_%s_document' % document_source):
return getattr(self, '_parse_%s_document' % document_source)(document_id, only_preview_fields)
return {'error': _('Unknown document')}
def _parse_youtube_document(self, document_id, only_preview_fields):
key = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('website_slides.google_app_key')
fetch_res = self._fetch_data('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos', {'id': document_id, 'key': key, 'part': 'snippet', 'fields': 'items(id,snippet)'}, 'json')
if fetch_res.get('error'):
return fetch_res
values = {'slide_type': 'video', 'document_id': document_id}
items = fetch_res['values'].get('items')
if not items:
return {'error': _('Please enter valid Youtube or Google Doc URL')}
youtube_values = items[0]
if youtube_values.get('snippet'):
snippet = youtube_values['snippet']
if only_preview_fields:
'url_src': snippet['thumbnails']['high']['url'],
'title': snippet['title'],
'description': snippet['description']
return values
'name': snippet['title'],
'image': self._fetch_data(snippet['thumbnails']['high']['url'], {}, 'image')['values'],
'description': snippet['description'],
'mime_type': False,
return {'values': values}
def _parse_google_document(self, document_id, only_preview_fields):
def get_slide_type(vals):
slide_type = 'presentation'
if vals.get('image'):
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(vals['image'])))
width, height = image.size
if height > width:
return 'document'
return slide_type
# Google drive doesn't use a simple API key to access the data, but requires an access
# token. However, this token is generated in module google_drive, which is not in the
# dependencies of website_slides. We still keep the 'key' parameter just in case, but that
# is probably useless.
params = {}
params['projection'] = 'BASIC'
if 'google.drive.config' in self.env:
access_token = self.env['google.drive.config'].get_access_token()
if access_token:
params['access_token'] = access_token
if not params.get('access_token'):
params['key'] = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('website_slides.google_app_key')
fetch_res = self._fetch_data('https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/%s' % document_id, params, "json")
if fetch_res.get('error'):
return fetch_res
google_values = fetch_res['values']
if only_preview_fields:
return {
'url_src': google_values['thumbnailLink'],
'title': google_values['title'],
values = {
'name': google_values['title'],
'image': self._fetch_data(google_values['thumbnailLink'].replace('=s220', ''), {}, 'image')['values'],
'mime_type': google_values['mimeType'],
'document_id': document_id,
if google_values['mimeType'].startswith('video/'):
values['slide_type'] = 'video'
elif google_values['mimeType'].startswith('image/'):
values['datas'] = values['image']
values['slide_type'] = 'infographic'
elif google_values['mimeType'].startswith('application/vnd.google-apps'):
values['slide_type'] = get_slide_type(values)
if 'exportLinks' in google_values:
values['datas'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['exportLinks']['application/pdf'], params, 'pdf', extra_params=True)['values']
# Content indexing
if google_values['exportLinks'].get('text/plain'):
values['index_content'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['exportLinks']['text/plain'], params, extra_params=True)['values']
elif google_values['exportLinks'].get('text/csv'):
values['index_content'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['exportLinks']['text/csv'], params, extra_params=True)['values']
elif google_values['mimeType'] == 'application/pdf':
# TODO: Google Drive PDF document doesn't provide plain text transcript
values['datas'] = self._fetch_data(google_values['webContentLink'], {}, 'pdf')['values']
values['slide_type'] = get_slide_type(values)
return {'values': values}